
(function from pyomo.contrib.pyros.util)

pyomo.contrib.pyros.util.determine_certain_and_uncertain_bound(domain_bound, declared_bound, uncertain_params, bound_type)[source]

Determine the certain and uncertain lower or upper bound for a variable object, based on the specified domain and declared bound.

  • domain_bound (numeric type, NumericExpression, or None) – Domain bound.

  • declared_bound (numeric type, NumericExpression, or None) – Declared bound.

  • uncertain_params (iterable of ParamData) – Uncertain model parameters.

  • bound_type ({BoundType.LOWER, BoundType.UPPER}) – Indication of whether the domain bound and declared bound specify lower or upper bounds for the variable value.


  • certain_bound (numeric type, NumericExpression, or None) – Bound that independent of the uncertain parameters.

  • uncertain_bound (numeric expression or None) – Bound that is dependent on the uncertain parameters.