Source code for pyomo.contrib.pyros.util

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

Utility functions for the PyROS solver

from collections import namedtuple
from import Iterable
from contextlib import contextmanager
from enum import Enum, auto
import functools
import itertools as it
import logging
import math
import timeit

from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet
from pyomo.common.dependencies import scipy as sp
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError, InvalidValueError
from pyomo.common.log import Preformatted
from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
from pyomo.common.timing import HierarchicalTimer, TicTocTimer
from pyomo.core.base import (
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import SumExpression
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import native_types
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import (
from pyomo.core.util import prod
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import pyomo.repn.ampl as pyomo_ampl_repn
from pyomo.repn.parameterized_quadratic import ParameterizedQuadraticRepnVisitor
import pyomo.repn.plugins.nl_writer as pyomo_nl_writer
from pyomo.repn.util import OrderedVarRecorder
from pyomo.util.vars_from_expressions import get_vars_from_components

# Tolerances used in the code

TIC_TOC_SOLVE_TIME_ATTR = "pyros_tic_toc_time"
DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME = "pyomo.contrib.pyros"

[docs] class TimingData: """ PyROS solver timing data object. Implemented as a wrapper around `common.timing.HierarchicalTimer`, with added functionality for enforcing a standardized hierarchy of identifiers. Attributes ---------- hierarchical_timer_full_ids : set of str (Class attribute.) Valid identifiers for use with the encapsulated hierarchical timer. """ hierarchical_timer_full_ids = { "main", "main.preprocessing", "main.master_feasibility", "main.master", "main.dr_polishing", "main.local_separation", "main.global_separation", }
[docs] def __init__(self): """Initialize self (see class docstring).""" self._hierarchical_timer = HierarchicalTimer()
def __str__(self): """ String representation of `self`. Currently returns the string representation of `self.hierarchical_timer`. Returns ------- str String representation. """ return self._hierarchical_timer.__str__() def _validate_full_identifier(self, full_identifier): """ Validate identifier for hierarchical timer. Parameters ---------- full_identifier : str Identifier to validate. Raises ------ ValueError If identifier not in `TimingData.hierarchical_timer_full_ids`. """ if full_identifier not in self.hierarchical_timer_full_ids: raise ValueError( "PyROS timing data object does not support timing ID: " f"{full_identifier}." )
[docs] def start_timer(self, full_identifier): """ Start timer for `self.hierarchical_timer`. Parameters ---------- full_identifier : str Full identifier for the timer to be started. Must be an entry of `TimingData.hierarchical_timer_full_ids`. """ self._validate_full_identifier(full_identifier) identifier = full_identifier.split(".")[-1] return self._hierarchical_timer.start(identifier=identifier)
[docs] def stop_timer(self, full_identifier): """ Stop timer for `self.hierarchical_timer`. Parameters ---------- full_identifier : str Full identifier for the timer to be stopped. Must be an entry of `TimingData.hierarchical_timer_full_ids`. """ self._validate_full_identifier(full_identifier) identifier = full_identifier.split(".")[-1] return self._hierarchical_timer.stop(identifier=identifier)
[docs] def get_total_time(self, full_identifier): """ Get total time spent with identifier active. Parameters ---------- full_identifier : str Full identifier for the timer of interest. Returns ------- float Total time spent with identifier active. """ return self._hierarchical_timer.get_total_time(identifier=full_identifier)
[docs] def get_main_elapsed_time(self): """ Get total time elapsed for main timer of the HierarchicalTimer contained in self. Returns ------- float Total elapsed time. Note ---- This method is meant for use while the main timer is active. Otherwise, use ``self.get_total_time("main")``. """ # clean? return self._hierarchical_timer.timers["main"].tic_toc.toc( msg=None, delta=False )
'''Code borrowed from gdpopt: time_code, get_main_elapsed_time, a_logger.'''
[docs] @contextmanager def time_code(timing_data_obj, code_block_name, is_main_timer=False): """Starts timer at entry, stores elapsed time at exit. Parameters ---------- timing_data_obj : TimingData Timing data object. code_block_name : str Name of code block being timed. is_main_timer : bool If ``is_main_timer=True``, the start time is stored in the timing_data_obj, allowing calculation of total elapsed time 'on the fly' (e.g. to enforce a time limit) using ``get_main_elapsed_time(timing_data_obj)``. """ # initialize tic toc timer timing_data_obj.start_timer(code_block_name) start_time = timeit.default_timer() if is_main_timer: timing_data_obj.main_timer_start_time = start_time yield timing_data_obj.stop_timer(code_block_name)
[docs] def get_main_elapsed_time(timing_data_obj): """Returns the time since entering the main `time_code` context""" return timing_data_obj.get_main_elapsed_time()
[docs] def adjust_solver_time_settings(timing_data_obj, solver, config): """ Adjust maximum time allowed for subordinate solver, based on total PyROS solver elapsed time up to this point. Parameters ---------- timing_data_obj : Bunch PyROS timekeeper. solver : solver type Subordinate solver for which to adjust the max time setting. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver config. Returns ------- original_max_time_setting : float or None If IPOPT or BARON is used, a float is returned. If GAMS is used, the ``options.add_options`` attribute of ``solver`` is returned. Otherwise, None is returned. custom_setting_present : bool or None If IPOPT or BARON is used, True if the max time is specified, False otherwise. If GAMS is used, True if the attribute ``options.add_options`` is not None, False otherwise. If ``config.time_limit`` is None, then None is returned. Note ---- (1) Adjustment only supported for GAMS, BARON, and IPOPT interfaces. This routine can be generalized to other solvers after a generic Pyomo interface to the time limit setting is introduced. (2) For IPOPT and BARON, the CPU time limit, rather than the wallclock time limit, may be adjusted, as there may be no means by which to specify the wall time limit explicitly. (3) For GAMS, we adjust the time limit through the GAMS Reslim option. However, this may be overridden by any user specifications included in a GAMS optfile, which may be difficult to track down. (4) To ensure the time limit is specified to a strictly positive value, the time limit is adjusted to a value of at least 1 second. """ # in case there is no time remaining: we set time limit # to a minimum of 1s, as some solvers require a strictly # positive time limit time_limit_buffer = 1 if config.time_limit is not None: time_remaining = config.time_limit - get_main_elapsed_time(timing_data_obj) if isinstance(solver, type(SolverFactory("gams", solver_io="shell"))): original_max_time_setting = solver.options["add_options"] custom_setting_present = "add_options" in solver.options # note: our time limit will be overridden by any # time limits specified by the user through a # GAMS optfile, but tracking down the optfile # and/or the GAMS subsolver specific option # is more difficult reslim_str = "option reslim=" f"{max(time_limit_buffer, time_remaining)};" if isinstance(solver.options["add_options"], list): solver.options["add_options"].append(reslim_str) else: solver.options["add_options"] = [reslim_str] else: # determine name of option to adjust if isinstance(solver, SolverFactory.get_class("baron")): options_key = "MaxTime" elif isinstance(solver, SolverFactory.get_class("ipopt")): options_key = ( # IPOPT 3.14.0+ added support for specifying # wall time limit explicitly; this is preferred # over CPU time limit "max_wall_time" if solver.version() >= (3, 14, 0, 0) else "max_cpu_time" ) elif isinstance(solver, SolverFactory.get_class("scip")): options_key = "limits/time" else: options_key = None if options_key is not None: custom_setting_present = options_key in solver.options original_max_time_setting = solver.options[options_key] # account for elapsed time remaining and # original time limit setting. # if no original time limit is set, then we assume # there is no time limit, rather than tracking # down the solver-specific default orig_max_time = ( float("inf") if original_max_time_setting is None else original_max_time_setting ) solver.options[options_key] = min( max(time_limit_buffer, time_remaining), orig_max_time ) else: custom_setting_present = False original_max_time_setting = None config.progress_logger.warning( "Subproblem time limit setting not adjusted for " f"subsolver of type:\n {type(solver)}.\n" " PyROS time limit may not be honored " ) return original_max_time_setting, custom_setting_present else: return None, None
[docs] def revert_solver_max_time_adjustment( solver, original_max_time_setting, custom_setting_present, config ): """ Revert solver `options` attribute to its state prior to a time limit adjustment performed via the routine `adjust_solver_time_settings`. Parameters ---------- solver : solver type Solver of interest. original_max_time_setting : float, list, or None Original solver settings. Type depends on the solver type. custom_setting_present : bool or None Was the max time, or other custom solver settings, specified prior to the adjustment? Can be None if ``config.time_limit`` is None. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver config. """ if config.time_limit is not None: assert isinstance(custom_setting_present, bool) # determine name of option to adjust if isinstance(solver, type(SolverFactory("gams", solver_io="shell"))): options_key = "add_options" elif isinstance(solver, SolverFactory.get_class("baron")): options_key = "MaxTime" elif isinstance(solver, SolverFactory.get_class("ipopt")): options_key = ( # IPOPT 3.14.0+ added support for specifying # wall time limit explicitly; this is preferred # over CPU time limit "max_wall_time" if solver.version() >= (3, 14, 0, 0) else "max_cpu_time" ) elif isinstance(solver, SolverFactory.get_class("scip")): options_key = "limits/time" else: options_key = None if options_key is not None: if custom_setting_present: # restore original setting solver.options[options_key] = original_max_time_setting # if GAMS solver used, need to remove the last entry # of 'add_options', which contains the max time setting # added by PyROS if isinstance(solver, type(SolverFactory("gams", solver_io="shell"))): solver.options[options_key].pop() else: delattr(solver.options, options_key)
[docs] class PreformattedLogger(logging.Logger): """ A specialized logger object designed to cast log messages to Pyomo `Preformatted` objects prior to logging the messages. Useful for circumventing the formatters of the standard Pyomo logger in the event an instance is a descendant of the Pyomo logger. """
[docs] def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Preformat and log ``msg % args`` with severity `logging.CRITICAL`. """ return super(PreformattedLogger, self).critical( Preformatted(msg % args if args else msg), **kwargs )
[docs] def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Preformat and log ``msg % args`` with severity `logging.ERROR`. """ return super(PreformattedLogger, self).error( Preformatted(msg % args if args else msg), **kwargs )
[docs] def warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Preformat and log ``msg % args`` with severity `logging.WARNING`. """ return super(PreformattedLogger, self).warning( Preformatted(msg % args if args else msg), **kwargs )
[docs] def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Preformat and log ``msg % args`` with severity `logging.INFO`. """ return super(PreformattedLogger, self).info( Preformatted(msg % args if args else msg), **kwargs )
[docs] def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Preformat and log ``msg % args`` with severity `logging.DEBUG`. """ return super(PreformattedLogger, self).debug( Preformatted(msg % args if args else msg), **kwargs )
[docs] def log(self, level, msg, *args, **kwargs): """ Preformat and log ``msg % args`` with integer severity `level`. """ return super(PreformattedLogger, self).log( level, Preformatted(msg % args if args else msg), **kwargs )
[docs] def setup_pyros_logger(name=DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME): """ Set up pyros logger. """ # default logger: INFO level, with preformatted messages current_logger_class = logging.getLoggerClass() logging.setLoggerClass(PreformattedLogger) logger = logging.getLogger(name=name) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.setLoggerClass(current_logger_class) return logger
[docs] class pyrosTerminationCondition(Enum): """Enumeration of all possible PyROS termination conditions.""" robust_feasible = 0 """Final solution is robust feasible.""" robust_optimal = 1 """Final solution is robust optimal.""" robust_infeasible = 2 """Problem is robust infeasible.""" max_iter = 3 """Maximum number of GRCS iteration reached.""" subsolver_error = 4 """Subsolver(s) provided could not solve a subproblem to an acceptable termination status.""" time_out = 5 """Maximum allowable time exceeded.""" @property def message(self): """ str : Message associated with a given PyROS termination condition. """ message_dict = { self.robust_optimal: "Robust optimal solution identified.", self.robust_feasible: "Robust feasible solution identified.", self.robust_infeasible: "Problem is robust infeasible.", self.time_out: "Maximum allowable time exceeded.", self.max_iter: "Maximum number of iterations reached.", self.subsolver_error: ( "Subordinate optimizer(s) could not solve a subproblem " "to an acceptable status." ), } return message_dict[self]
[docs] class SeparationStrategy(Enum): all_violations = auto() max_violation = auto()
[docs] class SolveMethod(Enum): local_solve = auto() global_solve = auto()
[docs] class ObjectiveType(Enum): worst_case = auto() nominal = auto()
[docs] def standardize_component_data( obj, valid_ctype, valid_cdatatype, ctype_validator=None, cdatatype_validator=None, allow_repeats=False, from_iterable=None, ): """ Standardize object to a list of component data objects. """ if isinstance(obj, valid_ctype): if ctype_validator is not None: ctype_validator(obj) return list(obj.values()) elif isinstance(obj, valid_cdatatype): if cdatatype_validator is not None: cdatatype_validator(obj) return [obj] elif isinstance(obj, Component): # deal with this case separately from general # iterables to prevent iteration over an invalid # component type raise TypeError( f"Input object {obj!r} " "is not of valid component type " f"{valid_ctype.__name__} or component data type " f"(got type {type(obj).__name__})." ) elif isinstance(obj, Iterable) and not isinstance(obj, str): ans = [] for item in obj: ans.extend( standardize_component_data( item, valid_ctype=valid_ctype, valid_cdatatype=valid_cdatatype, ctype_validator=ctype_validator, cdatatype_validator=cdatatype_validator, allow_repeats=allow_repeats, from_iterable=obj, ) ) else: from_iterable_qual = ( f" (entry of iterable {from_iterable})" if from_iterable is not None else "" ) raise TypeError( f"Input object {obj!r}{from_iterable_qual} " "is not of valid component type " f"{valid_ctype.__name__} or component data type " f"{valid_cdatatype.__name__} (got type {type(obj).__name__})." ) # check for duplicates if desired if not allow_repeats and len(ans) != len(ComponentSet(ans)): comp_name_list = [ for comp in ans] raise ValueError( f"Standardized component list {comp_name_list} " f"derived from input {obj} " "contains duplicate entries." ) return ans
[docs] def check_components_descended_from_model(model, components, components_name, config): """ Check all members in a provided sequence of Pyomo component objects are descended from a given ConcreteModel object. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Model from which components should all be descended. components : Iterable of Component Components of interest. components_name : str Brief description or name for the sequence of components. Used for constructing error messages. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Raises ------ ValueError If at least one entry of `components` is not descended from `model`. """ components_not_in_model = [comp for comp in components if comp.model() is not model] if components_not_in_model: comp_names_str = "\n ".join( f"{!r}, from model with name {comp.model().name!r}" for comp in components_not_in_model ) config.progress_logger.error( f"The following {components_name} " "are not descended from the " f"input deterministic model with name {!r}:\n " f"{comp_names_str}" ) raise ValueError( f"Found {components_name} " "not descended from input model. " "Check logger output messages." )
[docs] def check_variables_continuous(model, vars, config): """ Check that all DOF and state variables of the model are continuous. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Input deterministic model. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Raises ------ ValueError If at least one variable is found to not be continuous. Note ---- A variable is considered continuous if the `is_continuous()` method returns True. """ non_continuous_vars = [var for var in vars if not var.is_continuous()] if non_continuous_vars: non_continuous_vars_str = "\n ".join( f"{!r}" for var in non_continuous_vars ) config.progress_logger.error( f"The following Vars of model with name {!r} " f"are non-continuous:\n {non_continuous_vars_str}\n" "Ensure all model variables passed to PyROS solver are continuous." ) raise ValueError( f"Model with name {!r} contains non-continuous Vars." )
[docs] def validate_model(model, config): """ Validate deterministic model passed to PyROS solver. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Deterministic model. Should have only one active Objective. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Returns ------- ComponentSet The variables participating in the active Objective and Constraint expressions of `model`. Raises ------ TypeError If model is not of type ConcreteModel. ValueError If model does not have exactly one active Objective component. """ # note: only support ConcreteModel. no support for Blocks if not isinstance(model, ConcreteModel): raise TypeError( f"Model should be of type {ConcreteModel.__name__}, " f"but is of type {type(model).__name__}." ) # active objectives check active_objs_list = list( model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True, descend_into=True) ) if len(active_objs_list) != 1: raise ValueError( "Expected model with exactly 1 active objective, but " f"model provided has {len(active_objs_list)}." )
VariablePartitioning = namedtuple( "VariablePartitioning", ("first_stage_variables", "second_stage_variables", "state_variables"), )
[docs] def validate_variable_partitioning(model, config): """ Check that partitioning of the first-stage variables, second-stage variables, and uncertain parameters is valid. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Input deterministic model. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Returns ------- list of VarData State variables of the model. Raises ------ ValueError If first-stage variables and second-stage variables overlap, or there are no first-stage variables and no second-stage variables. """ # at least one DOF required if not config.first_stage_variables and not config.second_stage_variables: raise ValueError( "Arguments `first_stage_variables` and " "`second_stage_variables` are both empty lists." ) # ensure no overlap between DOF var sets overlapping_vars = ComponentSet(config.first_stage_variables) & ComponentSet( config.second_stage_variables ) if overlapping_vars: overlapping_var_list = "\n ".join(f"{!r}" for var in overlapping_vars) config.progress_logger.error( "The following Vars were found in both `first_stage_variables`" f"and `second_stage_variables`:\n {overlapping_var_list}" "\nEnsure no Vars are included in both arguments." ) raise ValueError( "Arguments `first_stage_variables` and `second_stage_variables` " "contain at least one common Var object." ) active_model_vars = ComponentSet( get_vars_from_components( block=model, active=True, include_fixed=False, descend_into=True, ctype=(Objective, Constraint), ) ) check_components_descended_from_model( model=model, components=active_model_vars, components_name=( "Vars participating in the " "active model Objective/Constraint expressions " ), config=config, ) check_variables_continuous(model, active_model_vars, config) first_stage_vars = ComponentSet(config.first_stage_variables) & active_model_vars second_stage_vars = ComponentSet(config.second_stage_variables) & active_model_vars state_vars = active_model_vars - (first_stage_vars | second_stage_vars) return VariablePartitioning( list(first_stage_vars), list(second_stage_vars), list(state_vars) )
[docs] def validate_uncertainty_specification(model, config): """ Validate specification of uncertain parameters and uncertainty set. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Input deterministic model. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Raises ------ ValueError If at least one of the following holds: - dimension of uncertainty set does not equal number of uncertain parameters - uncertainty set `is_valid()` method does not return true. - nominal parameter realization is not in the uncertainty set. """ check_components_descended_from_model( model=model, components=config.uncertain_params, components_name="uncertain parameters", config=config, ) if len(config.uncertain_params) != config.uncertainty_set.dim: raise ValueError( "Length of argument `uncertain_params` does not match dimension " "of argument `uncertainty_set` " f"({len(config.uncertain_params)} != {config.uncertainty_set.dim})." ) # validate uncertainty set if not config.uncertainty_set.is_valid(config=config): raise ValueError( f"Uncertainty set {config.uncertainty_set} is invalid, " "as it is either empty or unbounded." ) # fill-in nominal point as necessary, if not provided. # otherwise, check length matches uncertainty dimension if not config.nominal_uncertain_param_vals: config.nominal_uncertain_param_vals = [ value(param, exception=True) for param in config.uncertain_params ] elif len(config.nominal_uncertain_param_vals) != len(config.uncertain_params): raise ValueError( "Lengths of arguments `uncertain_params` and " "`nominal_uncertain_param_vals` " "do not match " f"({len(config.uncertain_params)} != " f"{len(config.nominal_uncertain_param_vals)})." ) # uncertainty set should contain nominal point nominal_point_in_set = config.uncertainty_set.point_in_set( point=config.nominal_uncertain_param_vals ) if not nominal_point_in_set: raise ValueError( "Nominal uncertain parameter realization " f"{config.nominal_uncertain_param_vals} " "is not a point in the uncertainty set " f"{config.uncertainty_set!r}." )
[docs] def validate_separation_problem_options(model, config): """ Validate separation problem arguments to the PyROS solver. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Input deterministic model. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Raises ------ ValueError If options `bypass_local_separation` and `bypass_global_separation` are set to False. """ if config.bypass_local_separation and config.bypass_global_separation: raise ValueError( "Arguments `bypass_local_separation` " "and `bypass_global_separation` " "cannot both be True." )
[docs] def validate_pyros_inputs(model, config): """ Perform advanced validation of PyROS solver arguments. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Input deterministic model. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. Returns ------- user_var_partitioning : VariablePartitioning Partitioning of the in-scope model variables into first-stage, second-stage, and state variables, according to user specification of the first-stage and second-stage variables. """ validate_model(model, config) user_var_partitioning = validate_variable_partitioning(model, config) validate_uncertainty_specification(model, config) validate_separation_problem_options(model, config) return user_var_partitioning
[docs] class ModelData: """ Container for modeling objects from which the PyROS subproblems are constructed. Parameters ---------- original_model : ConcreteModel Original user-provided model. timing : TimingData Main timing data object. Attributes ---------- original_model : ConcreteModel Original user-provided model. timing : TimingData Main PyROS solver timing data object. working_model : ConcreteModel Preprocessed clone of `original_model` from which the PyROS cutting set subproblems are to be constructed. separation_priority_order : dict Mapping from constraint names to separation priority values. """
[docs] def __init__(self, original_model, config, timing): self.original_model = original_model self.timing = timing self.config = config self.separation_priority_order = dict() # working model will be addressed by preprocessing self.working_model = None
[docs] def preprocess(self, user_var_partitioning): """ Preprocess model data. See :meth:`~preprocess_model_data`. Returns ------- bool True if robust infeasibility detected, False otherwise. """ return preprocess_model_data(self, user_var_partitioning)
[docs] def setup_quadratic_expression_visitor( wrt, subexpression_cache=None, var_map=None, var_order=None, sorter=None ): """Setup a parameterized quadratic expression walker.""" visitor = ParameterizedQuadraticRepnVisitor( subexpression_cache={} if subexpression_cache is None else subexpression_cache, var_recorder=OrderedVarRecorder( var_map={} if var_map is None else var_map, var_order={} if var_order is None else var_order, sorter=sorter, ), wrt=wrt, ) visitor.expand_nonlinear_products = True return visitor
[docs] class BoundType: """ Indicator for whether a bound on a variable/constraint is a lower bound, "equality" bound, or upper bound. """ LOWER = "lower" EQ = "eq" UPPER = "upper"
[docs] def get_var_bound_pairs(var): """ Get the domain and declared lower/upper bound pairs of a variable data object. Parameters ---------- var : VarData Variable data object of interest. Returns ------- domain_bounds : 2-tuple of None or numeric type Domain (lower, upper) bound pair. declared_bounds : 2-tuple of None, numeric type, or NumericExpression Declared (lower, upper) bound pair. Bounds of type `NumericExpression` are either constant or mutable expressions. """ # temporarily set domain to Reals to cleanly retrieve # the declared bound expressions orig_var_domain = var.domain var.domain = Reals domain_bounds = orig_var_domain.bounds() declared_bounds = var.lower, var.upper # ensure state of variable object is ultimately left unchanged var.domain = orig_var_domain return domain_bounds, declared_bounds
[docs] def determine_certain_and_uncertain_bound( domain_bound, declared_bound, uncertain_params, bound_type ): """ Determine the certain and uncertain lower or upper bound for a variable object, based on the specified domain and declared bound. Parameters ---------- domain_bound : numeric type, NumericExpression, or None Domain bound. declared_bound : numeric type, NumericExpression, or None Declared bound. uncertain_params : iterable of ParamData Uncertain model parameters. bound_type : {BoundType.LOWER, BoundType.UPPER} Indication of whether the domain bound and declared bound specify lower or upper bounds for the variable value. Returns ------- certain_bound : numeric type, NumericExpression, or None Bound that independent of the uncertain parameters. uncertain_bound : numeric expression or None Bound that is dependent on the uncertain parameters. """ if bound_type not in {BoundType.LOWER, BoundType.UPPER}: raise ValueError( f"Argument {bound_type=!r} should be either " f"'{BoundType.LOWER}' or '{BoundType.UPPER}'." ) if declared_bound is not None: uncertain_params_in_declared_bound = ComponentSet( uncertain_params ) & ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(declared_bound)) else: uncertain_params_in_declared_bound = False if not uncertain_params_in_declared_bound: uncertain_bound = None if declared_bound is None: certain_bound = domain_bound elif domain_bound is None: certain_bound = declared_bound else: if bound_type == BoundType.LOWER: certain_bound = ( declared_bound if value(declared_bound) >= domain_bound else domain_bound ) else: certain_bound = ( declared_bound if value(declared_bound) <= domain_bound else domain_bound ) else: uncertain_bound = declared_bound certain_bound = domain_bound return certain_bound, uncertain_bound
BoundTriple = namedtuple( "BoundTriple", (BoundType.LOWER, BoundType.EQ, BoundType.UPPER) )
[docs] def rearrange_bound_pair_to_triple(lower_bound, upper_bound): """ Rearrange a lower/upper bound pair into a lower/equality/upper bound triple, according to whether or not the lower and upper bound are identical numerical values or expressions. Parameters ---------- lower_bound : numeric type, NumericExpression, or None Lower bound. upper_bound : numeric type, NumericExpression, or None Upper bound. Returns ------- BoundTriple Lower/equality/upper bound triple. The equality bound is None if `lower_bound` and `upper_bound` are not identical numeric type or ``NumericExpression`` objects, or else it is set to `upper_bound`, in which case, both the lower and upper bounds are returned as None. Note ---- This method is meant to behave in a manner akin to that of ConstraintData.equality, in which a ranged inequality constraint may be considered an equality constraint if the `lower` and `upper` attributes of the constraint are identical and not None. """ if lower_bound is not None and lower_bound is upper_bound: eq_bound = upper_bound lower_bound = None upper_bound = None else: eq_bound = None return BoundTriple(lower_bound, eq_bound, upper_bound)
[docs] def get_var_certain_uncertain_bounds(var, uncertain_params): """ Determine the certain and uncertain lower/equality/upper bound triples for a variable data object, based on that variable's domain and declared bounds. Parameters ---------- var : VarData Variable data object of interest. uncertain_params : iterable of ParamData Uncertain model parameters. Returns ------- certain_bounds : BoundTriple The certain lower/equality/upper bound triple. uncertain_bounds : BoundTriple The uncertain lower/equality/upper bound triple. """ (domain_lb, domain_ub), (declared_lb, declared_ub) = get_var_bound_pairs(var) certain_lb, uncertain_lb = determine_certain_and_uncertain_bound( domain_bound=domain_lb, declared_bound=declared_lb, uncertain_params=uncertain_params, bound_type=BoundType.LOWER, ) certain_ub, uncertain_ub = determine_certain_and_uncertain_bound( domain_bound=domain_ub, declared_bound=declared_ub, uncertain_params=uncertain_params, bound_type=BoundType.UPPER, ) certain_bounds = rearrange_bound_pair_to_triple( lower_bound=certain_lb, upper_bound=certain_ub ) uncertain_bounds = rearrange_bound_pair_to_triple( lower_bound=uncertain_lb, upper_bound=uncertain_ub ) return certain_bounds, uncertain_bounds
[docs] def get_effective_var_partitioning(model_data): """ Partition the in-scope variables of the input model according to known nonadjustability to the uncertain parameters. The result is referred to as the "effective" variable partitioning. In addition to the first-stage variables, some of the variables considered second-stage variables or state variables according to the user-provided variable partitioning may be nonadjustable. This method analyzes the decision rule order, fixed variables, and, through an iterative pretriangularization method, the equality constraints, to identify nonadjustable variables. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. Returns ------- effective_partitioning : VariablePartitioning Effective variable partitioning. """ config = model_data.config working_model = model_data.working_model user_var_partitioning = model_data.working_model.user_var_partitioning # truly nonadjustable variables nonadjustable_var_set = ComponentSet() # the following variables are immediately known to be nonadjustable: # - first-stage variables # - (if decision rule order is 0) second-stage variables # - all variables fixed to a constant (independent of the uncertain # parameters) explicitly by user or implicitly by bounds var_type_list_pairs = ( ("first-stage", user_var_partitioning.first_stage_variables), ("second-stage", user_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables), ("state", user_var_partitioning.state_variables), ) for vartype, varlist in var_type_list_pairs: for wvar in varlist: certain_var_bounds, _ = get_var_certain_uncertain_bounds( wvar, working_model.uncertain_params ) is_var_nonadjustable = ( vartype == "first-stage" or (config.decision_rule_order == 0 and vartype == "second-stage") or wvar.fixed or certain_var_bounds.eq is not None ) if is_var_nonadjustable: nonadjustable_var_set.add(wvar) config.progress_logger.debug( f"The {vartype} variable {!r} " "is nonadjustable, for the following reason(s):" ) if vartype == "first-stage": config.progress_logger.debug(f" the variable has a {vartype} status") if config.decision_rule_order == 0 and vartype == "second-stage": config.progress_logger.debug( f" the variable is {vartype} and the decision rules are static " ) if wvar.fixed: config.progress_logger.debug(" the variable is fixed explicitly") if certain_var_bounds.eq is not None: config.progress_logger.debug(" the variable is fixed by domain/bounds") uncertain_params_set = ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) # determine constraints that are potentially applicable for # pretriangularization certain_eq_cons = ComponentSet() for wcon in working_model.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True): if not wcon.equality: continue uncertain_params_in_expr = ( ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(wcon.expr)) & uncertain_params_set ) if uncertain_params_in_expr: continue certain_eq_cons.add(wcon) pretriangular_con_var_map = ComponentMap() for num_passes in it.count(1): config.progress_logger.debug( f"Performing pass number {num_passes} over the certain constraints." ) new_pretriangular_con_var_map = ComponentMap() for ccon in certain_eq_cons: vars_in_con = ComponentSet(identify_variables(ccon.body - ccon.upper)) adj_vars_in_con = vars_in_con - nonadjustable_var_set # conditions for pretriangularization of constraint # with no uncertain params: # - only one nonadjustable variable in the constraint # - the nonadjustable variable appears only linearly, # and the linear coefficient exceeds our specified # tolerance. if len(adj_vars_in_con) == 1: adj_var_in_con = next(iter(adj_vars_in_con)) visitor = setup_quadratic_expression_visitor(wrt=[]) ccon_expr_repn = visitor.walk_expression(expr=ccon.body - ccon.upper) adj_var_appears_linearly = adj_var_in_con not in ComponentSet( identify_variables(ccon_expr_repn.nonlinear) ) and id(adj_var_in_con) in ComponentSet(ccon_expr_repn.linear) if adj_var_appears_linearly: adj_var_linear_coeff = ccon_expr_repn.linear[id(adj_var_in_con)] if abs(adj_var_linear_coeff) > PRETRIANGULAR_VAR_COEFF_TOL: new_pretriangular_con_var_map[ccon] = adj_var_in_con config.progress_logger.debug( f" The variable {!r} is " "made nonadjustable by the pretriangular constraint " f"{!r}." ) nonadjustable_var_set.update(new_pretriangular_con_var_map.values()) pretriangular_con_var_map.update(new_pretriangular_con_var_map) if not new_pretriangular_con_var_map: config.progress_logger.debug( "No new pretriangular constraint/variable pairs found. " "Terminating pretriangularization loop." ) break for pcon in new_pretriangular_con_var_map: certain_eq_cons.remove(pcon) pretriangular_vars = ComponentSet(pretriangular_con_var_map.values()) config.progress_logger.debug( f"Identified {len(pretriangular_con_var_map)} pretriangular " f"constraints and {len(pretriangular_vars)} pretriangular variables " f"in {num_passes} passes over the certain constraints." ) effective_first_stage_vars = list(nonadjustable_var_set) effective_second_stage_vars = [ var for var in user_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables if var not in nonadjustable_var_set ] effective_state_vars = [ var for var in user_var_partitioning.state_variables if var not in nonadjustable_var_set ] num_vars = len( effective_first_stage_vars + effective_second_stage_vars + effective_state_vars ) config.progress_logger.debug("Effective partitioning statistics:") config.progress_logger.debug(f" Variables: {num_vars}") config.progress_logger.debug( f" Effective first-stage variables: {len(effective_first_stage_vars)}" ) config.progress_logger.debug( f" Effective second-stage variables: {len(effective_second_stage_vars)}" ) config.progress_logger.debug( f" Effective state variables: {len(effective_state_vars)}" ) return VariablePartitioning( first_stage_variables=effective_first_stage_vars, second_stage_variables=effective_second_stage_vars, state_variables=effective_state_vars, )
[docs] def add_effective_var_partitioning(model_data): """ Obtain a repartitioning of the in-scope variables of the working model according to known adjustability to the uncertain parameters, and add this repartitioning to the working model. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. """ effective_partitioning = get_effective_var_partitioning(model_data) model_data.working_model.effective_var_partitioning = VariablePartitioning( **effective_partitioning._asdict() )
[docs] def create_bound_constraint_expr(expr, bound, bound_type, standardize=True): """ Create a relational expression establishing a bound for a numeric expression of interest. If desired, the expression is such that `bound` appears on the right-hand side of the relational (inequality/equality) operator. Parameters ---------- expr : NumericValue Expression for which a bound is to be imposed. This can be a Pyomo expression, Var, or Param. bound : native numeric type or NumericValue Bound for `expr`. This should be a numeric constant, Param, or constant/mutable Pyomo expression. bound_type : BoundType Indicator for whether `expr` is to be lower bounded, equality bounded, or upper bounded, by `bound`. standardize : bool, optional True to ensure `expr` appears on the left-hand side of the relational operator, False otherwise. Returns ------- RelationalExpression Establishes a bound on `expr`. """ if bound_type == BoundType.LOWER: return -expr <= -bound if standardize else bound <= expr elif bound_type == BoundType.EQ: return expr == bound elif bound_type == BoundType.UPPER: return expr <= bound else: raise ValueError(f"Bound type {bound_type!r} not supported.")
[docs] def remove_var_declared_bound(var, bound_type): """ Remove the specified declared bound(s) of a variable data object. Parameters ---------- var : VarData Variable data object of interest. bound_type : BoundType Indicator for the declared bound(s) to remove. Note: if BoundType.EQ is specified, then both the lower and upper bounds are removed. """ if bound_type == BoundType.LOWER: var.setlb(None) elif bound_type == BoundType.EQ: var.setlb(None) var.setub(None) elif bound_type == BoundType.UPPER: var.setub(None) else: raise ValueError( f"Bound type {bound_type!r} not supported. " f"Bound type must be '{BoundType.LOWER}', " f"'{BoundType.EQ}, or '{BoundType.UPPER}'." )
[docs] def remove_all_var_bounds(var): """ Remove all the domain and declared bounds for a specified variable data object. """ var.setlb(None) var.setub(None) var.domain = Reals
[docs] def turn_nonadjustable_var_bounds_to_constraints(model_data): """ Reformulate uncertain bounds for the nonadjustable (i.e. effective first-stage) variables of the working model to constraints. Only uncertain declared bounds are reformulated to constraints, as these are the only bounds we need to reformulate to properly construct the subproblems. Consequently, all constraints added to the working model in this method are considered second-stage constraints. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. """ working_model = model_data.working_model nonadjustable_vars = working_model.effective_var_partitioning.first_stage_variables uncertain_params_set = ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) for var in nonadjustable_vars: _, declared_bounds = get_var_bound_pairs(var) declared_bound_triple = rearrange_bound_pair_to_triple(*declared_bounds) var_name = var.getname( relative_to=working_model.user_model, fully_qualified=True ) for btype, bound in declared_bound_triple._asdict().items(): is_bound_uncertain = bound is not None and ( ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(bound)) & uncertain_params_set ) if is_bound_uncertain: new_con_expr = create_bound_constraint_expr(var, bound, btype) new_con_name = f"var_{var_name}_uncertain_{btype}_bound_con" remove_var_declared_bound(var, btype) if btype == BoundType.EQ: working_model.second_stage.equality_cons[new_con_name] = ( new_con_expr ) else: working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons[new_con_name] = ( new_con_expr ) # can't specify custom priorities for variable bounds model_data.separation_priority_order[new_con_name] = ( DEFAULT_SEPARATION_PRIORITY )
# for subsequent developments: return a mapping # from each variable to the corresponding binding constraints? # we will add this as needed when changes are made to # the interface for separation priority ordering
[docs] def turn_adjustable_var_bounds_to_constraints(model_data): """ Reformulate domain and declared bounds for the adjustable (i.e., effective second-stage and effective state) variables of the working model to explicit constraints. The domain and declared bounds for every adjustable variable are unconditionally reformulated to constraints, as this is required for appropriate construction of the subproblems later. Since these constraints depend on adjustable variables, they are taken to be (effective) second-stage constraints. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. """ working_model = model_data.working_model adjustable_vars = ( working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + working_model.effective_var_partitioning.state_variables ) for var in adjustable_vars: cert_bound_triple, uncert_bound_triple = get_var_certain_uncertain_bounds( var, working_model.uncertain_params ) var_name = var.getname( relative_to=working_model.user_model, fully_qualified=True ) cert_uncert_bound_zip = ( ("certain", cert_bound_triple), ("uncertain", uncert_bound_triple), ) for certainty_desc, bound_triple in cert_uncert_bound_zip: for btype, bound in bound_triple._asdict().items(): if bound is not None: new_con_name = f"var_{var_name}_{certainty_desc}_{btype}_bound_con" new_con_expr = create_bound_constraint_expr(var, bound, btype) if btype == BoundType.EQ: working_model.second_stage.equality_cons[new_con_name] = ( new_con_expr ) else: working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons[new_con_name] = ( new_con_expr ) # no custom separation priorities for Var # bound constraints model_data.separation_priority_order[new_con_name] = ( DEFAULT_SEPARATION_PRIORITY ) remove_all_var_bounds(var)
# for subsequent developments: return a mapping # from each variable to the corresponding binding constraints? # we will add this as needed when changes are made to # the interface for separation priority ordering
[docs] def setup_working_model(model_data, user_var_partitioning): """ Set up (construct) the working model based on user inputs, and add it to the model data object. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. user_var_partitioning : VariablePartitioning User-based partitioning of the in-scope variables of the input model. """ config = model_data.config original_model = model_data.original_model # add temporary block to help keep track of variables # and uncertain parameters after cloning temp_util_block_attr_name = unique_component_name(original_model, "util") original_model.add_component(temp_util_block_attr_name, Block()) orig_temp_util_block = getattr(original_model, temp_util_block_attr_name) orig_temp_util_block.uncertain_params = config.uncertain_params orig_temp_util_block.user_var_partitioning = VariablePartitioning( **user_var_partitioning._asdict() ) # now set up working model model_data.working_model = working_model = ConcreteModel() # stagewise blocks for containing stagewise constraints working_model.first_stage = Block() working_model.first_stage.equality_cons = Constraint(Any) working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons = Constraint(Any) working_model.second_stage = Block() working_model.second_stage.equality_cons = Constraint(Any) working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons = Constraint(Any) # original user model will be a sub-block of working model, # in order to avoid attribute name clashes later working_model.user_model = original_model.clone() # facilitate later retrieval of the user var partitioning working_temp_util_block = getattr( working_model.user_model, temp_util_block_attr_name ) model_data.working_model.uncertain_params = ( working_temp_util_block.uncertain_params.copy() ) working_model.user_var_partitioning = VariablePartitioning( **working_temp_util_block.user_var_partitioning._asdict() ) # we are done with the util blocks delattr(original_model, temp_util_block_attr_name) delattr(working_model.user_model, temp_util_block_attr_name) # keep track of the original active constraints working_model.original_active_equality_cons = [] working_model.original_active_inequality_cons = [] for con in working_model.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True): if con.equality: # note: ranged constraints with identical LHS and RHS # objects are considered equality constraints working_model.original_active_equality_cons.append(con) else: working_model.original_active_inequality_cons.append(con)
[docs] def standardize_inequality_constraints(model_data): """ Standardize the inequality constraints of the working model, and classify them as first-stage inequalities or second-stage inequalities. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object, containing the working model. """ config = model_data.config working_model = model_data.working_model uncertain_params_set = ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) adjustable_vars_set = ComponentSet( working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + working_model.effective_var_partitioning.state_variables ) for con in working_model.original_active_inequality_cons: uncertain_params_in_con_expr = ( ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(con.expr)) & uncertain_params_set ) adjustable_vars_in_con_body = ( ComponentSet(identify_variables(con.body)) & adjustable_vars_set ) con_rel_name = con.getname( relative_to=working_model.user_model, fully_qualified=True ) if uncertain_params_in_con_expr | adjustable_vars_in_con_body: con_bounds_triple = rearrange_bound_pair_to_triple( lower_bound=con.lower, upper_bound=con.upper ) finite_bounds = { btype: bd for btype, bd in con_bounds_triple._asdict().items() if bd is not None } for btype, bound in finite_bounds.items(): if btype == BoundType.EQ: # no equality bounds should be identified here. # equality bound may be identified if: # 1. bound rearrangement method has a bug # 2. ConstraintData.equality is changed. # such a change would affect this method # only indirectly raise ValueError( f"Found an equality bound {bound} for the constraint " f"for the constraint with name {!r}. " "Either the bound or the constraint has been misclassified." "Report this case to the Pyomo/PyROS developers." ) std_con_expr = create_bound_constraint_expr( expr=con.body, bound=bound, bound_type=btype, standardize=True ) new_con_name = f"ineq_con_{con_rel_name}_{btype}_bound_con" uncertain_params_in_std_expr = uncertain_params_set & ComponentSet( identify_mutable_parameters(std_con_expr) ) if adjustable_vars_in_con_body | uncertain_params_in_std_expr: working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons[new_con_name] = ( std_con_expr ) # account for user-specified priority specifications model_data.separation_priority_order[new_con_name] = ( config.separation_priority_order.get( con_rel_name, DEFAULT_SEPARATION_PRIORITY ) ) else: # we do not want to modify the arrangement of # lower bound for first-stage inequalities, so # pass `standardize=False` working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons[new_con_name] = ( create_bound_constraint_expr( expr=con.body, bound=bound, bound_type=btype, standardize=False, ) ) # constraint has now been moved over to stagewise blocks con.deactivate() else: # constraint depends on the nonadjustable variables only working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons[f"ineq_con_{con_rel_name}"] = ( con.expr ) con.deactivate()
[docs] def standardize_equality_constraints(model_data): """ Classify the original active equality constraints of the working model as first-stage or second-stage constraints. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object, containing the working model. """ working_model = model_data.working_model uncertain_params_set = ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) adjustable_vars_set = ComponentSet( working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + working_model.effective_var_partitioning.state_variables ) for con in working_model.original_active_equality_cons: uncertain_params_in_con_expr = ( ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(con.expr)) & uncertain_params_set ) adjustable_vars_in_con_body = ( ComponentSet(identify_variables(con.body)) & adjustable_vars_set ) # note: none of the equality constraint expressions are modified con_rel_name = con.getname( relative_to=working_model.user_model, fully_qualified=True ) if uncertain_params_in_con_expr | adjustable_vars_in_con_body: working_model.second_stage.equality_cons[f"eq_con_{con_rel_name}"] = ( con.expr ) else: working_model.first_stage.equality_cons[f"eq_con_{con_rel_name}"] = con.expr # definitely don't want active duplicate con.deactivate()
[docs] def get_summands(expr): """ Recursively gather the individual summands of a numeric expression. Parameters ---------- expr : native numeric type or NumericValue Expression to be analyzed. Returns ------- summands : list of expression-like The summands. """ if isinstance(expr, SumExpression): # note: NPV_SumExpression and LinearExpression # are subclasses of SumExpression, # so those instances are decomposed here, as well. summands = [] for arg in expr.args: summands.extend(get_summands(arg)) else: summands = [expr] return summands
[docs] def declare_objective_expressions(working_model, objective, sense=minimize): """ Identify the per-stage summands of an objective of interest, according to the user-based variable partitioning. Two Expressions are declared on the working model to contain the per-stage summands: - ``first_stage_objective``: Sum of additive terms of `objective` that are non-uncertain constants or depend only on the user-defined first-stage variables. - ``second_stage_objective``: Sum of all other additive terms of `objective`. To facilitate retrieval of the original objective expression (modified to account for the sense), an Expression called ``full_objective`` is also declared on the working model. Parameters ---------- working_model : ConcreteModel Working model, constructed during a PyROS solver run. objective : ObjectiveData Objective of which summands are to be identified. sense : {common.enums.minimize, common.enums.maximize}, optional Desired sense of the objective; default is minimize. """ if sense not in {minimize, maximize}: raise ValueError( f"Objective sense {sense} not supported. " f"Ensure sense is {minimize} (minimize) or {maximize} (maximize)." ) obj_expr = objective.expr obj_args = get_summands(obj_expr) # initialize first and second-stage cost expressions first_stage_expr = 0 second_stage_expr = 0 first_stage_var_set = ComponentSet( working_model.user_var_partitioning.first_stage_variables ) uncertain_param_set = ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) obj_sense = objective.sense for term in obj_args: non_first_stage_vars_in_term = ComponentSet( v for v in identify_variables(term) if v not in first_stage_var_set ) uncertain_params_in_term = ComponentSet( param for param in identify_mutable_parameters(term) if param in uncertain_param_set ) # account for objective sense # update all expressions std_term = term if obj_sense == sense else -term if non_first_stage_vars_in_term or uncertain_params_in_term: second_stage_expr += std_term else: first_stage_expr += std_term working_model.first_stage_objective = Expression(expr=first_stage_expr) working_model.second_stage_objective = Expression(expr=second_stage_expr) # useful for later working_model.full_objective = Expression( expr=obj_expr if sense == obj_sense else -obj_expr )
[docs] def standardize_active_objective(model_data): """ Standardize the active objective of the working model. This method involves declaration of: - named expressions for the full active objective (in a minimization sense), the first-stage objective summand, and the second-stage objective summand. - an epigraph epigraph variable and constraint. The epigraph constraint is considered a first-stage inequality provided that it is independent of the adjustable (i.e., effective second-stage and effective state) variables and the uncertain parameters. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. """ config = model_data.config working_model = model_data.working_model active_obj = next( working_model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True, descend_into=True) ) model_data.active_obj_original_sense = active_obj.sense # per-stage summands will be useful for reporting later declare_objective_expressions(working_model=working_model, objective=active_obj) # useful for later working_model.first_stage.epigraph_var = Var( initialize=value(active_obj, exception=False) ) # we add the epigraph objective later, as needed, # on a per subproblem basis; # doing so is more efficient than adding the objective now active_obj.deactivate() # add the epigraph constraint adjustable_vars = ( working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + working_model.effective_var_partitioning.state_variables ) uncertain_params_in_obj = ComponentSet( identify_mutable_parameters(active_obj.expr) ) & ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) adjustable_vars_in_obj = ( ComponentSet(identify_variables(active_obj.expr)) & adjustable_vars ) if uncertain_params_in_obj | adjustable_vars_in_obj: if config.objective_focus == ObjectiveType.worst_case: working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons["epigraph_con"] = ( working_model.full_objective.expr - working_model.first_stage.epigraph_var <= 0 ) model_data.separation_priority_order["epigraph_con"] = ( DEFAULT_SEPARATION_PRIORITY ) elif config.objective_focus == ObjectiveType.nominal: working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons["epigraph_con"] = ( working_model.full_objective.expr - working_model.first_stage.epigraph_var <= 0 ) else: raise ValueError( "Classification of the epigraph constraint with uncertain " "and/or adjustable components not implemented " f"for objective focus {config.objective_focus!r}." ) else: working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons["epigraph_con"] = ( working_model.full_objective.expr - working_model.first_stage.epigraph_var <= 0 )
[docs] def get_all_nonadjustable_variables(working_model): """ Get all nonadjustable variables of the working model. The nonadjustable variables comprise the: - epigraph variable - decision rule variables - effective first-stage variables """ epigraph_var = working_model.first_stage.epigraph_var decision_rule_vars = list( generate_all_decision_rule_var_data_objects(working_model) ) effective_first_stage_vars = ( working_model.effective_var_partitioning.first_stage_variables ) return [epigraph_var] + decision_rule_vars + effective_first_stage_vars
[docs] def get_all_adjustable_variables(working_model): """ Get all variables considered adjustable. """ return ( working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + working_model.effective_var_partitioning.state_variables )
[docs] def generate_all_decision_rule_var_data_objects(working_blk): """ Generate a sequence of all decision rule variable data objects. Parameters ---------- working_blk : BlockData Block with a structure similar to the working model created during preprocessing. Yields ------ VarData Decision rule variable. """ for indexed_var in working_blk.first_stage.decision_rule_vars: yield from indexed_var.values()
[docs] def generate_all_decision_rule_eqns(working_blk): """ Generate sequence of all decision rule equations. """ yield from working_blk.second_stage.decision_rule_eqns.values()
[docs] def get_dr_expression(working_blk, second_stage_var): """ Get DR expression corresponding to given second-stage variable. Parameters ---------- working_blk : BlockData Block with a structure similar to the working model created during preprocessing. Returns ------ VarData, LinearExpression, or SumExpression The corresponding DR expression. """ dr_con = working_blk.eff_ss_var_to_dr_eqn_map[second_stage_var] return sum(dr_con.body.args[:-1])
[docs] def get_dr_var_to_monomial_map(working_blk): """ Get mapping from all decision rule variables in the working block to their corresponding DR equation monomials. Parameters ---------- working_blk : BlockData Working model Block, containing the decision rule components. Returns ------- ComponentMap The desired mapping. """ dr_var_to_monomial_map = ComponentMap() for ss_var in working_blk.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables: dr_expr = get_dr_expression(working_blk, ss_var) for dr_monomial in dr_expr.args: if dr_monomial.is_expression_type(): # degree > 1 monomial expression of form # (product of uncertain params) * dr variable dr_var_in_term = dr_monomial.args[-1] else: # the static term (intercept) dr_var_in_term = dr_monomial dr_var_to_monomial_map[dr_var_in_term] = dr_monomial return dr_var_to_monomial_map
[docs] def check_time_limit_reached(timing_data, config): """ Return true if the PyROS solver time limit is reached, False otherwise. Returns ------- bool True if time limit reached, False otherwise. """ return ( config.time_limit is not None and timing_data.get_main_elapsed_time() >= config.time_limit )
[docs] def reformulate_state_var_independent_eq_cons(model_data): """ Reformulate second-stage equality constraints that are independent of the state variables. The state variable-independent second-stage equality constraints that can be rewritten as polynomials in terms of the uncertain parameters are reformulated to first-stage equalities through matching of the polynomial coefficients. Hence, this reformulation technique is referred to as coefficient matching. In some cases, matching of the coefficients may lead to a certificate of robust infeasibility. All other state variable-independent second-stage equality constraints are recast to pairs of opposing second-stage inequality constraints, as they would otherwise over-constrain the uncertain parameters in the separation subproblems. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. Returns ------- robust_infeasible : bool True if model found to be robust infeasible, False otherwise. """ config = model_data.config working_model = model_data.working_model ep = working_model.effective_var_partitioning effective_second_stage_var_set = ComponentSet(ep.second_stage_variables) effective_state_var_set = ComponentSet(ep.state_variables) all_vars_set = ComponentSet(working_model.all_variables) originally_unfixed_vars = [var for var in all_vars_set if not var.fixed] # we will need this to substitute DR expressions for # second-stage variables later ssvar_id_to_dr_expr_map = { id(ss_var): get_dr_expression(working_model, ss_var) for ss_var in effective_second_stage_var_set } # goal: examine constraint expressions in terms of the # uncertain params. we will use standard repn to do this. # standard repn analyzes expressions in terms of Var components, # but the uncertain params are implemented as mutable Param objects # so we temporarily define Var components to be briefly substituted # for the uncertain parameters as the constraints are analyzed uncertain_params_set = ComponentSet(working_model.uncertain_params) working_model.temp_param_vars = temp_param_vars = Var( range(len(uncertain_params_set)), initialize={ idx: value(param) for idx, param in enumerate(uncertain_params_set) }, ) uncertain_param_to_temp_var_map = ComponentMap( (param, param_var) for param, param_var in zip(uncertain_params_set, temp_param_vars.values()) ) uncertain_param_id_to_temp_var_map = { id(param): var for param, var in uncertain_param_to_temp_var_map.items() } # copy the items iterable, # as we will be modifying the constituents of the constraint # in place working_model.first_stage.coefficient_matching_cons = coefficient_matching_cons = [] for con_idx, con in list(working_model.second_stage.equality_cons.items()): vars_in_con = ComponentSet(identify_variables(con.expr)) mutable_params_in_con = ComponentSet(identify_mutable_parameters(con.expr)) second_stage_vars_in_con = vars_in_con & effective_second_stage_var_set state_vars_in_con = vars_in_con & effective_state_var_set uncertain_params_in_con = mutable_params_in_con & uncertain_params_set coefficient_matching_applicable = not state_vars_in_con and ( uncertain_params_in_con or second_stage_vars_in_con ) if coefficient_matching_applicable: con_expr_after_dr_substitution = replace_expressions( expr=con.body - con.upper, substitution_map=ssvar_id_to_dr_expr_map ) # substitute temporarily defined vars for uncertain params. # note: this is performed after, rather than along with, # the DR expression substitution, as the DR expressions # contain uncertain params con_expr_after_all_substitutions = replace_expressions( expr=con_expr_after_dr_substitution, substitution_map=uncertain_param_id_to_temp_var_map, ) # analyze the expression with respect to the # uncertain parameters only. thus, only the proxy # variables for the uncertain parameters are unfixed # during the analysis visitor = setup_quadratic_expression_visitor(wrt=originally_unfixed_vars) expr_repn = visitor.walk_expression(con_expr_after_all_substitutions) if expr_repn.nonlinear is not None: config.progress_logger.debug( f"Equality constraint {!r} " "is state-variable independent, but cannot be written " "as a polynomial in the uncertain parameters with " "the currently available expression analyzers " "and selected decision rules " f"(decision_rule_order={config.decision_rule_order}). " "We are unable to write a coefficient matching reformulation " "of this constraint." "Recasting to two inequality constraints." ) # keeping this constraint as an equality is not appropriate, # as it effectively constrains the uncertain parameters # in the separation problems, since the effective DOF # variables and DR variables are fixed. # hence, we reformulate to inequalities for bound_type in [BoundType.LOWER, BoundType.UPPER]: std_con_expr = create_bound_constraint_expr( expr=con.body, bound=con.upper, bound_type=bound_type ) new_con_name = f"reform_{bound_type}_bound_from_{con_idx}" working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons[new_con_name] = ( std_con_expr ) # no custom priorities specified model_data.separation_priority_order[new_con_name] = ( DEFAULT_SEPARATION_PRIORITY ) else: polynomial_repn_coeffs = ( [expr_repn.constant] + list(expr_repn.linear.values()) + ( [] if expr_repn.quadratic is None else list(expr_repn.quadratic.values()) ) ) for coeff_idx, coeff_expr in enumerate(polynomial_repn_coeffs): # for robust satisfaction of the original equality # constraint, all polynomial coefficients must be # equal to zero. so for each coefficient, # we either check for trivial robust # feasibility/infeasibility, or add a constraint # restricting the coefficient expression to value 0 if isinstance(coeff_expr, tuple(native_types)): # coefficient is a constant; # check value to determine # trivial feasibility/infeasibility robust_infeasible = not math.isclose( a=coeff_expr, b=0, rel_tol=COEFF_MATCH_REL_TOL, abs_tol=COEFF_MATCH_ABS_TOL, ) if robust_infeasible: "PyROS has determined that the model is " "robust infeasible. " "One reason for this is that " f"the equality constraint {!r} " "cannot be satisfied against all realizations " "of uncertainty, " "given the current partitioning into " "first-stage, second-stage, and state variables. " "Consider editing this constraint to reference some " "(additional) second-stage and/or state variable(s)." ) # robust infeasibility found; # that is sufficient for termination of PyROS. return robust_infeasible else: # coefficient is dependent on model first-stage # and DR variables. add matching constraint new_con_name = f"coeff_matching_{con_idx}_coeff_{coeff_idx}" working_model.first_stage.equality_cons[new_con_name] = ( coeff_expr == 0 ) new_con = working_model.first_stage.equality_cons[new_con_name] coefficient_matching_cons.append(new_con) config.progress_logger.debug( f"Derived from constraint {!r} a coefficient " f"matching constraint named {new_con_name!r} " "with expression: \n " f"{new_con.expr}." ) # remove rather than deactivate to facilitate: # - we no longer need this constraint anywhere # - facilitates accurate counting of active constraints del working_model.second_stage.equality_cons[con_idx] # we no longer need these auxiliary components working_model.del_component(temp_param_vars) working_model.del_component(temp_param_vars.index_set()) return False
[docs] def preprocess_model_data(model_data, user_var_partitioning): """ Preprocess user inputs to modeling objects from which PyROS subproblems can be efficiently constructed. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. user_var_partitioning : VariablePartitioning User-based partitioning of the in-scope variables of the input model. Returns ------- robust_infeasible : bool True if RO problem was found to be robust infeasible, False otherwise. """ config = model_data.config setup_working_model(model_data, user_var_partitioning) # extract as many truly nonadjustable variables as possible # from the second-stage and state variables config.progress_logger.debug("Repartitioning variables by nonadjustability...") add_effective_var_partitioning(model_data) # different treatment for effective first-stage # than for effective second-stage and state variables config.progress_logger.debug("Turning some variable bounds to constraints...") turn_nonadjustable_var_bounds_to_constraints(model_data) turn_adjustable_var_bounds_to_constraints(model_data) config.progress_logger.debug("Standardizing the model constraints...") standardize_inequality_constraints(model_data) standardize_equality_constraints(model_data) # includes epigraph reformulation config.progress_logger.debug("Standardizing the active objective...") standardize_active_objective(model_data) # DR components are added only per effective second-stage variable config.progress_logger.debug("Adding decision rule components...") add_decision_rule_variables(model_data) add_decision_rule_constraints(model_data) # the epigraph and DR variables are also first-stage config.progress_logger.debug("Finalizing nonadjustable variables...") model_data.working_model.all_nonadjustable_variables = ( get_all_nonadjustable_variables(model_data.working_model) ) model_data.working_model.all_adjustable_variables = get_all_adjustable_variables( model_data.working_model ) model_data.working_model.all_variables = ( model_data.working_model.all_nonadjustable_variables + model_data.working_model.all_adjustable_variables ) config.progress_logger.debug( "Reformulating state variable-independent second-stage equality constraints..." ) robust_infeasible = reformulate_state_var_independent_eq_cons(model_data) return robust_infeasible
[docs] def log_model_statistics(model_data): """ Log statistics for the preprocessed model. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. """ config = model_data.config working_model = model_data.working_model ep = working_model.effective_var_partitioning up = working_model.user_var_partitioning # variables. we log the user partitioning num_vars = len(working_model.all_variables) num_epigraph_vars = 1 num_first_stage_vars = len(up.first_stage_variables) num_second_stage_vars = len(up.second_stage_variables) num_state_vars = len(up.state_variables) num_eff_second_stage_vars = len(ep.second_stage_variables) num_eff_state_vars = len(ep.state_variables) num_dr_vars = len(list(generate_all_decision_rule_var_data_objects(working_model))) # uncertain parameters num_uncertain_params = len(working_model.uncertain_params) # constraints num_cons = len(list(working_model.component_data_objects(Constraint, active=True))) # # equality constraints num_eq_cons = ( len(working_model.first_stage.equality_cons) + len(working_model.second_stage.equality_cons) + len(working_model.second_stage.decision_rule_eqns) ) num_first_stage_eq_cons = len(working_model.first_stage.equality_cons) num_coeff_matching_cons = len(working_model.first_stage.coefficient_matching_cons) num_other_first_stage_eqns = num_first_stage_eq_cons - num_coeff_matching_cons num_second_stage_eq_cons = len(working_model.second_stage.equality_cons) num_dr_eq_cons = len(working_model.second_stage.decision_rule_eqns) # # inequality constraints num_ineq_cons = len(working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons) + len( working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons ) num_first_stage_ineq_cons = len(working_model.first_stage.inequality_cons) num_second_stage_ineq_cons = len(working_model.second_stage.inequality_cons) info_log_func = IterationLogRecord.log_header_rule(info_log_func) info_log_func("Model Statistics:") info_log_func(f" Number of variables : {num_vars}") info_log_func(f" Epigraph variable : {num_epigraph_vars}") info_log_func(f" First-stage variables : {num_first_stage_vars}") info_log_func( f" Second-stage variables : {num_second_stage_vars} " f"({num_eff_second_stage_vars} adj.)" ) info_log_func( f" State variables : {num_state_vars} " f"({num_eff_state_vars} adj.)" ) info_log_func(f" Decision rule variables : {num_dr_vars}") info_log_func(f" Number of uncertain parameters : {num_uncertain_params}") info_log_func(f" Number of constraints : {num_cons}") info_log_func(f" Equality constraints : {num_eq_cons}") info_log_func(f" Coefficient matching constraints : {num_coeff_matching_cons}") info_log_func(f" Other first-stage equations : {num_other_first_stage_eqns}") info_log_func(f" Second-stage equations : {num_second_stage_eq_cons}") info_log_func(f" Decision rule equations : {num_dr_eq_cons}") info_log_func(f" Inequality constraints : {num_ineq_cons}") info_log_func(f" First-stage inequalities : {num_first_stage_ineq_cons}") info_log_func(f" Second-stage inequalities : {num_second_stage_ineq_cons}")
[docs] def add_decision_rule_variables(model_data): """ Add variables parameterizing the (polynomial) decision rules to the working model. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Model data. Notes ----- 1. One set of decision rule variables is added for each effective second-stage variable. 2. As an efficiency, no decision rule variables are added for the nonadjustable, user-defined second-stage variables, since the decision rules for such variables are necessarily nonstatic. """ config = model_data.config effective_second_stage_vars = ( model_data.working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables ) model_data.working_model.first_stage.decision_rule_vars = decision_rule_vars = [] # facilitate matching of effective second-stage vars to DR vars later model_data.working_model.eff_ss_var_to_dr_var_map = eff_ss_var_to_dr_var_map = ( ComponentMap() ) # since DR expression is a general polynomial in the uncertain # parameters, the exact number of DR variables # per effective second-stage variable # depends only on the DR order and uncertainty set dimension degree = config.decision_rule_order num_uncertain_params = len(model_data.working_model.uncertain_params) num_dr_vars = sp.special.comb( N=num_uncertain_params + degree, k=degree, exact=True, repetition=False ) for idx, eff_ss_var in enumerate(effective_second_stage_vars): indexed_dr_var = Var( range(num_dr_vars), initialize=0, bounds=(None, None), domain=Reals ) model_data.working_model.first_stage.add_component( f"decision_rule_var_{idx}", indexed_dr_var ) # index 0 entry of the IndexedVar is the static # DR term. initialize to user-provided value of # the corresponding second-stage variable. # all other entries remain initialized to 0. indexed_dr_var[0].set_value(value(eff_ss_var, exception=False)) # update attributes decision_rule_vars.append(indexed_dr_var) eff_ss_var_to_dr_var_map[eff_ss_var] = indexed_dr_var
[docs] def add_decision_rule_constraints(model_data): """ Add decision rule equality constraints to the working model. Parameters ---------- model_data : model data object Main model data object. """ config = model_data.config effective_second_stage_vars = ( model_data.working_model.effective_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables ) indexed_dr_var_list = model_data.working_model.first_stage.decision_rule_vars uncertain_params = model_data.working_model.uncertain_params degree = config.decision_rule_order model_data.working_model.second_stage.decision_rule_eqns = decision_rule_eqns = ( Constraint(range(len(effective_second_stage_vars))) ) # keeping track of degree of monomial # (in terms of the uncertain parameters) # in which each DR coefficient participates will be useful for # later model_data.working_model.dr_var_to_exponent_map = dr_var_to_exponent_map = ( ComponentMap() ) # facilitate retrieval of DR equation for a given # effective second-stage variable later model_data.working_model.eff_ss_var_to_dr_eqn_map = eff_ss_var_to_dr_eqn_map = ( ComponentMap() ) # set up uncertain parameter combinations for # construction of the monomials of the DR expressions monomial_param_combos = [] for power in range(degree + 1): power_combos = it.combinations_with_replacement(uncertain_params, power) monomial_param_combos.extend(power_combos) # now construct DR equations and declare them on the working model second_stage_dr_var_zip = zip(effective_second_stage_vars, indexed_dr_var_list) for idx, (eff_ss_var, indexed_dr_var) in enumerate(second_stage_dr_var_zip): # for each DR equation, the number of coefficients should match # the number of monomial terms exactly if len(monomial_param_combos) != len(indexed_dr_var.index_set()): raise ValueError( f"Mismatch between number of DR coefficient variables " f"and number of DR monomials for DR equation index {idx}, " "corresponding to effective second-stage variable " f"{!r}. " f"({len(indexed_dr_var.index_set())}!= {len(monomial_param_combos)})" ) # construct the DR polynomial dr_expression = 0 for dr_var, param_combo in zip(indexed_dr_var.values(), monomial_param_combos): dr_expression += dr_var * prod(param_combo) # map decision rule var to degree (exponent) of the # associated monomial with respect to the uncertain params dr_var_to_exponent_map[dr_var] = len(param_combo) # declare constraint on model decision_rule_eqns[idx] = dr_expression - eff_ss_var == 0 eff_ss_var_to_dr_eqn_map[eff_ss_var] = decision_rule_eqns[idx]
[docs] def enforce_dr_degree(working_blk, config, degree): """ Make decision rule polynomials of a given degree by fixing value of the appropriate subset of the decision rule coefficients to 0. Parameters ---------- blk : ScalarBlock Working model, or master problem block. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. degree : int Degree of the DR polynomials that is to be enforced. """ for indexed_dr_var in working_blk.first_stage.decision_rule_vars: for dr_var in indexed_dr_var.values(): dr_var_degree = working_blk.dr_var_to_exponent_map[dr_var] if dr_var_degree > degree: dr_var.fix(0) else: dr_var.unfix()
[docs] def load_final_solution(model_data, master_soln, original_user_var_partitioning): """ Load variable values from the master problem to the original model. Parameters ---------- master_soln : MasterResults Master solution object, containing the master model. original_user_var_partitioning : VariablePartitioning User partitioning of the variables of the original model. """ config = model_data.config if config.objective_focus == ObjectiveType.nominal: soln_master_blk = master_soln.master_model.scenarios[0, 0] elif config.objective_focus == ObjectiveType.worst_case: soln_master_blk = max( master_soln.master_model.scenarios.values(), key=lambda blk: value(blk.full_objective), ) original_model_vars = ( original_user_var_partitioning.first_stage_variables + original_user_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + original_user_var_partitioning.state_variables ) master_soln_vars = ( soln_master_blk.user_var_partitioning.first_stage_variables + soln_master_blk.user_var_partitioning.second_stage_variables + soln_master_blk.user_var_partitioning.state_variables ) for orig_var, master_blk_var in zip(original_model_vars, master_soln_vars): orig_var.set_value(master_blk_var.value, skip_validation=True)
[docs] def call_solver(model, solver, config, timing_obj, timer_name, err_msg): """ Solve a model with a given optimizer, keeping track of wall time requirements. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Model of interest. solver : Pyomo solver type Subordinate optimizer. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver settings. timing_obj : TimingData PyROS solver timing data object. timer_name : str Name of sub timer under the hierarchical timer contained in ``timing_obj`` to start/stop for keeping track of solve time requirements. err_msg : str Message to log through ``config.progress_logger.exception()`` in event an ApplicationError is raised while attempting to solve the model. Returns ------- SolverResults Solve results. Note that ``results.solver`` contains an additional attribute, named after ``TIC_TOC_SOLVE_TIME_ATTR``, of which the value is set to the recorded solver wall time. Raises ------ ApplicationError If ApplicationError is raised by the solver. In this case, `err_msg` is logged through ``config.progress_logger.exception()`` before the exception is raised. """ tt_timer = TicTocTimer() orig_setting, custom_setting_present = adjust_solver_time_settings( timing_obj, solver, config ) timing_obj.start_timer(timer_name) tt_timer.tic(msg=None) # tentative: reduce risk of InfeasibleConstraintException # occurring due to discrepancies between Pyomo NL writer # tolerance and (default) subordinate solver (e.g. IPOPT) # feasibility tolerances. # e.g., a Var fixed outside bounds beyond the Pyomo NL writer # tolerance, but still within the default IPOPT feasibility # tolerance current_nl_writer_tol = pyomo_nl_writer.TOL, pyomo_ampl_repn.TOL pyomo_nl_writer.TOL = 1e-4 pyomo_ampl_repn.TOL = 1e-4 try: results = solver.solve( model, tee=config.tee, load_solutions=False, symbolic_solver_labels=config.symbolic_solver_labels, ) except (ApplicationError, InvalidValueError): # account for possible external subsolver errors # (such as segmentation faults, function evaluation # errors, etc.) config.progress_logger.error(err_msg) raise else: setattr( results.solver, TIC_TOC_SOLVE_TIME_ATTR, tt_timer.toc(msg=None, delta=True) ) finally: pyomo_nl_writer.TOL, pyomo_ampl_repn.TOL = current_nl_writer_tol timing_obj.stop_timer(timer_name) revert_solver_max_time_adjustment( solver, orig_setting, custom_setting_present, config ) return results
[docs] class IterationLogRecord: """ PyROS solver iteration log record. Parameters ---------- iteration : int or None, optional Iteration number. objective : int or None, optional Master problem objective value. Note: if the sense of the original model is maximization, then this is the negative of the objective value of the original model. first_stage_var_shift : float or None, optional Infinity norm of the difference between first-stage variable vectors for the current and previous iterations. second_stage_var_shift : float or None, optional Infinity norm of the difference between decision rule variable vectors for the current and previous iterations. dr_polishing_success : bool or None, optional True if DR polishing solved successfully, False otherwise. num_violated_cons : int or None, optional Number of second-stage constraints found to be violated during separation step. all_sep_problems_solved : int or None, optional True if all separation problems were solved successfully, False otherwise (such as if there was a time out, subsolver error, or only a subset of the problems were solved due to custom constraint prioritization). global_separation : bool, optional True if separation problems were solved with the subordinate global optimizer(s), False otherwise. max_violation : int or None Maximum scaled violation of any second-stage constraint found during separation step. elapsed_time : float, optional Total time elapsed up to the current iteration, in seconds. Attributes ---------- iteration : int or None Iteration number. objective : int or None Master problem objective value. Note: if the sense of the original model is maximization, then this is the negative of the objective value of the original model. first_stage_var_shift : float or None Infinity norm of the relative difference between first-stage variable vectors for the current and previous iterations. second_stage_var_shift : float or None Infinity norm of the relative difference between second-stage variable vectors (evaluated subject to the nominal uncertain parameter realization) for the current and previous iterations. dr_var_shift : float or None Infinity norm of the relative difference between decision rule variable vectors for the current and previous iterations. NOTE: This value is not reported in log messages. dr_polishing_success : bool or None True if DR polishing was solved successfully, False otherwise. num_violated_cons : int or None Number of second-stage constraints found to be violated during separation step. all_sep_problems_solved : int or None True if all separation problems were solved successfully, False otherwise (such as if there was a time out, subsolver error, or only a subset of the problems were solved due to custom constraint prioritization). global_separation : bool True if separation problems were solved with the subordinate global optimizer(s), False otherwise. max_violation : int or None Maximum scaled violation of any second-stage constraint found during separation step. elapsed_time : float Total time elapsed up to the current iteration, in seconds. """ _LINE_LENGTH = 78 _ATTR_FORMAT_LENGTHS = { "iteration": 5, "objective": 13, "first_stage_var_shift": 13, "second_stage_var_shift": 13, "dr_var_shift": 13, "num_violated_cons": 8, "max_violation": 13, "elapsed_time": 13, } _ATTR_HEADER_NAMES = { "iteration": "Itn", "objective": "Objective", "first_stage_var_shift": "1-Stg Shift", "second_stage_var_shift": "2-Stg Shift", "dr_var_shift": "DR Shift", "num_violated_cons": "#CViol", "max_violation": "Max Viol", "elapsed_time": "Wall Time (s)", }
[docs] def __init__( self, iteration, objective, first_stage_var_shift, second_stage_var_shift, dr_var_shift, dr_polishing_success, num_violated_cons, all_sep_problems_solved, global_separation, max_violation, elapsed_time, ): """Initialize self (see class docstring).""" self.iteration = iteration self.objective = objective self.first_stage_var_shift = first_stage_var_shift self.second_stage_var_shift = second_stage_var_shift self.dr_var_shift = dr_var_shift self.dr_polishing_success = dr_polishing_success self.num_violated_cons = num_violated_cons self.all_sep_problems_solved = all_sep_problems_solved self.global_separation = global_separation self.max_violation = max_violation self.elapsed_time = elapsed_time
[docs] def get_log_str(self): """Get iteration log string.""" attrs = [ "iteration", "objective", "first_stage_var_shift", "second_stage_var_shift", # "dr_var_shift", "num_violated_cons", "max_violation", "elapsed_time", ] return "".join(self._format_record_attr(attr) for attr in attrs)
def _format_record_attr(self, attr_name): """Format attribute record for logging.""" attr_val = getattr(self, attr_name) if attr_val is None: fmt_str = f"<{self._ATTR_FORMAT_LENGTHS[attr_name]}s" return f"{'-':{fmt_str}}" else: attr_val_fstrs = { "iteration": "f'{attr_val:d}'", "objective": "f'{attr_val: .4e}'", "first_stage_var_shift": "f'{attr_val:.4e}'", "second_stage_var_shift": "f'{attr_val:.4e}'", "dr_var_shift": "f'{attr_val:.4e}'", "num_violated_cons": "f'{attr_val:d}'", "max_violation": "f'{attr_val:.4e}'", "elapsed_time": "f'{attr_val:.3f}'", } # qualifier for DR polishing and separation columns if attr_name in ["second_stage_var_shift", "dr_var_shift"]: qual = "*" if not self.dr_polishing_success else "" elif attr_name == "num_violated_cons": qual = "+" if not self.all_sep_problems_solved else "" elif attr_name == "max_violation": qual = "g" if self.global_separation else "" else: qual = "" attr_val_str = f"{eval(attr_val_fstrs[attr_name])}{qual}" return f"{attr_val_str:{f'<{self._ATTR_FORMAT_LENGTHS[attr_name]}'}}"
[docs] def log(self, log_func, **log_func_kwargs): """Log self.""" log_str = self.get_log_str() log_func(log_str, **log_func_kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_log_header_str(): """Get string for iteration log header.""" fmt_lengths_dict = IterationLogRecord._ATTR_FORMAT_LENGTHS header_names_dict = IterationLogRecord._ATTR_HEADER_NAMES return "".join( f"{header_names_dict[attr]:<{fmt_lengths_dict[attr]}s}" for attr in fmt_lengths_dict if attr != "dr_var_shift" )
[docs] @staticmethod def log_header(log_func, with_rules=True, **log_func_kwargs): """Log header.""" if with_rules: IterationLogRecord.log_header_rule(log_func, **log_func_kwargs) log_func(IterationLogRecord.get_log_header_str(), **log_func_kwargs) if with_rules: IterationLogRecord.log_header_rule(log_func, **log_func_kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def log_header_rule(log_func, fillchar="-", **log_func_kwargs): """Log header rule.""" log_func(fillchar * IterationLogRecord._LINE_LENGTH, **log_func_kwargs)
[docs] def copy_docstring(source_func): """ Create a decorator which copies docstring of a callable `source_func` to a target callable passed to the decorator. Returns ------- decorator_doc : callable Decorator of interest. """ def decorator_doc(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.__doc__ = source_func.__doc__ return wrapper return decorator_doc