
(function from pyomo.contrib.pyros.util)

pyomo.contrib.pyros.util.create_bound_constraint_expr(expr, bound, bound_type, standardize=True)[source]

Create a relational expression establishing a bound for a numeric expression of interest.

If desired, the expression is such that bound appears on the right-hand side of the relational (inequality/equality) operator.

  • expr (NumericValue) – Expression for which a bound is to be imposed. This can be a Pyomo expression, Var, or Param.

  • bound (native numeric type or NumericValue) – Bound for expr. This should be a numeric constant, Param, or constant/mutable Pyomo expression.

  • bound_type (BoundType) – Indicator for whether expr is to be lower bounded, equality bounded, or upper bounded, by bound.

  • standardize (bool, optional) – True to ensure expr appears on the left-hand side of the relational operator, False otherwise.


Establishes a bound on expr.

Return type:
