
This module defines the UncertaintySet abstract base class, used for representing the uncertainty set of a robust optimization problem to be solved with PyROS, and a suite of pre-implemented concrete subclasses, based on uncertainty sets often used in the robust optimization literature.



Geometry classifications for PyROS uncertainty set objects.


AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet(center, half_lengths)

An axis-aligned ellipsoid.


A hyper-rectangle (i.e., "box").

BudgetSet(budget_membership_mat, rhs_vec[, ...])

A budget set.

CardinalitySet(origin, positive_deviation, gamma)

A cardinality-constrained (i.e., "gamma") set.


A discrete set of finitely many uncertain parameter realizations (or scenarios).

EllipsoidalSet(center, shape_matrix[, scale])

A general ellipsoid.

FactorModelSet(origin, number_of_factors, ...)

A factor model (i.e., "net-alpha" model) set.


An intersection of a sequence of uncertainty sets, each of which is represented by an UncertaintySet object.

PolyhedralSet(lhs_coefficients_mat, rhs_vec)

A bounded convex polyhedron or polytope.

UncertaintyQuantification(block, ...)

A collection of modeling components generated or addressed by the set_as_constraint method of an uncertainty set object.


An object representing an uncertainty set to be passed to the PyROS solver.

UncertaintySetList([uncertainty_sets, name, ...])

Wrapper around a list of uncertainty sets, all of which have an immutable common dimension.


is_ragged(arr[, arr_types])

Return True if the array-like arr is ragged, False otherwise.

standardize_uncertain_param_vars(obj, dim)

Standardize an object castable to a list of VarData objects representing uncertain model parameters, and check that the length of the resulting list is equal to the specified dimension.

validate_arg_type(arg_name, arg_val, valid_types)

Perform type validation of an argument to a function/method.

validate_array(arr, arr_name, dim, valid_types)

Validate shape and entry types of an array-like object.

validate_dimensions(arr_name, arr, dim[, ...])

Validate dimension of an array-like object.