(class from pyomo.contrib.pyros.solve_data
- class pyomo.contrib.pyros.solve_data.SeparationSolveCallResults(solved_globally, results_list=None, scaled_violations=None, violating_param_realization=None, auxiliary_param_values=None, variable_values=None, found_violation=None, time_out=None, subsolver_error=None, discrete_set_scenario_index=None)[source]
Container for results of solve attempt for single separation problem.
- Parameters:
solved_globally (bool) – True if separation problem was solved globally, False otherwise.
results_list (list of pyomo.opt.results.SolverResults, optional) – Pyomo solver results for each subordinate optimizer invoked on the separation problem. For problems with non-discrete uncertainty set types, each entry corresponds to a single subordinate solver. For problems with discrete set types, the list may be empty (didn’t need to use a subordinate solver to evaluate optimal separation solution), or the number of entries may be as high as the product of the number of subordinate local/global solvers provided (including backup) and the number of scenarios in the uncertainty set.
scaled_violations (ComponentMap, optional) – Mapping from second-stage inequality constraints to floats equal to their scaled violations by separation problem solution stored in this result.
violating_param_realization (list of float, optional) – Uncertain parameter realization for reported separation problem solution.
auxiliary_param_values (list of float, optional) – Auxiliary parameter values corresponding to the uncertain parameter realization violating_param_realization.
variable_values (ComponentMap, optional) – Second-stage DOF and state variable values for reported separation problem solution.
found_violation (bool, optional) – True if violation of second-stage inequality constraint (i.e. constraint expression value) by reported separation solution was found to exceed tolerance, False otherwise.
time_out (bool, optional) – True if PyROS time limit reached attempting to solve the separation problem, False otherwise.
subsolver_error (bool, optional) – True if subsolvers found to be unable to solve separation problem of interest, False otherwise.
discrete_set_scenario_index (None or int, optional) – If discrete set used to solve the problem, index of violating_param_realization as listed in the scenarios attribute of a
instance. If discrete set not used, pass None.
- solved_globally
- results_list
- scaled_violations
- violating_param_realizations
- auxiliary_param_values
- variable_values
- found_violation
- time_out
- subsolver_error
- discrete_set_scenario_index
- __init__(solved_globally, results_list=None, scaled_violations=None, violating_param_realization=None, auxiliary_param_values=None, variable_values=None, found_violation=None, time_out=None, subsolver_error=None, discrete_set_scenario_index=None)[source]
Initialize self (see class docstring).
(solved_globally[, results_list, ...])Initialize self (see class docstring).
(acceptable_terminations)Return True if termination condition for at least one result in self.results_list is in list of pre-specified acceptable terminations, False otherwise.
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