Source code for pyomo.contrib.trustregion.TRF

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  Development of this module was conducted as part of the Institute for
#  the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES) with support through the
#  Simulation-Based Engineering, Crosscutting Research Program within the
#  U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging

from pyomo.core.base.range import NumericRange
from pyomo.common.config import (
from pyomo.contrib.trustregion.filter import Filter, FilterElement
from pyomo.contrib.trustregion.interface import TRFInterface
from pyomo.contrib.trustregion.util import IterationLogger
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.trustregion')

__version__ = (0, 2, 0)

[docs] def trust_region_method(model, decision_variables, ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule, config): """ The main driver of the Trust Region algorithm method. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel The user's model to be solved. degrees_of_freedom_variables : List of Vars User-supplied input. The user must provide a list of vars which are the degrees of freedom or decision variables within the model. ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule : Function, optional In the 2020 Yoshio/Biegler paper, this is referred to as the basis function `b(w)`. This is the low-fidelity model with which to solve the original process model problem and which is integrated into the surrogate model. The default is 0 (i.e., no basis function rule.) config : ConfigDict This holds the solver and TRF-specific configuration options. """ # Initialize necessary TRF methods TRFLogger = IterationLogger() TRFilter = Filter() interface = TRFInterface( model, decision_variables, ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule, config ) # Initialize the problem rebuildSM = False obj_val, feasibility = interface.initializeProblem() # Initialize first iteration feasibility/objective value to enable # termination check feasibility_k = feasibility obj_val_k = obj_val # Initialize step_norm_k to a bogus value to enable termination check step_norm_k = 0 # Initialize trust region radius trust_radius = config.trust_radius iteration = 0 TRFLogger.newIteration( iteration, feasibility_k, obj_val_k, trust_radius, step_norm_k ) TRFLogger.logIteration() if config.verbose: TRFLogger.printIteration() while iteration < config.maximum_iterations: iteration += 1 # Check termination conditions if (feasibility_k <= config.feasibility_termination) and ( step_norm_k <= config.step_size_termination ): print('EXIT: Optimal solution found.') interface.model.display() break # If trust region very small and no progress is being made, # terminate. The following condition must hold for two # consecutive iterations. if (trust_radius <= config.minimum_radius) and ( abs(feasibility_k - feasibility) < config.feasibility_termination ): if subopt_flag: logger.warning('WARNING: Insufficient progress.') print('EXIT: Feasible solution found.') break else: subopt_flag = True else: # This condition holds for iteration 0, which will declare # the boolean subopt_flag subopt_flag = False # Set bounds to enforce the trust region interface.updateDecisionVariableBounds(trust_radius) # Generate suggorate model r_k(w) if rebuildSM: interface.updateSurrogateModel() # Solve the Trust Region Subproblem (TRSP) obj_val_k, step_norm_k, feasibility_k = interface.solveModel() TRFLogger.newIteration( iteration, feasibility_k, obj_val_k, trust_radius, step_norm_k ) # Check filter acceptance filterElement = FilterElement(obj_val_k, feasibility_k) if not TRFilter.isAcceptable(filterElement, config.maximum_feasibility): # Reject the step TRFLogger.iterrecord.rejected = True trust_radius = max( config.minimum_radius, step_norm_k * config.radius_update_param_gamma_c ) rebuildSM = False interface.rejectStep() # Log iteration information TRFLogger.logIteration() if config.verbose: TRFLogger.printIteration() continue # Switching condition: Eq. (7) in Yoshio/Biegler (2020) if (obj_val - obj_val_k) >= ( config.switch_condition_kappa_theta * pow(feasibility, config.switch_condition_gamma_s) ) and (feasibility <= config.minimum_feasibility): # f-type step TRFLogger.iterrecord.fStep = True trust_radius = min( max(step_norm_k * config.radius_update_param_gamma_e, trust_radius), config.maximum_radius, ) else: # theta-type step TRFLogger.iterrecord.thetaStep = True filterElement = FilterElement( obj_val_k - config.param_filter_gamma_f * feasibility_k, (1 - config.param_filter_gamma_theta) * feasibility_k, ) TRFilter.addToFilter(filterElement) # Calculate ratio: Eq. (10) in Yoshio/Biegler (2020) rho_k = ( feasibility - feasibility_k + config.feasibility_termination ) / max(feasibility, config.feasibility_termination) # Ratio tests: Eq. (8) in Yoshio/Biegler (2020) # If rho_k is between eta_1 and eta_2, trust radius stays same if (rho_k < config.ratio_test_param_eta_1) or ( feasibility > config.minimum_feasibility ): trust_radius = max( config.minimum_radius, (config.radius_update_param_gamma_c * step_norm_k), ) elif rho_k >= config.ratio_test_param_eta_2: trust_radius = min( config.maximum_radius, max( trust_radius, (config.radius_update_param_gamma_e * step_norm_k) ), ) TRFLogger.updateIteration(trustRadius=trust_radius) # Accept step and reset for next iteration rebuildSM = True feasibility = feasibility_k obj_val = obj_val_k # Log iteration information TRFLogger.logIteration() if config.verbose: TRFLogger.printIteration() if iteration >= config.maximum_iterations: logger.warning( 'EXIT: Maximum iterations reached: {}.'.format(config.maximum_iterations) ) return interface.model
def _trf_config(): """ Generate the configuration dictionary. The user may change the configuration options during the instantiation of the trustregion solver: >>> optTRF = SolverFactory('trustregion', ... solver='ipopt', ... maximum_iterations=50, ... minimum_radius=1e-5, ... verbose=True) The user may also update the configuration after instantiation: >>> optTRF = SolverFactory('trustregion') >>> optTRF._CONFIG.trust_radius = 0.5 The user may also update the configuration as part of the solve call: >>> optTRF = SolverFactory('trustregion') >>> optTRF.solve(model, decision_variables, trust_radius=0.5) Returns ------- CONFIG : ConfigDict This holds all configuration options to be passed to the TRF solver. """ CONFIG = ConfigDict('TrustRegion') ### Solver options CONFIG.declare( 'solver', ConfigValue(default='ipopt', description='Solver to use. Default = ``ipopt``.'), ) CONFIG.declare( 'keepfiles', ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, description="Optional. Whether or not to " "write files of sub-problems for use in debugging. " "Default = False.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'tee', ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, description="Optional. Sets the ``tee`` " "for sub-solver(s) utilized. " "Default = False.", ), ) ### Trust Region specific options CONFIG.declare( 'verbose', ConfigValue( default=False, domain=Bool, description="Optional. When True, print each " "iteration's relevant information to the console " "as well as to the log. " "Default = False.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'trust_radius', ConfigValue( default=1.0, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Initial trust region radius ``delta_0``. Default = 1.0.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'minimum_radius', ConfigValue( default=1e-6, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Minimum allowed trust region radius ``delta_min``. " "Default = 1e-6.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'maximum_radius', ConfigValue( default=CONFIG.trust_radius * 100, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Maximum allowed trust region radius. If trust region " "radius reaches maximum allowed, solver will exit. " "Default = 100 * trust_radius.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'maximum_iterations', ConfigValue( default=50, domain=PositiveInt, description="Maximum allowed number of iterations. Default = 50.", ), ) ### Termination options CONFIG.declare( 'feasibility_termination', ConfigValue( default=1e-5, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Feasibility measure termination tolerance ``epsilon_theta``. " "Default = 1e-5.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'step_size_termination', ConfigValue( default=CONFIG.feasibility_termination, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Step size termination tolerance ``epsilon_s``. " "Matches the feasibility termination tolerance by default.", ), ) ### Switching Condition options CONFIG.declare( 'minimum_feasibility', ConfigValue( default=1e-4, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Minimum feasibility measure ``theta_min``. Default = 1e-4.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'switch_condition_kappa_theta', ConfigValue( default=0.1, domain=In(NumericRange(0, 1, 0, (False, False))), description="Switching condition parameter ``kappa_theta``. " "Contained in open set (0, 1). " "Default = 0.1.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'switch_condition_gamma_s', ConfigValue( default=2.0, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Switching condition parameter ``gamma_s``. " "Must satisfy: ``gamma_s > 1/(1+mu)`` where ``mu`` " "is contained in set (0, 1]. " "Default = 2.0.", ), ) ### Trust region update/ratio test parameters CONFIG.declare( 'radius_update_param_gamma_c', ConfigValue( default=0.5, domain=In(NumericRange(0, 1, 0, (False, False))), description="Lower trust region update parameter ``gamma_c``. " "Default = 0.5.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'radius_update_param_gamma_e', ConfigValue( default=2.5, domain=In(NumericRange(1, None, 0)), description="Upper trust region update parameter ``gamma_e``. " "Default = 2.5.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'ratio_test_param_eta_1', ConfigValue( default=0.05, domain=In(NumericRange(0, 1, 0, (False, False))), description="Lower ratio test parameter ``eta_1``. " "Must satisfy: ``0 < eta_1 <= eta_2 < 1``. " "Default = 0.05.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'ratio_test_param_eta_2', ConfigValue( default=0.2, domain=In(NumericRange(0, 1, 0, (False, False))), description="Lower ratio test parameter ``eta_2``. " "Must satisfy: ``0 < eta_1 <= eta_2 < 1``. " "Default = 0.2.", ), ) ### Filter CONFIG.declare( 'maximum_feasibility', ConfigValue( default=50.0, domain=PositiveFloat, description="Maximum allowable feasibility measure ``theta_max``. " "Parameter for use in filter method." "Default = 50.0.", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'param_filter_gamma_theta', ConfigValue( default=0.01, domain=In(NumericRange(0, 1, 0, (False, False))), description="Fixed filter parameter ``gamma_theta`` within (0, 1). " "Default = 0.01", ), ) CONFIG.declare( 'param_filter_gamma_f', ConfigValue( default=0.01, domain=In(NumericRange(0, 1, 0, (False, False))), description="Fixed filter parameter ``gamma_f`` within (0, 1). " "Default = 0.01", ), ) return CONFIG
[docs] @SolverFactory.register( 'trustregion', doc='Trust region algorithm "solver" for black box/glass box optimization', ) class TrustRegionSolver(object): """ The Trust Region Solver is a 'solver' based on the 2016/2018/2020 AiChE papers by Eason (2016/2018), Yoshio (2020), and Biegler. """ CONFIG = _trf_config()
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): self.config = self.CONFIG(kwds)
[docs] def available(self, exception_flag=True): """ Check if solver is available. """ return True
[docs] def version(self): """ Return a 3-tuple describing the solver version. """ return __version__
[docs] def license_is_valid(self): """ License for using Trust Region solver. """ return True
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb): pass
[docs] @document_kwargs_from_configdict(CONFIG) def solve( self, model, degrees_of_freedom_variables, ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule=None, **kwds ): """ This method calls the TRF algorithm. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel The model to be solved using the Trust Region Framework. degrees_of_freedom_variables : List[Var] User-supplied input. The user must provide a list of vars which are the degrees of freedom or decision variables within the model. ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule : Function, optional In the 2020 Yoshio/Biegler paper, this is referred to as the basis function `b(w)`. This is the low-fidelity model with which to solve the original process model problem and which is integrated into the surrogate model. The default is 0 (i.e., no basis function rule.) """ config = self.config(kwds.pop('options', {})) config.set_value(kwds) if ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule is None: # If the user does not pass us a "basis" function, # we default to 0. ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule = lambda comp, ef: 0 result = trust_region_method( model, degrees_of_freedom_variables, ext_fcn_surrogate_map_rule, config ) return result