(class from pyomo.contrib.pyros.config
- class pyomo.contrib.pyros.config.InputDataStandardizer(ctype, cdatatype, ctype_validator=None, cdatatype_validator=None, allow_repeats=False)[source]
Standardizer for objects castable to a list of Pyomo component types.
- Parameters:
ctype (type) – Pyomo component type, such as Component, Var or Param.
cdatatype (type) – Corresponding Pyomo component data type, such as ComponentData, VarData, or ParamData.
ctype_validator (callable, optional) – Validator function for objects of type ctype.
cdatatype_validator (callable, optional) – Validator function for objects of type cdatatype.
allow_repeats (bool, optional) – True to allow duplicate component data entries in final list to which argument is cast, False otherwise.
- ctype
- cdatatype
- ctype_validator
- cdatatype_validator
- allow_repeats
- __init__(ctype, cdatatype, ctype_validator=None, cdatatype_validator=None, allow_repeats=False)[source]
Initialize self (see class docstring).
(ctype, cdatatype[, ...])Initialize self (see class docstring).
Return str briefly describing domain encompassed by self.
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