API reference


This function generates all possible slices of the provided component along the provided sets.

pyomo.dae.flatten.flatten_components_along_sets(m, ...)

This function iterates over components (recursively) contained in a block and partitions their data objects into components indexed only by the specified sets.


Partitions components into ComponentData and Components indexed only by the provided set.

pyomo.dae.flatten.slice_component_along_sets(component, sets, context_slice=None, normalize=None)[source]

This function generates all possible slices of the provided component along the provided sets. That is, it will iterate over the component’s other indexing sets and, for each index, yield a slice along the sets specified in the call signature.

  • component (Component) – The component whose slices will be yielded

  • sets (ComponentSet) – ComponentSet of Pyomo sets that will be sliced along

  • context_slice (IndexedComponent_slice) – If provided, instead of creating a new slice, we will extend this one with appropriate getattr and getitem calls.

  • normalize (Bool) – If False, the returned index (from the product of “other sets”) is not normalized, regardless of the value of normalize_index.flatten. This is necessary to use this index with _fill_indices.


tuple – The first entry is the index in the product of “other sets” corresponding to the slice, and the second entry is the slice at that index.

pyomo.dae.flatten.flatten_components_along_sets(m, sets, ctype, indices=None, active=None)[source]

This function iterates over components (recursively) contained in a block and partitions their data objects into components indexed only by the specified sets.

  • m (BlockData) – Block whose components (and their sub-components) will be partitioned

  • sets (Tuple of Pyomo Sets) – Sets to be sliced. Returned components will be indexed by some combination of these sets, if at all.

  • ctype (Subclass of Component) – Type of component to identify and partition

  • indices (Iterable or ComponentMap) – Indices of sets to use when descending into subblocks. If an iterable is provided, the order corresponds to the order in sets. If a ComponentMap is provided, the keys must be in sets.

  • active (Bool or None) – If not None, this is a boolean flag used to filter component objects by their active status. A reference-to-slice is returned if any data object defined by the slice matches this flag.


The first entry is a list of tuples of Pyomo Sets. The second is a list of lists of Components, indexed by the corresponding sets in the first list. If the components are unindexed, ComponentData are returned and the tuple of sets contains only UnindexedComponent_set. If the components are indexed, they are references-to-slices.

Return type:

List of tuples of Sets, list of lists of Components

pyomo.dae.flatten.flatten_dae_components(model, time, ctype, indices=None, active=None)[source]

Partitions components into ComponentData and Components indexed only by the provided set.

  • model (BlockData) – Block whose components are partitioned

  • time (Set) – Indexing by this set (and only this set) will be preserved in the returned components.

  • ctype (Subclass of Component) – Type of component to identify, partition, and return

  • indices (Tuple or ComponentMap) – Contains the index of the specified set to be used when descending into blocks

  • active (Bool or None) – If provided, used as a filter to only return components with the specified active flag. A reference-to-slice is returned if any data object defined by the slice matches this flag.


The first list contains ComponentData for all components not indexed by the provided set. The second contains references-to -slices for all components indexed by the provided set.

Return type:

List of ComponentData, list of Component