Source code for pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.gurobi_persistent

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from import Iterable

from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.gurobi_direct import GurobiDirect, gurobipy
from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.persistent_solver import PersistentSolver
from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import value, is_fixed
from pyomo.opt.base import SolverFactory

[docs] @SolverFactory.register( 'gurobi_persistent', doc='Persistent python interface to Gurobi' ) class GurobiPersistent(PersistentSolver, GurobiDirect): """ A class that provides a persistent interface to Gurobi. Direct solver interfaces do not use any file io. Rather, they interface directly with the python bindings for the specific solver. Persistent solver interfaces are similar except that they "remember" their model. Thus, persistent solver interfaces allow incremental changes to the solver model (e.g., the gurobi python model or the cplex python model). Note that users are responsible for notifying the persistent solver interfaces when changes are made to the corresponding pyomo model. Keyword Arguments ----------------- model: ConcreteModel Passing a model to the constructor is equivalent to calling the set_instance method. type: str String indicating the class type of the solver instance. name: str String representing either the class type of the solver instance or an assigned name. doc: str Documentation for the solver options: dict Dictionary of solver options """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): kwds['type'] = 'gurobi_persistent' GurobiDirect.__init__(self, **kwds) self._pyomo_model = kwds.pop('model', None) if self._pyomo_model is not None: self.set_instance(self._pyomo_model, **kwds)
def _remove_constraint(self, solver_con): if isinstance(solver_con, gurobipy.Constr): if self._solver_model.getAttr('NumConstrs') == 0: self._update() else: name = self._symbol_map.getSymbol( self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[solver_con] ) if self._solver_model.getConstrByName(name) is None: self._update() elif isinstance(solver_con, gurobipy.QConstr): if self._solver_model.getAttr('NumQConstrs') == 0: self._update() else: try: qc_row = self._solver_model.getQCRow(solver_con) except gurobipy.GurobiError: self._update() elif isinstance(solver_con, gurobipy.SOS): if self._solver_model.getAttr('NumSOS') == 0: self._update() else: try: sos = self._solver_model.getSOS(solver_con) except gurobipy.GurobiError: self._update() else: raise ValueError( 'Unrecognized type for gurobi constraint: {0}'.format(type(solver_con)) ) self._solver_model.remove(solver_con) self._needs_updated = True def _remove_sos_constraint(self, solver_sos_con): self._remove_constraint(solver_sos_con) self._needs_updated = True def _remove_var(self, solver_var): if self._solver_model.getAttr('NumVars') == 0: self._update() else: name = self._symbol_map.getSymbol( self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map[solver_var] ) if self._solver_model.getVarByName(name) is None: self._update() self._solver_model.remove(solver_var) self._needs_updated = True def _warm_start(self): GurobiDirect._warm_start(self)
[docs] def update_var(self, var): """Update a single variable in the solver's model. This will update bounds, fix/unfix the variable as needed, and update the variable type. Parameters ---------- var: Var (scalar Var or single VarData) """ # see PR #366 for discussion about handling indexed # objects and keeping compatibility with the # pyomo.kernel objects # if var.is_indexed(): # for child_var in var.values(): # self.update_var(child_var) # return if var not in self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map: raise ValueError( 'The Var provided to update_var needs to be added first: {0}'.format( var ) ) gurobipy_var = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var] vtype = self._gurobi_vtype_from_var(var) lb, ub = self._gurobi_lb_ub_from_var(var) gurobipy_var.setAttr('lb', lb) gurobipy_var.setAttr('ub', ub) gurobipy_var.setAttr('vtype', vtype) self._needs_updated = True
[docs] def write(self, filename): """ Write the model to a file (e.g., and lp file). Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to which the model should be written. """ self._solver_model.write(filename) self._needs_updated = False
def update(self): self._update()
[docs] def set_linear_constraint_attr(self, con, attr, val): """ Set the value of an attribute on a gurobi linear constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The pyomo constraint for which the corresponding gurobi constraint attribute should be modified. attr: str The attribute to be modified. Options are: CBasis DStart Lazy val: any See gurobi documentation for acceptable values. """ if attr in {'Sense', 'RHS', 'ConstrName'}: raise ValueError( 'Linear constraint attr {0} cannot be set with' + ' the set_linear_constraint_attr method. Please use' + ' the remove_constraint and add_constraint methods.'.format(attr) ) if self._version_major < 7: if ( self._solver_model.getAttr('NumConstrs') == 0 or self._solver_model.getConstrByName(self._symbol_map.getSymbol(con)) is None ): self._solver_model.update() self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].setAttr(attr, val) self._needs_updated = True
[docs] def set_var_attr(self, var, attr, val): """ Set the value of an attribute on a gurobi variable. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.var.VarData The pyomo var for which the corresponding gurobi var attribute should be modified. attr: str The attribute to be modified. Options are: Start VarHintVal VarHintPri BranchPriority VBasis PStart val: any See gurobi documentation for acceptable values. """ if attr in {'LB', 'UB', 'VType', 'VarName'}: raise ValueError( 'Var attr {0} cannot be set with' + ' the set_var_attr method. Please use' + ' the update_var method.'.format(attr) ) if attr == 'Obj': raise ValueError( 'Var attr Obj cannot be set with' + ' the set_var_attr method. Please use' + ' the set_objective method.' ) if self._version_major < 7: if ( self._solver_model.getAttr('NumVars') == 0 or self._solver_model.getVarByName(self._symbol_map.getSymbol(var)) is None ): self._solver_model.update() self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var].setAttr(attr, val) self._needs_updated = True
[docs] def get_model_attr(self, attr): """Get the value of an attribute on the Gurobi model. Parameters ---------- attr: str The attribute to get. See Gurobi documentation for descriptions of the attributes. Options are: NumVars NumConstrs NumSOS NumQConstrs NumgGenConstrs NumNZs DNumNZs NumQNZs NumQCNZs NumIntVars NumBinVars NumPWLObjVars ModelName ModelSense ObjCon ObjVal ObjBound ObjBoundC PoolObjBound PoolObjVal MIPGap Runtime Status SolCount IterCount BarIterCount NodeCount IsMIP IsQP IsQCP IsMultiObj IISMinimal MaxCoeff MinCoeff MaxBound MinBound MaxObjCoeff MinObjCoeff MaxRHS MinRHS MaxQCCoeff MinQCCoeff MaxQCLCoeff MinQCLCoeff MaxQCRHS MinQCRHS MaxQObjCoeff MinQObjCoeff Kappa KappaExact FarkasProof TuneResultCount LicenseExpiration BoundVio BoundSVio BoundVioIndex BoundSVioIndex BoundVioSum BoundSVioSum ConstrVio ConstrSVio ConstrVioIndex ConstrSVioIndex ConstrVioSum ConstrSVioSum ConstrResidual ConstrSResidual ConstrResidualIndex ConstrSResidualIndex ConstrResidualSum ConstrSResidualSum DualVio DualSVio DualVioIndex DualSVioIndex DualVioSum DualSVioSum DualResidual DualSResidual DualResidualIndex DualSResidualIndex DualResidualSum DualSResidualSum ComplVio ComplVioIndex ComplVioSum IntVio IntVioIndex IntVioSum """ if self._needs_updated: self._update() return self._solver_model.getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_var_attr(self, var, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi var. Parameters ---------- var: pyomo.core.base.var.VarData The pyomo var for which the corresponding gurobi var attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. Options are: LB UB Obj VType VarName X Xn RC BarX Start VarHintVal VarHintPri BranchPriority VBasis PStart IISLB IISUB PWLObjCvx SAObjLow SAObjUp SALBLow SALBUp SAUBLow SAUBUp UnbdRay """ if self._needs_updated: self._update() return self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_linear_constraint_attr(self, con, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi linear constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The pyomo constraint for which the corresponding gurobi constraint attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. Options are: Sense RHS ConstrName Pi Slack CBasis DStart Lazy IISConstr SARHSLow SARHSUp FarkasDual """ if self._needs_updated: self._update() return self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_sos_attr(self, con, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi sos constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.sos.SOSConstraintData The pyomo SOS constraint for which the corresponding gurobi SOS constraint attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. Options are: IISSOS """ if self._needs_updated: self._update() return self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_quadratic_constraint_attr(self, con, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi quadratic constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The pyomo constraint for which the corresponding gurobi constraint attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. Options are: QCSense QCRHS QCName QCPi QCSlack IISQConstr """ if self._needs_updated: self._update() return self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def set_gurobi_param(self, param, val): """ Set a gurobi parameter. Parameters ---------- param: str The gurobi parameter to set. Options include any gurobi parameter. Please see the Gurobi documentation for options. val: any The value to set the parameter to. See Gurobi documentation for possible values. """ self._solver_model.setParam(param, val)
[docs] def get_gurobi_param_info(self, param): """ Get information about a gurobi parameter. Parameters ---------- param: str The gurobi parameter to get info for. See Gurobi documentation for possible options. Returns ------- six-tuple containing the parameter name, type, value, minimum value, maximum value, and default value. """ return self._solver_model.getParamInfo(param)
def _intermediate_callback(self): def f(gurobi_model, where): self._callback_func(self._pyomo_model, self, where) return f
[docs] def set_callback(self, func=None): r"""Specify a callback for gurobi to use. Parameters ---------- func: function The function to call. The function should have three arguments. The first will be the pyomo model being solved. The second will be the GurobiPersistent instance. The third will be an enum member of gurobipy.GRB.Callback. This will indicate where in the branch and bound algorithm gurobi is at. For example, suppose we want to solve .. math:: :nowrap: \begin{array}{ll} \min & 2x + y \\ \mathrm{s.t.} & y \geq (x-2)^2 \\ & 0 \leq x \leq 4 \\ & y \geq 0 \\ & y \in \mathbb{Z} \end{array} as an MILP using extended cutting planes in callbacks. .. testcode:: :skipif: not gurobipy_available from gurobipy import GRB import pyomo.environ as pe from pyomo.core.expr.taylor_series import taylor_series_expansion m = pe.ConcreteModel() m.x = pe.Var(bounds=(0, 4)) m.y = pe.Var(within=pe.Integers, bounds=(0, None)) m.obj = pe.Objective(expr=2*m.x + m.y) m.cons = pe.ConstraintList() # for the cutting planes def _add_cut(xval): # a function to generate the cut m.x.value = xval return m.cons.add(m.y >= taylor_series_expansion((m.x - 2)**2)) _add_cut(0) # start with 2 cuts at the bounds of x _add_cut(4) # this is an arbitrary choice opt = pe.SolverFactory('gurobi_persistent') opt.set_instance(m) opt.set_gurobi_param('PreCrush', 1) opt.set_gurobi_param('LazyConstraints', 1) def my_callback(cb_m, cb_opt, cb_where): if cb_where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL: cb_opt.cbGetSolution(vars=[m.x, m.y]) if m.y.value < (m.x.value - 2)**2 - 1e-6: cb_opt.cbLazy(_add_cut(m.x.value)) opt.set_callback(my_callback) opt.solve() .. testoutput:: :hide: ... .. doctest:: :skipif: not gurobipy_available >>> assert abs(m.x.value - 1) <= 1e-6 >>> assert abs(m.y.value - 1) <= 1e-6 """ if func is not None: self._callback_func = func self._callback = self._intermediate_callback() else: self._callback = None self._callback_func = None
[docs] def cbCut(self, con): """ Add a cut within a callback. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The cut to add """ if not raise ValueError('cbCut expected an active constraint.') if is_fixed(con.body): raise ValueError('cbCut expected a non-trivial constraint') gurobi_expr, referenced_vars, degree = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr( con.body, self._max_constraint_degree ) if con.has_lb(): if con.has_ub(): raise ValueError('Range constraints are not supported in cbCut.') if not is_fixed(con.lower): raise ValueError( 'Lower bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.has_ub(): if not is_fixed(con.upper): raise ValueError( 'Upper bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.equality: self._solver_model.cbCut( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower) ) elif con.has_lb() and (value(con.lower) > -float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbCut( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower) ) elif con.has_ub() and (value(con.upper) < float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbCut( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.upper) ) else: raise ValueError( 'Constraint does not have a lower or an upper bound {0} \n'.format(con) )
def cbGet(self, what): return self._solver_model.cbGet(what)
[docs] def cbGetNodeRel(self, vars): """ Parameters ---------- vars: Var or iterable of Var """ StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale() if not isinstance(vars, Iterable): vars = [vars] gurobi_vars = [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[i] for i in vars] var_values = self._solver_model.cbGetNodeRel(gurobi_vars) for i, v in enumerate(vars): v.set_value(var_values[i], skip_validation=True)
[docs] def cbGetSolution(self, vars): """ Parameters ---------- vars: iterable of vars """ StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale() if not isinstance(vars, Iterable): vars = [vars] gurobi_vars = [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[i] for i in vars] var_values = self._solver_model.cbGetSolution(gurobi_vars) for i, v in enumerate(vars): v.set_value(var_values[i], skip_validation=True)
[docs] def cbLazy(self, con): """ Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The lazy constraint to add """ if not raise ValueError('cbLazy expected an active constraint.') if is_fixed(con.body): raise ValueError('cbLazy expected a non-trivial constraint') gurobi_expr, referenced_vars, degree = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr( con.body, self._max_constraint_degree ) if con.has_lb(): if con.has_ub(): raise ValueError('Range constraints are not supported in cbLazy.') if not is_fixed(con.lower): raise ValueError( 'Lower bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.has_ub(): if not is_fixed(con.upper): raise ValueError( 'Upper bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.equality: self._solver_model.cbLazy( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower) ) elif con.has_lb() and (value(con.lower) > -float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbLazy( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower) ) elif con.has_ub() and (value(con.upper) < float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbLazy( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.upper) ) else: raise ValueError( 'Constraint does not have a lower or an upper bound {0} \n'.format(con) )
def cbSetSolution(self, vars, solution): if not isinstance(vars, Iterable): vars = [vars] gurobi_vars = [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[i] for i in vars] self._solver_model.cbSetSolution(gurobi_vars, solution) def cbUseSolution(self): return self._solver_model.cbUseSolution() def _add_column(self, var, obj_coef, constraints, coefficients): """Add a column to the solver's model This will add the Pyomo variable var to the solver's model, and put the coefficients on the associated constraints in the solver model. If the obj_coef is not zero, it will add obj_coef*var to the objective of the solver's model. Parameters ---------- var: Var (scalar Var or single VarData) obj_coef: float constraints: list of solver constraints coefficients: list of coefficients to put on var in the associated constraint """ ## set-up add var varname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(var, self._labeler) vtype = self._gurobi_vtype_from_var(var) lb, ub = self._gurobi_lb_ub_from_var(var) gurobipy_var = self._solver_model.addVar( obj=obj_coef, lb=lb, ub=ub, vtype=vtype, name=varname, column=gurobipy.Column(coeffs=coefficients, constrs=constraints), ) self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var] = gurobipy_var self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map[gurobipy_var] = var self._referenced_variables[var] = len(coefficients)
[docs] def reset(self): self._solver_model.reset()