# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import logging
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
from pyomo.core.kernel.base import ICategorizedObject, _abstract_readonly_property
from pyomo.core.kernel.dict_container import DictContainer
from pyomo.core.kernel.container_utils import define_homogeneous_container_type
logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
_noarg = object()
# Note: ComponentMap is first in the inheritance chain
# because its __getstate__ / __setstate__ methods
# contain some special hacks that allow it to be used
# for the AML-Suffix object as well (hopefully,
# temporary). As a result, we need to override the
# __str__ method on this class so that suffix behaves
# like ICategorizedObject instead of ComponentMap
class ISuffix(ComponentMap, ICategorizedObject):
"""The interface for suffixes."""
__slots__ = ()
# Implementations can choose to define these
# properties as using __slots__, __dict__, or
# by overriding the @property method
direction = _abstract_readonly_property(doc="The suffix direction")
datatype = _abstract_readonly_property(doc="The suffix datatype")
# Interface
def __str__(self):
return ICategorizedObject.__str__(self)
class suffix(ISuffix):
"""A container for storing extraneous model data that
can be imported to or exported from a solver."""
_ctype = ISuffix
__slots__ = (
# neither sent to solver or received from solver
# sent to solver or other external location
# obtained from solver or other external source
# both
_directions = {
LOCAL: 'suffix.LOCAL',
EXPORT: 'suffix.EXPORT',
IMPORT: 'suffix.IMPORT',
# datatypes (numbers are compatible with ASL bitcodes)
INT = 0
_datatypes = {FLOAT: 'suffix.FLOAT', INT: 'suffix.INT', None: str(None)}
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self._parent = None
self._storage_key = None
self._active = True
self._direction = None
self._datatype = None
# call the setters
self.direction = kwds.pop('direction', suffix.LOCAL)
self.datatype = kwds.pop('datatype', suffix.FLOAT)
super(suffix, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
# Interface
def export_enabled(self):
"""Returns :const:`True` when this suffix is enabled
for export to solvers."""
return bool(self._direction & suffix.EXPORT)
def import_enabled(self):
"""Returns :const:`True` when this suffix is enabled
for import from solutions."""
return bool(self._direction & suffix.IMPORT)
def datatype(self):
"""Return the suffix datatype."""
return self._datatype
def datatype(self, datatype):
"""Set the suffix datatype."""
if datatype not in self._datatypes:
raise ValueError(
"Suffix datatype must be one of: %s. \n"
"Value given: %s" % (list(self._datatypes.values()), datatype)
self._datatype = datatype
def direction(self):
"""Return the suffix direction."""
return self._direction
def direction(self, direction):
"""Set the suffix direction."""
if not direction in self._directions:
raise ValueError(
"Suffix direction must be one of: %s. \n"
"Value given: %s" % (list(self._directions.values()), direction)
self._direction = direction
# Methods that are deprecated
@deprecated("suffix.set_all_values will be removed in the future.", version='5.3')
def set_all_values(self, value):
for ndx in self:
self[ndx] = value
"suffix.clear_value will be removed in the future. "
"Use 'del suffix[key]' instead.",
def clear_value(self, component):
del self[component]
except KeyError:
@deprecated("suffix.clear_all_values is replaced with suffix.clear", version='5.3')
def clear_all_values(self):
"suffix.get_datatype is replaced with the property suffix.datatype",
def get_datatype(self):
return self.datatype
"suffix.set_datatype is replaced with the property setter suffix.datatype",
def set_datatype(self, datatype):
self.datatype = datatype
"suffix.get_direction is replaced with the property suffix.direction",
def get_direction(self):
return self.direction
"suffix.set_direction is replaced with the property setter suffix.direction",
def set_direction(self, direction):
self.direction = direction
# A list of convenient suffix generators, including:
# - export_suffix_generator
# **(used by problem writers)
# - import_suffix_generator
# **(used by OptSolver and PyomoModel._load_solution)
# - local_suffix_generator
# - suffix_generator
def export_suffix_generator(blk, datatype=_noarg, active=True, descend_into=True):
Generates an efficient traversal of all suffixes that
have been declared for exporting data.
blk: A block object.
datatype: Restricts the suffixes included in the
returned generator to those matching the
provided suffix datatype.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting this
keyword to :const:`None` causes the active
status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether or
not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is equivalent
to `lambda x: True`, meaning all heterogeneous
containers will be descended into.
iterator of suffixes
for suf in filter(
lambda x: (
x.export_enabled() and ((datatype is _noarg) or (x.datatype is datatype))
blk.components(ctype=suffix._ctype, active=active, descend_into=descend_into),
yield suf
def import_suffix_generator(blk, datatype=_noarg, active=True, descend_into=True):
Generates an efficient traversal of all suffixes that
have been declared for importing data.
blk: A block object.
datatype: Restricts the suffixes included in the
returned generator to those matching the
provided suffix datatype.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting this
keyword to :const:`None` causes the active
status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether or
not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is equivalent
to `lambda x: True`, meaning all heterogeneous
containers will be descended into.
iterator of suffixes
for suf in filter(
lambda x: (
x.import_enabled() and ((datatype is _noarg) or (x.datatype is datatype))
blk.components(ctype=suffix._ctype, active=active, descend_into=descend_into),
yield suf
def local_suffix_generator(blk, datatype=_noarg, active=True, descend_into=True):
Generates an efficient traversal of all suffixes that
have been declared local data storage.
blk: A block object.
datatype: Restricts the suffixes included in the
returned generator to those matching the
provided suffix datatype.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting this
keyword to :const:`None` causes the active
status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether or
not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is equivalent
to `lambda x: True`, meaning all heterogeneous
containers will be descended into.
iterator of suffixes
for suf in filter(
lambda x: (
x.direction is suffix.LOCAL
and ((datatype is _noarg) or (x.datatype is datatype))
blk.components(ctype=suffix._ctype, active=active, descend_into=descend_into),
yield suf
def suffix_generator(blk, datatype=_noarg, active=True, descend_into=True):
Generates an efficient traversal of all suffixes that
have been declared.
blk: A block object.
datatype: Restricts the suffixes included in the
returned generator to those matching the
provided suffix datatype.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting this
keyword to :const:`None` causes the active
status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether or
not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is equivalent
to `lambda x: True`, meaning all heterogeneous
containers will be descended into.
iterator of suffixes
for suf in filter(
lambda x: ((datatype is _noarg) or (x.datatype is datatype)),
blk.components(ctype=suffix._ctype, active=active, descend_into=descend_into),
yield suf
# inserts class definition for simple a
# simple suffix_dict into this module
doc=("A dict-style container for objects with category type " + ISuffix.__name__),