# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import operator
import itertools
from pyomo.common.dependencies import numpy, numpy_available, scipy, scipy_available
class PiecewiseValidationError(Exception):
"""An exception raised when validation of piecewise
linear functions fail."""
def is_constant(vals):
"""Checks if a list of points is constant"""
if len(vals) <= 1:
return True
it = iter(vals)
op = operator.eq
return all(itertools.starmap(op, zip(it, vals)))
def is_nondecreasing(vals):
"""Checks if a list of points is nondecreasing"""
if len(vals) <= 1:
return True
it = iter(vals)
op = operator.ge
return all(itertools.starmap(op, zip(it, vals)))
def is_nonincreasing(vals):
"""Checks if a list of points is nonincreasing"""
if len(vals) <= 1:
return True
it = iter(vals)
op = operator.le
return all(itertools.starmap(op, zip(it, vals)))
def is_positive_power_of_two(x):
"""Checks if a number is a nonzero and positive power of 2"""
if x <= 0:
return False
return (x & (x - 1)) == 0
def log2floor(n):
"""Computes the exact value of floor(log2(n)) without
using floating point calculations. Input argument must
be a positive integer."""
assert n > 0
return n.bit_length() - 1
def generate_gray_code(nbits):
"""Generates a Gray code of nbits as list of lists"""
bitset = [0 for i in range(nbits)]
# important that we copy bitset each time
graycode = [list(bitset)]
for i in range(2, (1 << nbits) + 1):
if i % 2:
for j in range(-1, -nbits, -1):
if bitset[j]:
bitset[j - 1] = bitset[j - 1] ^ 1
bitset[-1] = bitset[-1] ^ 1
# important that we copy bitset each time
return graycode
def characterize_function(breakpoints, values):
Characterizes a piecewise linear function described by a
list of breakpoints and function values.
breakpoints (list): The list of breakpoints of the
piecewise linear function. It is assumed that
the list of breakpoints is in non-decreasing
values (list): The values of the piecewise linear
function corresponding to the breakpoints.
(int, list): a function characterization code and
the list of slopes.
.. note::
The function characterization codes are
* 1: affine
* 2: convex
* 3: concave
* 4: step
* 5: other
If the function has step points, some of the slopes
may be :const:`None`.
if not is_nondecreasing(breakpoints):
raise ValueError("The list of breakpoints must be nondecreasing")
step = False
slopes = []
for i in range(1, len(breakpoints)):
if breakpoints[i] != breakpoints[i - 1]:
slope = float(values[i] - values[i - 1]) / (
breakpoints[i] - breakpoints[i - 1]
slope = None
step = True
if step:
return characterize_function.step, slopes
elif is_constant(slopes):
return characterize_function.affine, slopes
elif is_nondecreasing(slopes):
return characterize_function.convex, slopes
elif is_nonincreasing(slopes):
return characterize_function.concave, slopes
return characterize_function.other, slopes
characterize_function.affine = 1
characterize_function.convex = 2
characterize_function.concave = 3
characterize_function.step = 4
characterize_function.other = 5
def generate_delaunay(variables, num=10, **kwds):
Generate a Delaunay triangulation of the D-dimensional
bounded variable domain given a list of D variables.
Requires numpy and scipy.
variables: A list of variables, each having a finite
upper and lower bound.
num (int): The number of grid points to generate for
each variable (default=10).
**kwds: All additional keywords are passed to the
scipy.spatial.Delaunay constructor.
A scipy.spatial.Delaunay object.
linegrids = []
for v in variables:
if v.has_lb() and v.has_ub():
linegrids.append(numpy.linspace(v.lb, v.ub, num))
raise ValueError(
"Variable %s does not have a finite lower and upper bound."
# generates a meshgrid and then flattens and transposes
# the meshgrid into an (npoints, D) shaped array of
# coordinates
points = numpy.vstack(numpy.meshgrid(*linegrids)).reshape(len(variables), -1).T
return scipy.spatial.Delaunay(points, **kwds)