# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from pyomo.core.kernel.base import (
def heterogeneous_containers(node, ctype=_no_ctype, active=True, descend_into=True):
A generator that yields all heterogeneous containers
included in an object storage tree, including the root
object. Heterogeneous containers are categorized objects
with a category type different from their children.
node: The root object.
ctype: Indicates the category of objects to
include. The default value indicates that
all categories should be included.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting this
keyword to :const:`None` causes the active
status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether or
not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is equivalent
to `lambda x: True`, meaning all heterogeneous
containers will be descended into.
iterator of heterogeneous containers in the storage
tree, include the root object.
assert active in (None, True)
# if not active, then nothing below is active
if (active is not None) and (not node.active):
if not node.ctype._is_heterogeneous_container:
if not node._is_heterogeneous_container:
assert node._is_container
# a homogeneous container that stores
# heterogeneous objects
for obj in node.components(active=active):
assert obj._is_heterogeneous_container
yield from heterogeneous_containers(
obj, ctype=ctype, active=active, descend_into=descend_into
# convert AML types into Kernel types (hack for the
# solver interfaces)
ctype = _convert_ctype.get(ctype, ctype)
assert (ctype is _no_ctype) or ctype._is_heterogeneous_container
# convert descend_into to a function if
# it is not already one
descend_into = _convert_descend_into(descend_into)
# a heterogeneous container
if (ctype is _no_ctype) or (node.ctype is ctype):
yield node
if not descend_into(node):
for child_ctype in node.child_ctypes():
if not child_ctype._is_heterogeneous_container:
for child in node.children(ctype=child_ctype):
assert child._is_container
if (active is not None) and (not child.active):
yield from heterogeneous_containers(
child, ctype=ctype, active=active, descend_into=descend_into
class IHeterogeneousContainer(ICategorizedObjectContainer):
A partial implementation of the ICategorizedObjectContainer
interface for implementations that store multiple
categories of objects.
Complete implementations need to set the _ctype
attribute and declare the remaining required abstract
properties of the ICategorizedObjectContainer base
__slots__ = ()
_is_heterogeneous_container = True
# Interface
def collect_ctypes(self, active=True, descend_into=True):
"""Returns the set of object category types that can
be found under this container.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting
this keyword to :const:`None` causes the
active status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether
or not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is
equivalent to `lambda x: True`, meaning all
heterogeneous containers will be descended
A set of object category types
assert active in (None, True)
ctypes = set()
# if not active, then nothing below is active
if (active is not None) and (not self.active):
return ctypes
# convert descend_into to a function if
# it is not already one
descend_into = _convert_descend_into(descend_into)
for child_ctype in self.child_ctypes():
for obj in self.components(
# just need 1 to appear in order to
# count the child_ctype
if descend_into is _convert_descend_into._false:
return ctypes
# iterate over a copy of the set as we will
# modify it in this loop
for child_ctype in tuple(ctypes):
if child_ctype._is_heterogeneous_container:
for obj in self.components(
assert obj._is_heterogeneous_container
if descend_into(obj):
obj.collect_ctypes(active=active, descend_into=descend_into)
return ctypes
def child_ctypes(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Returns the set of child object category types
stored in this container."""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
# Define the ICategorizedObjectContainer abstract methods
# def child(self, *args, **kwds):
# ... not defined here
# def children(self, *args, **kwds):
# ... not defined here
def components(self, ctype=_no_ctype, active=True, descend_into=True):
Generates an efficient traversal of all components
stored under this container. Components are
categorized objects that are either (1) not
containers, or (2) are heterogeneous containers.
ctype: Indicates the category of components to
include. The default value indicates that
all categories should be included.
active (:const:`True`/:const:`None`): Controls
whether or not to filter the iteration to
include only the active part of the storage
tree. The default is :const:`True`. Setting
this keyword to :const:`None` causes the
active status of objects to be ignored.
descend_into (bool, function): Indicates whether
or not to descend into a heterogeneous
container. Default is True, which is
equivalent to `lambda x: True`, meaning all
heterogeneous containers will be descended
iterator of components in the storage tree
assert active in (None, True)
# if not active, then nothing below is active
if (active is not None) and (not self.active):
# convert AML types into Kernel types (hack for the
# solver interfaces)
ctype = _convert_ctype.get(ctype, ctype)
# convert descend_into to a function if
# it is not already one
descend_into = _convert_descend_into(descend_into)
if ctype is _no_ctype:
for child in self.children():
if (active is not None) and (not child.active):
if not child._is_container:
yield child
elif child._is_heterogeneous_container:
yield child
if descend_into(child):
yield from child.components(
active=active, descend_into=descend_into
elif (descend_into is _convert_descend_into._false) or (
not child.ctype._is_heterogeneous_container
assert child._is_container
yield from child.components(active=active)
assert child._is_container
for obj in child.components(active=active):
assert obj._is_heterogeneous_container
yield obj
if descend_into(obj):
yield from obj.components(
active=active, descend_into=descend_into
for item in heterogeneous_containers(
self, active=active, descend_into=descend_into
for child in item.children(ctype=ctype):
if (not child._is_container) or child._is_heterogeneous_container:
if (active is None) or child.active:
yield child
assert child._is_container
yield from child.components(active=active)