# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
"""Various conic constraint implementations."""
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import is_numeric_data
from pyomo.core.expr import value, exp
from pyomo.core.kernel.block import block
from pyomo.core.kernel.variable import IVariable, variable, variable_tuple
from pyomo.core.kernel.constraint import (
def _build_linking_constraints(v, v_aux):
assert len(v) == len(v_aux)
c_aux = []
for vi, vi_aux in zip(v, v_aux):
assert vi_aux.ctype is IVariable
if vi is None:
elif is_numeric_data(vi):
linear_constraint(variables=(vi_aux,), coefficients=(1,), rhs=vi)
elif isinstance(vi, IVariable):
linear_constraint(variables=(vi_aux, vi), coefficients=(1, -1), rhs=0)
c_aux.append(constraint(body=vi_aux - vi, rhs=0))
return constraint_tuple(c_aux)
class _ConicBase(IConstraint):
"""Base class for a few conic constraints that
implements some shared functionality. Derived classes
are expected to declare any necessary slots."""
_ctype = IConstraint
_linear_canonical_form = False
__slots__ = ()
def __init__(self):
self._parent = None
self._storage_key = None
self._active = True
# the body expression is only built if necessary
# (i.e., when someone asks for it via the body
# property method)
self._body = None
def as_domain(cls, *args, **kwds):
"""Builds a conic domain"""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
def _body_function(self, *args):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
# Define the IConstraint abstract methods
def body(self):
"""The body of the constraint"""
if self._body is None:
self._body = self._body_function(
return self._body
def lower(self):
"""The expression for the lower bound of the constraint"""
return None
def upper(self):
"""The expression for the upper bound of the constraint"""
return 0.0
def lb(self):
"""The value of the lower bound of the constraint"""
return None
def ub(self):
"""The value of the upper bound of the constraint"""
return 0.0
def rhs(self):
"""The right-hand side of the constraint"""
raise ValueError(
"The rhs property can not be read because this "
"is not an equality constraint"
def equality(self):
return False
# Override a the default __call__ method on IConstraint
# to avoid building the body expression, if possible
def __call__(self, exception=True):
# we wrap the result with value(...) as the
# alpha term used by some of the constraints
# may be a parameter
return value(
except (ValueError, TypeError):
if exception:
raise ValueError("one or more terms could not be evaluated")
return None
class quadratic(_ConicBase):
"""A quadratic conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
x[0]^2 + ... + x[n-1]^2 <= r^2,
which is recognized as convex for r >= 0.
r : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x : list[:class:`variable`]
An iterable of variables.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r, x):
super(quadratic, self).__init__()
self._r = r
self._x = tuple(x)
assert isinstance(self._r, IVariable)
assert all(isinstance(xi, IVariable) for xi in self._x)
def as_domain(cls, r, x):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r, block.x) linked to the input arguments
through auxiliary constraints (block.c).
b = block()
b.r = variable(lb=0)
b.x = variable_tuple([variable() for i in range(len(x))])
b.c = _build_linking_constraints([r] + list(x), [b.r] + list(b.x))
b.q = cls(r=b.r, x=b.x)
return b
def r(self):
return self._r
def x(self):
return self._x
# Define the _ConicBase abstract methods
def _body_function(self, r, x):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
return sum(xi**2 for xi in x) - r**2
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
if not values:
return self.r, self.x
return self.r.value, tuple(xi.value for xi in self.x)
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
return (
or (self.r.is_continuous() and all(xi.is_continuous() for xi in self.x))
) and (self.r.has_lb() and value(self.r.lb) >= 0)
class rotated_quadratic(_ConicBase):
"""A rotated quadratic conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
x[0]^2 + ... + x[n-1]^2 <= 2*r1*r2,
which is recognized as convex for r1,r2 >= 0.
r1 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
r2 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x : list[:class:`variable`]
An iterable of variables.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r1, r2, x):
super(rotated_quadratic, self).__init__()
self._r1 = r1
self._r2 = r2
self._x = tuple(x)
assert isinstance(self._r1, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._r2, IVariable)
assert all(isinstance(xi, IVariable) for xi in self._x)
def as_domain(cls, r1, r2, x):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r1, block.r2, block.x) linked to the
input arguments through auxiliary constraints
b = block()
b.r1 = variable(lb=0)
b.r2 = variable(lb=0)
b.x = variable_tuple([variable() for i in range(len(x))])
b.c = _build_linking_constraints([r1, r2] + list(x), [b.r1, b.r2] + list(b.x))
b.q = cls(r1=b.r1, r2=b.r2, x=b.x)
return b
def r1(self):
return self._r1
def r2(self):
return self._r2
def x(self):
return self._x
# Define the _ConicBase abstract methods
def _body_function(self, r1, r2, x):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
return sum(xi**2 for xi in x) - 2 * r1 * r2
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
if not values:
return self.r1, self.r2, self.x
return self.r1.value, self.r2.value, tuple(xi.value for xi in self.x)
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
return (
or (
and self.r2.is_continuous()
and all(xi.is_continuous() for xi in self.x)
and (self.r1.has_lb() and value(self.r1.lb) >= 0)
and (self.r2.has_lb() and value(self.r2.lb) >= 0)
class primal_exponential(_ConicBase):
"""A primal exponential conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
x1*exp(x2/x1) <= r,
which is recognized as convex for x1,r >= 0.
r : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x1 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x2 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r, x1, x2):
super(primal_exponential, self).__init__()
self._r = r
self._x1 = x1
self._x2 = x2
assert isinstance(self._r, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._x1, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._x2, IVariable)
def as_domain(cls, r, x1, x2):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r, block.x1, block.x2) linked to the
input arguments through auxiliary constraints
b = block()
b.r = variable(lb=0)
b.x1 = variable(lb=0)
b.x2 = variable()
b.c = _build_linking_constraints([r, x1, x2], [b.r, b.x1, b.x2])
b.q = cls(r=b.r, x1=b.x1, x2=b.x2)
return b
def r(self):
return self._r
def x1(self):
return self._x1
def x2(self):
return self._x2
# Define the _ConicBase abstract methods
def _body_function(self, r, x1, x2):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
return x1 * exp(x2 / x1) - r
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
if not values:
return self.r, self.x1, self.x2
return self.r.value, self.x1.value, self.x2.value
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
return (
or (
and self.x2.is_continuous()
and self.r.is_continuous()
and (self.x1.has_lb() and value(self.x1.lb) >= 0)
and (self.r.has_lb() and value(self.r.lb) >= 0)
class primal_power(_ConicBase):
"""A primal power conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
sqrt(x[0]^2 + ... + x[n-1]^2) <= (r1^alpha)*(r2^(1-alpha))
which is recognized as convex for r1,r2 >= 0
and 0 < alpha < 1.
r1 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
r2 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x : list[:class:`variable`]
An iterable of variables.
alpha : float, :class:`parameter`, etc.
A constant term.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r1, r2, x, alpha):
super(primal_power, self).__init__()
self._r1 = r1
self._r2 = r2
self._x = tuple(x)
self._alpha = alpha
assert isinstance(self._r1, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._r2, IVariable)
assert all(isinstance(xi, IVariable) for xi in self._x)
if not is_numeric_data(self._alpha):
raise TypeError(
"The type of the alpha parameter of a conic "
"constraint is restricted numeric data or "
"objects that store numeric data."
def as_domain(cls, r1, r2, x, alpha):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r1, block.r2, block.x) linked to the
input arguments through auxiliary constraints
b = block()
b.r1 = variable(lb=0)
b.r2 = variable(lb=0)
b.x = variable_tuple([variable() for i in range(len(x))])
b.c = _build_linking_constraints([r1, r2] + list(x), [b.r1, b.r2] + list(b.x))
b.q = cls(r1=b.r1, r2=b.r2, x=b.x, alpha=alpha)
return b
def r1(self):
return self._r1
def r2(self):
return self._r2
def x(self):
return self._x
def alpha(self):
return self._alpha
# Define the _ConicBase abstract methods
def _body_function(self, r1, r2, x):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
alpha = self.alpha
return (sum(xi**2 for xi in x) ** 0.5) - (r1**alpha) * (r2 ** (1 - alpha))
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
if not values:
return self.r1, self.r2, self.x
return self.r1.value, self.r2.value, tuple(xi.value for xi in self.x)
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
alpha = value(self.alpha, exception=False)
return (
or (
and self.r2.is_continuous()
and all(xi.is_continuous() for xi in self.x)
and (self.r1.has_lb() and value(self.r1.lb) >= 0)
and (self.r2.has_lb() and value(self.r2.lb) >= 0)
and ((alpha is not None) and (0 < alpha < 1))
class primal_geomean(_ConicBase):
"""A primal geometric mean conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
(r[0]*...*r[n-2])^(1/(n-1)) >= |x[n-1]|
r : :class:`variable`
An iterable of variables.
x : :class:`variable`
A scalar variable.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r, x):
super(primal_geomean, self).__init__()
self._r = tuple(r)
self._x = x
assert isinstance(self._x, IVariable)
assert all(isinstance(ri, IVariable) for ri in self._r)
def as_domain(cls, r, x):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r, block.x) linked to the input arguments
through auxiliary constraints (block.c)."""
b = block()
b.r = variable_tuple([variable(lb=0) for i in range(len(r))])
b.x = variable()
b.c = _build_linking_constraints(list(r) + [x], list(b.r) + [b.x])
b.q = cls(r=b.r, x=b.x)
return b
def r(self):
return self._r
def x(self):
return self._x
class dual_exponential(_ConicBase):
"""A dual exponential conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
-x2*exp((x1/x2)-1) <= r
which is recognized as convex for x2 <= 0 and r >= 0.
r : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x1 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x2 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r, x1, x2):
super(dual_exponential, self).__init__()
self._r = r
self._x1 = x1
self._x2 = x2
assert isinstance(self._r, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._x1, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._x2, IVariable)
def as_domain(cls, r, x1, x2):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r, block.x1, block.x2) linked to the
input arguments through auxiliary constraints
b = block()
b.r = variable(lb=0)
b.x1 = variable()
b.x2 = variable(ub=0)
b.c = _build_linking_constraints([r, x1, x2], [b.r, b.x1, b.x2])
b.q = cls(r=b.r, x1=b.x1, x2=b.x2)
return b
def r(self):
return self._r
def x1(self):
return self._x1
def x2(self):
return self._x2
# Define the _ConicBase abstract methods
def _body_function(self, r, x1, x2):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
return -x2 * exp((x1 / x2) - 1) - r
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
if not values:
return self.r, self.x1, self.x2
return self.r.value, self.x1.value, self.x2.value
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
return (
or (
and self.x2.is_continuous()
and self.r.is_continuous()
and (self.x2.has_ub() and value(self.x2.ub) <= 0)
and (self.r.has_lb() and value(self.r.lb) >= 0)
class dual_power(_ConicBase):
"""A dual power conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
sqrt(x[0]^2 + ... + x[n-1]^2)
((r1/alpha)^alpha) * ((r2/(1-alpha))^(1-alpha))
which is recognized as convex for r1,r2 >= 0
and 0 < alpha < 1.
r1 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
r2 : :class:`variable`
A variable.
x : list[:class:`variable`]
An iterable of variables.
alpha : float, :class:`parameter`, etc.
A constant term.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r1, r2, x, alpha):
super(dual_power, self).__init__()
self._r1 = r1
self._r2 = r2
self._x = tuple(x)
self._alpha = alpha
assert isinstance(self._r1, IVariable)
assert isinstance(self._r2, IVariable)
assert all(isinstance(xi, IVariable) for xi in self._x)
if not is_numeric_data(self._alpha):
raise TypeError(
"The type of the alpha parameter of a conic "
"constraint is restricted numeric data or "
"objects that store numeric data."
def as_domain(cls, r1, r2, x, alpha):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r1, block.r2, block.x) linked to the
input arguments through auxiliary constraints
b = block()
b.r1 = variable(lb=0)
b.r2 = variable(lb=0)
b.x = variable_tuple([variable() for i in range(len(x))])
b.c = _build_linking_constraints([r1, r2] + list(x), [b.r1, b.r2] + list(b.x))
b.q = cls(r1=b.r1, r2=b.r2, x=b.x, alpha=alpha)
return b
def r1(self):
return self._r1
def r2(self):
return self._r2
def x(self):
return self._x
def alpha(self):
return self._alpha
# Define the _ConicBase abstract methods
def _body_function(self, r1, r2, x):
"""A function that defines the body expression"""
alpha = self.alpha
return (sum(xi**2 for xi in x) ** 0.5) - ((r1 / alpha) ** alpha) * (
(r2 / (1 - alpha)) ** (1 - alpha)
def _body_function_variables(self, values=False):
"""Returns variables in the order they should be
passed to the body function. If values is True, then
return the current value of each variable in place
of the variables themselves."""
if not values:
return self.r1, self.r2, self.x
return self.r1.value, self.r2.value, tuple(xi.value for xi in self.x)
def check_convexity_conditions(self, relax=False):
"""Returns True if all convexity conditions for the
conic constraint are satisfied. If relax is True,
then variable domains are ignored and it is assumed
that all variables are continuous."""
alpha = value(self.alpha, exception=False)
return (
or (
and self.r2.is_continuous()
and all(xi.is_continuous() for xi in self.x)
and (self.r1.has_lb() and value(self.r1.lb) >= 0)
and (self.r2.has_lb() and value(self.r2.lb) >= 0)
and ((alpha is not None) and (0 < alpha < 1))
class dual_geomean(_ConicBase):
"""A dual geometric mean conic constraint of the form:
.. math::
(n-1)*(r[0]*...*r[n-2])^(1/(n-1)) >= |x[n-1]|
r : :class:`variable`
An iterable of variables.
x : :class:`variable`
A scalar variable.
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self, r, x):
super(dual_geomean, self).__init__()
self._r = tuple(r)
self._x = x
assert isinstance(self._x, IVariable)
assert all(isinstance(ri, IVariable) for ri in self._r)
def as_domain(cls, r, x):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r, block.x) linked to the input arguments
through auxiliary constraints (block.c)."""
b = block()
b.r = variable_tuple([variable(lb=0) for i in range(len(r))])
b.x = variable()
b.c = _build_linking_constraints(list(r) + [x], list(b.r) + [b.x])
b.q = cls(r=b.r, x=b.x)
return b
def r(self):
return self._r
def x(self):
return self._x
class svec_psdcone(_ConicBase):
r"""A domain consisting of vectorizations of the lower-triangular
part of a positive semidefinite matrx, with the non-diagonal
elements additionally rescaled. In other words, if a vector 'x'
of length :math:`n = d(d+1)/2` belongs to this cone, then the matrix:
.. math::
sMat(x) = [\;\;
[& x[1], & x[2]/\sqrt{2}, &...,& x[d]/\sqrt{2} &], \\
[&x[2]/\sqrt{2},& x[d+1], &...,& x[2d-1]/\sqrt{2} &], \\
& & \vdots & & & \\
will be restricted to be a positive-semidefinite matrix.
x : :class:`variable`
An iterable of variables with length :math:`d(d+1)/2`.
__slots__ = ("_parent", "_storage_key", "_active", "_body", "_x", "__weakref__")
def __init__(self, x):
super(svec_psdcone, self).__init__()
self._x = tuple(x)
assert all(isinstance(xi, IVariable) for xi in self._x)
def as_domain(cls, x):
"""Builds a conic domain. Input arguments take the
same form as those of the conic constraint, but in
place of each variable, one can optionally supply a
constant, linear expression, or None.
A block object with the core conic constraint
(block.q) expressed using auxiliary variables
(block.r, block.x) linked to the input arguments
through auxiliary constraints (block.c)."""
b = block()
b.x = variable_tuple([variable() for i in range(len(x))])
b.c = _build_linking_constraints(list(x), list(b.x))
b.q = cls(x=b.x)
return b
def x(self):
return self._x