Source code for pyomo.core.expr.symbol_map

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

[docs] class SymbolMap(object): """ A class for tracking assigned labels for modeling components. Symbol maps are used, for example, when writing problem files for input to an optimizer. Warning: A symbol map should never be pickled. This class is typically constructed by solvers and writers, and it may be owned by models. Note: We should change the API to not use camelcase. Attributes ---------- byObject : dict maps (object id) to (string label) bySymbol : dict maps (string label) to (object) aliases : dict maps (string label) to (object) default_labeler: used to compute a string label from an object """
[docs] def __init__(self, labeler=None): self.byObject = {} self.bySymbol = {} self.aliases = {} self.default_labeler = labeler
class UnknownSymbol: pass def __getstate__(self): # # While we should generally not pickle a SymbolMap, we still # need to implement __getstate__ / __setstate__ so that the # bi-map is correctly duplicated if the object is ever # deepcopied (the id() keys need to be updated to point to the # new model objects) # # Note: byObject and bySymbol constitute a bimap. We only need # to save one of them. # return (self.bySymbol, self.aliases, self.default_labeler) def __setstate__(self, state): self.bySymbol, self.aliases, self.default_labeler = state self.byObject = {id(v): k for k, v in self.bySymbol.items()}
[docs] def addSymbol(self, obj, symb): """ Add a symbol for a given object This method assumes that objects and symbol names will not conflict. """ nSymbols = len(self.byObject) + 1 self.byObject[id(obj)] = symb self.bySymbol[symb] = obj if nSymbols != len(self.bySymbol): raise RuntimeError( "SymbolMap.addSymbol(): duplicate symbol. " "SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state" ) if len(self.byObject) != len(self.bySymbol): raise RuntimeError( "SymbolMap.addSymbol(): duplicate object. " "SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state" )
[docs] def addSymbols(self, obj_symbol_tuples): """ Add (object, symbol) tuples from an iterable object. This method assumes that objects and symbol names will not conflict. """ nSymbols = len(self.bySymbol) for obj, symbol in obj_symbol_tuples: self.byObject[id(obj)] = symbol self.bySymbol[symbol] = obj nSymbols += 1 if nSymbols != len(self.bySymbol): raise RuntimeError( "SymbolMap.addSymbols(): duplicate symbol. " "SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state" ) if len(self.byObject) != len(self.bySymbol): raise RuntimeError( "SymbolMap.addSymbols(): duplicate object. " "SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state" )
[docs] def createSymbol(self, obj, labeler=None, *args): """ Create a symbol for an object with a given labeler. No error checking is done to ensure that the generated symbol name is unique. """ if labeler is None: if self.default_labeler is not None: labeler = self.default_labeler else: labeler = str symbol = labeler(obj, *args) self.addSymbol(obj, symbol) return symbol
[docs] def createSymbols(self, objs, labeler=None, *args): """ Create a symbol for iterable objects with a given labeler. No error checking is done to ensure that the generated symbol names are unique. """ if labeler is None: if self.default_labeler is not None: labeler = self.default_labeler else: labeler = str self.addSymbols((obj, labeler(obj, *args)) for obj in objs)
[docs] def getSymbol(self, obj, labeler=None, *args): """ Return the symbol for an object. If it has not already been cached in the symbol map, then create it. """ obj_id = id(obj) if obj_id in self.byObject: return self.byObject[obj_id] # # Create a new symbol, performing an error check if it is a duplicate # symbol = (labeler or self.default_labeler or str)(obj, *args) if symbol in self.bySymbol: # The labeler can have side-effects, including registering # this symbol in the symbol map if obj is self.bySymbol[symbol]: return symbol raise RuntimeError( "Duplicate symbol '%s' already associated with " "component '%s' (conflicting component: '%s')" % (symbol, self.bySymbol[symbol].name, ) self.bySymbol[symbol] = obj self.byObject[obj_id] = symbol return symbol
[docs] def alias(self, obj, name): """ Create an alias for an object. An aliases are symbols that do not have a one-to-one correspondence with objects. """ if name in self.aliases: # # If the alias exists and the objects are the same, # then return. Otherwise, raise an exception. # old_object = self.aliases[name] if old_object is obj: return else: raise RuntimeError( "Duplicate alias '%s' already associated with " "component '%s' (conflicting component: '%s')" % ( name, "UNKNOWN" if old_object is None else,, ) ) else: # # Add the alias # self.aliases[name] = obj
[docs] def getObject(self, symbol): """ Return the object corresponding to a symbol """ if symbol in self.bySymbol: return self.bySymbol[symbol] elif symbol in self.aliases: return self.aliases[symbol] else: return SymbolMap.UnknownSymbol
def removeSymbol(self, obj): symb = self.byObject.pop(id(obj)) self.bySymbol.pop(symb)