# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
class SymbolMap(object):
A class for tracking assigned labels for modeling components.
Symbol maps are used, for example, when writing problem files for
input to an optimizer.
A symbol map should never be pickled. This class is
typically constructed by solvers and writers, and it may be
owned by models.
We should change the API to not use camelcase.
byObject : dict
maps (object id) to (string label)
bySymbol : dict
maps (string label) to (object)
aliases : dict
maps (string label) to (object)
used to compute a string label from an object
def __init__(self, labeler=None):
self.byObject = {}
self.bySymbol = {}
self.aliases = {}
self.default_labeler = labeler
class UnknownSymbol:
def __getstate__(self):
# While we should generally not pickle a SymbolMap, we still
# need to implement __getstate__ / __setstate__ so that the
# bi-map is correctly duplicated if the object is ever
# deepcopied (the id() keys need to be updated to point to the
# new model objects)
# Note: byObject and bySymbol constitute a bimap. We only need
# to save one of them.
return (self.bySymbol, self.aliases, self.default_labeler)
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.bySymbol, self.aliases, self.default_labeler = state
self.byObject = {id(v): k for k, v in self.bySymbol.items()}
def addSymbol(self, obj, symb):
Add a symbol for a given object
This method assumes that objects and symbol names will not conflict.
nSymbols = len(self.byObject) + 1
self.byObject[id(obj)] = symb
self.bySymbol[symb] = obj
if nSymbols != len(self.bySymbol):
raise RuntimeError(
"SymbolMap.addSymbol(): duplicate symbol. "
"SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state"
if len(self.byObject) != len(self.bySymbol):
raise RuntimeError(
"SymbolMap.addSymbol(): duplicate object. "
"SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state"
def addSymbols(self, obj_symbol_tuples):
Add (object, symbol) tuples from an iterable object.
This method assumes that objects and symbol names will not conflict.
nSymbols = len(self.bySymbol)
for obj, symbol in obj_symbol_tuples:
self.byObject[id(obj)] = symbol
self.bySymbol[symbol] = obj
nSymbols += 1
if nSymbols != len(self.bySymbol):
raise RuntimeError(
"SymbolMap.addSymbols(): duplicate symbol. "
"SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state"
if len(self.byObject) != len(self.bySymbol):
raise RuntimeError(
"SymbolMap.addSymbols(): duplicate object. "
"SymbolMap likely in an inconsistent state"
def createSymbol(self, obj, labeler=None, *args):
Create a symbol for an object with a given labeler. No
error checking is done to ensure that the generated symbol
name is unique.
if labeler is None:
if self.default_labeler is not None:
labeler = self.default_labeler
labeler = str
symbol = labeler(obj, *args)
self.addSymbol(obj, symbol)
return symbol
def createSymbols(self, objs, labeler=None, *args):
Create a symbol for iterable objects with a given labeler. No
error checking is done to ensure that the generated symbol
names are unique.
if labeler is None:
if self.default_labeler is not None:
labeler = self.default_labeler
labeler = str
self.addSymbols((obj, labeler(obj, *args)) for obj in objs)
def getSymbol(self, obj, labeler=None, *args):
Return the symbol for an object. If it has not already been cached
in the symbol map, then create it.
obj_id = id(obj)
if obj_id in self.byObject:
return self.byObject[obj_id]
# Create a new symbol, performing an error check if it is a duplicate
symbol = (labeler or self.default_labeler or str)(obj, *args)
if symbol in self.bySymbol:
# The labeler can have side-effects, including registering
# this symbol in the symbol map
if obj is self.bySymbol[symbol]:
return symbol
raise RuntimeError(
"Duplicate symbol '%s' already associated with "
"component '%s' (conflicting component: '%s')"
% (symbol, self.bySymbol[symbol].name, obj.name)
self.bySymbol[symbol] = obj
self.byObject[obj_id] = symbol
return symbol
def alias(self, obj, name):
Create an alias for an object. An aliases are symbols that
do not have a one-to-one correspondence with objects.
if name in self.aliases:
# If the alias exists and the objects are the same,
# then return. Otherwise, raise an exception.
old_object = self.aliases[name]
if old_object is obj:
raise RuntimeError(
"Duplicate alias '%s' already associated with "
"component '%s' (conflicting component: '%s')"
% (
"UNKNOWN" if old_object is None else old_object.name,
# Add the alias
self.aliases[name] = obj
def getObject(self, symbol):
Return the object corresponding to a symbol
if symbol in self.bySymbol:
return self.bySymbol[symbol]
elif symbol in self.aliases:
return self.aliases[symbol]
return SymbolMap.UnknownSymbol
def removeSymbol(self, obj):
symb = self.byObject.pop(id(obj))