# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from .base import (
from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu, LinearOperator
from scipy.linalg import eigvals
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_csc, spmatrix
from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse import BlockVector, BlockMatrix
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional, Callable
class ScipyLU(DirectLinearSolverInterface):
def __init__(self):
self._lu = None
def do_symbolic_factorization(
self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix], raise_on_error: bool = True
) -> LinearSolverResults:
res = LinearSolverResults()
res.status = LinearSolverStatus.successful
return res
def do_numeric_factorization(
self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix], raise_on_error: bool = True
) -> LinearSolverResults:
if not isspmatrix_csc(matrix):
matrix = matrix.tocsc()
res = LinearSolverResults()
self._lu = splu(matrix)
res.status = LinearSolverStatus.successful
except RuntimeError as err:
if raise_on_error:
raise err
if "Factor is exactly singular" in str(err):
res.status = LinearSolverStatus.singular
res.status = LinearSolverStatus.error
return res
def do_back_solve(
self, rhs: Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector], raise_on_error: bool = True
) -> Tuple[Optional[Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector]], LinearSolverResults]:
if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector):
_rhs = rhs.flatten()
_rhs = rhs
result = self._lu.solve(_rhs)
if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector):
_result = rhs.copy_structure()
result = _result
return result, LinearSolverResults(LinearSolverStatus.successful)
class _LinearOperator(LinearOperator):
def __init__(self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix]):
self._matrix = matrix
shape = self._matrix.shape
dtype = self._matrix.dtype
super(_LinearOperator, self).__init__(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
def _matvec(self, x):
return self._matrix * x
def _adjoint(self):
return _LinearOperator(self._matrix.transpose())
class ScipyIterative(LinearSolverInterface):
def __init__(self, method: Callable, options=None):
self.method = method
if options is None:
self.options = dict()
self.options = dict(options)
def solve(
matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix],
rhs: Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector],
raise_on_error: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[Optional[Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector]], LinearSolverResults]:
# eventually, we will want to remove the .tocoo(), but we would have to first
# figure out how to deal with np.asarray for BlockVector and MPIBlockVector
# np.asarray is used on rhs within the scipy iterative solvers
linear_operator = _LinearOperator(matrix.tocoo())
if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector):
_rhs = rhs.flatten()
_rhs = rhs
result, info = self.method(linear_operator, _rhs, **self.options)
if info == 0:
stat = LinearSolverStatus.successful
stat = LinearSolverStatus.error
if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector):
_result = rhs.copy_structure()
result = _result
return result, LinearSolverResults(stat)