Source code for pyomo.contrib.pynumero.linalg.mumps_interface

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_coo, coo_matrix, tril, spmatrix
import numpy as np
from .base import DirectLinearSolverInterface, LinearSolverResults, LinearSolverStatus
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional

from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import

mumps, mumps_available = attempt_import(
    error_message="Error importing mumps. PyNumero's "
    "mumps_interface requires pymumps; install it with, e.g., "
    "'conda install -c conda-forge pymumps'",

from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse import BlockVector, BlockMatrix

[docs] class MumpsCentralizedAssembledLinearSolver(DirectLinearSolverInterface): """ A thin wrapper around pymumps which uses the centralized assembled matrix format. In other words ICNTL(5) = 0 and ICNTL(18) = 0. Solve matrix * x = rhs for x. See the Mumps documentation for descriptions of the parameters. The section numbers listed below refer to the Mumps documentation for version 5.2.1. Parameters ---------- sym: int, optional See section 5.2.1 of the Mumps documentation par: int, optional See section 5.1.3 comm: mpi4py comm, optional See section 5.1.3 cntl_options: dict, optional See section 6.2 icntl_options: dict, optional See section 6.1 """
[docs] def __init__(self, sym=0, par=1, comm=None, cntl_options=None, icntl_options=None): self._nnz = None self._dim = None self._mumps = None self._mumps = mumps.DMumpsContext(sym=sym, par=par, comm=comm) self._mumps.set_silent() self._icntl_options = dict() self._cntl_options = dict() self._sym = sym if cntl_options is None: cntl_options = dict() if icntl_options is None: icntl_options = dict() for k, v in cntl_options.items(): self.set_cntl(k, v) for k, v in icntl_options.items(): self.set_icntl(k, v) self._prev_allocation = None
def _init(self): """ The purpose of this method is to address issue #12 from pymumps """ self._mumps.set_silent() for k, v in self._cntl_options.items(): self.set_cntl(k, v) for k, v in self._icntl_options.items(): self.set_icntl(k, v)
[docs] def do_symbolic_factorization( self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix], raise_on_error: bool = True ) -> LinearSolverResults: """ Perform Mumps analysis. Parameters ---------- matrix: scipy.sparse.spmatrix or pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.BlockMatrix This matrix must have the same nonzero structure as the matrix passed into do_numeric_factorization. The matrix will be converted to coo format if it is not already in coo format. If sym is 1 or 2, the matrix will be converted to lower triangular. """ self._init() if not isspmatrix_coo(matrix): matrix = matrix.tocoo() if self._sym in {1, 2}: matrix = tril(matrix) nrows, ncols = matrix.shape if nrows != ncols: raise ValueError('matrix is not square') self._dim = nrows self._nnz = matrix.nnz try: self._mumps.set_shape(nrows) self._mumps.set_centralized_assembled_rows_cols( matrix.row + 1, matrix.col + 1 ) self._prev_allocation = max(self.get_infog(16), self.get_icntl(23)) # INFOG(16) is the Mumps estimate for memory usage; ICNTL(23) # is the override used in increase_memory_allocation. Both are # already rounded to MB, so neither should every be negative. except RuntimeError as err: if raise_on_error: raise err stat = self.get_infog(1) res = LinearSolverResults() if stat == 0: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.successful elif stat in {-6, -10}: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.singular elif stat < 0: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.error else: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.warning return res
[docs] def do_numeric_factorization( self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix], raise_on_error: bool = True ) -> LinearSolverResults: """ Perform Mumps factorization. Note that do_symbolic_factorization should be called before do_numeric_factorization. Parameters ---------- matrix: scipy.sparse.spmatrix or pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.BlockMatrix This matrix must have the same nonzero structure as the matrix passed into do_symbolic_factorization. The matrix will be converted to coo format if it is not already in coo format. If sym is 1 or 2, the matrix will be converted to lower triangular. """ if self._nnz is None: raise RuntimeError('Call do_symbolic_factorization first.') if not isspmatrix_coo(matrix): matrix = matrix.tocoo() if self._sym in {1, 2}: matrix = tril(matrix) nrows, ncols = matrix.shape if nrows != ncols: raise ValueError('matrix is not square') if self._dim != nrows: raise ValueError( 'The shape of the matrix changed between symbolic and numeric factorization' ) if self._nnz != matrix.nnz: raise ValueError( 'The number of nonzeros changed between symbolic and numeric factorization' ) try: self._mumps.set_centralized_assembled_values( except RuntimeError as err: if raise_on_error: raise err stat = self.get_infog(1) res = LinearSolverResults() if stat == 0: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.successful elif stat in {-6, -10}: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.singular elif stat in {-8, -9, -19}: # -8: Integer workspace too small for factorization # -9: Real workspace too small for factorization # -19: Maximum size of working memory is too small res.status = LinearSolverStatus.not_enough_memory elif stat < 0: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.error else: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.warning return res
[docs] def do_back_solve( self, rhs: Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector], raise_on_error: bool = True ) -> Tuple[Optional[Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector]], LinearSolverResults]: """ Perform back solve with Mumps. Note that both do_symbolic_factorization and do_numeric_factorization should be called before do_back_solve. Parameters ---------- rhs: numpy.ndarray or pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.BlockVector The right hand side in matrix * x = rhs. Returns ------- result: numpy.ndarray or pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.BlockVector The x in matrix * x = rhs. If rhs is a BlockVector, then, result will be a BlockVector with the same block structure as rhs. """ if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector): _rhs = rhs.flatten() result = _rhs else: result = rhs.copy() self._mumps.set_rhs(result) if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector): _result = rhs.copy_structure() _result.copyfrom(result) result = _result return result, LinearSolverResults(LinearSolverStatus.successful)
def increase_memory_allocation(self, factor): # info(16) is rounded to the nearest MB, so it could be zero if self._prev_allocation == 0: new_allocation = 1 else: new_allocation = int(factor * self._prev_allocation) # Here I set the memory allocation directly instead of increasing # the "percent-increase-from-predicted" parameter ICNTL(14) self.set_icntl(23, new_allocation) self._prev_allocation = new_allocation return new_allocation def __del__(self): if getattr(self, '_mumps', None) is not None: self._mumps.destroy() def set_icntl(self, key, value): self._icntl_options[key] = value self._mumps.set_icntl(key, value) def set_cntl(self, key, value): self._cntl_options[key] = value[key - 1] = value def get_icntl(self, key): return[key - 1] def get_cntl(self, key): return[key - 1] def get_info(self, key): return[key - 1] def get_infog(self, key): return[key - 1] def get_rinfo(self, key): return[key - 1] def get_rinfog(self, key): return[key - 1]