Source code for pyomo.contrib.pynumero.linalg.ma27_interface

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from .base import DirectLinearSolverInterface, LinearSolverStatus, LinearSolverResults
from .ma27 import MA27Interface
from scipy.sparse import isspmatrix_coo, tril, spmatrix
from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse import BlockVector, BlockMatrix
from typing import Union, Tuple, Optional
import numpy as np

[docs] class MA27(DirectLinearSolverInterface):
[docs] def __init__( self, cntl_options=None, icntl_options=None, iw_factor=1.2, a_factor=2 ): self._ma27 = MA27Interface(iw_factor=iw_factor, a_factor=a_factor) if cntl_options is None: cntl_options = dict() if icntl_options is None: icntl_options = dict() for k, v in cntl_options.items(): self.set_cntl(k, v) for k, v in icntl_options.items(): self.set_icntl(k, v) self._dim = None
def do_symbolic_factorization( self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix], raise_on_error: bool = True ) -> LinearSolverResults: if not isspmatrix_coo(matrix): matrix = matrix.tocoo() matrix = tril(matrix) nrows, ncols = matrix.shape if nrows != ncols: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square") self._dim = nrows stat = self._ma27.do_symbolic_factorization( dim=self._dim, irn=matrix.row, icn=matrix.col ) res = LinearSolverResults() if stat == 0: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.successful else: if raise_on_error: raise RuntimeError( "Symbolic factorization was not successful; return code: " + str(stat) ) if stat in {-3, -4}: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.not_enough_memory elif stat in {-5, 3}: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.singular else: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.error return res def do_numeric_factorization( self, matrix: Union[spmatrix, BlockMatrix], raise_on_error: bool = True ) -> LinearSolverResults: if not isspmatrix_coo(matrix): matrix = matrix.tocoo() matrix = tril(matrix) nrows, ncols = matrix.shape if nrows != ncols: raise ValueError("Matrix must be square") if nrows != self._dim: raise ValueError( "Matrix dimensions do not match the dimensions of " "the matrix used for symbolic factorization" ) stat = self._ma27.do_numeric_factorization( irn=matrix.row, icn=matrix.col, dim=self._dim, ) res = LinearSolverResults() if stat == 0: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.successful else: if raise_on_error: raise RuntimeError( "Numeric factorization was not successful; return code: " + str(stat) ) if stat in {-3, -4}: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.not_enough_memory elif stat in {-5, 3}: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.singular else: res.status = LinearSolverStatus.error return res def do_back_solve( self, rhs: Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector], raise_on_error: bool = True ) -> Tuple[Optional[Union[np.ndarray, BlockVector]], LinearSolverResults]: if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector): _rhs = rhs.flatten() result = _rhs else: result = rhs.copy() result = self._ma27.do_backsolve(result, copy=False) if isinstance(rhs, BlockVector): _result = rhs.copy_structure() _result.copyfrom(result) result = _result return result, LinearSolverResults(LinearSolverStatus.successful) def increase_memory_allocation(self, factor): self._ma27.iw_factor *= factor self._ma27.a_factor *= factor def set_icntl(self, key, value): self._ma27.set_icntl(key, value) def set_cntl(self, key, value): self._ma27.set_cntl(key, value) def get_icntl(self, key): return self._ma27.get_icntl(key) def get_cntl(self, key): return self._ma27.get_cntl(key) def get_info(self, key): return self._ma27.get_info(key)