# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
This module defines the classes that provide an NLP interface based on
the Ampl Solver Library (ASL) implementation
import pyomo.contrib.pynumero.asl as _asl
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
'Error importing asl.'
'Make sure libpynumero_ASL is installed and added to path.'
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import os
import numpy as np
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.nlp import ExtendedNLP
# TODO: need to add support for modifying bounds.
# support for changing variable bounds seems possible.
# support for changing inequality bounds would require more work. (this is less frequent?)
# TODO: check performance impacts of caching - memory and computational time.
# TODO: only create and cache data for ExtendedNLP methods if they are ever asked for
# TODO: There are todos in the code below
class AslNLP(ExtendedNLP):
def __init__(self, nl_file):
Base class for NLP classes based on the Ampl Solver Library and
NL files.
nl_file : string
filename of the NL-file containing the model
super(AslNLP, self).__init__()
# nl file
self._nl_file = nl_file
# initialize the ampl interface
self._asl = _asl.AmplInterface(self._nl_file)
# collect the NLP structure and key data
# create vectors to store the values for the primals and the duals
# TODO: Check if we should initialize these to zero or from the init values
self._primals = self._init_primals.copy()
self._duals_full = self._init_duals_full.copy()
self._duals_eq = self._init_duals_eq.copy()
self._duals_ineq = self._init_duals_ineq.copy()
self._obj_factor = 1.0
self._cached_objective = None
self._cached_grad_objective = self.create_new_vector('primals')
self._cached_con_full = np.zeros(self._n_con_full, dtype=np.float64)
self._cached_jac_full = coo_matrix(
np.zeros(self._nnz_jac_full, dtype=np.float64),
(self._irows_jac_full, self._jcols_jac_full),
shape=(self._n_con_full, self._n_primals),
# these are only being cached for quicker copy of the matrix with the nonzero structure
# TODO: only create these caches if the ExtendedNLP methods are asked for?
self._cached_jac_eq = coo_matrix(
np.zeros(self._nnz_jac_eq, dtype=np.float64),
(self._irows_jac_eq, self._jcols_jac_eq),
shape=(self._n_con_eq, self._n_primals),
self._cached_jac_ineq = coo_matrix(
(self._irows_jac_ineq, self._jcols_jac_ineq),
shape=(self._n_con_ineq, self._n_primals),
self._cached_hessian_lag = coo_matrix(
np.zeros(self._nnz_hessian_lag, dtype=np.float64),
(self._irows_hess, self._jcols_hess),
shape=(self._n_primals, self._n_primals),
def _invalidate_primals_cache(self):
self._objective_is_cached = False
self._grad_objective_is_cached = False
self._con_full_is_cached = False
self._jac_full_is_cached = False
self._hessian_lag_is_cached = False
def _invalidate_duals_cache(self):
self._hessian_lag_is_cached = False
def _invalidate_obj_factor_cache(self):
self._hessian_lag_is_cached = False
def _collect_nlp_structure(self):
Collect characteristics of the NLP from the ASL interface
# get the problem dimensions
self._n_primals = self._asl.get_n_vars()
self._n_con_full = self._asl.get_n_constraints()
self._nnz_jac_full = self._asl.get_nnz_jac_g()
self._nnz_hess_lag_lower = self._asl.get_nnz_hessian_lag()
# get the initial values for the primals
self._init_primals = np.zeros(self._n_primals, dtype=np.float64)
self._init_duals_full = np.zeros(self._n_con_full, dtype=np.float64)
self._init_primals.flags.writeable = False
self._init_duals_full.flags.writeable = False
# get the bounds on the primal variables
self._primals_lb = np.zeros(self._n_primals, dtype=np.float64)
self._primals_ub = np.zeros(self._n_primals, dtype=np.float64)
self._primals_lb.flags.writeable = False
self._primals_ub.flags.writeable = False
# get the bounds on the constraints (equality and
# inequality are mixed in the ampl solver library)
self._con_full_lb = np.zeros(self._n_con_full, dtype=np.float64)
self._con_full_ub = np.zeros(self._n_con_full, dtype=np.float64)
# check to make sure there are no crossed bounds
bounds_difference = self._primals_ub - self._primals_lb
if np.any(bounds_difference < 0):
print(np.where(bounds_difference < 0))
raise RuntimeError(
"Some variables have lower bounds that are greater than the upper bounds."
# Build the maps for converting from the full constraint
# vector (which includes all equality and inequality constraints)
# to separate vectors of equality and inequality constraints.
# get the values for the lower and upper bounds on the
# inequalities (extracted from con_full)
self._con_ineq_lb = np.compress(self._con_full_ineq_mask, self._con_full_lb)
self._con_ineq_ub = np.compress(self._con_full_ineq_mask, self._con_full_ub)
self._con_ineq_lb.flags.writeable = False
self._con_ineq_ub.flags.writeable = False
# get the initial values for the dual variables
self._init_duals_eq = np.compress(self._con_full_eq_mask, self._init_duals_full)
self._init_duals_ineq = np.compress(
self._con_full_ineq_mask, self._init_duals_full
self._init_duals_eq.flags.writeable = False
self._init_duals_ineq.flags.writeable = False
# TODO: Should we be doing this or not?
# adjust the rhs to be 0 for equality constraints (in both full and eq)
self._con_full_rhs = self._con_full_ub.copy()
# set the rhs to zero for the inequality constraints (will use lb, ub)
self._con_full_rhs[~self._con_full_eq_mask] = 0.0
# change the upper and lower bounds to zero for equality constraints
self._con_full_lb[self._con_full_eq_mask] = 0.0
self._con_full_ub[self._con_full_eq_mask] = 0.0
self._con_full_lb.flags.writeable = False
self._con_full_ub.flags.writeable = False
# set number of equatity and inequality constraints from maps
self._n_con_eq = len(self._con_eq_full_map)
self._n_con_ineq = len(self._con_ineq_full_map)
# populate jacobian structure
self._irows_jac_full = np.zeros(self._nnz_jac_full, dtype=np.intc)
self._jcols_jac_full = np.zeros(self._nnz_jac_full, dtype=np.intc)
self._asl.struct_jac_g(self._irows_jac_full, self._jcols_jac_full)
self._irows_jac_full -= 1
self._jcols_jac_full -= 1
self._irows_jac_full.flags.writeable = False
self._jcols_jac_full.flags.writeable = False
self._nz_con_full_eq_mask = np.isin(self._irows_jac_full, self._con_eq_full_map)
self._nz_con_full_ineq_mask = np.logical_not(self._nz_con_full_eq_mask)
self._irows_jac_eq = np.compress(
self._nz_con_full_eq_mask, self._irows_jac_full
self._jcols_jac_eq = np.compress(
self._nz_con_full_eq_mask, self._jcols_jac_full
self._irows_jac_ineq = np.compress(
self._nz_con_full_ineq_mask, self._irows_jac_full
self._jcols_jac_ineq = np.compress(
self._nz_con_full_ineq_mask, self._jcols_jac_full
self._nnz_jac_eq = len(self._irows_jac_eq)
self._nnz_jac_ineq = len(self._irows_jac_ineq)
# this is expensive but only done once - can we do this with numpy somehow?
self._con_full_eq_map = full_eq_map = {
self._con_eq_full_map[i]: i for i in range(self._n_con_eq)
for i, v in enumerate(self._irows_jac_eq):
self._irows_jac_eq[i] = full_eq_map[v]
self._con_full_ineq_map = full_ineq_map = {
self._con_ineq_full_map[i]: i for i in range(self._n_con_ineq)
for i, v in enumerate(self._irows_jac_ineq):
self._irows_jac_ineq[i] = full_ineq_map[v]
self._irows_jac_eq.flags.writeable = False
self._jcols_jac_eq.flags.writeable = False
self._irows_jac_ineq.flags.writeable = False
self._jcols_jac_ineq.flags.writeable = False
# set nnz for equality and inequality jacobian
self._nnz_jac_eq = len(self._jcols_jac_eq)
self._nnz_jac_ineq = len(self._jcols_jac_ineq)
# populate hessian structure (lower triangular)
self._irows_hess = np.zeros(self._nnz_hess_lag_lower, dtype=np.intc)
self._jcols_hess = np.zeros(self._nnz_hess_lag_lower, dtype=np.intc)
self._asl.struct_hes_lag(self._irows_hess, self._jcols_hess)
self._irows_hess -= 1
self._jcols_hess -= 1
# rework hessian to full matrix (lower and upper)
diff = self._irows_hess - self._jcols_hess
self._lower_hess_mask = np.where(diff != 0)
lower = self._lower_hess_mask
self._irows_hess = np.concatenate((self._irows_hess, self._jcols_hess[lower]))
self._jcols_hess = np.concatenate((self._jcols_hess, self._irows_hess[lower]))
self._nnz_hessian_lag = self._irows_hess.size
self._irows_hess.flags.writeable = False
self._jcols_hess.flags.writeable = False
def _build_constraint_maps(self):
"""Creates internal maps and masks that convert from the full
vector of constraints (the vector that includes all equality
and inequality constraints combined) to separate vectors that
include the equality and inequality constraints only.
# check the bounds on the constraints for crossing
bounds_difference = self._con_full_ub - self._con_full_lb
inconsistent_bounds = np.any(bounds_difference < 0.0)
if inconsistent_bounds:
raise RuntimeError(
"Bounds on range constraints found with upper bounds set below the lower bounds."
# build maps from con_full to con_eq and con_ineq
abs_bounds_difference = np.absolute(bounds_difference)
tolerance_equalities = 1e-8
self._con_full_eq_mask = abs_bounds_difference < tolerance_equalities
self._con_eq_full_map = self._con_full_eq_mask.nonzero()[0]
self._con_full_ineq_mask = abs_bounds_difference >= tolerance_equalities
self._con_ineq_full_map = self._con_full_ineq_mask.nonzero()[0]
self._con_full_eq_mask.flags.writeable = False
self._con_eq_full_map.flags.writeable = False
self._con_full_ineq_mask.flags.writeable = False
self._con_ineq_full_map.flags.writeable = False
# these do not appear to be used anywhere - keeping the logic for now
#TODO: Can we simplify this logic?
con_full_fulllb_mask = np.isfinite(self._con_full_lb) * self._con_full_ineq_mask + self._con_full_eq_mask
con_fulllb_full_map = con_full_fulllb_mask.nonzero()[0]
con_full_fullub_mask = np.isfinite(self._con_full_ub) * self._con_full_ineq_mask + self._con_full_eq_mask
con_fullub_full_map = con_full_fullub_mask.nonzero()[0]
self._ineq_lb_mask = np.isin(self._ineq_g_map, lb_g_map)
self._lb_ineq_map = np.where(self._ineq_lb_mask)[0]
self._ineq_ub_mask = np.isin(self._ineq_g_map, ub_g_map)
self._ub_ineq_map = np.where(self._ineq_ub_mask)[0]
self._ineq_lb_mask.flags.writeable = False
self._lb_ineq_map.flags.writeable = False
self._ineq_ub_mask.flags.writeable = False
self._ub_ineq_map.flags.writeable = False
# overloaded from NLP
def n_primals(self):
return self._n_primals
# overloaded from NLP
def n_constraints(self):
return self._n_con_full
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def n_eq_constraints(self):
return self._n_con_eq
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def n_ineq_constraints(self):
return self._n_con_ineq
# overloaded from NLP
def nnz_jacobian(self):
return self._nnz_jac_full
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def nnz_jacobian_eq(self):
return self._nnz_jac_eq
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def nnz_jacobian_ineq(self):
return self._nnz_jac_ineq
# overloaded from NLP
def nnz_hessian_lag(self):
return self._nnz_hessian_lag
# overloaded from NLP
def primals_lb(self):
return self._primals_lb
# overloaded from NLP
def primals_ub(self):
return self._primals_ub
# overloaded from NLP
def constraints_lb(self):
return self._con_full_lb
# overloaded from NLP
def constraints_ub(self):
return self._con_full_ub
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def ineq_lb(self):
return self._con_ineq_lb
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def ineq_ub(self):
return self._con_ineq_ub
# overloaded from NLP
def init_primals(self):
return self._init_primals
# overloaded from NLP
def init_duals(self):
return self._init_duals_full
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def init_duals_eq(self):
return self._init_duals_eq
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def init_duals_ineq(self):
return self._init_duals_ineq
# overloaded from NLP / Extended NLP
def create_new_vector(self, vector_type):
Creates a vector of the appropriate length and structure as
vector_type: {'primals', 'constraints', 'eq_constraints', 'ineq_constraints',
'duals', 'duals_eq', 'duals_ineq'}
String identifying the appropriate vector to create.
if vector_type == 'primals':
return np.zeros(self.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
elif vector_type == 'constraints' or vector_type == 'duals':
return np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
elif vector_type == 'eq_constraints' or vector_type == 'duals_eq':
return np.zeros(self.n_eq_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
elif vector_type == 'ineq_constraints' or vector_type == 'duals_ineq':
return np.zeros(self.n_ineq_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
raise RuntimeError('Called create_new_vector with an unknown vector_type')
# overloaded from NLP
def set_primals(self, primals):
np.copyto(self._primals, primals)
# overloaded from NLP
def get_primals(self):
return self._primals.copy()
# overloaded from NLP
def set_duals(self, duals):
np.copyto(self._duals_full, duals)
# keep the separated duals up to date just in case
np.compress(self._con_full_eq_mask, self._duals_full, out=self._duals_eq)
np.compress(self._con_full_ineq_mask, self._duals_full, out=self._duals_ineq)
# overloaded from NLP
def get_duals(self):
return self._duals_full.copy()
# overloaded from NLP
def set_obj_factor(self, obj_factor):
self._obj_factor = obj_factor
# overloaded from NLP
def get_obj_factor(self):
return self._obj_factor
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def set_duals_eq(self, duals_eq):
np.copyto(self._duals_eq, duals_eq)
# keep duals_full up to date just in case
self._duals_full[self._con_full_eq_mask] = self._duals_eq
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def get_duals_eq(self):
return self._duals_eq.copy()
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def set_duals_ineq(self, duals_ineq):
np.copyto(self._duals_ineq, duals_ineq)
# keep duals_full up to date just in case
self._duals_full[self._con_full_ineq_mask] = self._duals_ineq
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def get_duals_ineq(self):
return self._duals_ineq.copy()
# overloaded from NLP
def get_obj_scaling(self):
return None
# overloaded from NLP - derived classes may implement
def get_primals_scaling(self):
return None
# overloaded from NLP - derived classes may implement
def get_constraints_scaling(self):
return None
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def get_eq_constraints_scaling(self):
constraints_scaling = self.get_constraints_scaling()
if constraints_scaling is not None:
return np.compress(self._con_full_eq_mask, constraints_scaling)
return None
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def get_ineq_constraints_scaling(self):
constraints_scaling = self.get_constraints_scaling()
if constraints_scaling is not None:
return np.compress(self._con_full_ineq_mask, constraints_scaling)
return None
def _evaluate_objective_and_cache_if_necessary(self):
if not self._objective_is_cached:
self._cached_objective = self._asl.eval_f(self._primals)
self._objective_is_cached = True
# overloaded from NLP
def evaluate_objective(self):
return self._cached_objective
# overloaded from NLP
def evaluate_grad_objective(self, out=None):
if not self._grad_objective_is_cached:
self._asl.eval_deriv_f(self._primals, self._cached_grad_objective)
self._grad_objective_is_cached = True
if out is not None:
if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.size != self._n_primals:
raise RuntimeError(
'Called evaluate_grad_objective with an invalid "out" argument - should take an ndarray of size {}'.format(
np.copyto(out, self._cached_grad_objective)
return out
return self._cached_grad_objective.copy()
def _evaluate_constraints_and_cache_if_necessary(self):
# ASL computes the full constraint vector, therefore, we merge
# this computation into one
if not self._con_full_is_cached:
self._asl.eval_g(self._primals, self._cached_con_full)
self._cached_con_full -= self._con_full_rhs
self._con_full_is_cached = True
# overloaded from NLP
def evaluate_constraints(self, out=None):
if out is not None:
if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.size != self._n_con_full:
raise RuntimeError(
'Called evaluate_constraints with an invalid'
' "out" argument - should take an ndarray of '
'size {}'.format(self._n_con_full)
np.copyto(out, self._cached_con_full)
return out
return self._cached_con_full.copy()
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def evaluate_eq_constraints(self, out=None):
if out is not None:
if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.size != self._n_con_eq:
raise RuntimeError(
'Called evaluate_eq_constraints with an invalid'
' "out" argument - should take an ndarray of '
'size {}'.format(self._n_con_eq)
self._cached_con_full.compress(self._con_full_eq_mask, out=out)
return out
return self._cached_con_full.compress(self._con_full_eq_mask)
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def evaluate_ineq_constraints(self, out=None):
if out is not None:
if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray) or out.size != self._n_con_ineq:
raise RuntimeError(
'Called evaluate_ineq_constraints with an invalid'
' "out" argument - should take an ndarray of '
'size {}'.format(self._n_con_ineq)
self._cached_con_full.compress(self._con_full_ineq_mask, out=out)
return out
return self._cached_con_full.compress(self._con_full_ineq_mask)
def _evaluate_jacobians_and_cache_if_necessary(self):
# ASL computes the jacobian for the full constraints, therefore, we merge
# this computation into one
if not self._jac_full_is_cached:
self._asl.eval_jac_g(self._primals, self._cached_jac_full.data)
self._jac_full_is_cached = True
# overloaded from NLP
def evaluate_jacobian(self, out=None):
if out is not None:
if (
not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
or out.shape[0] != self._n_con_full
or out.shape[1] != self._n_primals
or out.nnz != self._nnz_jac_full
raise RuntimeError(
'evaluate_jacobian called with an "out" argument'
' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'.format(
self._n_con_full, self._n_primals, self._nnz_jac_full
np.copyto(out.data, self._cached_jac_full.data)
return out
return self._cached_jac_full.copy()
# overloaded from ExtendedNLP
def evaluate_jacobian_eq(self, out=None):
if out is not None:
if (
not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
or out.shape[0] != self._n_con_eq
or out.shape[1] != self._n_primals
or out.nnz != self._nnz_jac_eq
raise RuntimeError(
'evaluate_jacobian_eq called with an "out" argument'
' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'.format(
self._n_con_eq, self._n_primals, self._nnz_jac_eq
self._cached_jac_full.data.compress(self._nz_con_full_eq_mask, out=out.data)
return out
self._nz_con_full_eq_mask, out=self._cached_jac_eq.data
return self._cached_jac_eq.copy()
# overloaded from NLP
def evaluate_jacobian_ineq(self, out=None):
if out is not None:
if (
not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
or out.shape[0] != self._n_con_ineq
or out.shape[1] != self._n_primals
or out.nnz != self._nnz_jac_ineq
raise RuntimeError(
'evaluate_jacobian_ineq called with an "out" argument'
' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'.format(
self._n_con_ineq, self._n_primals, self._nnz_jac_ineq
self._nz_con_full_ineq_mask, out=out.data
return out
self._nz_con_full_ineq_mask, out=self._cached_jac_ineq.data
return self._cached_jac_ineq.copy()
def evaluate_hessian_lag(self, out=None):
if not self._hessian_lag_is_cached:
# evaluating the hessian requires that we have first
# evaluated the objective and the constraints
# get the hessian
data = np.zeros(self._nnz_hess_lag_lower, np.float64)
self._primals, self._duals_full, data, obj_factor=self._obj_factor
values = np.concatenate((data, data[self._lower_hess_mask]))
# note: this was done to ensure that scipy did not change
# the structure of a sparse matrix if one of the nonzeros
# happened to be zero.
# CDL: I am removing this for now to see if it is necessary
# values += 1e-16 # this is to deal with scipy bug temporarily
np.copyto(self._cached_hessian_lag.data, values)
self._hessian_lag_is_cached = True
if out is not None:
if (
not isinstance(out, coo_matrix)
or out.shape[0] != self._n_primals
or out.shape[1] != self._n_primals
or out.nnz != self._nnz_hessian_lag
raise RuntimeError(
'evaluate_hessian_lag called with an "out" argument'
' that is invalid. This should be a coo_matrix with'
' shape=({},{}) and nnz={}'.format(
self._n_primals, self._n_primals, self._nnz_hessian_lag
np.copyto(out.data, self._cached_hessian_lag.data)
return out
return self._cached_hessian_lag.copy()
def report_solver_status(self, status_code, status_message):
status_code, status_message, self._primals, self._duals
class AmplNLP(AslNLP):
def __init__(self, nl_file, row_filename=None, col_filename=None):
AMPL nonlinear program interface.
If row_filename and col_filename are not provided, the interface
will see if files exist (with same name as nl_file but the .row
and .col extensions)
nl_file: str
filename of the NL-file containing the model
row_filename: str, optional
filename of .row file with identity of constraints
col_filename: str, optional
filename of .col file with identity of variables
# call parent class to set the nl file name and load the model
super(AmplNLP, self).__init__(nl_file)
# check for the existence of the row / col files
if row_filename is None:
tmp_filename = os.path.splitext(nl_file)[0] + '.row'
if os.path.isfile(tmp_filename):
row_filename = tmp_filename
if col_filename is None:
tmp_filename = os.path.splitext(nl_file)[0] + '.col'
if os.path.isfile(tmp_filename):
col_filename = tmp_filename
self._rowfile = row_filename
self._colfile = col_filename
# create containers with names of variables
self._vidx_to_name = None
self._name_to_vidx = None
if col_filename is not None:
self._vidx_to_name = self._build_component_names_list(col_filename)
self._name_to_vidx = {
self._vidx_to_name[vidx]: vidx for vidx in range(self._n_primals)
# create containers with names of constraints and objective
self._con_full_idx_to_name = None
self._name_to_con_full_idx = None
self._obj_name = None
if row_filename is not None:
all_names = self._build_component_names_list(row_filename)
# objective is the last one in the list
# TODO: what happens with multiple objectives?
self._obj_name = all_names[-1]
del all_names[-1]
self._con_full_idx_to_name = all_names
self._con_eq_idx_to_name = [
all_names[self._con_eq_full_map[i]] for i in range(self._n_con_eq)
self._con_ineq_idx_to_name = [
all_names[self._con_ineq_full_map[i]] for i in range(self._n_con_ineq)
self._name_to_con_full_idx = {
all_names[cidx]: cidx for cidx in range(self._n_con_full)
self._name_to_con_eq_idx = {
name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(self._con_eq_idx_to_name)
self._name_to_con_ineq_idx = {
name: idx for idx, name in enumerate(self._con_ineq_idx_to_name)
def primals_names(self):
"""Returns ordered list with names of primal variables"""
return list(self._vidx_to_name)
msg='This method has been replaced with primals_names',
def variable_names(self):
"""Returns ordered list with names of primal variables"""
return self.primals_names()
def constraint_names(self):
"""Returns an ordered list with the names of all the constraints
(corresponding to evaluate_constraints)"""
return list(self._con_full_idx_to_name)
def eq_constraint_names(self):
"""Returns ordered list with names of equality constraints only
(corresponding to evaluate_eq_constraints)"""
return list(self._con_eq_idx_to_name)
def ineq_constraint_names(self):
"""Returns ordered list with names of inequality constraints only
(corresponding to evaluate_ineq_constraints)"""
return list(self._con_ineq_idx_to_name)
msg='This method has been replaced with primal_idx',
def variable_idx(self, var_name):
return self.primal_idx(var_name)
def primal_idx(self, var_name):
Returns the index of the primal variable named var_name
var_name: str
Name of primal variable
return self._name_to_vidx[var_name]
def constraint_idx(self, con_name):
Returns the index of the constraint named con_name
(corresponding to the order returned by evaluate_constraints)
con_name: str
Name of constraint
return self._name_to_con_full_idx[con_name]
def eq_constraint_idx(self, con_name):
Returns the index of the equality constraint named con_name
(corresponding to the order returned by evaluate_eq_constraints)
con_name: str
Name of constraint
return self._name_to_con_eq_idx[con_name]
def ineq_constraint_idx(self, con_name):
Returns the index of the inequality constraint named con_name
(corresponding to the order returned by evaluate_ineq_constraints)
con_name: str
Name of constraint
return self._name_to_con_ineq_idx[con_name]
def _build_component_names_list(filename):
"""Builds an ordered list of strings from a file
containing strings on separate lines (e.g., the row
and col files"""
ordered_names = list()
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
return ordered_names