# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# The Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Integrated Platform
# Framework (IDAES IP) was produced under the DOE Institute for the
# Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES), and is copyright (c) 2018-2021
# by the software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
# Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, National Technology & Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia University
# Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
# Please see the files COPYRIGHT.md and LICENSE.md for full copyright and
# license information.
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
from pyomo.core.base.componentuid import ComponentUID
from pyomo.core.base.expression import Expression
from pyomo.core.base.set import Set
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.data.series_data import get_indexed_cuid
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.data.scalar_data import ScalarData
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.data.series_data import TimeSeriesData
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.data.interval_data import IntervalData
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.data.convert import interval_to_series, _process_to_dynamic_data
def get_penalty_from_constant_target(
variables, time, setpoint_data, weight_data=None, variable_set=None
This function returns a tracking cost IndexedExpression for the given
time-indexed variables and associated setpoint data.
variables: list
List of time-indexed variables to include in the tracking cost
time: iterable
Set of variable indices for which a cost expression will be
setpoint_data: ~scalar_data.ScalarData, dict, or ComponentMap
Maps variable names to setpoint values
weight_data: ~scalar_data.ScalarData, dict, or ComponentMap
Optional. Maps variable names to tracking cost weights. If not
provided, weights of one are used.
variable_set: Set
Optional. A set of indices into the provided list of variables
by which the cost expression will be indexed.
Set, Expression
RangeSet that indexes the list of variables provided and an Expression
indexed by the RangeSet and time containing the cost term for each
variable at each point in time.
if weight_data is None:
weight_data = ScalarData(ComponentMap((var, 1.0) for var in variables))
if not isinstance(weight_data, ScalarData):
weight_data = ScalarData(weight_data)
if not isinstance(setpoint_data, ScalarData):
setpoint_data = ScalarData(setpoint_data)
if variable_set is None:
variable_set = Set(initialize=range(len(variables)))
# Make sure data have keys for each var
for var in variables:
if not setpoint_data.contains_key(var):
raise KeyError(
"Setpoint data dictionary does not contain a"
" key for variable %s" % var.name
if not weight_data.contains_key(var):
raise KeyError(
"Tracking weight dictionary does not contain a"
" key for variable %s" % var.name
# Set up data structures so we don't have to re-process keys for each
# time index in the rule.
cuids = [get_indexed_cuid(var) for var in variables]
setpoint_data = setpoint_data.get_data()
weight_data = weight_data.get_data()
def tracking_rule(m, i, t):
return get_quadratic_penalty_at_time(
variables[i], t, setpoint_data[cuids[i]], weight=weight_data[cuids[i]]
tracking_expr = Expression(variable_set, time, rule=tracking_rule)
return variable_set, tracking_expr
def get_penalty_from_piecewise_constant_target(
"""Returns an IndexedExpression penalizing deviation between
the specified variables and piecewise constant target data.
variables: List of Pyomo variables
Variables that participate in the cost expressions.
time: Iterable
Index used for the cost expression
setpoint_data: IntervalData
Holds the piecewise constant values that will be used as
weight_data: ~scalar_data.ScalarData (optional)
Weights for variables. Default is all ones.
tolerance: Float (optional)
Tolerance used for determining whether a time point
is within an interval. Default is zero.
prefer_left: Bool (optional)
If a time point lies at the boundary of two intervals, whether
the value on the left will be chosen. Default is True.
Set, Expression
Pyomo Expression, indexed by time, for the total weighted
tracking cost with respect to the provided setpoint.
if variable_set is None:
variable_set = Set(initialize=range(len(variables)))
if isinstance(setpoint_data, IntervalData):
setpoint_time_series = interval_to_series(
setpoint_time_series = IntervalData(*setpoint_data)
var_set, tracking_cost = get_penalty_from_time_varying_target(
return var_set, tracking_cost
def get_quadratic_penalty_at_time(var, t, setpoint, weight=None):
if weight is None:
weight = 1.0
return weight * (var[t] - setpoint) ** 2
def _get_penalty_expressions_from_time_varying_target(
variables, time, setpoint_data, weight_data=None
if weight_data is None:
weight_data = ScalarData(ComponentMap((var, 1.0) for var in variables))
if not isinstance(weight_data, ScalarData):
weight_data = ScalarData(weight_data)
if not isinstance(setpoint_data, TimeSeriesData):
setpoint_data = TimeSeriesData(*setpoint_data)
# Validate incoming data
if list(time) != setpoint_data.get_time_points():
raise RuntimeError(
"Mismatch in time points between time set and points"
" in the setpoint data structure"
for var in variables:
if not setpoint_data.contains_key(var):
raise KeyError("Setpoint data does not contain a key for variable %s" % var)
if not weight_data.contains_key(var):
raise KeyError(
"Tracking weight does not contain a key for variable %s" % var
# Get lists of weights and setpoints so we don't have to process
# the variables (to get CUIDs) and hash the CUIDs for every
# time index.
cuids = [get_indexed_cuid(var, sets=(time,)) for var in variables]
weights = [weight_data.get_data_from_key(var) for var in variables]
setpoints = [setpoint_data.get_data_from_key(var) for var in variables]
tracking_costs = [
t: get_quadratic_penalty_at_time(var, t, setpoints[j][i], weights[j])
for i, t in enumerate(time)
for j, var in enumerate(variables)
return tracking_costs
def get_penalty_from_time_varying_target(
variables, time, setpoint_data, weight_data=None, variable_set=None
"""Constructs a penalty expression for the specified variables and
specified time-varying target data.
variables: List of Pyomo variables
Variables that participate in the cost expressions.
time: Iterable
Index used for the cost expression
setpoint_data: TimeSeriesData
Holds the trajectory values that will be used as a setpoint
weight_data: ~scalar_data.ScalarData (optional)
Weights for variables. Default is all ones.
variable_set: Set (optional)
Set indexing the list of provided variables, if one exists already.
Set, Expression
Set indexing the list of provided variables and Expression, indexed
by the variable set and time, for the total weighted penalty with
respect to the provided setpoint.
if variable_set is None:
variable_set = Set(initialize=range(len(variables)))
# This is a list of dictionaries, one for each variable and each
# mapping each time point to the quadratic weighted tracking cost term
# at that time point.
tracking_costs = _get_penalty_expressions_from_time_varying_target(
variables, time, setpoint_data, weight_data=weight_data
def tracking_rule(m, i, t):
return tracking_costs[i][t]
tracking_cost = Expression(variable_set, time, rule=tracking_rule)
return variable_set, tracking_cost
def get_penalty_from_target(
"""A function to get a penalty expression for specified variables from
a target that is constant, piecewise constant, or time-varying.
This function accepts :class:`~.scalar_data.ScalarData`,
:class:`.IntervalData`, or :class:`.TimeSeriesData` objects, or
compatible mappings/tuples as the target, and builds the appropriate
penalty expression for each. Mappings are converted to ScalarData,
and tuples (of data dict, time list) are unpacked and converted to
IntervalData or TimeSeriesData depending on the contents of the time
variables: List
List of time-indexed variables to be penalized
time: Set
Set of time points at which to construct penalty expressions.
Also indexes the returned Expression.
setpoint_data: ~scalar_data.ScalarData, TimeSeriesData, or IntervalData
Data structure representing the possibly time-varying or piecewise
constant setpoint
weight_data: ~scalar_data.ScalarData (optional)
Data structure holding the weights to be applied to each variable
variable_set: Set (optional)
Set indexing the provided variables, if one already exists. Also
indexes the returned Expression.
tolerance: Float (optional)
Tolerance for checking inclusion within an interval. Only may be
provided if IntervalData is provided as the setpoint.
prefer_left: Bool (optional)
Flag indicating whether left endpoints of intervals should take
precedence over right endpoints. Default is False. Only may be
provided if IntervalData is provided as the setpoint.
Set, Expression
Set indexing the list of provided variables and an Expression,
indexed by this set and the provided time set, containing the
penalties for each variable at each point in time.
setpoint_data = _process_to_dynamic_data(setpoint_data)
args = (variables, time, setpoint_data)
kwds = dict(weight_data=weight_data, variable_set=variable_set)
def _error_if_used(tolerance, prefer_left, sp_type):
if tolerance is not None or prefer_left is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
"tolerance and prefer_left arguments can only be used if"
" IntervalData-compatible setpoint is provided. Got"
" tolerance=%s, prefer_left=%s when using %s as a target."
% (tolerance, prefer_left, sp_type)
if isinstance(setpoint_data, ScalarData):
_error_if_used(tolerance, prefer_left, type(setpoint_data))
return get_penalty_from_constant_target(*args, **kwds)
elif isinstance(setpoint_data, TimeSeriesData):
_error_if_used(tolerance, prefer_left, type(setpoint_data))
return get_penalty_from_time_varying_target(*args, **kwds)
elif isinstance(setpoint_data, IntervalData):
tolerance = 0.0 if tolerance is None else tolerance
prefer_left = True if prefer_left is None else prefer_left
kwds.update(prefer_left=prefer_left, tolerance=tolerance)
return get_penalty_from_piecewise_constant_target(*args, **kwds)