Source code for pyomo.contrib.mpc.interfaces.model_interface

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.dae.flatten import flatten_dae_components
from pyomo.common.modeling import NOTSET
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var
from pyomo.core.base.expression import Expression
from pyomo.core.base.componentuid import ComponentUID
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import value as pyo_value

from pyomo.contrib.mpc.interfaces.load_data import (
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.interfaces.copy_values import copy_values_at_time
from import find_nearest_index
from import get_indexed_cuid
from import _is_iterable
from import TimeSeriesData
from import IntervalData
from import ScalarData
from import _process_to_dynamic_data
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.modeling.cost_expressions import (
from pyomo.contrib.mpc.modeling.constraints import get_piecewise_constant_constraints

iterable_scalars = (str, bytes)

def _to_iterable(item):
    if hasattr(item, "__iter__"):
        if isinstance(item, iterable_scalars):
            yield item
            for obj in item:
                yield obj
        yield item

[docs]class DynamicModelInterface(object): """A helper class for working with dynamic models, e.g. those where many components are indexed by some ordered set referred to as "time." This class provides methods for interacting with time-indexed components, for instance, loading and extracting data or shifting values by some time offset. It also provides methods for constructing components useful for dynamic optimization. """ def __init__(self, model, time, context=NOTSET): """ Construct with a model and a set. We will flatten the model with respect to this set and generate CUIDs with wildcards. """ scalar_vars, dae_vars = flatten_dae_components(model, time, Var) scalar_expr, dae_expr = flatten_dae_components(model, time, Expression) self.model = model self.time = time self._scalar_vars = scalar_vars self._dae_vars = dae_vars self._scalar_expr = scalar_expr self._dae_expr = dae_expr if context is NOTSET: context = model # Use buffer to reduce repeated work during name/cuid generation cuid_buffer = {} self._scalar_var_cuids = [ ComponentUID(var, cuid_buffer=cuid_buffer, context=context) for var in self._scalar_vars ] self._dae_var_cuids = [ ComponentUID(var.referent, cuid_buffer=cuid_buffer, context=context) for var in self._dae_vars ] self._dae_expr_cuids = [ ComponentUID(expr.referent, cuid_buffer=cuid_buffer, context=context) for expr in self._dae_expr ] def get_scalar_variables(self): return self._scalar_vars def get_indexed_variables(self): return self._dae_vars def get_scalar_expressions(self): return self._scalar_expr def get_indexed_expressions(self): return self._dae_expr
[docs] def get_scalar_variable_data(self): """ Get data corresponding to non-time-indexed variables. Returns ------- dict Maps CUIDs of non-time-indexed variables to the value of these variables. """ return { cuid: var.value for cuid, var in zip(self._scalar_var_cuids, self._scalar_vars) }
[docs] def get_data_at_time(self, time=None, include_expr=False): """ Gets data at a single time point or set of time points. Note that the returned type changes depending on whether a scalar or iterable is supplied. """ if time is None: # Default is to use the entire time set, treating a singleton # as a scalar. time = self.time if len(self.time) > 1 else if _is_iterable(time): # Assume time is iterable time_list = list(time) data = { cuid: [var[t].value for t in time] for cuid, var in zip(self._dae_var_cuids, self._dae_vars) } if include_expr: data.update( { cuid: [pyo_value(expr[t]) for t in time] for cuid, expr in zip(self._dae_expr_cuids, self._dae_expr) } ) # Return a TimeSeriesData object return TimeSeriesData(data, time_list, time_set=self.time) else: # time is a scalar data = { cuid: var[time].value for cuid, var in zip(self._dae_var_cuids, self._dae_vars) } if include_expr: data.update( { cuid: pyo_value(expr[time]) for cuid, expr in zip(self._dae_expr_cuids, self._dae_expr) } ) # Return ScalarData object return ScalarData(data)
[docs] def load_data( self, data, time_points=None, tolerance=0.0, prefer_left=None, exclude_left_endpoint=None, exclude_right_endpoint=None, ): """Method to load data into the model. Loads data into indicated variables in the model, possibly at specified time points. Arguments --------- data: ScalarData, TimeSeriesData, or mapping If ScalarData, loads values into indicated variables at all (or specified) time points. If TimeSeriesData, loads lists of values into time points. If mapping, checks whether each variable and value is indexed or iterable and correspondingly loads data into variables. time_points: Iterable (optional) Subset of time points into which data should be loaded. Default of None corresponds to loading into all time points. """ if time_points is None: time_points = self.time data = _process_to_dynamic_data(data, time_set=self.time) def _error_if_used(prefer_left, excl_left, excl_right, dtype): if any(a is not None for a in (prefer_left, excl_left, excl_right)): raise RuntimeError( "prefer_left, exclude_left_endpoint, and exclude_right_endpoint" " can only be set if data is IntervalData-compatible. Got" " prefer_left=%s, exclude_left_endpoint=%s, and" " exclude_right_endpoint=%s while loading data of type %s" % (prefer_left, excl_left, excl_right, dtype) ) excl_left = exclude_left_endpoint excl_right = exclude_right_endpoint if isinstance(data, ScalarData): # This covers the case of non-time-indexed variables # as keys. _error_if_used(prefer_left, excl_left, excl_right, type(data)) load_data_from_scalar(data, self.model, time_points) elif isinstance(data, TimeSeriesData): _error_if_used(prefer_left, excl_left, excl_right, type(data)) load_data_from_series(data, self.model, time_points, tolerance=tolerance) elif isinstance(data, IntervalData): prefer_left = True if prefer_left is None else prefer_left excl_left = prefer_left if excl_left is None else excl_left excl_right = (not prefer_left) if excl_right is None else excl_right load_data_from_interval( data, self.model, time_points, tolerance=tolerance, prefer_left=prefer_left, exclude_left_endpoint=excl_left, exclude_right_endpoint=excl_right, )
[docs] def copy_values_at_time(self, source_time=None, target_time=None): """ Copy values of all time-indexed variables from source time point to target time points. Parameters ---------- source_time: Float Time point from which to copy values. target_time: Float or iterable Time point or points to which to copy values. """ if source_time is None: source_time = self.time.first() if target_time is None: target_time = self.time copy_values_at_time(self._dae_vars, self._dae_vars, source_time, target_time)
[docs] def shift_values_by_time(self, dt): """ Shift values in time indexed variables by a specified time offset. """ seen = set() t0 = self.time.first() tf = self.time.last() time_map = {} time_list = list(self.time) for var in self._dae_vars: if id(var[tf]) in seen: # Assume that if var[tf] has been encountered, this is a # reference to a "variable" we have already processed. continue else: seen.add(id(var[tf])) new_values = [] for t in time_list: if t not in time_map: # Build up a map from target to source time points, # as I don't want to call find_nearest_index more # frequently than I have to. t_new = t + dt idx = find_nearest_index(time_list, t_new, tolerance=None) # If t_new is not a valid time point, we proceed with the # closest valid time point. # We're relying on the fact that indices of t0 or tf are # returned if t_new is outside the bounds of the time set. t_new = time_list[idx] time_map[t] = t_new t_new = time_map[t] new_values.append(var[t_new].value) for i, t in enumerate(self.time): var[t].set_value(new_values[i])
[docs] def get_penalty_from_target( self, target_data, time=None, variables=None, weight_data=None, variable_set=None, tolerance=None, prefer_left=None, ): """A method to get a quadratic penalty expression from a provided setpoint data structure Parameters ---------- target_data: ScalarData, TimeSeriesData, or IntervalData Holds target values for variables time: Set (optional) Points at which to apply the tracking cost. Default will use the model's time set. variables: List of Pyomo VarData (optional) Subset of variables supplied in setpoint_data to use in the tracking cost. Default is to use all variables supplied. weight_data: ScalarData (optional) Holds the weights to use in the tracking cost for each variable variable_set: Set (optional) A set indexing the list of provided variables, if one already exists. tolerance: Float (optional) Tolerance for checking inclusion in an interval. Only may be provided if IntervalData is provided for target_data. In this case the default is 0.0. prefer_left: Bool (optional) Flag indicating whether the left end point of intervals should be preferred over the right end point. Only may be provided if IntervalData is provided for target_data. In this case the default is False. Returns ------- Set, Expression Set indexing the list of variables to be penalized, and Expression indexed by this set and time. This Expression contains the weighted tracking cost for each variable at each point in time. """ if time is None: time = self.time target_data = _process_to_dynamic_data(target_data, time_set=self.time) if variables is None: # Use variables provided by the setpoint. # NOTE: Nondeterministic order in non-C Python < 3.7 # Should these data structures use OrderedDicts internally # to enforce an order here? variables = [ self.model.find_component(key) for key in target_data.get_data().keys() ] else: # Variables were provided. These could be anything. Process them # to get time-indexed variables on the model. variables = [ self.model.find_component(get_indexed_cuid(var, (self.time,))) for var in variables ] return get_penalty_from_target( variables, time, target_data, weight_data=weight_data, variable_set=variable_set, tolerance=tolerance, prefer_left=prefer_left, )
[docs] def get_piecewise_constant_constraints( self, variables, sample_points, use_next=True, tolerance=0.0 ): """A method to get an indexed constraint ensuring that inputs are piecewise constant. Parameters ---------- variables: List of Pyomo Vars Variables to enforce piecewise constant sample_points: List of floats Points marking the boundaries of intervals within which variables must be constant use_next: Bool (optional) Whether to enforce constancy by setting each variable equal to itself at the next point in time (as opposed to at the previous point in time). Default is True. tolerance: Float (optional) Absolute tolerance used to determine whether provided sample points are in the model's time set. Returns ------- Tuple: First entry is a Set indexing the list of provided variables (with integers). Second entry is a constraint indexed by this set and time enforcing the piecewise constant condition via equality constraints. """ cuids = [get_indexed_cuid(var, (self.time,)) for var in variables] variables = [self.model.find_component(cuid) for cuid in cuids] time_list = list(self.time) # Make sure that sample points exist (within tolerance) in the time # set. sample_point_indices = [ find_nearest_index(time_list, t, tolerance=tolerance) for t in sample_points ] sample_points = [time_list[i] for i in sample_point_indices] return get_piecewise_constant_constraints( variables, self.time, sample_points, use_next=use_next )