# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from pyomo.core.base.componentuid import ComponentUID
from pyomo.util.slices import slice_component_along_sets
from pyomo.core.base.indexed_component_slice import IndexedComponent_slice
from pyomo.dae.flatten import get_slice_for_set
def get_indexed_cuid(var, sets=None, dereference=None, context=None):
"""Attempt to convert the provided "var" object into a CUID with wildcards
Object to process. May be a VarData, IndexedVar (reference or otherwise),
ComponentUID, slice, or string.
sets: Tuple of sets
Sets to use if slicing a vardata object
dereference: None or int
Number of times we may access referent attribute to recover a
"base component" from a reference.
context: Block
Block with respect to which slices and CUIDs will be generated
ComponentUID corresponding to the provided ``var`` and sets
# TODO: Does this function have a good name?
# Should this function be generalized beyond a single indexing set?
if isinstance(var, ComponentUID):
return var
elif isinstance(var, (str, IndexedComponent_slice)):
# TODO: Raise error if string and context is None
return ComponentUID(var, context=context)
# At this point we are assuming var is a Pyomo Var or VarData object.
# Is allowing dereference to be an integer worth the confusion it might
# add?
if dereference is None:
# Does this branch make sense? If given an unattached component,
# we dereference, otherwise we don't dereference.
remaining_dereferences = int(var.parent_block() is None)
remaining_dereferences = int(dereference)
if var.is_indexed():
if var.is_reference() and remaining_dereferences:
remaining_dereferences -= 1
referent = var.referent
if isinstance(referent, IndexedComponent_slice):
return ComponentUID(referent, context=context)
# If dereference is None, we propagate None, dereferencing
# until we either reach a component attached to a block
# or reach a non-reference component.
dereference = (
dereference if dereference is None else remaining_dereferences
# NOTE: Calling this function recursively
return get_indexed_cuid(referent, sets, dereference=dereference)
# Assume that var is indexed only by time
# TODO: Should we call slice_component_along_sets here as well?
# To cover the case of b[t0].var, where var is indexed
# by a set we care about, and we also care about time...
# But then maybe we should slice only the sets we care about...
# Don't want to do anything with these sets unless we're
# presented with a vardata...
# Should we call flatten.slice_component_along_sets? Then we
# might need to return/yield multiple components here...
# I like making this a "simple" function. The caller can call
# slice_component_along_set on their input data if they expect
# to have components indexed by multiple sets.
# TODO: Assert that we're only indexed by the specified set(s)?
# (If these sets are provided, of course...)
index = tuple(get_slice_for_set(s) for s in var.index_set().subsets())
return ComponentUID(var[index], context=context)
if sets is None:
raise ValueError(
"A ComponentData %s was provided but no set. We need to know\n"
"what set this component should be indexed by." % var.name
slice_ = slice_component_along_sets(var, sets)
return ComponentUID(slice_, context=context)