Source code for pyomo.contrib.incidence_analysis.scc_solver

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging

from pyomo.core.base.constraint import Constraint
from pyomo.util.calc_var_value import calculate_variable_from_constraint
from pyomo.util.subsystems import TemporarySubsystemManager, generate_subsystem_blocks
from pyomo.contrib.incidence_analysis.interface import (
from pyomo.contrib.incidence_analysis.config import IncidenceMethod

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def generate_strongly_connected_components( constraints, variables=None, include_fixed=False, igraph=None ): """Yield in order ``BlockData`` that each contain the variables and constraints of a single diagonal block in a block lower triangularization of the incidence matrix of constraints and variables These diagonal blocks correspond to strongly connected components of the bipartite incidence graph, projected with respect to a perfect matching into a directed graph. Parameters ---------- constraints: List of Pyomo constraint data objects Constraints used to generate strongly connected components. variables: List of Pyomo variable data objects Variables that may participate in strongly connected components. If not provided, all variables in the constraints will be used. include_fixed: Bool, optional Indicates whether fixed variables will be included when identifying variables in constraints. igraph: IncidenceGraphInterface, optional Incidence graph containing (at least) the provided constraints and variables. Yields ------ Tuple of ``BlockData``, list-of-variables Blocks containing the variables and constraints of every strongly connected component, in a topological order. The variables are the "input variables" for that block. """ if variables is None: variables = list( _generate_variables_in_constraints( constraints, include_fixed=include_fixed, method=IncidenceMethod.ampl_repn, ) ) if len(variables) != len(constraints): nvar = len(variables) ncon = len(constraints) raise RuntimeError( "generate_strongly_connected_components only supports systems with the" f" same numbers of variables and equality constraints. Got {nvar}" f" variables and {ncon} constraints." ) if igraph is None: igraph = IncidenceGraphInterface() var_blocks, con_blocks = igraph.block_triangularize( variables=variables, constraints=constraints ) subsets = [(cblock, vblock) for vblock, cblock in zip(var_blocks, con_blocks)] for block, inputs in generate_subsystem_blocks( subsets, include_fixed=include_fixed ): # TODO: How does len scale for reference-to-list? # If this assert fails, it may be due to a bug in block_triangularize # or generate_subsystem_block. assert len(block.vars) == len(block.cons) yield (block, inputs)
[docs] def solve_strongly_connected_components( block, *, solver=None, solve_kwds=None, use_calc_var=True, calc_var_kwds=None ): """Solve a square system of variables and equality constraints by solving strongly connected components individually. Strongly connected components (of the directed graph of constraints obtained from a perfect matching of variables and constraints) are the diagonal blocks in a block triangularization of the incidence matrix, so solving the strongly connected components in topological order is sufficient to solve the entire block. One-by-one blocks are solved using Pyomo's calculate_variable_from_constraint function, while higher-dimension blocks are solved using the user-provided solver object. Parameters ---------- block: Pyomo Block The Pyomo block whose variables and constraints will be solved solver: Pyomo solver object The solver object that will be used to solve strongly connected components of size greater than one constraint. Must implement a solve method. solve_kwds: Dictionary Keyword arguments for the solver's solve method use_calc_var: Bool Whether to use ``calculate_variable_from_constraint`` for one-by-one square system solves calc_var_kwds: Dictionary Keyword arguments for calculate_variable_from_constraint Returns ------- List of results objects returned by each call to solve """ if solve_kwds is None: solve_kwds = {} if calc_var_kwds is None: calc_var_kwds = {} igraph = IncidenceGraphInterface( block, active=True, include_fixed=False, include_inequality=False, method=IncidenceMethod.ampl_repn, ) constraints = igraph.constraints variables = igraph.variables res_list = [] log_blocks = _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) for scc, inputs in generate_strongly_connected_components( constraints, variables, igraph=igraph ): with TemporarySubsystemManager(to_fix=inputs, remove_bounds_on_fix=True): N = len(scc.vars) if N == 1 and use_calc_var: if log_blocks: _log.debug(f"Solving 1x1 block: {scc.cons[0].name}.") results = calculate_variable_from_constraint( scc.vars[0], scc.cons[0], **calc_var_kwds ) else: if solver is None: var_names = [ for var in scc.vars.values()][:10] con_names = [ for con in scc.cons.values()][:10] raise RuntimeError( "An external solver is required if block has strongly\n" "connected components of size greater than one (is not" " a DAG).\nGot an SCC of size %sx%s including" " components:\n%s\n%s" % (N, N, var_names, con_names) ) if log_blocks: _log.debug(f"Solving {N}x{N} block.") results = solver.solve(scc, **solve_kwds) res_list.append(results) return res_list