# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from pyomo.common.dependencies import networkx as nx
def maximum_matching(matrix_or_graph, top_nodes=None):
"""Return a maximum cardinality matching of the provided matrix or
bipartite graph
If a matrix is provided, the matching is returned as a map from row
indices to column indices. If a bipartite graph is provided, a list of
"top nodes" must be provided as well. These correspond to one of the
"bipartite sets". The matching is then returned as a map from "top nodes"
to the other set of nodes.
matrix_or_graph: SciPy sparse matrix or NetworkX Graph
The matrix or graph whose maximum matching will be computed
top_nodes: list
Integer nodes representing a bipartite set in a graph. Must be provided
if and only if a NetworkX Graph is provided.
max_matching: dict
Dict mapping from integer nodes in the first bipartite set (row
indices) to nodes in the second (column indices).
nxb = nx.algorithms.bipartite
nxc = nx.algorithms.components
from_biadjacency_matrix = nxb.matrix.from_biadjacency_matrix
if isinstance(matrix_or_graph, nx.Graph):
graph_provided = True
if top_nodes is None:
raise RuntimeError("top_nodes argument must be set if a graph is provided.")
M = len(top_nodes)
N = len(matrix_or_graph.nodes) - M
bg = matrix_or_graph
if not nxb.is_bipartite(bg):
raise RuntimeError("Provided graph is not bipartite.")
graph_provided = False
# Assume something SciPy-sparse compatible was provided.
if top_nodes is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
"top_nodes argument cannot be used if a matrix is provided"
M, N = matrix_or_graph.shape
top_nodes = list(range(M))
bg = from_biadjacency_matrix(matrix_or_graph)
# Check assumptions regarding from_biadjacency_matrix function:
for i in range(M):
# First M nodes in graph correspond to rows
assert bg.nodes[i]["bipartite"] == 0
for j in range(M, M + N):
# Last N nodes in graph correspond to columns
assert bg.nodes[j]["bipartite"] == 1
matching = nxb.maximum_matching(bg, top_nodes=top_nodes)
if graph_provided:
top_node_set = set(top_nodes)
# If a graph was provided, we return a mapping from "top nodes"
# to their matched "bottom nodes"
max_matching = {n0: n1 for n0, n1 in matching.items() if n0 in top_node_set}
# If a matrix was provided, we return a mapping from row indices
# to column indices.
max_matching = {n0: n1 - M for n0, n1 in matching.items() if n0 < M}
return max_matching