Source code for pyomo.contrib.alternative_solutions.obbt

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pyomo.environ as pe
from pyomo.contrib.alternative_solutions import aos_utils
from pyomo.contrib.alternative_solutions import Solution
from pyomo.contrib import appsi

[docs] def obbt_analysis( model, *, variables=None, rel_opt_gap=None, abs_opt_gap=None, refine_discrete_bounds=False, warmstart=True, solver="gurobi", solver_options={}, tee=False, ): """ Calculates the bounds on each variable by solving a series of min and max optimization problems where each variable is used as the objective function This can be applied to any class of problem supported by the selected solver. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel A concrete Pyomo model. variables: None or a collection of Pyomo _GeneralVarData variables The variables for which bounds will be generated. None indicates that all variables will be included. Alternatively, a collection of _GenereralVarData variables can be provided. rel_opt_gap : float or None The relative optimality gap for the original objective for which variable bounds will be found. None indicates that a relative gap constraint will not be added to the model. abs_opt_gap : float or None The absolute optimality gap for the original objective for which variable bounds will be found. None indicates that an absolute gap constraint will not be added to the model. refine_discrete_bounds : boolean Boolean indicating that new constraints should be added to the model at each iteration to tighten the bounds for discrete variables. warmstart : boolean Boolean indicating that the solver should be warmstarted from the best previously discovered solution. solver : string The solver to be used. solver_options : dict Solver option-value pairs to be passed to the solver. tee : boolean Boolean indicating that the solver output should be displayed. Returns ------- variable_ranges A Pyomo ComponentMap containing the bounds for each variable. {variable: (lower_bound, upper_bound)}. An exception is raised when the solver encountered an issue. """ bounds, solns = obbt_analysis_bounds_and_solutions( model, variables=variables, rel_opt_gap=rel_opt_gap, abs_opt_gap=abs_opt_gap, refine_discrete_bounds=refine_discrete_bounds, warmstart=warmstart, solver=solver, solver_options=solver_options, tee=tee, ) return bounds
[docs] def obbt_analysis_bounds_and_solutions( model, *, variables=None, rel_opt_gap=None, abs_opt_gap=None, refine_discrete_bounds=False, warmstart=True, solver="gurobi", solver_options={}, tee=False, ): """ Calculates the bounds on each variable by solving a series of min and max optimization problems where each variable is used as the objective function This can be applied to any class of problem supported by the selected solver. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel A concrete Pyomo model. variables: None or a collection of Pyomo _GeneralVarData variables The variables for which bounds will be generated. None indicates that all variables will be included. Alternatively, a collection of _GenereralVarData variables can be provided. rel_opt_gap : float or None The relative optimality gap for the original objective for which variable bounds will be found. None indicates that a relative gap constraint will not be added to the model. abs_opt_gap : float or None The absolute optimality gap for the original objective for which variable bounds will be found. None indicates that an absolute gap constraint will not be added to the model. refine_discrete_bounds : boolean Boolean indicating that new constraints should be added to the model at each iteration to tighten the bounds for discrete variables. warmstart : boolean Boolean indicating that the solver should be warmstarted from the best previously discovered solution. solver : string The solver to be used. solver_options : dict Solver option-value pairs to be passed to the solver. tee : boolean Boolean indicating that the solver output should be displayed. Returns ------- variable_ranges A Pyomo ComponentMap containing the bounds for each variable. {variable: (lower_bound, upper_bound)}. An exception is raised when the solver encountered an issue. solutions [Solution] """ # TODO - parallelization"STARTING OBBT ANALYSIS") if warmstart: assert ( variables == None ), "Cannot restrict variable list when warmstart is specified" all_variables = aos_utils.get_model_variables(model, include_fixed=False) if variables == None: variable_list = all_variables else: variable_list = list(variables) if warmstart: solutions = pe.ComponentMap() for var in all_variables: solutions[var] = [] num_vars = len(variable_list) "Analyzing {} variables ({} total solves).".format(num_vars, 2 * num_vars) ) orig_objective = aos_utils.get_active_objective(model) use_appsi = False if "appsi" in solver: opt = appsi.solvers.Gurobi() for parameter, value in solver_options.items(): opt.gurobi_options[parameter] = value opt.config.stream_solver = tee opt.config.load_solution = False results = opt.solve(model) condition = results.termination_condition optimal_tc = appsi.base.TerminationCondition.optimal infeas_or_unbdd_tc = appsi.base.TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded unbdd_tc = appsi.base.TerminationCondition.unbounded use_appsi = True else: opt = pe.SolverFactory(solver) opt.available() for parameter, value in solver_options.items(): opt.options[parameter] = value try: results = opt.solve( model, warmstart=warmstart, tee=tee, load_solutions=False ) except ValueError: # An exception occurs if the solver does not recognize the warmstart option results = opt.solve(model, tee=tee, load_solutions=False) condition = results.solver.termination_condition optimal_tc = pe.TerminationCondition.optimal infeas_or_unbdd_tc = pe.TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded unbdd_tc = pe.TerminationCondition.unbounded"Performing initial solve of model.") if condition != optimal_tc: raise RuntimeError( ("OBBT cannot be applied, " "TerminationCondition = {}").format( condition.value ) ) if use_appsi: results.solution_loader.load_vars(solution_number=0) else: if warmstart: _add_solution(solutions) orig_objective_value = pe.value(orig_objective)"Found optimal solution, value = {}.".format(orig_objective_value)) aos_block = aos_utils._add_aos_block(model, name="_obbt") # placeholder for objective aos_block.var_objective = pe.Objective(expr=0)"Added block {} to the model.".format(aos_block)) obj_constraints = aos_utils._add_objective_constraint( aos_block, orig_objective, orig_objective_value, rel_opt_gap, abs_opt_gap ) if refine_discrete_bounds: aos_block.bound_constraints = pe.ConstraintList() new_constraint = False if len(obj_constraints) > 0: new_constraint = True orig_objective.deactivate() if use_appsi: opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_constraints = new_constraint opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_vars = False opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_params = False opt.update_config.check_for_new_objective = True opt.update_config.update_constraints = False opt.update_config.update_vars = False opt.update_config.update_params = False opt.update_config.update_named_expressions = False opt.update_config.update_objective = True opt.update_config.treat_fixed_vars_as_params = False variable_bounds = pe.ComponentMap() solns = [Solution(model, all_variables, objective=orig_objective)] senses = [(pe.minimize, "LB"), (pe.maximize, "UB")] iteration = 1 total_iterations = len(senses) * num_vars for idx in range(len(senses)): sense = senses[idx][0] bound_dir = senses[idx][1] for var in variable_list: if idx == 0: variable_bounds[var] = [None, None] aos_block.var_objective.expr = var aos_block.var_objective.sense = sense if warmstart: _update_values(var, bound_dir, solutions) if use_appsi: opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_constraints = new_constraint if use_appsi: opt.config.stream_solver = tee results = opt.solve(model) condition = results.termination_condition else: try: results = opt.solve( model, warmstart=warmstart, tee=tee, load_solutions=False ) except ValueError: # An exception occurs if the solver does not recognize the warmstart option results = opt.solve(model, tee=tee, load_solutions=False) condition = results.solver.termination_condition new_constraint = False if condition == optimal_tc: if use_appsi: results.solution_loader.load_vars(solution_number=0) else: solns.append(Solution(model, all_variables, objective=orig_objective)) if warmstart: _add_solution(solutions) obj_val = pe.value(var) variable_bounds[var][idx] = obj_val if refine_discrete_bounds and not var.is_continuous(): if sense == pe.minimize and < obj_val: aos_block.bound_constraints.add(var >= obj_val) new_constraint = True if sense == pe.maximize and var.ub > obj_val: aos_block.bound_constraints.add(var <= obj_val) new_constraint = True # An infeasibleOrUnbounded status code will imply the problem is # unbounded since feasibility has been established previously elif condition == infeas_or_unbdd_tc or condition == unbdd_tc: if sense == pe.minimize: variable_bounds[var][idx] = float("-inf") else: variable_bounds[var][idx] = float("inf") else: # pragma: no cover logger.warn( ( "Unexpected condition for the variable {} {} problem." "TerminationCondition = {}" ).format(, bound_dir, condition.value) ) var_value = variable_bounds[var][idx] "Iteration {}/{}: {}_{} = {}".format( iteration, total_iterations,, bound_dir, var_value ) ) if idx == 1: variable_bounds[var] = tuple(variable_bounds[var]) iteration += 1 aos_block.deactivate() orig_objective.activate()"COMPLETED OBBT ANALYSIS") return variable_bounds, solns
def _add_solution(solutions): """Add the current variable values to the solution list.""" for var in solutions: solutions[var].append(pe.value(var)) def _update_values(var, bound_dir, solutions): """ Set the values of all variables to the best solution seen previously for the current objective function. """ if bound_dir == "LB": value = min(solutions[var]) else: value = max(solutions[var]) idx = solutions[var].index(value) for variable in solutions: variable.set_value(solutions[variable][idx])