Source code for pyomo.contrib.alternative_solutions.balas

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pyomo.environ as pe
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet
from pyomo.contrib.alternative_solutions import Solution
import pyomo.contrib.alternative_solutions.aos_utils as aos_utils

[docs] def enumerate_binary_solutions( model, *, num_solutions=10, variables=None, rel_opt_gap=None, abs_opt_gap=None, search_mode="optimal", solver="gurobi", solver_options={}, tee=False, seed=None, ): """ Finds alternative optimal solutions for a binary problem using no-good cuts. This function implements a no-good cuts technique inheriting from Balas's work on Canonical Cuts [BJ72]_. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel A concrete Pyomo model num_solutions : int The maximum number of solutions to generate. variables: None or a collection of Pyomo _GeneralVarData variables The variables for which bounds will be generated. None indicates that all variables will be included. Alternatively, a collection of _GenereralVarData variables can be provided. rel_opt_gap : float or None The relative optimality gap for the original objective for which variable bounds will be found. None indicates that a relative gap constraint will not be added to the model. abs_opt_gap : float or None The absolute optimality gap for the original objective for which variable bounds will be found. None indicates that an absolute gap constraint will not be added to the model. search_mode : 'optimal', 'random', or 'hamming' Indicates the mode that is used to generate alternative solutions. The optimal mode finds the next best solution. The random mode finds an alternative solution in the direction of a random ray. The hamming mode iteratively finds solution that maximize the hamming distance from previously discovered solutions. solver : string The solver to be used. solver_options : dict Solver option-value pairs to be passed to the solver. tee : boolean Boolean indicating that the solver output should be displayed. seed : int Optional integer seed for the numpy random number generator Returns ------- solutions A list of Solution objects. [Solution] """"STARTING NO-GOOD CUT ANALYSIS") assert search_mode in [ "optimal", "random", "hamming", ], 'search mode must be "optimal", "random", or "hamming".' if seed is not None: aos_utils._set_numpy_rng(seed) all_variables = aos_utils.get_model_variables(model, include_fixed=True) if variables == None: binary_variables = [ var for var in all_variables if var.is_binary() and not var.is_fixed() ] logger.debug( "Analysis using %d binary variables: %s" % (len(binary_variables), " ".join( for var in binary_variables)) ) else: binary_variables = ComponentSet() non_binary_variables = [] for var in variables: if var.is_binary(): binary_variables.add(var) else: # pragma: no cover non_binary_variables.append( if len(non_binary_variables) > 0: logger.warn( ( "Warning: The following non-binary variables were included" "in the variable list and will be ignored:" ) ) logger.warn(", ".join(non_binary_variables)) orig_objective = aos_utils.get_active_objective(model) if len(binary_variables) == 0: logger.warn("No binary variables found!") # # Setup solver # opt = pe.SolverFactory(solver) opt.available() for parameter, value in solver_options.items(): opt.options[parameter] = value # # Appsi-specific configurations # use_appsi = False if "appsi" in solver: use_appsi = True opt.update_config.update_constraints = False opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_constraints = True opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_vars = False opt.update_config.check_for_new_or_removed_params = False opt.update_config.update_vars = False opt.update_config.update_params = False opt.update_config.update_named_expressions = False opt.update_config.treat_fixed_vars_as_params = False if search_mode == "hamming": opt.update_config.check_for_new_objective = True opt.update_config.update_objective = True elif search_mode == "random": opt.update_config.check_for_new_objective = True opt.update_config.update_objective = False else: opt.update_config.check_for_new_objective = False opt.update_config.update_objective = False # # Initial solve of the model #"Performing initial solve of model.") results = opt.solve(model, tee=tee, load_solutions=False) status = results.solver.status if not pe.check_optimal_termination(results): condition = results.solver.termination_condition raise Exception( ( "No-good cut analysis cannot be applied, " "SolverStatus = {}, " "TerminationCondition = {}" ).format(status.value, condition.value) ) orig_objective_value = pe.value(orig_objective)"Found optimal solution, value = {}.".format(orig_objective_value)) solutions = [Solution(model, all_variables, objective=orig_objective)] # # Return just this solution if there are no binary variables # if len(binary_variables) == 0: return solutions aos_block = aos_utils._add_aos_block(model, name="_balas")"Added block {} to the model.".format(aos_block)) aos_block.no_good_cuts = pe.ConstraintList() aos_utils._add_objective_constraint( aos_block, orig_objective, orig_objective_value, rel_opt_gap, abs_opt_gap ) if search_mode in ["random", "hamming"]: orig_objective.deactivate() solution_number = 2 while solution_number <= num_solutions: expr = 0 for var in binary_variables: if var.value > 0.5: expr += 1 - var else: expr += var aos_block.no_good_cuts.add(expr=expr >= 1) if search_mode == "hamming": if hasattr(aos_block, "hamming_objective"): aos_block.hamming_objective.expr += expr if use_appsi and opt.update_config.check_for_new_objective: opt.update_config.check_for_new_objective = False else: aos_block.hamming_objective = pe.Objective(expr=expr, sense=pe.maximize) elif search_mode == "random": if hasattr(aos_block, "random_objective"): aos_block.del_component("random_objective") vector = aos_utils._get_random_direction(len(binary_variables)) idx = 0 expr = 0 for var in binary_variables: expr += vector[idx] * var idx += 1 aos_block.random_objective = pe.Objective(expr=expr, sense=pe.maximize) results = opt.solve(model, tee=tee, load_solutions=False) status = results.solver.status condition = results.solver.termination_condition if pe.check_optimal_termination(results): orig_obj_value = pe.value(orig_objective) "Iteration {}: objective = {}".format(solution_number, orig_obj_value) ) solutions.append(Solution(model, all_variables, objective=orig_objective)) solution_number += 1 elif ( condition == pe.TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded or condition == pe.TerminationCondition.infeasible ): "Iteration {}: Infeasible, no additional binary solutions.".format( solution_number ) ) break else: # pragma: no cover ( "Iteration {}: Unexpected condition, SolverStatus = {}, " "TerminationCondition = {}" ).format(solution_number, status.value, condition.value) ) break aos_block.deactivate() orig_objective.activate()"COMPLETED NO-GOOD CUT ANALYSIS") return solutions