AML Library Reference

The following modeling components make up the core of the Pyomo Algebraic Modeling Language (AML). These classes are all available through the pyomo.environ namespace.

ConcreteModel(*args, **kwds)

A concrete optimization model that does not defer construction of components.

AbstractModel(*args, **kwds)

An abstract optimization model that defers construction of components.

Block(*args, **kwds)

Blocks are indexed components that contain other components (including blocks).

Set(*args, **kwds)

A component used to index other Pyomo components.

RangeSet(*args, **kwds)

A set object that represents a set of numeric values

Param(*args, **kwds)

A parameter value, which may be defined over an index.

Var(*args, **kwargs)

A numeric variable, which may be defined over an index.

Objective(*args, **kwds)

This modeling component defines an objective expression.

Constraint(*args, **kwds)

This modeling component defines a constraint expression using a rule function.

ExternalFunction(*args, **kwargs)

Interface to an external (non-algebraic) function.

Reference(reference[, ctype])

Creates a component that references other components

SOSConstraint(*args, **kwds)

Implements constraints for special ordered sets (SOS).