Generalized Disjunctive Programming

The Pyomo.GDP modeling extension [PyomoGDP-proceedings] [PyomoGDP-paper] provides support for Generalized Disjunctive Programming (GDP) [RG94], an extension of Disjunctive Programming [Bal85] from the operations research community to include nonlinear relationships. The classic form for a GDP is given by:
Here, we have the minimization of an objective \(obj\) subject to global linear constraints \(Ax+Bz \leq d\) and nonlinear constraints \(g(x,z) \leq 0\), with conditional linear constraints \(M_{ik} x + N_{ik} z \leq e_{ik}\) and nonlinear constraints \(r_{ik}(x,z)\leq 0\). These conditional constraints are collected into disjuncts \(D_k\), organized into disjunctions \(K\). Finally, there are logical propositions \(\Omega(Y) = True\). Decision/state variables can be continuous \(x\), Boolean \(Y\), and/or integer \(z\).
GDP is useful to model discrete decisions that have implications on the system behavior [GT13]. For example, in process design, a disjunction may model the choice between processes A and B. If A is selected, then its associated equations and inequalities will apply; otherwise, if B is selected, then its respective constraints should be enforced.
Modelers often ask to model if-then-else relationships. These can be expressed as a disjunction as follows:
Here, if the Boolean \(Y_1\) is True
, then the constraints in the first disjunct are enforced; otherwise, the constraints in the second disjunct are enforced.
The following sections describe the key concepts, modeling, and solution approaches available for Generalized Disjunctive Programming.
Pyomo.GDP Contents