Future Solver Interface Changes


The new solver interfaces are still under active development. They are included in the releases as development previews. Please be aware that APIs and functionality may change with no notice.

We welcome any feedback and ideas as we develop this capability. Please post feedback on Issue 1030.

Pyomo offers interfaces into multiple solvers, both commercial and open source. To support better capabilities for solver interfaces, the Pyomo team is actively redesigning the existing interfaces to make them more maintainable and intuitive for use. A preview of the redesigned interfaces can be found in pyomo.contrib.solver.

New Interface Usage

The new interfaces are not completely backwards compatible with the existing Pyomo solver interfaces. However, to aid in testing and evaluation, we are distributing versions of the new solver interfaces that are compatible with the existing (“legacy”) solver interface. These “legacy” interfaces are registered with the current SolverFactory using slightly different names (to avoid conflicts with existing interfaces).

Table 7 Available Redesigned Solvers and Names Registered in the SolverFactories


Name registered in the

Name registered in the




Gurobi (persistent)



Gurobi (direct)



Using the new interfaces through the legacy interface

Here we use the new interface as exposed through the existing (legacy) solver factory and solver interface wrapper. This provides an API that is compatible with the existing (legacy) Pyomo solver interface and can be used with other Pyomo tools / capabilities.

import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.util import assert_optimal_termination

model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)
model.y = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)

def rosenbrock(model):
    return (1.0 - model.x) ** 2 + 100.0 * (model.y - model.x**2) ** 2

model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=rosenbrock, sense=pyo.minimize)

status = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt_v2').solve(model)

In keeping with our commitment to backwards compatibility, both the legacy and future methods of specifying solver options are supported:

import pyomo.environ as pyo

model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)
model.y = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)

def rosenbrock(model):
    return (1.0 - model.x) ** 2 + 100.0 * (model.y - model.x**2) ** 2

model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=rosenbrock, sense=pyo.minimize)

# Backwards compatible
status = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt_v2').solve(model, options={'max_iter' : 6})
# Forwards compatible
status = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt_v2').solve(model, solver_options={'max_iter' : 6})

Using the new interfaces directly

Here we use the new interface by importing it directly:

# Direct import
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.util import assert_optimal_termination
from pyomo.contrib.solver.ipopt import Ipopt

model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)
model.y = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)

def rosenbrock(model):
    return (1.0 - model.x) ** 2 + 100.0 * (model.y - model.x**2) ** 2

model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=rosenbrock, sense=pyo.minimize)

opt = Ipopt()
status = opt.solve(model)
# Displays important results information; only available through the new interfaces

Using the new interfaces through the “new” SolverFactory

Here we use the new interface by retrieving it from the new SolverFactory:

# Import through new SolverFactory
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.util import assert_optimal_termination
from pyomo.contrib.solver.factory import SolverFactory

model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)
model.y = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)

def rosenbrock(model):
    return (1.0 - model.x) ** 2 + 100.0 * (model.y - model.x**2) ** 2

model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=rosenbrock, sense=pyo.minimize)

opt = SolverFactory('ipopt')
status = opt.solve(model)
# Displays important results information; only available through the new interfaces

Switching all of Pyomo to use the new interfaces

We also provide a mechanism to get a “preview” of the future where we replace the existing (legacy) SolverFactory and utilities with the new (development) version (see Accessing preview features):

# Change default SolverFactory version
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.util import assert_optimal_termination
from pyomo.__future__ import solver_factory_v3

model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.x = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)
model.y = pyo.Var(initialize=1.5)

def rosenbrock(model):
    return (1.0 - model.x) ** 2 + 100.0 * (model.y - model.x**2) ** 2

model.obj = pyo.Objective(rule=rosenbrock, sense=pyo.minimize)

status = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt').solve(model)
# Displays important results information; only available through the new interfaces

Linear Presolve and Scaling

The new interface allows access to new capabilities in the various problem writers, including the linear presolve and scaling options recently incorporated into the redesigned NL writer. For example, you can control the NL writer in the new ipopt interface through the solver’s writer_config configuration option:

class pyomo.contrib.solver.ipopt.Ipopt(**kwds)[source]
solve(model, **kwds)[source]

Solve a model using Ipopt

Keyword Arguments:
  • tee (TextIO_or_Logger, default=False) – tee accepts bool, io.TextIOBase, or logging.Logger (or a list of these types). True is mapped to sys.stdout. The solver log will be printed to each of these streams / destinations.

  • working_dir (Path, optional) – The directory in which generated files should be saved. This replaces the keepfiles option.

  • load_solutions (Bool, default=True) – If True, the values of the primal variables will be loaded into the model.

  • raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result (Bool, default=True) – If False, the solve method will continue processing even if the returned result is nonoptimal.

  • symbolic_solver_labels (Bool, default=False) – If True, the names given to the solver will reflect the names of the Pyomo components. Cannot be changed after set_instance is called.

  • timer (optional) – A timer object for recording relevant process timing data.

  • threads (NonNegativeInt, optional) – Number of threads to be used by a solver.

  • time_limit (NonNegativeFloat, optional) – Time limit applied to the solver (in seconds).

  • solver_options (dict, optional) – Options to pass to the solver.

  • executable (default=<pyomo.common.fileutils.ExecutableData object at 0x7f4128131ad0>) – Preferred executable for ipopt. Defaults to searching the PATH for the first available ipopt.

  • writer_config (dict, optional) –


    show_section_timing: bool, default=False

    Print timing after writing each section of the NL file

    skip_trivial_constraints: bool, default=True

    Skip writing constraints whose body is constant

    file_determinism: InEnum[~pyomo.repn.util.FileDeterminism], default=<FileDeterminism.ORDERED: 10>

    How much effort do we want to put into ensuring the NL file is written deterministically for a Pyomo model:

    • NONE (0) : None

    • ORDERED (10): rely on underlying component ordering (default)

    • SORT_INDICES (20) : sort keys of indexed components

    • SORT_SYMBOLS (30) : sort keys AND sort names (not declaration order)

    symbolic_solver_labels: bool, default=False

    Write the corresponding .row and .col files

    scale_model: bool, default=True

    If True, then the writer will output the model constraints and variables in ‘scaled space’ using the scaling from the ‘scaling_factor’ Suffix, if provided.

    export_nonlinear_variables: list, optional

    List of variables to ensure are in the NL file (even if they don’t appear in any constraints).

    row_order: optional

    List of constraints in the order that they should appear in the NL file. Note that this is only a suggestion, as the NL writer will move all nonlinear constraints before linear ones (preserving row_order within each group).

    column_order: optional

    List of variables in the order that they should appear in the NL file. Note that this is only a suggestion, as the NL writer will move all nonlinear variables before linear ones, and within nonlinear variables, variables appearing in both objectives and constraints before variables appearing only in constraints, which appear before variables appearing only in objectives. Within each group, continuous variables appear before discrete variables. In all cases, column_order is preserved within each group.

    export_defined_variables: bool, default=True

    If True, export Expression objects to the NL file as ‘defined variables’.

    linear_presolve: bool, default=True

    If True, we will perform a basic linear presolve by performing variable elimination (without fill-in).

from pyomo.contrib.solver.ipopt import Ipopt
opt = Ipopt()
show_section_timing: false
skip_trivial_constraints: true
file_determinism: FileDeterminism.ORDERED
symbolic_solver_labels: false
scale_model: true
export_nonlinear_variables: None
row_order: None
column_order: None
export_defined_variables: true
linear_presolve: true

Note that, by default, both linear_presolve and scale_model are enabled. Users can manipulate linear_presolve and scale_model to their preferred states by changing their values.

>>> opt.config.writer_config.linear_presolve = False

Interface Implementation

All new interfaces should be built upon one of two classes (currently): SolverBase or PersistentSolverBase.

All solvers should have the following:

class pyomo.contrib.solver.base.SolverBase(**kwds)[source]
This base class defines the methods required for all solvers:
  • available: Determines whether the solver is able to be run,

    combining both whether it can be found on the system and if the license is valid.

  • solve: The main method of every solver

  • version: The version of the solver

  • is_persistent: Set to false for all non-persistent solvers.

Additionally, solvers should have a config attribute that inherits from one of SolverConfig, BranchAndBoundConfig, PersistentSolverConfig, or PersistentBranchAndBoundConfig.

enum Availability(value)[source]

Class to capture different statuses in which a solver can exist in order to record its availability for use.

abstract available() bool[source]

Test if the solver is available on this system.

Nominally, this will return True if the solver interface is valid and can be used to solve problems and False if it cannot.

Note that for licensed solvers there are a number of “levels” of available: depending on the license, the solver may be available with limitations on problem size or runtime (e.g., ‘demo’ vs. ‘community’ vs. ‘full’). In these cases, the solver may return a subclass of enum.IntEnum, with members that resolve to True if the solver is available (possibly with limitations). The Enum may also have multiple members that all resolve to False indicating the reason why the interface is not available (not found, bad license, unsupported version, etc).


available – An enum that indicates “how available” the solver is. Note that the enum can be cast to bool, which will be True if the solver is runable at all and False otherwise.

Return type:


is_persistent() bool[source]

is_persistent – True if the solver is a persistent solver.

Return type:


abstract solve(model: BlockData, **kwargs) Results[source]

Solve a Pyomo model.

  • model (BlockData) – The Pyomo model to be solved

  • **kwargs – Additional keyword arguments (including solver_options - passthrough options; delivered directly to the solver (with no validation))


results – A results object

Return type:


Keyword Arguments:
  • tee (TextIO_or_Logger, default=False) – tee accepts bool, io.TextIOBase, or logging.Logger (or a list of these types). True is mapped to sys.stdout. The solver log will be printed to each of these streams / destinations.

  • working_dir (Path, optional) – The directory in which generated files should be saved. This replaces the keepfiles option.

  • load_solutions (Bool, default=True) – If True, the values of the primal variables will be loaded into the model.

  • raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result (Bool, default=True) – If False, the solve method will continue processing even if the returned result is nonoptimal.

  • symbolic_solver_labels (Bool, default=False) – If True, the names given to the solver will reflect the names of the Pyomo components. Cannot be changed after set_instance is called.

  • timer (optional) – A timer object for recording relevant process timing data.

  • threads (NonNegativeInt, optional) – Number of threads to be used by a solver.

  • time_limit (NonNegativeFloat, optional) – Time limit applied to the solver (in seconds).

  • solver_options (dict, optional) – Options to pass to the solver.

abstract version() Tuple[source]

version – A tuple representing the version

Return type:


Persistent solvers include additional members as well as other configuration options:

class pyomo.contrib.solver.base.PersistentSolverBase(**kwds)[source]

Bases: SolverBase

Base class upon which persistent solvers can be built. This inherits the methods from the solver base class and adds those methods that are necessary for persistent solvers.

Example usage can be seen in the Gurobi interface.

abstract add_block(block: BlockData)[source]

Add a block to the model

abstract add_constraints(cons: List[ConstraintData])[source]

Add constraints to the model

abstract add_parameters(params: List[ParamData])[source]

Add parameters to the model

abstract add_variables(variables: List[VarData])[source]

Add variables to the model


is_persistent – True if the solver is a persistent solver.

Return type:


abstract remove_block(block: BlockData)[source]

Remove a block from the model

abstract remove_constraints(cons: List[ConstraintData])[source]

Remove constraints from the model

abstract remove_parameters(params: List[ParamData])[source]

Remove parameters from the model

abstract remove_variables(variables: List[VarData])[source]

Remove variables from the model

abstract set_instance(model)[source]

Set an instance of the model

abstract set_objective(obj: ObjectiveData)[source]

Set current objective for the model

abstract solve(model: BlockData, **kwargs) Results[source]
Keyword Arguments:
  • tee (TextIO_or_Logger, default=False) – tee accepts bool, io.TextIOBase, or logging.Logger (or a list of these types). True is mapped to sys.stdout. The solver log will be printed to each of these streams / destinations.

  • working_dir (Path, optional) – The directory in which generated files should be saved. This replaces the keepfiles option.

  • load_solutions (Bool, default=True) – If True, the values of the primal variables will be loaded into the model.

  • raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result (Bool, default=True) – If False, the solve method will continue processing even if the returned result is nonoptimal.

  • symbolic_solver_labels (Bool, default=False) – If True, the names given to the solver will reflect the names of the Pyomo components. Cannot be changed after set_instance is called.

  • timer (optional) – A timer object for recording relevant process timing data.

  • threads (NonNegativeInt, optional) – Number of threads to be used by a solver.

  • time_limit (NonNegativeFloat, optional) – Time limit applied to the solver (in seconds).

  • solver_options (dict, optional) – Options to pass to the solver.

  • auto_updates (dict, optional) –

    Configuration options to detect changes in model between solves

    check_for_new_or_removed_constraints: bool, default=True

    If False, new/old constraints will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.add_constraints() and opt.remove_constraints() or when you are certain constraints are not being added to/removed from the model.

    check_for_new_or_removed_vars: bool, default=True

    If False, new/old variables will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.add_variables() and opt.remove_variables() or when you are certain variables are not being added to / removed from the model.

    check_for_new_or_removed_params: bool, default=True

    If False, new/old parameters will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.add_parameters() and opt.remove_parameters() or when you are certain parameters are not being added to / removed from the model.

    check_for_new_objective: bool, default=True

    If False, new/old objectives will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.set_objective() or when you are certain objectives are not being added to / removed from the model.

    update_constraints: bool, default=True

    If False, changes to existing constraints will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. This includes changes to the lower, body, and upper attributes of constraints. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.remove_constraints() and opt.add_constraints() or when you are certain constraints are not being modified.

    update_vars: bool, default=True

    If False, changes to existing variables will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. This includes changes to the lb, ub, domain, and fixed attributes of variables. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.update_variables() or when you are certain variables are not being modified.

    update_parameters: bool, default=True

    If False, changes to parameter values will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.update_parameters() or when you are certain parameters are not being modified.

    update_named_expressions: bool, default=True

    If False, changes to Expressions will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.remove_constraints() and opt.add_constraints() or when you are certain Expressions are not being modified.

    update_objective: bool, default=True

    If False, changes to objectives will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. This includes the expr and sense attributes of objectives. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.set_objective() or when you are certain objectives are not being modified.

    treat_fixed_vars_as_params: bool, default=True

    [ADVANCED option]

    This is an advanced option that should only be used in special circumstances. With the default setting of True, fixed variables will be treated like parameters. This means that z == x*y will be linear if x or y is fixed and the constraint can be written to an LP file. If the value of the fixed variable gets changed, we have to completely reprocess all constraints using that variable. If treat_fixed_vars_as_params is False, then constraints will be processed as if fixed variables are not fixed, and the solver will be told the variable is fixed. This means z == x*y could not be written to an LP file even if x and/or y is fixed. However, updating the values of fixed variables is much faster this way.

abstract update_parameters()[source]

Update parameters on the model

abstract update_variables(variables: List[VarData])[source]

Update variables on the model


Every solver, at the end of a solve call, will return a Results object. This object is a pyomo.common.config.ConfigDict, which can be manipulated similar to a standard dict in Python.

class pyomo.contrib.solver.results.Results(description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0)[source]

Bases: ConfigDict

Base class for all solver results


Object for loading the solution back into the model.




The reason the solver exited. This is a member of the TerminationCondition enum.




The result of the solve call. This is a member of the SolutionStatus enum.




If a feasible solution was found, this is the objective value of the best solution found. If no feasible solution was found, this is None.




The best objective bound found. For minimization problems, this is the lower bound. For maximization problems, this is the upper bound. For solvers that do not provide an objective bound, this should be -inf (minimization) or inf (maximization)




The name of the solver in use.




A tuple representing the version of the solver in use.




The total number of iterations.




A ConfigDict containing three pieces of information:

  • start_timestamp: UTC timestamp of when run was initiated

  • wall_time: elapsed wall clock time for entire process

  • timer: a HierarchicalTimer object containing timing data about the solve

Specific solvers may add other relevant timing information, as appropriate.




A ConfigDict to store extra information such as solver messages.




A copy of the SolverConfig ConfigDict, for later inspection/reproducibility.




(ADVANCED OPTION) Any solver log messages.



display(content_filter=None, indent_spacing=2, ostream=None, visibility=0)[source]
extra_info: ConfigDict
incumbent_objective: float | None
iteration_count: int | None
objective_bound: float | None
solution_status: SolutionStatus
solver_configuration: ConfigDict
solver_log: str
solver_name: str | None
solver_version: Tuple[int, ...] | None
termination_condition: TerminationCondition
timing_info: ConfigDict

Termination Conditions

Pyomo offers a standard set of termination conditions to map to solver returns. The intent of TerminationCondition is to notify the user of why the solver exited. The user is expected to inspect the Results object or any returned solver messages or logs for more information.

class pyomo.contrib.solver.results.TerminationCondition(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An Enum that enumerates all possible exit statuses for a solver call.

Solution Status

Pyomo offers a standard set of solution statuses to map to solver output. The intent of SolutionStatus is to notify the user of what the solver returned at a high level. The user is expected to inspect the Results object or any returned solver messages or logs for more information.

class pyomo.contrib.solver.results.SolutionStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration for interpreting the result of a termination. This describes the designated status by the solver to be loaded back into the model.


Solutions can be loaded back into a model using a SolutionLoader. A specific loader should be written for each unique case. Several have already been implemented. For example, for ipopt:

class pyomo.contrib.solver.ipopt.IpoptSolutionLoader(sol_data: SolFileData, nl_info: NLWriterInfo)[source]

Bases: SolSolutionLoader

get_duals(cons_to_load: Sequence[ConstraintData] | None = None) Dict[ConstraintData, float]

Returns a dictionary mapping constraint to dual value.


cons_to_load (list) – A list of the constraints whose duals should be retrieved. If cons_to_load is None, then the duals for all constraints will be retrieved.


duals – Maps constraints to dual values

Return type:


get_primals(vars_to_load: Sequence[VarData] | None = None) Mapping[VarData, float]

Returns a ComponentMap mapping variable to var value.


vars_to_load (list) – A list of the variables whose solution value should be retrieved. If vars_to_load is None, then the values for all variables will be retrieved.


primals – Maps variables to solution values

Return type:


get_reduced_costs(vars_to_load: Sequence[VarData] | None = None) Mapping[VarData, float][source]

Returns a ComponentMap mapping variable to reduced cost.


vars_to_load (list) – A list of the variables whose reduced cost should be retrieved. If vars_to_load is None, then the reduced costs for all variables will be loaded.


reduced_costs – Maps variables to reduced costs

Return type:


load_vars(vars_to_load: Sequence[VarData] | None = None) NoReturn

Load the solution of the primal variables into the value attribute of the variables.


vars_to_load (list) – The minimum set of variables whose solution should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then the solution to all primal variables will be loaded. Even if vars_to_load is specified, the values of other variables may also be loaded depending on the interface.