(class from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.GAMS
- class pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.GAMS.GAMSSolver(*args, **kwds)[source]
A generic interface to GAMS solvers.
- Pass solver_io keyword arg to SolverFactory to choose solver mode:
- solver_io=’direct’ or ‘python’ to use GAMS Python API
Requires installation, visit Python API page on for help.
- solver_io=’shell’ or ‘gms’ to use command line to call gams
Requires the gams executable be on your system PATH.
- __init__(**kwds)
()Returns a 4-tuple describing the solver executable version.
True is the solver can accept a warm-start solution.
Member Documentation
- version()
Returns a 4-tuple describing the solver executable version.
- warm_start_capable()
True is the solver can accept a warm-start solution.