(function from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr
- pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.enable_expression_optimizations(zero=None, one=None)[source]
Enable(disable) expression generation optimizations
There are currently two optimizations available during expression generation:
zero: aggressively resolve 0*f(.) expressions to 0, 0/f(.) expressions to 0, and f(.)**0 expressions to 1
one: aggressively resolve identities: 1*f(.) expressions to f(.), f(.)/1 expressions to f(.), and f(.)**1 expressions to f(.).
The default optimizations are zero=False and one=True.
Enabling the zero optimization can mask certain modeling errors. In particular, the optimization will suppress ZeroDivisionError`s that should be raised if `f(.) resolves to 0 (in the case of 0/f(.)), as well as any errors that would have otherwise been raised during the evaluation of f(.). In addition, optimizing f(.)**0 == 1 is only valid when f(.)!=0. Users who enable this optimization bear responsibility for ensuring that these optimizations will be valid for the model.
The one optimizations should generally be safe.