(class from pyomo.core.base.range
- class pyomo.core.base.range.NumericRange(start, end, step, closed=(True, True))[source]
A representation of a numeric range.
This class represents a contiguous range of numbers. The class mimics the Pyomo (not Python) range API, with a Start, End, and Step. The Step is a signed int. If the Step is 0, the range is continuous. The End is included in the range. Ranges are closed, unless closed is specified as a 2-tuple of bool values. Only continuous ranges may be open (or partially open)
Closed ranges are not necessarily strictly finite, as None is allowed for the End value (as well as the Start value, for continuous ranges only).
- Parameters:
start (float) – The starting value for this NumericRange
end (float) – The last value for this NumericRange
step (int) – The interval between values in the range. 0 indicates a continuous range. Negative values indicate discrete ranges walking backwards.
closed (tuple of bool, optional) – A 2-tuple of bool values indicating if the beginning and end of the range is closed. Open ranges are only allowed for continuous NumericRange objects.
(start, end, step[, closed])isdiscrete
(other)Normalizes this NumericRange.
(other_ranges)Return the difference between this range and a list of other ranges.
(other_ranges)Return the intersection between this range and a set of other ranges.
Member Documentation
- normalize_bounds()[source]
Normalizes this NumericRange.
This returns a normalized range by reversing lb and ub if the NumericRange step is less than zero. If lb and ub are reversed, then closed is updated to reflect that change.
- Return type:
lb, ub, closed