
(enum from pyomo.contrib.solver.results)

enum pyomo.contrib.solver.results.SolutionStatus(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

An enumeration for interpreting the result of a termination. This describes the designated status by the solver to be loaded back into the model.

Enum Members

noSolution = 0

No (single) solution was found; possible that a population of solutions was returned.

infeasible = 10

Solution point does not satisfy some domains and/or constraints.

feasible = 20

A solution for which all of the constraints in the model are satisfied.

optimal = 30

A feasible solution where the objective function reaches its specified sense (e.g., maximum, minimum)

Member Documentation

noSolution = 0

No (single) solution was found; possible that a population of solutions was returned.

infeasible = 10

Solution point does not satisfy some domains and/or constraints.

feasible = 20

A solution for which all of the constraints in the model are satisfied.

optimal = 30

A feasible solution where the objective function reaches its specified sense (e.g., maximum, minimum)