

CyIpoptSolverWrapper(nlp[, options, timer])

A wrapper for CyIpoptNLP and CyIpoptSolver that implements the NlpSolverBase API

DecomposedImplicitFunctionBase(variables, ...)

A base class for an implicit function that applies a partition to its variables and constraints and converges the system by solving subsets sequentially

ImplicitFunctionSolver(variables, ...[, ...])

A basic implicit function solver that uses a ProjectedNLP to solve the parameterized system without repeated file writes when parameters are updated

NlpSolverBase(nlp[, options, timer])

A base class that solves an NLP object

PyomoImplicitFunctionBase(variables, ...)

A base class defining an API for implicit functions defined using Pyomo components.

SccImplicitFunctionSolver(variables, ...[, ...])

ScipySolverWrapper(nlp[, timer, options])

A wrapper for SciPy NLP solvers that implements the NlpSolverBase API