
(class from pyomo.contrib.piecewise.transform.disaggregated_logarithmic)

class pyomo.contrib.piecewise.transform.disaggregated_logarithmic.DisaggregatedLogarithmicMIPTransformation[source]

Bases: PiecewiseLinearTransformationBase

Represent a piecewise linear function “logarithmically” as a MIP.

This transformation represents a piecewise linear function “logarithmically” by using a MIP with \(log_2(|P|)\) binary decision variables, following the “disaggregated logarithmic” method from [VAN10].

This is a direct-to-MIP transformation; GDP is not used. This method of logarithmically formulating the piecewise linear function imposes no restrictions on the family of polytopes, but we assume we have simplices in this code.




apply(model, **kwds)


apply_to(model, **kwds)

Apply the transformation to the given model.

create_using(model, **kwds)

Create a new model with this transformation



Member Documentation

apply(model, **kwds)


Deprecated since version 4.3.11323: Transformation.apply() has been deprecated. Please use either Transformation.apply_to() for in-place transformations or Transformation.create_using() for transformations that create a new, independent transformed model instance.

apply_to(model, **kwds)

Apply the transformation to the given model.

create_using(model, **kwds)

Create a new model with this transformation