(class from pyomo.contrib.mcpp.pyomo_mcpp
- class pyomo.contrib.mcpp.pyomo_mcpp.McCormick(expression, improved_var_bounds=None)[source]
This class takes the constructed expression from MCPP_Visitor and allows for MC methods to be performed on pyomo expressions.
__repn__(self): returns a display of an MC expression in the form: F: [lower interval : upper interval ] [convex underestimator : concave overestimator ] [ (convex subgradient) : (concave subgradient]
lower(self): returns a float of the lower interval bound that is valid across the entire domain
upper(self): returns a float of the upper interval bound that is valid across the entire domain
concave(self): returns a float of the concave overestimator at the current value() of each variable.
convex(self): returns a float of the convex underestimator at the current value() of each variable.
##Note: In order to describe the concave and convex relaxations over the entire domain, it is necessary to use changePoint() to repeat the calculation at different points.
subcc(self): returns a ComponentMap() that maps the pyomo variables to the subgradients of the McCormick concave overestimators at the current value() of each variable.
subcv(self): returns a ComponentMap() that maps the pyomo variables to the subgradients of the McCormick convex underestimators at the current value() of each variable.
def changePoint(self, var, point): updates the current value() on the pyomo side and the current point on the MC++ side.
(expression[, improved_var_bounds])changePoint
(var, point)concave
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