
(class from pyomo.common.config)

class pyomo.common.config.ListOf(itemtype, domain=None, string_lexer=NOTSET)[source]

Bases: object

Domain validator for lists of a specified type

  • itemtype (type) – The type for each element in the list

  • domain (Callable) – A domain validator (callable that takes the incoming value, validates it, and returns the appropriate domain type) for each element in the list. If not specified, defaults to the itemtype.

  • string_lexer (Callable) – A preprocessor (lexer) called for all string values. If NOTSET, then strings are split on whitespace and/or commas (honoring simple use of single or double quotes). If None, then no tokenization is performed.

__init__(itemtype, domain=None, string_lexer=NOTSET)[source]


__init__(itemtype[, domain, string_lexer])


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