# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from pyomo.core.base.block import Block
from pyomo.core.base.reference import Reference
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import identify_variables
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet, ComponentMap
from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
from pyomo.util.vars_from_expressions import get_vars_from_components
from pyomo.core.base.constraint import Constraint
from pyomo.core.base.expression import Expression
from pyomo.core.base.objective import Objective
from pyomo.core.base.external import ExternalFunction
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import StreamBasedExpressionVisitor
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import ExternalFunctionExpression
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import native_types, NumericValue
class _ExternalFunctionVisitor(StreamBasedExpressionVisitor):
def __init__(self, descend_into_named_expressions=True):
self._descend_into_named_expressions = descend_into_named_expressions
self.named_expressions = []
def initializeWalker(self, expr):
self._functions = []
self._seen = set()
return True, None
def beforeChild(self, parent, child, index):
if child.__class__ in native_types:
return False, None
elif (
not self._descend_into_named_expressions
and child.is_named_expression_type()
return False, None
return True, None
def exitNode(self, node, data):
if type(node) is ExternalFunctionExpression:
if id(node) not in self._seen:
def finalizeResult(self, result):
return self._functions
def identify_external_functions(expr):
yield from _ExternalFunctionVisitor().walk_expression(expr)
def add_local_external_functions(block):
ef_exprs = []
named_expressions = []
visitor = _ExternalFunctionVisitor(descend_into_named_expressions=False)
for comp in block.component_data_objects(
(Constraint, Expression, Objective), active=True
named_expr_set = ComponentSet(visitor.named_expressions)
# List of unique named expressions
named_expressions = list(named_expr_set)
while named_expressions:
expr = named_expressions.pop()
# Clear named expression cache so we don't re-check named expressions
# we've seen before.
# Only add to the stack named expressions that we have
# not encountered yet.
for local_expr in visitor.named_expressions:
if local_expr not in named_expr_set:
unique_functions = []
fcn_set = set()
for expr in ef_exprs:
fcn = expr._fcn
data = (fcn._library, fcn._function)
if data not in fcn_set:
fcn_comp_map = {}
for lib, name in unique_functions:
comp_name = unique_component_name(block, "_" + name)
comp = ExternalFunction(library=lib, function=name)
block.add_component(comp_name, comp)
fcn_comp_map[lib, name] = comp
return fcn_comp_map
def create_subsystem_block(constraints, variables=None, include_fixed=False):
"""This function creates a block to serve as a subsystem with the
specified variables and constraints. To satisfy certain writers, other
variables that appear in the constraints must be added to the block as
well. We call these the "input vars." They may be thought of as
parameters in the subsystem, but we do not fix them here as it is not
obvious that this is desired.
constraints: List
List of Pyomo constraint data objects
variables: List
List of Pyomo var data objects
include_fixed: Bool
Indicates whether fixed variables should be attached to the block.
This is useful if they may be unfixed at some point.
Block containing references to the specified constraints and variables,
as well as other variables present in the constraints
if variables is None:
variables = []
block = Block(concrete=True)
block.vars = Reference(variables)
block.cons = Reference(constraints)
var_set = ComponentSet(variables)
input_vars = []
for var in get_vars_from_components(block, Constraint, include_fixed=include_fixed):
if var not in var_set:
block.input_vars = Reference(input_vars)
return block
def generate_subsystem_blocks(subsystems, include_fixed=False):
"""Generates blocks that contain subsystems of variables and constraints.
subsystems: List of tuples
Each tuple is a list of constraints then a list of variables
that will define a subsystem.
include_fixed: Bool
Indicates whether to add already fixed variables to the generated
subsystem blocks.
"Subsystem blocks" containing the variables and constraints specified
by each entry in subsystems. Variables in the constraints that are
not specified are contained in the input_vars component.
for cons, vars in subsystems:
block = create_subsystem_block(cons, vars, include_fixed)
yield block, list(block.input_vars.values())
class TemporarySubsystemManager(object):
"""This class is a context manager for cases when we want to
temporarily fix or deactivate certain variables or constraints
in order to perform some solve or calculation with the resulting
def __init__(
to_fix: List
List of var data objects that should be temporarily fixed.
These are restored to their original status on exit from
this object's context manager.
to_deactivate: List
List of constraint data objects that should be temporarily
deactivated. These are restored to their original status on
exit from this object's context manager.
to_reset: List
List of var data objects that should be reset to their
original values on exit from this object's context context
to_unfix: List
List of var data objects to be temporarily unfixed. These are
restored to their original status on exit from this object's
context manager.
remove_bounds_on_fix: Bool
Whether bounds should be removed temporarily for fixed variables
if to_fix is None:
to_fix = []
if to_deactivate is None:
to_deactivate = []
if to_reset is None:
to_reset = []
if to_unfix is None:
to_unfix = []
if not ComponentSet(to_fix).isdisjoint(ComponentSet(to_unfix)):
to_unfix_set = ComponentSet(to_unfix)
both = [var for var in to_fix if var in to_unfix_set]
var_names = "\n" + "\n".join([var.name for var in both])
raise RuntimeError(
f"Conflicting instructions: The following variables are present"
" in both to_fix and to_unfix lists: {var_names}"
self._vars_to_fix = to_fix
self._cons_to_deactivate = to_deactivate
self._comps_to_set = to_reset
self._vars_to_unfix = to_unfix
self._var_was_fixed = None
self._con_was_active = None
self._comp_original_value = None
self._var_was_unfixed = None
self._remove_bounds_on_fix = remove_bounds_on_fix
self._fixed_var_bounds = None
def __enter__(self):
to_fix = self._vars_to_fix
to_deactivate = self._cons_to_deactivate
to_set = self._comps_to_set
to_unfix = self._vars_to_unfix
self._var_was_fixed = [(var, var.fixed) for var in to_fix + to_unfix]
self._con_was_active = [(con, con.active) for con in to_deactivate]
self._comp_original_value = [(comp, comp.value) for comp in to_set]
self._fixed_var_bounds = [(var.lb, var.ub) for var in to_fix]
for var in self._vars_to_fix:
if self._remove_bounds_on_fix:
# TODO: Potentially override var.domain as well?
for con in self._cons_to_deactivate:
for var in self._vars_to_unfix:
# As of Pyomo 6.5, attempting to unfix an already unfixed var
# does not raise an exception. Here we rely on this behavior.
return self
def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_val, ex_bt):
for var, was_fixed in self._var_was_fixed:
if was_fixed:
if self._remove_bounds_on_fix:
for var, (lb, ub) in zip(self._vars_to_fix, self._fixed_var_bounds):
for con, was_active in self._con_was_active:
if was_active:
for comp, val in self._comp_original_value:
class ParamSweeper(TemporarySubsystemManager):
"""This class enables setting values of variables/parameters
according to a provided sequence. Iterating over this object
sets values to the next in the sequence, at which point a
calculation may be performed and output values compared.
On exit, original values are restored.
This is useful for testing a solve that is meant to perform some
calculation, over a range of values for which the calculation
is valid. For example:
.. testcode::
:skipif: not glpk_available
model = pyo.ConcreteModel()
model.v1 = pyo.Var()
model.v2 = pyo.Var()
model.c = pyo.Constraint(expr=model.v2 - model.v1 >= 0.1)
model.o = pyo.Objective(expr=model.v1 + model.v2)
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('glpk')
input_vars = [model.v1]
n_scen = 2
input_values = pyo.ComponentMap([(model.v1, [1.1, 2.1])])
output_values = pyo.ComponentMap([(model.v2, [1.2, 2.2])])
with ParamSweeper(
) as param_sweeper:
for inputs, outputs in param_sweeper:
# inputs and outputs contain the correct values for this
# instance of the model
for var, val in outputs.items():
# Test that model.v2 was calculated properly.
# First that it equals 1.2, then that it equals 2.2
assert var.value == val, f"{var.value} != {val}"
def __init__(
n_scenario: Integer
The number of different values we expect for each input variable
input_values: ComponentMap
Maps each input variable to a list of values of length n_scenario
output_values: ComponentMap
Maps each output variable to a list of values of length n_scenario
to_fix: List
to_fix argument for base class
to_deactivate: List
to_deactivate argument for base class
to_reset: List
to_reset argument for base class. This list is extended with
input variables.
# Should this object be aware of the user's block/model?
# My answer for now is no.
self.input_values = input_values
output = ComponentMap() if output_values is None else output_values
self.output_values = output
self.n_scenario = n_scenario
self.initial_state_values = None
self._ip = -1 # Index pointer for iteration
if to_reset is None:
# Input values will be set repeatedly by iterating over this
# object. Output values will presumably be altered by some
# solve within this context. We would like to reset these to
# their original values to make this functionality less
# intrusive.
to_reset = list(input_values) + list(output)
to_reset.extend(var for var in input_values)
to_reset.extend(var for var in output)
super(ParamSweeper, self).__init__(
to_fix=to_fix, to_deactivate=to_deactivate, to_reset=to_reset
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
self._ip += 1
i = self._ip
n_scenario = self.n_scenario
input_values = self.input_values
output_values = self.output_values
if i >= n_scenario:
self._ip = -1
raise StopIteration()
inputs = ComponentMap()
for var, values in input_values.items():
val = values[i]
inputs[var] = val
outputs = ComponentMap(
[(var, values[i]) for var, values in output_values.items()]
return inputs, outputs