Source code for pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.xpress_direct

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import time

from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet, ComponentMap, Bunch
from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError
from pyomo.common.tee import capture_output
from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import is_fixed
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import value
from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn
from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.direct_solver import DirectSolver
from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.direct_or_persistent_solver import (
from pyomo.core.kernel.objective import minimize, maximize
from pyomo.opt.results.results_ import SolverResults
from pyomo.opt.results.solution import Solution, SolutionStatus
from pyomo.opt.results.solver import TerminationCondition, SolverStatus
from pyomo.opt.base import SolverFactory
from pyomo.core.base.suffix import Suffix
import pyomo.core.base.var

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers')

[docs] class DegreeError(ValueError): pass
def _is_convertible(conv_type, x): try: conv_type(x) except ValueError: return False return True def _print_message(xp_prob, _, msg, *args): if msg is not None: sys.stdout.write(msg + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() def _finalize_xpress_import(xpress, avail): if not avail: return XpressDirect._version = tuple(int(k) for k in xpress.getversion().split('.')) XpressDirect._name = "Xpress %s.%s.%s" % XpressDirect._version # in versions prior to 34, xpress raised a RuntimeError, but # in more recent versions it raises a # xpress.ModelError. We'll cache the appropriate one here if XpressDirect._version[0] < 34: XpressDirect.XpressException = RuntimeError else: XpressDirect.XpressException = xpress.ModelError # In (pypi) versions prior to 8.13.0, the 'xpress.rng' keyword was # 'xpress.range' if not hasattr(xpress, 'rng'): xpress.rng = xpress.range # # Xpress 9.5 (44.1.1) changed the Python API fairly significantly. # We will map between the two APIs based on the version. # if XpressDirect._version < (44,): def _addConstraint( self, prob, constraint=None, body=None, lb=None, ub=None, type=None, rhs=None, name='', ): # It's unclear what the acceptable "default" values are for # lb, ub, etc. (putting in the values from the documentation # generates errors). We will instead use None and filter # out any non-None fields. args = {'sense': type, 'name': name} for field in ('constraint', 'body', 'lb', 'ub', 'rhs'): if locals()[field] is not None: args[field] = locals()[field] con = xpress.constraint(**args) prob.addConstraint(con) return con def _addVariable(self, prob, name, lb, ub, vartype): var = xpress.var(name=name, lb=lb, ub=ub, vartype=vartype) prob.addVariable(var) return var def _addSOS(self, prob, indices, weights, type, name): con = xpress.sos(indices, weights, type, name) prob.addSOS(con) return con XpressDirect._addConstraint = _addConstraint XpressDirect._addVariable = _addVariable XpressDirect._addSOS = _addSOS XpressDirect._getSlacks = lambda self, prob, con: prob.getSlack(con) XpressDirect._getDuals = lambda self, prob, con: prob.getDual(con) XpressDirect._getRedCosts = lambda self, prob, con: prob.getRCost(con) else: # Note that rhsrange (the last argument) was not added until # 9.5. We will not include it here in the compatibility # wrapper. def _addConstraint( self, prob, constraint=None, body=None, lb=None, ub=None, type=None, rhs=None, name='', ): con = xpress.constraint( constraint=constraint, body=body, lb=lb, ub=ub, type=type, rhs=rhs, name=name, ) prob.addConstraint(con) return con XpressDirect._addConstraint = _addConstraint XpressDirect._addVariable = ( lambda self, prob, name, lb, ub, vartype: prob.addVariable( name=name, lb=lb, ub=ub, vartype=vartype ) ) XpressDirect._addSOS = ( lambda self, prob, indices, weights, type, name: prob.addSOS( indices, weights, type, name ) ) XpressDirect._getSlacks = lambda self, prob, con: prob.getSlacks(con) XpressDirect._getDuals = lambda self, prob, con: prob.getDuals(con) XpressDirect._getRedCosts = lambda self, prob, con: prob.getRedCosts(con) # Note that as of 9.5, xpress.var raises an exception when # compared using '==' after it has been removed from the model. # This can foul up ComponentMaps in the persistent interface, # so we will hard-code the `var` as not being hashable (so the # ComponentMap will use the id() as the key) ComponentMap.hasher.hashable(xpress.var, False) class _xpress_importer_class(object): # We want to be able to *update* the message that the deferred # import generates using the stdout recorded during the actual # import. As strings are immutable in Python, we will give this # *class* as the error message, so that we can update the embedded # string later. def __init__(self): self.import_message = "" def __str__(self): return str(self.import_message) def __call__(self): _cwd = os.getcwd() try: with capture_output() as OUT: import xpress finally: # In some versions of XPRESS (notably 8.9.0), `import # xpress` temporarily changes the CWD. If the import fails # (e.g., due to an expired license), the CWD is not always # restored. This block ensures that the CWD is preserved. os.chdir(_cwd) self.import_message += OUT.getvalue() return xpress
[docs] @SolverFactory.register('xpress_direct', doc='Direct python interface to XPRESS') class XpressDirect(DirectSolver): _name = None _version = None XpressException = RuntimeError
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): if 'type' not in kwds: kwds['type'] = 'xpress_direct' super(XpressDirect, self).__init__(**kwds) self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map = ComponentMap() self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map = ComponentMap() self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map = dict() self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map = ComponentMap() self._range_constraints = set() self._python_api_exists = xpress_available # TODO: this isn't a limit of XPRESS, which implements an SLP # method for NLPs. But it is a limit of *this* interface self._max_obj_degree = 2 self._max_constraint_degree = 2 # There does not seem to be an easy way to get the # wallclock time out of xpress, so we will measure it # ourselves self._opt_time = None # Note: Undefined capabilities default to None self._capabilities.linear = True self._capabilities.quadratic_objective = True self._capabilities.quadratic_constraint = True self._capabilities.integer = True self._capabilities.sos1 = True self._capabilities.sos2 = True # remove the instance-level definition of the xpress version: # because the version comes from an imported module, only one # version of xpress is supported (and stored as a class attribute) del self._version
[docs] def available(self, exception_flag=True): """True if the solver is available.""" if not xpress_available: if exception_flag: xpress.log_import_warning(logger=__name__) raise ApplicationError( "No Python bindings available for %s solver plugin" % (type(self),) ) return False # Check that there is a valid license try: xpress.init() return True except: if exception_flag: raise return False finally:
def _apply_solver(self): StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale() self._solver_model.setlogfile(self._log_file) if self._keepfiles: print("Solver log file: " + self._log_file) # Setting a log file in xpress disables all output # in xpress versions less than 36. # This callback prints all messages to stdout # when using those xpress versions. if self._tee and XpressDirect._version[0] < 36: self._solver_model.addcbmessage(_print_message, None, 0) # set xpress options # if the user specifies a 'mipgap', set it, and # set xpress's related options to 0. if self.options.mipgap is not None: self._solver_model.setControl('miprelstop', float(self.options.mipgap)) self._solver_model.setControl('miprelcutoff', 0.0) self._solver_model.setControl('mipaddcutoff', 0.0) # xpress is picky about the type which is passed # into a control. So we will infer and cast # get the xpress valid controls xp_controls = xpress.controls for key, option in self.options.items(): if key == 'mipgap': # handled above continue try: self._solver_model.setControl(key, option) except XpressDirect.XpressException: # take another try, converting to its type # we'll wrap this in a function to raise the # xpress error contr_type = type(getattr(xp_controls, key)) if not _is_convertible(contr_type, option): raise self._solver_model.setControl(key, contr_type(option)) start_time = time.time() if self._tee: self._solve_model() else: # In xpress versions greater than or equal 36, # it seems difficult to completely suppress console # output without disabling logging altogether. # As a work around, we capature all screen output # when tee is False. with capture_output() as OUT: self._solve_model() self._opt_time = time.time() - start_time self._solver_model.setlogfile('') if self._tee and XpressDirect._version[0] < 36: self._solver_model.removecbmessage(_print_message, None) # FIXME: can we get a return code indicating if XPRESS had a # significant failure? return Bunch(rc=None, log=None) def _get_mip_results(self, results, soln): """Sets up `results` and `soln` and returns whether there is a solution to query. Returns `True` if a feasible solution is available, `False` otherwise. """ xprob = self._solver_model xp = xpress xprob_attrs = xprob.attributes status = xprob_attrs.mipstatus mip_sols = xprob_attrs.mipsols if status == xp.mip_not_loaded: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.aborted results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model is not loaded; no solution information is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.unknown # no MIP solution, first LP did not solve, second LP did, # third search started but incomplete elif ( status == xp.mip_lp_not_optimal or status == xp.mip_lp_optimal or status == xp.mip_no_sol_found ): results.solver.status = SolverStatus.aborted results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model is loaded, but no solution information is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.unknown elif status == xp.mip_solution: # some solution available results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning results.solver.termination_message = ( "Unable to satisfy optimality tolerances; a sub-optimal " "solution is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.other soln.status = SolutionStatus.feasible elif status == xp.mip_infeas: # MIP proven infeasible results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning results.solver.termination_message = "Model was proven to be infeasible" results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible elif status == xp.mip_optimal: # optimal results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), " "and an optimal solution is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal elif status == xp.mip_unbounded and mip_sols > 0: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning results.solver.termination_message = ( "LP relaxation was proven to be unbounded, " "but a solution is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded soln.status = SolutionStatus.unbounded elif status == xp.mip_unbounded and mip_sols <= 0: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning results.solver.termination_message = ( "LP relaxation was proven to be unbounded." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded soln.status = SolutionStatus.unbounded else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error results.solver.termination_message = ( "Unhandled Xpress solve status (" + str(status) + ")" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.error results.problem.upper_bound = None results.problem.lower_bound = None if xprob_attrs.objsense == 1.0: # minimizing MIP try: results.problem.upper_bound = xprob_attrs.mipbestobjval except (XpressDirect.XpressException, AttributeError): pass try: results.problem.lower_bound = xprob_attrs.bestbound except (XpressDirect.XpressException, AttributeError): pass elif xprob_attrs.objsense == -1.0: # maximizing MIP try: results.problem.upper_bound = xprob_attrs.bestbound except (XpressDirect.XpressException, AttributeError): pass try: results.problem.lower_bound = xprob_attrs.mipbestobjval except (XpressDirect.XpressException, AttributeError): pass return mip_sols > 0 def _get_lp_results(self, results, soln): """Sets up `results` and `soln` and returns whether there is a solution to query. Returns `True` if a feasible solution is available, `False` otherwise. """ xprob = self._solver_model xp = xpress xprob_attrs = xprob.attributes status = xprob_attrs.lpstatus if status == xp.lp_unstarted: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.aborted results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model is not loaded; no solution information is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.unknown elif status == xp.lp_optimal: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), " "and an optimal solution is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal elif status == xp.lp_infeas: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning results.solver.termination_message = "Model was proven to be infeasible" results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible elif status == xp.lp_cutoff: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimal objective for model was proven to be worse than the " "cutoff value specified; a solution is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.minFunctionValue soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal elif status == xp.lp_unfinished: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.aborted results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization was terminated by the user." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.error elif status == xp.lp_unbounded: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning results.solver.termination_message = "Model was proven to be unbounded." results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded soln.status = SolutionStatus.unbounded elif status == xp.lp_cutoff_in_dual: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Xpress reported the LP was cutoff in the dual." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.minFunctionValue soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal elif status == xp.lp_unsolved: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization was terminated due to unrecoverable numerical " "difficulties." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.error elif status == xp.lp_nonconvex: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization was terminated because nonconvex quadratic data " "were found." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.error else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error results.solver.termination_message = ( "Unhandled Xpress solve status (" + str(status) + ")" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.error results.problem.upper_bound = None results.problem.lower_bound = None try: results.problem.upper_bound = xprob_attrs.lpobjval results.problem.lower_bound = xprob_attrs.lpobjval except (XpressDirect.XpressException, AttributeError): pass # Not all solution information will be available in all cases, it is # up to the caller/user to check the actual status and figure which # of x, slack, duals, reduced costs are valid. return xprob_attrs.lpstatus in [ xp.lp_optimal, xp.lp_cutoff, xp.lp_cutoff_in_dual, ] def _get_nlp_results(self, results, soln): """Sets up `results` and `soln` and returns whether there is a solution to query. Returns `True` if a feasible solution is available, `False` otherwise. """ xprob = self._solver_model xp = xpress xprob_attrs = xprob.attributes solver = xprob_attrs.xslp_solverselected if solver == 2: # Under the hood we used the Xpress optimizer, i.e., the problem # was convex if (xprob_attrs.originalmipents > 0) or (xprob_attrs.originalsets > 0): return self._get_mip_results(results, soln) elif xprob_attrs.lpstatus and not xprob_attrs.xslp_nlpstatus: # If there is no NLP solver status, process the result # using the LP results processor. return self._get_lp_results(results, soln) # The problem was non-linear status = xprob_attrs.xslp_nlpstatus solstatus = xprob_attrs.xslp_solstatus have_soln = False optimal = False # *globally* optimal? if status == xp.nlp_unstarted: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.unknown results.solver.termination_message = ( "Non-convex model solve was not started" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown soln.status = SolutionStatus.unknown elif status == xp.nlp_locally_optimal: # This is either xp.nlp_locally_optimal or xp.nlp_solution # we must look at the solstatus to figure out which if solstatus in [2, 3]: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Non-convex model was solved to local optimality" ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.locallyOptimal ) soln.status = SolutionStatus.locallyOptimal else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Feasible solution found for non-convex model" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.feasible soln.status = SolutionStatus.feasible have_soln = True elif status == xp.nlp_globally_optimal: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Non-convex model was solved to global optimality" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal have_soln = True optimal = True elif status == xp.nlp_locally_infeasible: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Non-convex model was proven to be locally infeasible" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.noSolution soln.status = SolutionStatus.unknown elif status == xp.nlp_infeasible: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Non-convex model was proven to be infeasible" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible elif status == xp.nlp_unbounded: # locally unbounded! results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = "Non-convex model is locally unbounded" results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded soln.status = SolutionStatus.unbounded elif status == xp.nlp_unfinished: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Non-convex solve not finished (numerical issues?)" ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown soln.status = SolutionStatus.unknown have_soln = True else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error results.solver.termination_message = "Error for non-convex model: " + str( status ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error soln.status = SolutionStatus.error results.problem.upper_bound = None results.problem.lower_bound = None try: if xprob_attrs.objsense > 0.0 or optimal: # minimizing results.problem.upper_bound = xprob_attrs.xslp_objval if xprob_attrs.objsense < 0.0 or optimal: # maximizing results.problem.lower_bound = xprob_attrs.xslp_objval except (XpressDirect.XpressException, AttributeError): pass return have_soln def _solve_model(self): xprob = self._solver_model is_mip = (xprob.attributes.mipents > 0) or (xprob.attributes.sets > 0) # Check for quadratic objective or quadratic constraints. If there are # any then we call nlpoptimize since that can handle non-convex # quadratics as well. In case of convex quadratics it will call # mipoptimize under the hood. if (xprob.attributes.qelems > 0) or (xprob.attributes.qcelems > 0): xprob.nlpoptimize("g" if is_mip else "") self._get_results = self._get_nlp_results elif is_mip: xprob.mipoptimize() self._get_results = self._get_mip_results else: xprob.lpoptimize() self._get_results = self._get_lp_results self._solver_model.postsolve() def _get_expr_from_pyomo_repn(self, repn, max_degree=2): referenced_vars = ComponentSet() degree = repn.polynomial_degree() if (degree is None) or (degree > max_degree): raise DegreeError( 'XpressDirect does not support expressions of degree {0}.'.format( degree ) ) # NOTE: xpress's python interface only allows for expressions # with native numeric types. Others, like numpy.float64, # will cause an exception when constructing expressions if len(repn.linear_vars) > 0: referenced_vars.update(repn.linear_vars) new_expr = xpress.Sum( float(coef) * self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var] for coef, var in zip(repn.linear_coefs, repn.linear_vars) ) else: new_expr = 0.0 for coef, (x, y) in zip(repn.quadratic_coefs, repn.quadratic_vars): new_expr += ( float(coef) * self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[x] * self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[y] ) referenced_vars.add(x) referenced_vars.add(y) new_expr += repn.constant return new_expr, referenced_vars def _get_expr_from_pyomo_expr(self, expr, max_degree=2): if max_degree == 2: repn = generate_standard_repn(expr, quadratic=True) else: repn = generate_standard_repn(expr, quadratic=False) try: xpress_expr, referenced_vars = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_repn( repn, max_degree ) except DegreeError as e: msg = e.args[0] msg += '\nexpr: {0}'.format(expr) raise DegreeError(msg) return xpress_expr, referenced_vars def _xpress_lb_ub_from_var(self, var): if var.is_fixed(): val = var.value return val, val if var.has_lb(): lb = value( else: lb = -xpress.infinity if var.has_ub(): ub = value(var.ub) else: ub = xpress.infinity return lb, ub def _add_var(self, var): varname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(var, self._labeler) vartype = self._xpress_vartype_from_var(var) lb, ub = self._xpress_lb_ub_from_var(var) xpress_var = self._addVariable( self._solver_model, name=varname, lb=lb, ub=ub, vartype=vartype ) ## bounds on binary variables don't seem to be set correctly ## by the method above if vartype == xpress.binary: if lb == ub: self._solver_model.chgbounds([xpress_var], ['B'], [lb]) else: self._solver_model.chgbounds( [xpress_var, xpress_var], ['L', 'U'], [lb, ub] ) self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var] = xpress_var self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map[xpress_var] = var self._referenced_variables[var] = 0 def _set_instance(self, model, kwds={}): self._range_constraints = set() DirectOrPersistentSolver._set_instance(self, model, kwds) self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map = dict() self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map = ComponentMap() self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map = ComponentMap() self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map = ComponentMap() try: if is not None: self._solver_model = xpress.problem( else: self._solver_model = xpress.problem() except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = ( "Unable to create Xpress model. " "Have you installed the Python " "bindings for Xpress?\n\n\t" + "Error message: {0}".format(e) ) raise Exception(msg) self._add_block(model) def _add_block(self, block): DirectOrPersistentSolver._add_block(self, block) def _add_constraint(self, con): if not return None if self._skip_trivial_constraints and is_fixed(con.body): return None conname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(con, self._labeler) if con._linear_canonical_form: xpress_expr, referenced_vars = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_repn( con.canonical_form(), self._max_constraint_degree ) else: xpress_expr, referenced_vars = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr( con.body, self._max_constraint_degree ) if con.has_lb(): if not is_fixed(con.lower): raise ValueError( "Lower bound of constraint {0} is not constant.".format(con) ) if con.has_ub(): if not is_fixed(con.upper): raise ValueError( "Upper bound of constraint {0} is not constant.".format(con) ) if con.equality: xpress_con = self._addConstraint( self._solver_model, body=xpress_expr, type=xpress.eq, rhs=value(con.lower), name=conname, ) elif con.has_lb() and con.has_ub(): xpress_con = self._addConstraint( self._solver_model, body=xpress_expr, type=xpress.rng, lb=value(con.lower), ub=value(con.upper), name=conname, ) self._range_constraints.add(xpress_con) elif con.has_lb(): xpress_con = self._addConstraint( self._solver_model, body=xpress_expr, type=xpress.geq, rhs=value(con.lower), name=conname, ) elif con.has_ub(): xpress_con = self._addConstraint( self._solver_model, body=xpress_expr, type=xpress.leq, rhs=value(con.upper), name=conname, ) else: raise ValueError( "Constraint does not have a lower " "or an upper bound: {0} \n".format(con) ) for var in referenced_vars: self._referenced_variables[var] += 1 self._vars_referenced_by_con[con] = referenced_vars self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con] = xpress_con self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[xpress_con] = con def _add_sos_constraint(self, con): if not return None conname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(con, self._labeler) level = con.level if level not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError( "Solver does not support SOS level {0} constraints".format(level) ) xpress_vars = [] weights = [] self._vars_referenced_by_con[con] = ComponentSet() if hasattr(con, 'get_items'): # aml sos constraint sos_items = list(con.get_items()) else: # kernel sos constraint sos_items = list(con.items()) for v, w in sos_items: self._vars_referenced_by_con[con].add(v) xpress_vars.append(self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[v]) self._referenced_variables[v] += 1 weights.append(w) xpress_con = self._addSOS( self._solver_model, xpress_vars, weights, level, conname ) self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con] = xpress_con self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[xpress_con] = con def _xpress_vartype_from_var(self, var): """This function takes a pyomo variable and returns the appropriate xpress variable type :param var: pyomo.core.base.var.Var :return: xpress.continuous or xpress.binary or xpress.integer """ if var.is_binary(): vartype = xpress.binary elif var.is_integer(): vartype = xpress.integer elif var.is_continuous(): vartype = xpress.continuous else: raise ValueError( 'Variable domain type is not recognized for {0}'.format(var.domain) ) return vartype def _set_objective(self, obj): if self._objective is not None: for var in self._vars_referenced_by_obj: self._referenced_variables[var] -= 1 self._vars_referenced_by_obj = ComponentSet() self._objective = None if is False: raise ValueError('Cannot add inactive objective to solver.') if obj.sense == minimize: sense = xpress.minimize elif obj.sense == maximize: sense = xpress.maximize else: raise ValueError('Objective sense is not recognized: {0}'.format(obj.sense)) xpress_expr, referenced_vars = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr( obj.expr, self._max_obj_degree ) for var in referenced_vars: self._referenced_variables[var] += 1 self._solver_model.setObjective(xpress_expr, sense=sense) self._objective = obj self._vars_referenced_by_obj = referenced_vars def _postsolve(self): # the only suffixes that we extract from XPRESS are # constraint duals, constraint slacks, and variable # reduced-costs. scan through the solver suffix list # and throw an exception if the user has specified # any others. extract_duals = False extract_slacks = False extract_reduced_costs = False for suffix in self._suffixes: flag = False if re.match(suffix, "dual"): extract_duals = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "slack"): extract_slacks = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "rc"): extract_reduced_costs = True flag = True if not flag: raise RuntimeError( "***The xpress_direct solver plugin cannot extract solution suffix=" + suffix ) xprob = self._solver_model xp = xpress xprob_attrs = xprob.attributes ## XPRESS's status codes depend on this ## (number of integer vars > 0) or (number of special order sets > 0) is_mip = (xprob_attrs.mipents > 0) or (xprob_attrs.sets > 0) if is_mip: if extract_reduced_costs: logger.warning("Cannot get reduced costs for MIP.") if extract_duals: logger.warning("Cannot get duals for MIP.") extract_reduced_costs = False extract_duals = False self.results = SolverResults() soln = Solution() = XpressDirect._name self.results.solver.wallclock_time = self._opt_time if not hasattr(self, '_get_results'): raise RuntimeError( 'Model was solved but `_get_results` property is not set' ) have_soln = self._get_results(self.results, soln) = xprob_attrs.matrixname if xprob_attrs.objsense == 1.0: self.results.problem.sense = minimize elif xprob_attrs.objsense == -1.0: self.results.problem.sense = maximize else: raise RuntimeError( 'Unrecognized Xpress objective sense: {0}'.format(xprob_attrs.objsense) ) try: = ( self.results.problem.upper_bound - self.results.problem.lower_bound ) except TypeError: = None self.results.problem.number_of_constraints = ( xprob_attrs.rows + xprob_attrs.sets + xprob_attrs.qconstraints ) self.results.problem.number_of_nonzeros = xprob_attrs.elems self.results.problem.number_of_variables = xprob_attrs.cols self.results.problem.number_of_integer_variables = xprob_attrs.mipents self.results.problem.number_of_continuous_variables = ( xprob_attrs.cols - xprob_attrs.mipents ) self.results.problem.number_of_objectives = 1 self.results.problem.number_of_solutions = xprob_attrs.mipsols if is_mip else 1 # if a solve was stopped by a limit, we still need to check to # see if there is a solution available - this may not always # be the case, both in LP and MIP contexts. if self._save_results: # This code in this if statement is only needed for backwards # compatibility. It is more efficient to set _save_results to # False and use load_vars, load_duals, etc. if have_soln: soln_variables = soln.variable soln_constraints = soln.constraint if extract_duals or extract_slacks: xpress_cons = list(self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map.keys()) for con in xpress_cons: soln_constraints[] = {} xpress_vars = list(self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map.keys()) try: var_vals = xprob.getSolution(xpress_vars) if extract_slacks: slacks = self._getSlacks(xprob, xpress_cons) except xpress.ModelError: # Xpress 9.5.0 has new behavior for unbounded # problems that have mipsols > 0. Previously # getSolution() would return a solution, but now # raises a ModelError (even though the deprecated # getmipsol() will return a solution). We will try # to fall back on the [deprecated] getmipsol(), but # if it fails, we will raise the original exception. try: var_vals = [] slacks = [] if extract_slacks else None xprob.getmipsol(var_vals, slacks) fail = 0 except: fail = 1 if fail: raise for xpress_var, val in zip(xpress_vars, var_vals): pyomo_var = self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map[xpress_var] if self._referenced_variables[pyomo_var] > 0: soln_variables[] = {"Value": val} if extract_reduced_costs: vals = self._getRedCosts(xprob, xpress_vars) for xpress_var, val in zip(xpress_vars, vals): pyomo_var = self._solver_var_to_pyomo_var_map[xpress_var] if self._referenced_variables[pyomo_var] > 0: soln_variables[]["Rc"] = val if extract_duals: vals = self._getDuals(xprob, xpress_cons) for val, con in zip(vals, xpress_cons): soln_constraints[]["Dual"] = val if extract_slacks: for con, val in zip(xpress_cons, slacks): if con in self._range_constraints: ## for xpress, the slack on a range constraint ## is based on the upper bound lb = ub = con.ub ub_s = val expr_val = ub - ub_s lb_s = lb - expr_val if abs(ub_s) > abs(lb_s): soln_constraints[]["Slack"] = ub_s else: soln_constraints[]["Slack"] = lb_s else: soln_constraints[]["Slack"] = val elif self._load_solutions: if have_soln: self.load_vars() if extract_reduced_costs: self._load_rc() if extract_duals: self._load_duals() if extract_slacks: self._load_slacks() self.results.solution.insert(soln) # finally, clean any temporary files registered with the temp file # manager, created populated *directly* by this plugin. TempfileManager.pop(remove=not self._keepfiles) return DirectOrPersistentSolver._postsolve(self)
[docs] def warm_start_capable(self): return True
def _warm_start(self): mipsolval = list() mipsolcol = list() for pyomo_var, xpress_var in self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map.items(): if pyomo_var.value is not None: mipsolval.append(value(pyomo_var)) mipsolcol.append(xpress_var) self._solver_model.addmipsol(mipsolval, mipsolcol) def _load_vars(self, vars_to_load=None): var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map ref_vars = self._referenced_variables if vars_to_load is None: vars_to_load = var_map.keys() xpress_vars_to_load = [var_map[pyomo_var] for pyomo_var in vars_to_load] vals = self._solver_model.getSolution(xpress_vars_to_load) for var, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals): if ref_vars[var] > 0: var.set_value(val, skip_validation=True) def _load_rc(self, vars_to_load=None): if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'rc'): self._pyomo_model.rc = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT) var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map ref_vars = self._referenced_variables rc = self._pyomo_model.rc if vars_to_load is None: vars_to_load = var_map.keys() xpress_vars_to_load = [var_map[pyomo_var] for pyomo_var in vars_to_load] vals = self._getRedCosts(self._solver_model, xpress_vars_to_load) for var, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals): if ref_vars[var] > 0: rc[var] = val def _load_duals(self, cons_to_load=None): if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'dual'): self._pyomo_model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT) con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map dual = self._pyomo_model.dual if cons_to_load is None: cons_to_load = con_map.keys() xpress_cons_to_load = [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load] vals = self._getDuals(self._solver_model, xpress_cons_to_load) for pyomo_con, val in zip(cons_to_load, vals): dual[pyomo_con] = val def _load_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None): if not hasattr(self._pyomo_model, 'slack'): self._pyomo_model.slack = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT) con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map slack = self._pyomo_model.slack if cons_to_load is None: cons_to_load = con_map.keys() xpress_cons_to_load = [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load] vals = self._getSlacks(self._solver_model, xpress_cons_to_load) for pyomo_con, xpress_con, val in zip(cons_to_load, xpress_cons_to_load, vals): if xpress_con in self._range_constraints: ## for xpress, the slack on a range constraint ## is based on the upper bound lb = ub = xpress_con.ub ub_s = val expr_val = ub - ub_s lb_s = lb - expr_val if abs(ub_s) > abs(lb_s): slack[pyomo_con] = ub_s else: slack[pyomo_con] = lb_s else: slack[pyomo_con] = val
[docs] def load_duals(self, cons_to_load=None): """Load the duals into the 'dual' suffix. The 'dual' suffix must live on the parent model. Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list of Constraint """ self._load_duals(cons_to_load)
[docs] def load_rc(self, vars_to_load=None): """Load the reduced costs into the 'rc' suffix. The 'rc' suffix must live on the parent model. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list of Var """ self._load_rc(vars_to_load)
[docs] def load_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None): """Load the values of the slack variables into the 'slack' suffix. The 'slack' suffix must live on the parent model. Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list of Constraint """ self._load_slacks(cons_to_load)
# Note: because _finalize_xpress_import references XpressDirect, we need # to make sure to not attempt the xpress import until after the # XpressDirect class is fully declared. _xpress_importer = _xpress_importer_class() xpress, xpress_available = attempt_import( 'xpress', error_message=_xpress_importer, # Other forms of exceptions can be thrown by the xpress python # import. For example, an xpress.InterfaceError exception is thrown # if the Xpress license is not valid. Unfortunately, you can't # import without a license, which means we can't test for that # explicit exception! catch_exceptions=(Exception,), importer=_xpress_importer, callback=_finalize_xpress_import, )