Source code for pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.GLPK

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging
import re
import sys
import csv
import subprocess

from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager

from pyomo.common import Executable
from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch
from pyomo.common.enums import maximize, minimize
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError
from pyomo.opt import (
from pyomo.opt.base.solvers import _extract_version
from pyomo.opt.solver import SystemCallSolver
from pyomo.solvers.mockmip import MockMIP

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers')

# Not sure how better to get these constants, but pulled from GLPK
# documentation and source code (include/glpk.h)

# status of auxiliary / structural variables
GLP_BS = 1  # inactive constraint / basic variable
GLP_NL = 2  # active constraint or non-basic variable on lower bound
GLP_NU = 3  # active constraint or non-basic variable on upper bound
GLP_NF = 4  # active free row or non-basic free variable
GLP_NS = 5  # active equality constraint or non-basic fixed variable

# solution status
GLP_UNDEF = 'u'  # solution is undefined
GLP_FEAS = 'f'  # solution is feasible
GLP_INFEAS = 'i'  # solution is infeasible
GLP_NOFEAS = 'n'  # no feasible solution exists
GLP_OPT = 'o'  # solution is optimal

[docs] @SolverFactory.register('glpk', doc='The GLPK LP/MIP solver') class GLPK(OptSolver): """The GLPK LP/MIP solver""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): mode = kwds.pop('solver_io', 'lp') # if mode in {None, 'lp', 'mps'}: opt = SolverFactory('_glpk_shell', **kwds) if mode == 'mps': opt.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.mps) elif mode == 'os': opt = SolverFactory('_ossolver', **kwds) opt.set_options('solver=glpsol') else: logger.error('Unknown IO type: %s' % mode) return None return opt
[docs] @SolverFactory.register( '_glpk_shell', doc='Shell interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit' ) class GLPKSHELL(SystemCallSolver): """Shell interface to the GLPK LP/MIP solver""" # Cache known versions so we do not need to repeatedly query the # version every time we run the solver. _known_versions = {}
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): # # Call base constructor # kwargs['type'] = 'glpk' SystemCallSolver.__init__(self, **kwargs) self._rawfile = None # # Valid problem formats, and valid results for each format # self._valid_problem_formats = [ ProblemFormat.cpxlp, ProblemFormat.mps, ProblemFormat.mod, ] self._valid_result_formats = { ProblemFormat.mod: ResultsFormat.soln, ProblemFormat.cpxlp: ResultsFormat.soln, ProblemFormat.mps: ResultsFormat.soln, } self.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.cpxlp) # Note: Undefined capabilities default to 'None' self._capabilities = Bunch() self._capabilities.linear = True self._capabilities.integer = True
def _default_results_format(self, prob_format): return ResultsFormat.soln def _default_executable(self): executable = Executable('glpsol') if not executable: msg = ( "Could not locate the 'glpsol' executable, which is " "required for solver '%s'" ) logger.warning(msg % self.enable = False return None return executable.path() def _get_version(self, executable=None): """ Returns a tuple describing the solver executable version. """ if executable is None: executable = self.executable() result = [executable, "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=self._version_timeout, universal_newlines=True, ) return _extract_version(result.stdout)
[docs] def create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files): # # Not the best place to catch this, but we want to make sure # that we have done the version check somewhere # if executable not in self._known_versions: self._known_versions[executable] = self._get_version(executable) _ver = self._known_versions[executable] if not _ver or _ver < (4, 58): raise RuntimeError( "Pyomo only supports versions of GLPK since 4.58; " "found version %s. Please upgrade your installation " "of GLPK" % ('.'.join(map(str, _ver)),) ) # # Define log file # if self._log_file is None: self._log_file = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix='.glpk.log') # # Define solution file # self._glpfile = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix='.glpk.glp') self._rawfile = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix='.glpk.raw') self._soln_file = self._rawfile # # Define command line # cmd = [executable] if self._timer: cmd.insert(0, self._timer) for key in self.options: opt = self.options[key] if opt is None or (isinstance(opt, str) and opt.strip() == ''): # Handle the case for options that must be # specified without a value cmd.append("--%s" % key) else: cmd.extend(["--%s" % key, str(opt)]) if self._timelimit is not None and self._timelimit > 0.0: cmd.extend(['--tmlim', str(self._timelimit)]) cmd.extend(['--write', self._rawfile]) cmd.extend(['--wglp', self._glpfile]) if self._problem_format == ProblemFormat.cpxlp: cmd.extend(['--cpxlp', problem_files[0]]) elif self._problem_format == ProblemFormat.mps: cmd.extend(['--freemps', problem_files[0]]) elif self._problem_format == ProblemFormat.mod: cmd.extend(['--math', problem_files[0]]) for fname in problem_files[1:]: cmd.extend(['--data', fname]) return Bunch(cmd=cmd, log_file=self._log_file, env=None)
[docs] def process_logfile(self): """ Process logfile """ results = SolverResults() # For the lazy programmer, handle long variable names prob = results.problem solv = results.solver solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown stats = results.solver.statistics bbound = stats.branch_and_bound prob.upper_bound = float('inf') prob.lower_bound = float('-inf') bbound.number_of_created_subproblems = 0 bbound.number_of_bounded_subproblems = 0 with open(self._log_file, 'r') as output: for line in output: toks = line.split() if 'tree is empty' in line: bbound.number_of_created_subproblems = toks[-1][:-1] bbound.number_of_bounded_subproblems = toks[-1][:-1] elif len(toks) == 2 and toks[0] == "sys": solv.system_time = toks[1] elif len(toks) == 2 and toks[0] == "user": solv.user_time = toks[1] elif len(toks) > 2 and (toks[0], toks[2]) == ("TIME", "EXCEEDED;"): solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit elif len(toks) > 5 and ( toks[:6] == ['PROBLEM', 'HAS', 'NO', 'DUAL', 'FEASIBLE', 'SOLUTION'] ): solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded elif len(toks) > 5 and ( toks[:6] == ['PROBLEM', 'HAS', 'NO', 'PRIMAL', 'FEASIBLE', 'SOLUTION'] ): solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible elif len(toks) > 4 and ( toks[:5] == ['PROBLEM', 'HAS', 'NO', 'FEASIBLE', 'SOLUTION'] ): solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible elif len(toks) > 6 and ( toks[:7] == ['LP', 'RELAXATION', 'HAS', 'NO', 'DUAL', 'FEASIBLE', 'SOLUTION'] ): solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded return results
def _glpk_get_solution_status(self, status): if GLP_FEAS == status: return SolutionStatus.feasible elif GLP_INFEAS == status: return SolutionStatus.infeasible elif GLP_NOFEAS == status: return SolutionStatus.infeasible elif GLP_UNDEF == status: return SolutionStatus.other elif GLP_OPT == status: return SolutionStatus.optimal raise RuntimeError("Unknown solution status returned by GLPK solver")
[docs] def process_soln_file(self, results): pdata = self._glpfile psoln = self._rawfile prob = results.problem solv = results.solver = 'unknown' # will ostensibly get updated # Step 1: Make use of the GLPK's machine parseable format (--wglp) to # collect variable and constraint names. glp_line_count = ' -- File not yet opened' # The trick for getting the variable names correctly matched to their # values is the note that the --wglp option outputs them in the same # order as the --write output. # Note that documentation for these formats is available from the GLPK # documentation of 'glp_read_prob' and 'glp_write_sol' variable_names = dict() # cols constraint_names = dict() # rows obj_name = 'objective' try: f = open(pdata, 'r') glp_line_count = 1 pprob, ptype, psense, prows, pcols, pnonz = f.readline().split() prows = int(prows) # fails if not a number; intentional pcols = int(pcols) # fails if not a number; intentional pnonz = int(pnonz) # fails if not a number; intentional if ( pprob != 'p' or ptype not in ('lp', 'mip') or psense not in ('max', 'min') or prows < 0 or pcols < 0 or pnonz < 0 ): raise ValueError self.is_integer = 'mip' == ptype prob.sense = minimize if 'min' == psense else maximize prob.number_of_constraints = prows prob.number_of_nonzeros = pnonz prob.number_of_variables = pcols for line in f: glp_line_count += 1 tokens = line.split() switch = tokens.pop(0) if switch in ('a', 'e', 'i', 'j'): pass elif 'n' == switch: # naming some attribute ntype = tokens.pop(0) name = tokens.pop() if 'i' == ntype: # row row = tokens.pop() constraint_names[int(row)] = name # --write order == --wglp order; store name w/ row no elif 'j' == ntype: # var col = tokens.pop() variable_names[int(col)] = name # --write order == --wglp order; store name w/ col no elif 'z' == ntype: # objective obj_name = name elif 'p' == ntype: # problem name = name else: # anything else is incorrect. raise ValueError else: raise ValueError except Exception: e = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = "Error parsing solution description file, line %s: %s" raise ValueError(msg % (glp_line_count, str(e))) finally: f.close() # Step 2: Make use of the GLPK's machine parseable format (--write) to # collect solution variable and constraint values. with open(psoln, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') row = next(reader) try: row = next(reader) while row[0] == 'c': row = next(reader) if not row[0] == 's': raise ValueError("Expecting 's' row after 'c' rows") if row[1] == 'bas': self._process_soln_bas( row, reader, results, obj_name, variable_names, constraint_names ) elif row[1] == 'ipt': self._process_soln_ipt( row, reader, results, obj_name, variable_names, constraint_names ) elif row[1] == 'mip': self._process_soln_mip( row, reader, results, obj_name, variable_names, constraint_names ) except Exception: print("ERROR: " + str(sys.exc_info()[1])) msg = "Error parsing solution data file, line %d" % reader.line_num raise ValueError(msg)
def _process_soln_bas( self, row, reader, results, obj_name, variable_names, constraint_names ): """ Process a basic solution """ prows = int(row[2]) pcols = int(row[3]) pstat = row[4] dstat = row[5] obj_val = float(row[6]) solv = results.solver if dstat == 'n': solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded elif pstat == 'n': solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded elif pstat == 'i': solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible elif pstat == 'u': if solv.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.unknown: solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.other elif pstat == 'f': soln = results.solution.add() soln.status = SolutionStatus.feasible solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal # TODO: Should we have a gap value for LP solves? = 0.0 results.problem.lower_bound = obj_val results.problem.upper_bound = obj_val # I'd like to choose the correct answer rather than just doing # something like commenting the obj_name line. The point is that # we ostensibly could or should make use of the user's choice in # objective name. In that vein I'd like to set the objective value # to the objective name. This would make parsing on the user end # less 'arbitrary', as in the yaml key 'f'. Weird soln.objective[obj_name] = {'Value': obj_val} extract_duals = False extract_reduced_costs = False for suffix in self._suffixes: if re.match(suffix, "dual"): extract_duals = True elif re.match(suffix, "rc"): extract_reduced_costs = True range_duals = {} while True: row = next(reader) if len(row) == 0: break rtype = row[0] if rtype == 'i': if not extract_duals: continue # NOTE: we are not using the row status (rst) value right now rtype, rid, rst, rprim, rdual = row cname = constraint_names[int(rid)] if 'ONE_VAR_CONSTANT' == cname[-16:]: continue rdual = float(rdual) if cname.startswith('c_'): soln.constraint[cname] = {"Dual": rdual} elif cname.startswith('r_l_'): range_duals.setdefault(cname[4:], [0, 0])[0] = rdual elif cname.startswith('r_u_'): range_duals.setdefault(cname[4:], [0, 0])[1] = rdual elif rtype == 'j': # NOTE: we are not using the column status (cst) value right now rtype, cid, cst, cprim, cdual = row vname = variable_names[int(cid)] if 'ONE_VAR_CONSTANT' == vname: continue cprim = float(cprim) if extract_reduced_costs is False: soln.variable[vname] = {"Value": cprim} else: soln.variable[vname] = {"Value": cprim, "Rc": float(cdual)} elif rtype == 'e': break elif rtype == 'c': continue else: raise ValueError("Unexpected row type: " + rtype) # For the range constraints, supply only the dual with the largest # magnitude (at least one should always be numerically zero) scon = soln.Constraint for key, (ld, ud) in range_duals.items(): if abs(ld) > abs(ud): scon['r_l_' + key] = {"Dual": ld} else: scon['r_l_' + key] = {"Dual": ud} # Use the same key def _process_soln_mip( self, row, reader, results, obj_name, variable_names, constraint_names ): """ Process a basic solution """ # prows = int(row[2]) # pcols = int(row[3]) status = row[4] obj_val = float(row[5]) solv = results.solver if status == 'n': solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible elif status == 'u': if solv.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.unknown: solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.other elif status == 'f' or status == 'o': if obj_val > 1e18 or obj_val < -1e18: solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded return soln = results.solution.add() if status == 'f': soln.status = SolutionStatus.feasible solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.feasible else: soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal solv.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal if status == 'o': = 0.0 results.problem.lower_bound = obj_val results.problem.upper_bound = obj_val # I'd like to choose the correct answer rather than just doing # something like commenting the obj_name line. The point is that # we ostensibly could or should make use of the user's choice in # objective name. In that vein I'd like to set the objective value # to the objective name. This would make parsing on the user end # less 'arbitrary', as in the yaml key 'f'. Weird soln.objective[obj_name] = {'Value': obj_val} while True: row = next(reader) if len(row) == 0: break rtype = row[0] if rtype == 'i': # NOTE: we ignore the value of the constraint linear form continue elif rtype == 'j': rtype, cid, cval = row vname = variable_names[int(cid)] if 'ONE_VAR_CONSTANT' == vname: continue soln.variable[vname] = {"Value": float(cval)} elif rtype == 'e': break elif rtype == 'c': continue else: raise ValueError("Unexpected row type: " + rtype)
[docs] @SolverFactory.register('_mock_glpk') class MockGLPK(GLPKSHELL, MockMIP): """A Mock GLPK solver used for testing"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): try: GLPKSHELL.__init__(self, **kwds) except ApplicationError: pass MockMIP.__init__(self, "glpk")
[docs] def available(self, exception_flag=True): return GLPKSHELL.available(self, exception_flag)
[docs] def create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files): command = GLPKSHELL.create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files) MockMIP.create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files) return command
[docs] def executable(self): return MockMIP.executable(self)
def _execute_command(self, cmd): return MockMIP._execute_command(self, cmd) def _convert_problem(self, args, pformat, valid_pformats): if pformat in [ProblemFormat.mps, ProblemFormat.cpxlp]: return (args, pformat, None) else: return (args, ProblemFormat.cpxlp, None)