Source code for pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.CPLEX

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import os
import re
import time
import logging
import subprocess

from pyomo.common import Executable
from pyomo.common.enums import maximize, minimize
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError
from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager

from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, Bunch
from pyomo.opt.base import ProblemFormat, ResultsFormat, OptSolver, BranchDirection
from pyomo.opt.base.solvers import _extract_version, SolverFactory
from pyomo.opt.results import (
from pyomo.opt.solver import ILMLicensedSystemCallSolver
from pyomo.solvers.mockmip import MockMIP
from pyomo.core.base import Var, Suffix, active_export_suffix_generator
from pyomo.core.kernel.suffix import export_suffix_generator
from pyomo.core.kernel.block import IBlock
from pyomo.util.components import iter_component

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers')

def _validate_file_name(cplex, filename, description):
    """Validate filenames against the set of allowable chaacters in CPLEX.

    Returns the filename, possibly enclosed in double-quotes, or raises
    a ValueError is unallowable characters are found.

    if filename is None:
        return filename
    matches =
    if matches:
        raise ValueError(
            "Unallowed character (%s) found in CPLEX %s file path/name.\n\t"
            "For portability reasons, only [%s] are allowed."
            % (
                _validate_file_name.allowed_characters.replace("\\", ''),
    # CPLEX only supports quoting spaces starting in v12.8.
    if ' ' in filename:
        if cplex.version()[:2] >= (12, 8):
            filename = '"' + filename + '"'
            raise ValueError(
                "Space detected in CPLEX %s file path/name\n\t%s\nand "
                "CPLEX older than version 12.8.  Please either upgrade "
                "CPLEX or remove the space from the %s path."
                % (description, filename, description)
    return filename

# The full list of allowed characters, per IBM, is:
# (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) or ! " # $ % & ( ) / , . ; ? @ _ ` ' { } | ~
_validate_file_name.allowed_characters = (
    r"a-zA-Z0-9 ~:;,!'`|\$\(\)\{\}\?\#\&\.\-_\@\%s" % (os.path.sep,)
_validate_file_name.illegal_characters = re.compile(
    '[^%s]' % (_validate_file_name.allowed_characters,)

[docs] @SolverFactory.register('cplex', doc='The CPLEX LP/MIP solver') class CPLEX(OptSolver): """The CPLEX LP/MIP solver""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): try: mode = kwds['solver_io'] if mode is None: mode = 'lp' del kwds['solver_io'] except KeyError: mode = 'lp' # if mode == 'lp': return SolverFactory('_cplex_shell', **kwds) if mode == 'mps': opt = SolverFactory('_cplex_shell', **kwds) opt.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.mps) return opt if mode in ['python', 'direct']: opt = SolverFactory('cplex_direct', **kwds) if opt is None: logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers').error( 'Python API for CPLEX is not installed' ) return return opt if mode == 'persistent': opt = SolverFactory('cplex_persistent', **kwds) if opt is None: logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers').error( 'Python API for CPLEX is not installed' ) return return opt # if mode == 'os': opt = SolverFactory('_ossolver', **kwds) elif mode == 'nl': opt = SolverFactory('asl', **kwds) else: logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers').error('Unknown IO type: %s' % mode) return opt.set_options('solver=cplexamp') return opt
[docs] class ORDFileSchema(object): HEADER = "* ENCODING=ISO-8859-1\nNAME Priority Order\n" FOOTER = "ENDATA\n" @classmethod def ROW(cls, name, priority, branch_direction=None): return " %s %s %s\n" % (cls._direction_to_str(branch_direction), name, priority) @staticmethod def _direction_to_str(branch_direction): try: return {BranchDirection.down: "DN", BranchDirection.up: "UP"}[ branch_direction ] except KeyError: return ""
[docs] @SolverFactory.register( '_cplex_shell', doc='Shell interface to the CPLEX LP/MIP solver' ) class CPLEXSHELL(ILMLicensedSystemCallSolver): """Shell interface to the CPLEX LP/MIP solver"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): # # Call base class constructor # kwds['type'] = 'cplex' ILMLicensedSystemCallSolver.__init__(self, **kwds) # NOTE: eventually both of the following attributes should be migrated to a common base class. # is the current solve warm-started? a transient data member to communicate state information # across the _presolve, _apply_solver, and _postsolve methods. self._warm_start_solve = False # related to the above, the temporary name of the MST warm-start file (if any). self._warm_start_file_name = None # # Define valid problem formats and associated results formats # self._valid_problem_formats = [ProblemFormat.cpxlp, ProblemFormat.mps] self._valid_result_formats = {} self._valid_result_formats[ProblemFormat.cpxlp] = [ResultsFormat.soln] self._valid_result_formats[ProblemFormat.mps] = [ResultsFormat.soln] self.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.cpxlp) # Note: Undefined capabilities default to 'None' self._capabilities = Bunch() self._capabilities.linear = True self._capabilities.quadratic_objective = True self._capabilities.quadratic_constraint = True self._capabilities.integer = True self._capabilities.sos1 = True self._capabilities.sos2 = True
def _default_results_format(self, prob_format): return ResultsFormat.soln # # CPLEX has a simple, easy-to-use warm-start capability. #
[docs] def warm_start_capable(self): return True
# # write a warm-start file in the CPLEX MST format. # def _warm_start(self, instance): # for each variable in the symbol_map, add a child to the # variables element. Both continuous and discrete are accepted # (and required, depending on other options), according to the # CPLEX manual. # **Note**: This assumes that the symbol_map is "clean", i.e., # contains only references to the variables encountered in constraints output_index = 0 if isinstance(instance, IBlock): smap = getattr(instance, "._symbol_maps")[self._smap_id] else: smap =[self._smap_id] byObject = smap.byObject # in principle, one could use a Python XML writer library like # xml.dom.minidom. it works, but it is slow. hence, the # explicit direct-write of XML below. with open(self._warm_start_file_name, "w") as mst_file: mst_file.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n") mst_file.write("<CPLEXSolution version=\"1.0\">\n") mst_file.write("<header/>\n") mst_file.write("<quality/>\n") mst_file.write("<variables>\n") for var in instance.component_data_objects(Var): if (var.value is not None) and (id(var) in byObject): name = byObject[id(var)] mst_file.write( "<variable index=\"%d\" " "name=\"%s\" value=\"%f\" />\n" % (output_index, name, var.value) ) output_index = output_index + 1 mst_file.write("</variables>\n") mst_file.write("</CPLEXSolution>\n") # Expected names of `Suffix` components for branching priorities and directions respectively SUFFIX_PRIORITY_NAME = "priority" SUFFIX_DIRECTION_NAME = "direction" def _write_priorities_file(self, instance): """Write a variable priorities file in the CPLEX ORD format.""" priorities, directions = self._get_suffixes(instance) rows = self._convert_priorities_to_rows(instance, priorities, directions) self._write_priority_rows(rows) def _get_suffixes(self, instance): if isinstance(instance, IBlock): suffixes = ( (, suf) for suf in export_suffix_generator( instance, datatype=Suffix.INT, active=True, descend_into=False ) ) else: suffixes = active_export_suffix_generator(instance, datatype=Suffix.INT) suffixes = dict(suffixes) if self.SUFFIX_PRIORITY_NAME not in suffixes: raise ValueError( "Cannot write branching priorities file as `model.%s` Suffix has not been declared." % (self.SUFFIX_PRIORITY_NAME,) ) return ( suffixes[self.SUFFIX_PRIORITY_NAME], suffixes.get(self.SUFFIX_DIRECTION_NAME, ComponentMap()), ) def _convert_priorities_to_rows(self, instance, priorities, directions): if isinstance(instance, IBlock): smap = getattr(instance, "._symbol_maps")[self._smap_id] else: smap =[self._smap_id] byObject = smap.byObject rows = [] for var, priority in priorities.items(): if priority is None or not continue if not (0 <= priority == int(priority)): raise ValueError("`priority` must be a non-negative integer") var_direction = directions.get(var, BranchDirection.default) for child_var in iter_component(var): if id(child_var) not in byObject: continue child_var_direction = directions.get(child_var, var_direction) rows.append((byObject[id(child_var)], priority, child_var_direction)) return rows def _write_priority_rows(self, rows): with open(self._priorities_file_name, "w") as ord_file: ord_file.write(ORDFileSchema.HEADER) for var_name, priority, direction in rows: ord_file.write(ORDFileSchema.ROW(var_name, priority, direction)) ord_file.write(ORDFileSchema.FOOTER) # over-ride presolve to extract the warm-start keyword, if specified. def _presolve(self, *args, **kwds): # create a context in the temporary file manager for # this plugin - is "pop"ed in the _postsolve method. TempfileManager.push() # if the first argument is a string (representing a filename), # then we don't have an instance => the solver is being applied # to a file. self._warm_start_solve = kwds.pop('warmstart', False) self._warm_start_file_name = _validate_file_name( self, kwds.pop('warmstart_file', None), "warm start" ) user_warmstart = self._warm_start_file_name is not None # the input argument can currently be one of two things: an instance or a filename. # if a filename is provided and a warm-start is indicated, we go ahead and # create the temporary file - assuming that the user has already, via some external # mechanism, invoked warm_start() with a instance to create the warm start file. if self._warm_start_solve and isinstance(args[0], str): # we assume the user knows what they are doing... pass elif self._warm_start_solve and (not isinstance(args[0], str)): # assign the name of the warm start file *before* calling the base class # presolve - the base class method ends up creating the command line, # and the warm start file-name is (obviously) needed there. if self._warm_start_file_name is None: assert not user_warmstart self._warm_start_file_name = TempfileManager.create_tempfile( suffix='.cplex.mst' ) self._priorities_solve = kwds.pop("priorities", False) self._priorities_file_name = _validate_file_name( self, kwds.pop("priorities_file", None), "branching priorities" ) user_priorities = self._priorities_file_name is not None if ( self._priorities_solve and not isinstance(args[0], str) and not user_priorities ): self._priorities_file_name = TempfileManager.create_tempfile( suffix=".cplex.ord" ) # let the base class handle any remaining keywords/actions. ILMLicensedSystemCallSolver._presolve(self, *args, **kwds) # NB: we must let the base class presolve run first so that the # symbol_map is actually constructed! if (len(args) > 0) and (not isinstance(args[0], str)): if len(args) != 1: raise ValueError( "CPLEX _presolve method can only handle a " "single problem instance - %s were supplied" % (len(args),) ) # write the warm-start file - currently only supports MIPs. # we only know how to deal with a single problem instance. if self._warm_start_solve and (not user_warmstart): start_time = time.time() self._warm_start(args[0]) end_time = time.time() if self._report_timing: print( "Warm start write time= %.2f seconds" % (end_time - start_time) ) if self._priorities_solve and (not user_priorities): start_time = time.time() self._write_priorities_file(args[0]) end_time = time.time() if self._report_timing: print( "Branching priorities write time= %.2f seconds" % (end_time - start_time) ) def _default_executable(self): executable = Executable("cplex") if not executable: logger.warning( "Could not locate the 'cplex' executable" ", which is required for solver %s" % ) self.enable = False return None return executable.path() def _get_version(self): """ Returns a tuple describing the solver executable version. """ solver_exec = self.executable() if solver_exec is None: return _extract_version('') results = [solver_exec, '-c', 'quit'], timeout=self._version_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) return _extract_version(results.stdout)
[docs] def create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files): # # Define log file # The log file in CPLEX contains the solution trace, but the solver status can be found in the solution file. # if self._log_file is None: self._log_file = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix='.cplex.log') self._log_file = _validate_file_name(self, self._log_file, "log") # # Define solution file # As indicated above, contains (in XML) both the solution and solver status. # if self._soln_file is None: self._soln_file = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix='.cplex.sol') self._soln_file = _validate_file_name(self, self._soln_file, "solution") # # Write the CPLEX execution script # script = 'set logfile %s\n' % (self._log_file,) if self._timelimit is not None and self._timelimit > 0.0: script += 'set timelimit %s\n' % (self._timelimit,) if (self.options.mipgap is not None) and (float(self.options.mipgap) > 0.0): script += 'set mip tolerances mipgap %s\n' % (self.options.mipgap,) for key in self.options: if key == 'relax_integrality' or key == 'mipgap': continue elif isinstance(self.options[key], str) and (' ' in self.options[key]): opt = ' '.join(key.split('_')) + ' ' + str(self.options[key]) else: opt = ' '.join(key.split('_')) + ' ' + str(self.options[key]) script += 'set %s\n' % (opt,) _lp_file = _validate_file_name(self, problem_files[0], "LP") script += 'read %s\n' % (_lp_file,) # if we're dealing with an LP, the MST file will be empty. if self._warm_start_solve and (self._warm_start_file_name is not None): script += 'read %s\n' % (self._warm_start_file_name,) if self._priorities_solve and self._priorities_file_name is not None: script += "read %s\n" % (self._priorities_file_name,) if 'relax_integrality' in self.options: script += 'change problem lp\n' script += 'display problem stats\n' script += 'optimize\n' script += 'write %s\n' % (self._soln_file,) script += 'quit\n' # dump the script and warm-start file names for the # user if we're keeping files around. if self._keepfiles: script_fname = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix='.cplex.script') tmp = open(script_fname, 'w') tmp.write(script) tmp.close() print("Solver script file=" + script_fname) if self._warm_start_solve and (self._warm_start_file_name is not None): print("Solver warm-start file=" + self._warm_start_file_name) if self._priorities_solve and self._priorities_file_name is not None: print("Solver priorities file=" + self._priorities_file_name) # # Define command line # cmd = [executable] if self._timer: cmd.insert(0, self._timer) return Bunch(cmd=cmd, script=script, log_file=self._log_file, env=None)
[docs] def process_logfile(self): """ Process logfile """ results = SolverResults() results.problem.number_of_variables = None results.problem.number_of_nonzeros = None # # Process logfile # OUTPUT = open(self._log_file) output = "".join(OUTPUT.readlines()) OUTPUT.close() # # It is generally useful to know the CPLEX version number for logfile parsing. # cplex_version = None # # Parse logfile lines # # caching for subsequent use - we need to known the problem sense before using this information. # adding to plugin to cache across invocation of process_logfile and process_soln_file. self._best_bound = None self._gap = None for line in output.split("\n"): tokens = re.split('[ \t]+', line.strip()) if len(tokens) > 3 and tokens[0] == "CPLEX" and tokens[1] == "Error": # IMPT: See below - cplex can generate an error line and then terminate fine, e.g., in CPLEX 12.1. # To handle these cases, we should be specifying some kind of termination criterion always # in the course of parsing a log file (we aren't doing so currently - just in some conditions). results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error results.solver.error = " ".join(tokens) elif len(tokens) >= 3 and tokens[0] == "ILOG" and tokens[1] == "CPLEX": cplex_version = tokens[2].rstrip(',') elif len(tokens) >= 3 and tokens[0] == "Variables": if ( results.problem.number_of_variables is None ): # CPLEX 11.2 and subsequent versions have two Variables sections in the log file output. results.problem.number_of_variables = int(tokens[2]) # In CPLEX 11 (and presumably before), there was only a single line output to # indicate the constraint count, e.g., "Linear constraints : 16 [Less: 7, Greater: 6, Equal: 3]". # In CPLEX 11.2 (or somewhere in between 11 and 11.2 - I haven't bothered to track it down # in that detail), there is another instance of this line prefix in the min/max problem statistics # block - which we don't care about. In this case, the line looks like: "Linear constraints :" and # that's all. elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "Linear" and tokens[1] == "constraints" ): results.problem.number_of_constraints = int(tokens[3]) elif len(tokens) >= 3 and tokens[0] == "Nonzeros": if ( results.problem.number_of_nonzeros is None ): # CPLEX 11.2 and subsequent has two Nonzeros sections. results.problem.number_of_nonzeros = int(tokens[2]) elif len(tokens) >= 5 and tokens[4] == "MINIMIZE": results.problem.sense = minimize elif len(tokens) >= 5 and tokens[4] == "MAXIMIZE": results.problem.sense = maximize elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "Solution" and tokens[1] == "time" and tokens[2] == "=" ): # technically, I'm not sure if this is CPLEX user time or user+system - CPLEX doesn't appear # to differentiate, and I'm not sure we can always provide a break-down. results.solver.user_time = float(tokens[3]) elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "Primal" and tokens[1] == "simplex" and tokens[3] == "Optimal:" ): results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "Dual" and tokens[1] == "simplex" and tokens[3] == "Optimal:" ): results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "Barrier" and tokens[2] == "Optimal:" ): results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "Dual" and tokens[3] == "Infeasible:" ): results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "MIP" and tokens[2] == "Integer" and tokens[3] == "infeasible." ): # if CPLEX has previously printed an error message, reduce it to a warning - # there is a strong indication it recovered, but we can't be sure. if results.solver.status == SolverStatus.error: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 10 and tokens[0] == "MIP" and tokens[2] == "Time" and tokens[3] == "limit" and tokens[6] == "feasible:" ): # handle processing when the time limit has been exceeded, and we have a feasible solution. results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 10 and tokens[0] == "Current" and tokens[1] == "MIP" and tokens[2] == "best" and tokens[3] == "bound" ): self._best_bound = float(tokens[5]) self._gap = float(tokens[8].rstrip(',')) # for the case below, CPLEX sometimes reports "true" optimal (the first case) # and other times within-tolerance optimal (the second case). elif ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "MIP" and tokens[2] == "Integer" and tokens[3] == "optimal" ) or ( len(tokens) >= 4 and tokens[0] == "MIP" and tokens[2] == "Integer" and tokens[3] == "optimal," ): # if CPLEX has previously printed an error message, reduce it to a warning - # there is a strong indication it recovered, but we can't be sure. if results.solver.status == SolverStatus.error: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( len(tokens) >= 3 and tokens[0] == "Presolve" and tokens[2] == "Infeasible." ): # if CPLEX has previously printed an error message, reduce it to a warning - # there is a strong indication it recovered, but we can't be sure. if results.solver.status == SolverStatus.error: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) elif ( ( (len(tokens) == 6) and (tokens[2] == "Integer") and (tokens[3] == "infeasible") and (tokens[5] == "unbounded.") ) or ( (len(tokens) >= 4) and (tokens[0] == "MIP") and (tokens[1] == "-") and (tokens[2] == "Integer") and (tokens[3] == "unbounded:") ) or ( (len(tokens) >= 5) and (tokens[0] == "Presolve") and (tokens[2] == "Unbounded") and (tokens[4] == "infeasible.") ) ): # if CPLEX has previously printed an error message, reduce it to a warning - # there is a strong indication it recovered, but we can't be sure. if results.solver.status == SolverStatus.error: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning else: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok # It isn't clear whether we can determine if the problem is unbounded from # CPLEX's output. results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) try: if isinstance(results.solver.termination_message, str): results.solver.termination_message = ( results.solver.termination_message.replace(':', '\\x3a') ) except: pass return results
[docs] def process_soln_file(self, results): # the only suffixes that we extract from CPLEX are # constraint duals, constraint slacks, and variable # reduced-costs. scan through the solver suffix list # and throw an exception if the user has specified # any others. extract_duals = False extract_slacks = False extract_reduced_costs = False extract_rc = False extract_lrc = False extract_urc = False for suffix in self._suffixes: flag = False if re.match(suffix, "dual"): extract_duals = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "slack"): extract_slacks = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "rc"): extract_reduced_costs = True extract_rc = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "lrc"): extract_reduced_costs = True extract_lrc = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "urc"): extract_reduced_costs = True extract_urc = True flag = True if not flag: raise RuntimeError( "***The CPLEX solver plugin cannot extract solution suffix=" + suffix ) # check for existence of the solution file # not sure why we just return - would think that we # would want to indicate some sort of error if not os.path.exists(self._soln_file): return range_duals = {} range_slacks = {} soln = Solution() soln.objective['__default_objective__'] = {'Value': None} # caching for efficiency soln_variables = soln.variable soln_constraints = soln.constraint INPUT = open(self._soln_file, "r") results.problem.number_of_objectives = 1 time_limit_exceeded = False mip_problem = False for line in INPUT: line = line.strip() line = line.lstrip('<?/') line = line.rstrip('/>?') tokens = line.split(' ') if tokens[0] == "variable": variable_name = None variable_value = None variable_reduced_cost = None variable_status = None for i in range(1, len(tokens)): field_name = tokens[i].split('=')[0] field_value = tokens[i].split('=')[1].lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"") if field_name == "name": variable_name = field_value elif field_name == "value": variable_value = field_value elif (extract_reduced_costs is True) and ( field_name == "reducedCost" ): variable_reduced_cost = field_value elif (extract_reduced_costs is True) and (field_name == "status"): variable_status = field_value # skip the "constant-one" variable, used to capture/retain objective offsets in the CPLEX LP format. if variable_name != "ONE_VAR_CONSTANT": variable = soln_variables[variable_name] = { "Value": float(variable_value) } if (variable_reduced_cost is not None) and ( extract_reduced_costs is True ): try: if extract_rc is True: variable["Rc"] = float(variable_reduced_cost) if variable_status is not None: if extract_lrc is True: if variable_status == "LL": variable["Lrc"] = float(variable_reduced_cost) else: variable["Lrc"] = 0.0 if extract_urc is True: if variable_status == "UL": variable["Urc"] = float(variable_reduced_cost) else: variable["Urc"] = 0.0 except: raise ValueError( "Unexpected reduced-cost value=" + str(variable_reduced_cost) + " encountered for variable=" + variable_name ) elif (tokens[0] == "constraint") and ( (extract_duals is True) or (extract_slacks is True) ): is_range = False rlabel = None rkey = None for i in range(1, len(tokens)): field_name = tokens[i].split('=')[0] field_value = tokens[i].split('=')[1].lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"") if field_name == "name": if field_value.startswith('c_'): constraint = soln_constraints[field_value] = {} elif field_value.startswith('r_l_'): is_range = True rlabel = field_value[4:] rkey = 0 elif field_value.startswith('r_u_'): is_range = True rlabel = field_value[4:] rkey = 1 elif (extract_duals is True) and (field_name == "dual"): # for LPs if is_range is False: constraint["Dual"] = float(field_value) else: range_duals.setdefault(rlabel, [0, 0])[rkey] = float( field_value ) elif (extract_slacks is True) and ( field_name == "slack" ): # for MIPs if is_range is False: constraint["Slack"] = float(field_value) else: range_slacks.setdefault(rlabel, [0, 0])[rkey] = float( field_value ) elif tokens[0].startswith("problemName"): filename = (tokens[0].split('=')[1].strip()).lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"") = os.path.basename(filename) if '.' in ='.')[0] tINPUT = open(filename, "r") for tline in tINPUT: tline = tline.strip() if tline == "": continue tokens = re.split('[\t ]+', tline) if tokens[0][0] in ['\\', '*']: continue elif tokens[0] == "NAME": = tokens[1] else: sense = tokens[0].lower() if sense in ['max', 'maximize']: results.problem.sense = maximize if sense in ['min', 'minimize']: results.problem.sense = minimize break tINPUT.close() elif ( tokens[0].startswith("objectiveValue") and tokens[0] != 'objectiveValues' ): # prior to 12.10.0, the objective value came back as an # attribute on the <header> tag objective_value = ( (tokens[0].split('=')[1].strip()).lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"") ) soln.objective['__default_objective__']['Value'] = float( objective_value ) elif tokens[0] == "objective": # beginning in 12.10.0, CPLEX supports multiple # objectives in an <objectiveValue> tag fields = {} for field in tokens[1:]: k, v = field.split('=') fields[k] = v.strip('"') soln.objective.setdefault(fields['name'], {})['Value'] = float( fields['value'] ) elif tokens[0].startswith("solutionStatusValue"): pieces = tokens[0].split("=") solution_status = eval(pieces[1]) # solution status = 1 => optimal # solution status = 3 => infeasible if soln.status == SolutionStatus.unknown: if solution_status == 1: soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal elif solution_status == 3: soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible = None else: # we are flagging anything with a solution status >= 4 as an error, to possibly # be over-ridden as we learn more about the status (e.g., due to time limit exceeded). soln.status = SolutionStatus.error = None elif tokens[0].startswith("solutionStatusString"): solution_status = ( ((" ".join(tokens).split('=')[1]).strip()).lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"") ) if solution_status in [ "optimal", "integer optimal solution", "integer optimal, tolerance", ]: soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal = 0.0 results.problem.lower_bound = soln.objective[ '__default_objective__' ]['Value'] results.problem.upper_bound = soln.objective[ '__default_objective__' ]['Value'] if "integer" in solution_status: mip_problem = True elif solution_status in ["infeasible"]: soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible = None elif solution_status in ["time limit exceeded"]: # we need to know if the solution is primal feasible, and if it is, set the solution status accordingly. # for now, just set the flag so we can trigger the logic when we see the primalFeasible keyword. time_limit_exceeded = True elif tokens[0].startswith("MIPNodes"): if mip_problem: n = eval( eval((" ".join(tokens).split('=')[1]).strip()) .lstrip("\"") .rstrip("\"") ) results.solver.statistics.branch_and_bound.number_of_created_subproblems = ( n ) results.solver.statistics.branch_and_bound.number_of_bounded_subproblems = ( n ) elif tokens[0].startswith("primalFeasible") and ( time_limit_exceeded is True ): primal_feasible = int( ((" ".join(tokens).split('=')[1]).strip()).lstrip("\"").rstrip("\"") ) if primal_feasible == 1: soln.status = SolutionStatus.feasible if results.problem.sense == minimize: results.problem.upper_bound = soln.objective[ '__default_objective__' ]['Value'] else: results.problem.lower_bound = soln.objective[ '__default_objective__' ]['Value'] else: soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible if self._best_bound is not None: if results.problem.sense == minimize: results.problem.lower_bound = self._best_bound else: results.problem.upper_bound = self._best_bound if self._gap is not None: = self._gap # For the range constraints, supply only the dual with the largest # magnitude (at least one should always be numerically zero) for key, (ld, ud) in range_duals.items(): if abs(ld) > abs(ud): soln_constraints['r_l_' + key] = {"Dual": ld} else: soln_constraints['r_l_' + key] = {"Dual": ud} # Use the same key # slacks for key, (ls, us) in range_slacks.items(): if abs(ls) > abs(us): soln_constraints.setdefault('r_l_' + key, {})["Slack"] = ls else: soln_constraints.setdefault('r_l_' + key, {})[ "Slack" ] = us # Use the same key if not results.solver.status is SolverStatus.error: if results.solver.termination_condition in [ TerminationCondition.unknown, # TerminationCondition.maxIterations, # TerminationCondition.minFunctionValue, # TerminationCondition.minStepLength, TerminationCondition.globallyOptimal, TerminationCondition.locallyOptimal, TerminationCondition.optimal, # TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, TerminationCondition.other, ]: results.solution.insert(soln) elif ( results.solver.termination_condition is TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit ) and (soln.status is not SolutionStatus.infeasible): results.solution.insert(soln) INPUT.close()
def _postsolve(self): # take care of the annoying (and empty) CPLEX temporary files in the current directory. # this approach doesn't seem overly efficient, but python os module functions don't # accept regular expression directly. filename_list = os.listdir(".") for filename in filename_list: # CPLEX temporary files come in two flavors - cplex.log and clone*.log. # the latter is the case for multi-processor environments. # IMPT: trap the possible exception raised by the file not existing. # this can occur in pyro environments where > 1 workers are # running CPLEX, and were started from the same directory. # these logs don't matter anyway (we redirect everything), # and are largely an annoyance. try: if re.match(r'cplex\.log', filename) != None: os.remove(filename) elif re.match(r'clone\d+\.log', filename) != None: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass # let the base class deal with returning results. results = ILMLicensedSystemCallSolver._postsolve(self) # finally, clean any temporary files registered with the temp file # manager, created populated *directly* by this plugin. does not # include, for example, the execution script. but does include # the warm-start file. TempfileManager.pop(remove=not self._keepfiles) return results
[docs] @SolverFactory.register('_mock_cplex') class MockCPLEX(CPLEXSHELL, MockMIP): """A Mock CPLEX solver used for testing"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): try: CPLEXSHELL.__init__(self, **kwds) except ApplicationError: # pragma:nocover pass # pragma:nocover MockMIP.__init__(self, "cplex")
[docs] def available(self, exception_flag=True): return CPLEXSHELL.available(self, exception_flag)
[docs] def create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files): command = CPLEXSHELL.create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files) MockMIP.create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files) return command
def _default_executable(self): return MockMIP.executable(self) def _execute_command(self, cmd): return MockMIP._execute_command(self, cmd)