Source code for pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.CBCplugin

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import os
import re
import time
import logging
import subprocess

from pyomo.common import Executable
from pyomo.common.enums import maximize, minimize
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError
from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch
from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager

from pyomo.core.kernel.block import IBlock
from pyomo.core import Var
from pyomo.opt.base import ProblemFormat, ResultsFormat, OptSolver
from pyomo.opt.base.solvers import _extract_version, SolverFactory
from pyomo.opt.results import (
from pyomo.opt.solver import SystemCallSolver
from pyomo.solvers.mockmip import MockMIP

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers')

[docs] @SolverFactory.register('cbc', doc='The CBC LP/MIP solver') class CBC(OptSolver): """The CBC LP/MIP solver""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): mode = kwds.pop('solver_io', 'lp') if mode == 'lp' or mode is None: opt = SolverFactory('_cbc_shell', **kwds) opt.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.cpxlp) return opt # CBC's MPS parser seems too buggy to expose # this option # if mode == 'mps': # # *NOTE: CBC uses the COIN-OR MPS reader, # # which ignores any objective sense # # declared in the OBJSENSE section. # opt = SolverFactory('_cbc_shell', **kwds) # opt.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.mps) # return opt # if mode == 'nl': # CBC doesn't not accept all asl style command line # options (-s in particular, which is required for # streaming output of all asl solvers). Therefore we need # to send it through the cbc_shell instead of ASL opt = SolverFactory('_cbc_shell', **kwds) opt.set_problem_format( return opt elif mode == 'os': opt = SolverFactory('_ossolver', **kwds) opt.set_options('solver=cbc') return opt else: logger.error('Unknown IO type: %s' % mode) return
[docs] @SolverFactory.register('_cbc_shell', doc='Shell interface to the CBC LP/MIP solver') class CBCSHELL(SystemCallSolver): """Shell interface to the CBC LP/MIP solver"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): # # Call base constructor # kwds['type'] = 'cbc' super(CBCSHELL, self).__init__(**kwds) # NOTE: eventually both of the following attributes should be # migrated to a common base class. is the current solve # warm-started? a transient data member to communicate state # information across the _presolve, _apply_solver, and # _postsolve methods. self._warm_start_solve = False # related to the above, the temporary name of the SOLN # warm-start file (if any). self._warm_start_file_name = None # # Set up valid problem formats and valid results for each # problem format # self._valid_problem_formats = [ ProblemFormat.cpxlp,, # ProblemFormat.mps, ] self._valid_result_formats = { ProblemFormat.cpxlp: [ResultsFormat.soln], [ResultsFormat.sol], # ProblemFormat.mps: [ResultsFormat.soln], } # Note: Undefined capabilities default to 'None' self._capabilities = Bunch() self._capabilities.linear = True self._capabilities.integer = True # The quadratic capabilities may be true but there is # some weirdness in the solution file that this # plugin does not handle correctly (extra variables # added that are not in the symbol map?) self._capabilities.quadratic_objective = False self._capabilities.quadratic_constraint = False # These flags are updated by the set_problem_format method # as cbc can handle SOS constraints with the NL file format but # currently not through the LP file format self._capabilities.sos1 = False self._capabilities.sos2 = False self.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.cpxlp)
[docs] def set_problem_format(self, format): super(CBCSHELL, self).set_problem_format(format) if self._problem_format == ProblemFormat.cpxlp: self._capabilities.sos1 = False self._capabilities.sos2 = False else: self._capabilities.sos1 = True self._capabilities.sos2 = True if self._problem_format == if self._compiled_with_asl(): _ver = self.version() # It is possible that _ver is None if the parse failed if not _ver or _ver[:3] < (2, 7, 0): if _ver is None: _ver_str = "<unknown>" else: _ver_str = '.'.join(str(i) for i in _ver) logger.warning( f"found CBC version {_ver_str} < 2.7; " "ASL support disabled (falling back on LP interface)." ) logger.warning("Upgrade CBC to activate ASL support in this plugin") # Fall back on LP self.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.cpxlp) else: logger.warning( "CBC solver is not compiled with ASL " "interface (falling back on LP interface)." ) # Fall back on LP self.set_problem_format(ProblemFormat.cpxlp)
def _default_results_format(self, prob_format): if prob_format == return ResultsFormat.sol return ResultsFormat.soln
[docs] def warm_start_capable(self): if self._problem_format != ProblemFormat.cpxlp: return False _ver = self.version() return _ver and _ver >= (2, 8, 0, 0)
def _write_soln_file(self, instance, filename): # Maybe this could be a useful method for any instance. if isinstance(instance, IBlock): smap = getattr(instance, "._symbol_maps")[self._smap_id] else: smap =[self._smap_id] byObject = smap.byObject column_index = 0 with open(filename, 'w') as solnfile: for var in instance.component_data_objects(Var): # Cbc only expects integer variables with non-zero # values for mipstart. if ( var.value and (var.is_integer() or var.is_binary()) and (id(var) in byObject) ): name = byObject[id(var)] solnfile.write('{} {} {}\n'.format(column_index, name, var.value)) # Cbc ignores column indexes, so the value does not matter. column_index += 1 # # Write a warm-start file in the SOLN format. # def _warm_start(self, instance): self._write_soln_file(instance, self._warm_start_file_name) # over-ride presolve to extract the warm-start keyword, if specified. def _presolve(self, *args, **kwds): # create a context in the temporary file manager for # this plugin - is "pop"ed in the _postsolve method. TempfileManager.push() # if the first argument is a string (representing a filename), # then we don't have an instance => the solver is being applied # to a file. self._warm_start_solve = kwds.pop('warmstart', False) self._warm_start_file_name = kwds.pop('warmstart_file', None) user_warmstart = False if self._warm_start_file_name is not None: user_warmstart = True # the input argument can currently be one of two things: an # instance or a filename. if a filename is provided and a # warm-start is indicated, we go ahead and create the temporary # file - assuming that the user has already, via some external # mechanism, invoked warm_start() with a instance to create the # warm start file. if self._warm_start_solve and isinstance(args[0], str): # we assume the user knows what they are doing... pass elif self._warm_start_solve and (not isinstance(args[0], str)): # assign the name of the warm start file *before* calling # the base class presolve - the base class method ends up # creating the command line, and the warm start file-name is # (obviously) needed there. if self._warm_start_file_name is None: assert not user_warmstart self._warm_start_file_name = TempfileManager.create_tempfile( suffix='.cbc.soln' ) # CBC does not cleanly handle windows-style drive names in the # MIPSTART file name (though at least 2.10.5). # # See # The problematic source is if self._warm_start_file_name is not None: _drive, _path = os.path.splitdrive(self._warm_start_file_name) if _drive: _cwd_drive = os.path.splitdrive(os.getcwd())[0] if _cwd_drive.lower() == _drive.lower(): self._warm_start_file_name = _path else: logger.warning( "warmstart_file points to a file on a drive " "different from the current working directory. " "CBC is likely to (silently) ignore the warmstart." ) # let the base class handle any remaining keywords/actions. # let the base class handle any remaining keywords/actions. super(CBCSHELL, self)._presolve(*args, **kwds) # NB: we must let the base class presolve run first so that the # symbol_map is actually constructed! if (len(args) > 0) and (not isinstance(args[0], str)): if len(args) != 1: raise ValueError( "CBCplugin _presolve method can only handle a single " "problem instance - %s were supplied" % (len(args),) ) # write the warm-start file - currently only supports MIPs. # we only know how to deal with a single problem instance. if self._warm_start_solve and (not user_warmstart): start_time = time.time() self._warm_start(args[0]) end_time = time.time() if self._report_timing is True: print( "Warm start write time=%.2f seconds" % (end_time - start_time) ) def _default_executable(self): executable = Executable("cbc") if not executable: logger.warning( "Could not locate the 'cbc' executable, which is " "required for solver %s" % ) self.enable = False return None return executable.path() def _get_version(self): """ Returns a tuple describing the solver executable version. """ results = [self.executable(), "-stop"], timeout=5, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) _version = _extract_version(results.stdout) if _version is None: return _extract_version('') return _version def _compiled_with_asl(self): results = [self.executable(), "dummy", "-AMPL", "-stop"], timeout=5, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) return 'No match for AMPL'.lower() not in results.stdout.lower()
[docs] def create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files): # # Define the log file # if self._log_file is None: self._log_file = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix=".cbc.log") # # Define the solution file # # the prefix of the problem filename is required because CBC has a specific # and automatic convention for generating the output solution filename. # the extracted prefix is the same name as the input filename, e.g., minus # the ".lp" extension. problem_filename_prefix = problem_files[0] if '.' in problem_filename_prefix: tmp = problem_filename_prefix.split('.') if len(tmp) > 2: problem_filename_prefix = '.'.join(tmp[:-1]) else: problem_filename_prefix = tmp[0] if self._results_format is ResultsFormat.sol: self._soln_file = problem_filename_prefix + ".sol" else: self._soln_file = problem_filename_prefix + ".soln" # # Define the results file (if the sol external parser is used) # # results in CBC are split across the log file (solver statistics) and # the solution file (solutions!) if self._results_format is ResultsFormat.sol: self._results_file = self._soln_file def _check_and_escape_options(options): for key, val in self.options.items(): tmp_k = str(key) _bad = ' ' in tmp_k tmp_v = str(val) if ' ' in tmp_v: if '"' in tmp_v: if "'" in tmp_v: _bad = True else: tmp_v = "'" + tmp_v + "'" else: tmp_v = '"' + tmp_v + '"' if _bad: raise ValueError( "Unable to properly escape solver option:" "\n\t%s=%s" % (key, val) ) yield (tmp_k, tmp_v) # # Define command line # cmd = [executable] if self._timer: cmd.insert(0, self._timer) if self._problem_format == cmd.append(problem_files[0]) cmd.append('-AMPL') if self._timelimit is not None and self._timelimit > 0.0: cmd.extend(['-sec', str(self._timelimit)]) cmd.extend(['-timeMode', "elapsed"]) if "debug" in self.options: cmd.extend(["-log", "5"]) for key, val in _check_and_escape_options(self.options): if key == 'solver': continue cmd.append(key + "=" + val) os.environ['cbc_options'] = "printingOptions=all" # cmd.extend(["-printingOptions=all", # "-stat"]) else: if self._timelimit is not None and self._timelimit > 0.0: cmd.extend(['-sec', str(self._timelimit)]) cmd.extend(['-timeMode', "elapsed"]) if "debug" in self.options: cmd.extend(["-log", "5"]) # these must go after options that take a value action_options = [] for key, val in _check_and_escape_options(self.options): if val.strip() != '': cmd.extend(['-' + key, val]) else: action_options.append('-' + key) cmd.extend(["-printingOptions", "all", "-import", problem_files[0]]) cmd.extend(action_options) if self._warm_start_solve: cmd.extend(["-mipstart", self._warm_start_file_name]) cmd.extend(["-stat=1", "-solve", "-solu", self._soln_file]) return Bunch(cmd=cmd, log_file=self._log_file, env=None)
[docs] def process_logfile(self): """ Process logfile """ results = SolverResults() # The logfile output for cbc when using nl files # provides no information worth parsing here if self._problem_format is return results # # Initial values # soln = Solution() # # Process logfile # OUTPUT = open(self._log_file) output = "".join(OUTPUT.readlines()) OUTPUT.close() # # Parse logfile lines # results.problem.sense = minimize = None optim_value = float('inf') lower_bound = None upper_bound = None gap = None nodes = None # See for line in output.split("\n"): tokens = tuple(re.split('[ \t]+', line.strip())) n_tokens = len(tokens) if n_tokens > 1: # if n_tokens > 4 and tokens[:4] == ( 'Continuous', 'objective', 'value', 'is', ): lower_bound = _float(tokens[4]) # Search completed - best objective %g, took %d iterations and %d nodes elif ( n_tokens > 12 and tokens[1:3] == ('Search', 'completed') and tokens[4:6] == ('best', 'objective') and tokens[9] == 'iterations' and tokens[12] == 'nodes' ): optim_value = _float(tokens[6][:-1]) results.solver.statistics.black_box.number_of_iterations = int( tokens[8] ) nodes = int(tokens[11]) elif tokens[1] == 'Exiting' and n_tokens > 4: if tokens[2:4] == ('on', 'maximum'): results.solver.termination_condition = { 'nodes': TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, 'time': TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit, 'solutions': TerminationCondition.other, 'iterations': TerminationCondition.maxIterations, }.get(tokens[4], TerminationCondition.other) # elif tokens[2:5] == ('as', 'integer', 'gap'): # # We might want to handle this case # Integer solution of %g found... elif n_tokens >= 4 and tokens[1:4] == ('Integer', 'solution', 'of'): optim_value = _float(tokens[4]) try: results.solver.statistics.black_box.number_of_iterations = int( tokens[tokens.index('iterations') - 1] ) nodes = int(tokens[tokens.index('nodes') - 1]) except ValueError: pass # Partial search - best objective %g (best possible %g), took %d iterations and %d nodes elif ( n_tokens > 15 and tokens[1:3] == ('Partial', 'search') and tokens[4:6] == ('best', 'objective') and tokens[7:9] == ('(best', 'possible') and tokens[12] == 'iterations' and tokens[15] == 'nodes' ): optim_value = _float(tokens[6]) lower_bound = _float(tokens[9][:-2]) results.solver.statistics.black_box.number_of_iterations = int( tokens[11] ) nodes = int(tokens[14]) elif ( n_tokens > 12 and tokens[1] == 'After' and tokens[3] == 'nodes,' and tokens[8:10] == ('best', 'solution,') and tokens[10:12] == ('best', 'possible') ): nodes = int(tokens[2]) optim_value = _float(tokens[7]) lower_bound = _float(tokens[12]) elif ( tokens[0] == "Current" and n_tokens == 10 and tokens[1] == "default" and tokens[2] == "(if" and is None ): = tokens[-1] if '.' in parts ='.') if len(parts) > 2: = '.'.join(parts[:-1]) else: ='.')[0] if '/' in ='/')[-1] if '\\' in ='\\')[-1] # elif tokens[0] == 'Presolve': if n_tokens > 9 and tokens[3] == 'rows,' and tokens[6] == 'columns': results.problem.number_of_variables = int(tokens[4]) - int( tokens[5][1:-1] ) results.problem.number_of_constraints = int(tokens[1]) - int( tokens[2][1:-1] ) results.problem.number_of_objectives = 1 elif n_tokens > 6 and tokens[6] == 'infeasible': soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible # elif ( n_tokens > 11 and tokens[:2] == ('Problem', 'has') and tokens[3] == 'rows,' and tokens[5] == 'columns' and tokens[7:9] == ('with', 'objective)') ): results.problem.number_of_variables = int(tokens[4]) results.problem.number_of_constraints = int(tokens[2]) results.problem.number_of_nonzeros = int(tokens[6][1:]) results.problem.number_of_objectives = 1 # elif ( n_tokens > 8 and tokens[:3] == ('Original', 'problem', 'has') and tokens[4] == 'integers' and tokens[6:9] == ('of', 'which', 'binary)') ): results.problem.number_of_integer_variables = int(tokens[3]) results.problem.number_of_binary_variables = int(tokens[5][1:]) elif n_tokens == 5 and tokens[3] == "NAME": = tokens[4] elif ( 'CoinLpIO::readLp(): Maximization problem reformulated as minimization' in ' '.join(tokens) ): results.problem.sense = maximize # elif n_tokens > 3 and tokens[:2] == ('Result', '-'): if tokens[2:4] in [('Run', 'abandoned'), ('User', 'ctrl-c')]: results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.userInterrupt ) if n_tokens > 4: if tokens[2:5] == ('Optimal', 'solution', 'found'): # parser for log file generetated with discrete variable soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal # if n_tokens > 7 and tokens[5:8] == ('(within', 'gap', 'tolerance)'): # # We might want to handle this case elif tokens[2:5] in [ ('Linear', 'relaxation', 'infeasible'), ('Problem', 'proven', 'infeasible'), ]: soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible elif tokens[2:5] == ('Linear', 'relaxation', 'unbounded'): soln.status = SolutionStatus.unbounded elif ( n_tokens > 5 and tokens[2:4] == ('Stopped', 'on') and tokens[5] == 'limit' ): results.solver.termination_condition = { 'node': TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, 'time': TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit, 'solution': TerminationCondition.other, 'iterations': TerminationCondition.maxIterations, }.get(tokens[4], TerminationCondition.other) # elif n_tokens > 3 and tokens[2] == "Finished": soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal optim_value = _float(tokens[4]) # elif n_tokens >= 3 and tokens[:2] == ('Objective', 'value:'): # parser for log file generetated with discrete variable optim_value = _float(tokens[2]) # elif n_tokens >= 4 and tokens[:4] == ( 'No', 'feasible', 'solution', 'found', ): soln.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible elif n_tokens > 2 and tokens[:2] == ('Lower', 'bound:'): if ( lower_bound is None ): # Only use if not already found since this is to less decimal places results.problem.lower_bound = _float(tokens[2]) # elif tokens[0] == 'Gap:': # This is relative and only to 2 decimal places - could calculate explicitly using lower bound gap = _float(tokens[1]) # elif n_tokens > 2 and tokens[:2] == ('Enumerated', 'nodes:'): nodes = int(tokens[2]) # elif n_tokens > 2 and tokens[:2] == ('Total', 'iterations:'): results.solver.statistics.black_box.number_of_iterations = int( tokens[2] ) # elif n_tokens > 3 and tokens[:3] == ('Time', '(CPU', 'seconds):'): results.solver.system_time = _float(tokens[3]) # elif n_tokens > 3 and tokens[:3] == ('Time', '(Wallclock', 'Seconds):'): results.solver.wallclock_time = _float(tokens[3]) # elif n_tokens > 4 and tokens[:4] == ( 'Total', 'time', '(CPU', 'seconds):', ): results.solver.system_time = _float(tokens[4]) if n_tokens > 7 and tokens[5:7] == ('(Wallclock', 'seconds):'): results.solver.wallclock_time = _float(tokens[7]) elif tokens[0] == "Optimal": if n_tokens > 4 and tokens[2] == "objective" and tokens[4] != "and": # parser for log file generetated without discrete variable # see pull request #339: last check avoids lines like "Optimal - objective gap and # complementarity gap both smallish and small steps" soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal optim_value = _float(tokens[4]) elif ( n_tokens > 5 and tokens[1] == 'objective' and tokens[5] == 'iterations' ): soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal optim_value = _float(tokens[2]) results.solver.statistics.black_box.number_of_iterations = int( tokens[4] ) elif tokens[0] == "sys" and n_tokens == 2: results.solver.system_time = _float(tokens[1]) elif tokens[0] == "user" and n_tokens == 2: results.solver.user_time = _float(tokens[1]) elif ( n_tokens == 10 and "Presolve" in tokens and "iterations" in tokens and tokens[0] == "Optimal" and "objective" == tokens[1] ): soln.status = SolutionStatus.optimal optim_value = _float(tokens[2]) results.solver.user_time = -1.0 # Why is this set to -1? if is None: = 'unknown' if soln.status is SolutionStatus.optimal: results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), and an " "optimal solution is available." ) results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok if gap is None: lower_bound = optim_value gap = 0.0 elif soln.status == SolutionStatus.infeasible: results.solver.termination_message = "Model was proven to be infeasible." results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning elif soln.status == SolutionStatus.unbounded: results.solver.termination_message = "Model was proven to be unbounded." results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning elif results.solver.termination_condition in [ TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit, TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, TerminationCondition.other, TerminationCondition.maxIterations, ]: results.solver.status = SolverStatus.aborted soln.status = SolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit if ( results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit ): results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because the time expended " "exceeded the value specified in the seconds " "parameter." ) elif ( results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations ): results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because the total number of branch-and-cut nodes explored " "exceeded the value specified in the maxNodes parameter" ) elif results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.other: results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because the number of " "solutions found reached the value specified in the " "maxSolutions parameter." ) elif ( results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.maxIterations ): results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because the total number of simplex " "iterations performed exceeded the value specified in the " "maxIterations parameter." ) = gap if results.problem.sense == minimize: upper_bound = optim_value elif results.problem.sense == maximize: _ver = self.version() if _ver and _ver[:3] < (2, 10, 2): optim_value *= -1 upper_bound = None if lower_bound is None else -lower_bound else: upper_bound = None if lower_bound is None else lower_bound lower_bound = optim_value soln.objective['__default_objective__'] = {'Value': optim_value} results.problem.lower_bound = lower_bound results.problem.upper_bound = upper_bound results.solver.statistics.branch_and_bound.number_of_bounded_subproblems = nodes results.solver.statistics.branch_and_bound.number_of_created_subproblems = nodes if soln.status in [ SolutionStatus.optimal, SolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit, SolutionStatus.unknown, SolutionStatus.other, ]: results.solution.insert(soln) return results
[docs] def process_soln_file(self, results): # the only suffixes that we extract from CBC are # constraint duals and variable reduced-costs. scan # through the solver suffix list and throw an # exception if the user has specified any others. extract_duals = False extract_reduced_costs = False for suffix in self._suffixes: flag = False if re.match(suffix, "dual"): extract_duals = True flag = True if re.match(suffix, "rc"): extract_reduced_costs = True flag = True if not flag: raise RuntimeError( "***CBC solver plugin cannot extract solution suffix=" + suffix ) # if dealing with SOL format files, we've already read # this via the base class reader functionality. if self._results_format is ResultsFormat.sol: return # otherwise, go with the native CBC solution format. if len(results.solution) > 0: solution = results.solution(0) else: solution = Solution() results.problem.number_of_objectives = 1 processing_constraints = ( None # None means header, True means constraints, False means variables. ) header_processed = False optim_value = None try: INPUT = open(self._soln_file, "r") except IOError: INPUT = [] _ver = self.version() invert_objective_sense = results.problem.sense == maximize and ( _ver and _ver[:3] < (2, 10, 2) ) for line in INPUT: tokens = tuple(re.split('[ \t]+', line.strip())) n_tokens = len(tokens) # # These are the only header entries CBC will generate # (identified via browsing CbcSolver.cpp). See # # Search for "(no integer solution - continuous used)" # (L10796 as of cb855c7) # # Note that since this possibly also supports old CBC # versions, we shall not be removing any functionality, even # if it is not seen in the current revision # if not header_processed: if tokens[0] == 'Optimal': results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal results.solver.status = SolverStatus.ok results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model was solved to optimality (subject to tolerances), " "and an optimal solution is available." ) solution.status = SolutionStatus.optimal optim_value = _float(tokens[-1]) elif tokens[0] in ('Infeasible', 'PrimalInfeasible') or ( n_tokens > 1 and tokens[0:2] == ('Integer', 'infeasible') ): results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model was proven to be infeasible." ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.infeasible ) results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning solution.status = SolutionStatus.infeasible INPUT.close() return elif ( tokens[0] == 'Unbounded' or ( n_tokens > 2 and tokens[0] == 'Problem' and tokens[2] == 'unbounded' ) or (n_tokens > 1 and tokens[0:2] == ('Dual', 'infeasible')) ): results.solver.termination_message = ( "Model was proven to be unbounded." ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.unbounded ) results.solver.status = SolverStatus.warning solution.status = SolutionStatus.unbounded INPUT.close() return elif n_tokens > 2 and tokens[0:2] == ('Stopped', 'on'): optim_value = _float(tokens[-1]) = None results.solver.status = SolverStatus.aborted solution.status = SolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit if tokens[2] == 'time': results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because the time expended " "exceeded the value specified in the seconds " "parameter." ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit ) elif tokens[2] == 'iterations': # Only add extra info if not already obtained from logs (which give a better description) if results.solver.termination_condition not in [ TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, TerminationCondition.other, TerminationCondition.maxIterations, ]: results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because a limit was hit" ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.maxIterations ) elif tokens[2] == 'difficulties': results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.solverFailure ) results.solver.status = SolverStatus.error solution.status = SolutionStatus.error elif tokens[2] == 'ctrl-c': results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization was terminated by the user." ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.userInterrupt ) solution.status = SolutionStatus.unknown else: results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.unknown ) results.solver.status = SolverStatus.unknown solution.status = SolutionStatus.unknown results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) print( '***WARNING: CBC plugin currently not processing solution status=Stopped correctly. Full ' 'status line is: {}'.format(line.strip()) ) if n_tokens > 8 and tokens[3:9] == ( '(no', 'integer', 'solution', '-', 'continuous', 'used)', ): results.solver.termination_message = ( "Optimization terminated because a limit was hit, " "however it had not found an integer solution yet." ) results.solver.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.intermediateNonInteger ) solution.status = SolutionStatus.other else: results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown results.solver.status = SolverStatus.unknown solution.status = SolutionStatus.unknown results.solver.termination_message = ' '.join(tokens) print( '***WARNING: CBC plugin currently not processing solution status={} correctly. Full status ' 'line is: {}'.format(tokens[0], line.strip()) ) # most of the first tokens should be integers # if it's not an integer, only then check the list of results try: row_number = int(tokens[0]) if row_number == 0: # indicates section start. if processing_constraints is None: processing_constraints = True elif processing_constraints is True: processing_constraints = False else: raise RuntimeError( "CBC plugin encountered unexpected line=(" + line.strip() + ") in solution file=" + self._soln_file + "; constraint and variable sections already processed!" ) except ValueError: if tokens[0] in ( "Optimal", "Infeasible", "Unbounded", "Stopped", "Integer", "Status", ): if optim_value is not None: if invert_objective_sense: optim_value *= -1 solution.objective['__default_objective__'] = { 'Value': optim_value } header_processed = True if (processing_constraints is True) and (extract_duals is True): if n_tokens == 4: pass elif (n_tokens == 5) and tokens[0] == "**": tokens = tokens[1:] else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected line format encountered in CBC solution file - line=" + line ) constraint = tokens[1] constraint_ax = _float( tokens[2] ) # CBC reports the constraint row times the solution vector - not the slack. constraint_dual = _float(tokens[3]) if invert_objective_sense: constraint_dual *= -1 if constraint[:2] == 'c_': solution.constraint[constraint] = {"Dual": constraint_dual} elif constraint[:2] == 'r_': # For the range constraints, supply only the dual with the largest # magnitude (at least one should always be numerically zero) existing_constraint_dual_dict = solution.constraint.get( 'r_l_' + constraint[4:], None ) if existing_constraint_dual_dict: # if a constraint dual is already saved, then update it if its # magnitude is larger than existing; this avoids checking vs # zero (avoiding problems with solver tolerances) existing_constraint_dual = existing_constraint_dual_dict["Dual"] if abs(constraint_dual) > abs(existing_constraint_dual): solution.constraint['r_l_' + constraint[4:]] = { "Dual": constraint_dual } else: # if no constraint with that name yet, just save it in the solution constraint dictionary solution.constraint['r_l_' + constraint[4:]] = { "Dual": constraint_dual } elif processing_constraints is False: if n_tokens == 4: pass elif (n_tokens == 5) and tokens[0] == "**": tokens = tokens[1:] else: raise RuntimeError( "Unexpected line format encountered " "in CBC solution file - line=" + line ) variable_name = tokens[1] variable_value = _float(tokens[2]) variable = solution.variable[variable_name] = {"Value": variable_value} if extract_reduced_costs is True: variable_reduced_cost = _float(tokens[3]) # currently ignored. if invert_objective_sense: variable_reduced_cost *= -1 variable["Rc"] = variable_reduced_cost elif header_processed is True: pass else: raise RuntimeError( "CBC plugin encountered unexpected " "line=(" + line.strip() + ") in solution file=" + self._soln_file + "; expecting header, but " "found data!" ) if not type(INPUT) is list: INPUT.close() if len(results.solution) == 0 and solution.status in [ SolutionStatus.optimal, SolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit, SolutionStatus.unknown, SolutionStatus.other, ]: results.solution.insert(solution)
def _postsolve(self): # let the base class deal with returning results. results = super(CBCSHELL, self)._postsolve() # finally, clean any temporary files registered with the temp file # manager, created populated *directly* by this plugin. does not # include, for example, the execution script. but does include # the warm-start file. TempfileManager.pop(remove=not self._keepfiles) return results
def _float(x): return float(x) if x != '1.#J' else float('inf')
[docs] @SolverFactory.register('_mock_cbc') class MockCBC(CBCSHELL, MockMIP): """A Mock CBC solver used for testing"""
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): try: CBCSHELL.__init__(self, **kwds) except ApplicationError: # pragma:nocover pass # pragma:nocover MockMIP.__init__(self, "cbc")
[docs] def available(self, exception_flag=True): return CBCSHELL.available(self, exception_flag)
[docs] def create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files): command = CBCSHELL.create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files) MockMIP.create_command_line(self, executable, problem_files) return command
[docs] def executable(self): return MockMIP.executable(self)
def _execute_command(self, cmd): return MockMIP._execute_command(self, cmd) def _convert_problem(self, args, pformat, valid_pformats): if pformat in [ProblemFormat.mps, ProblemFormat.cpxlp,]: return (args, pformat, None) else: return (args, ProblemFormat.mps, None) def _get_version(self): return 2, 9, 9