Source code for pyomo.scripting.util

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import argparse
import gc
import logging
import os
import sys
import traceback
import types
import time
import json
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager
from pyomo.common.fileutils import import_file
from pyomo.common.tee import capture_output

from pyomo.common.dependencies import (
from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch
from pyomo.opt import ProblemFormat
from pyomo.opt.base import SolverFactory
from pyomo.opt.parallel import SolverManagerFactory
from pyomo.dataportal import DataPortal
from pyomo.scripting.interface import (
from pyomo.core import Model, TransformationFactory, Suffix, display

memory_data = Bunch()
# Importing IPython is slow; defer the import to the point that it is
# actually needed.
IPython_available = None

filter_excepthook = False
modelapi = {
    'pyomo_create_model': IPyomoScriptCreateModel,
    'pyomo_create_dataportal': IPyomoScriptCreateDataPortal,
    'pyomo_print_model': IPyomoScriptPrintModel,
    'pyomo_modify_instance': IPyomoScriptModifyInstance,
    'pyomo_print_instance': IPyomoScriptPrintInstance,
    'pyomo_save_instance': IPyomoScriptSaveInstance,
    'pyomo_print_results': IPyomoScriptPrintResults,
    'pyomo_save_results': IPyomoScriptSaveResults,
    'pyomo_postprocess': IPyomoScriptPostprocess,

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.scripting')
start_time = 0.0

[docs] def setup_environment(data): """ Setup Pyomo execution environment """ # postsolve = getattr(data.options, 'postsolve', None) if postsolve: if data.options.postsolve.results_format == 'yaml' and not yaml_available: raise ValueError( "Configuration specifies a yaml file, but pyyaml is not installed!" ) # global start_time start_time = time.time() if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write('[%8.2f] Setting up Pyomo environment\n' % 0.0) sys.stdout.flush() # # Disable garbage collection # if data.options.runtime.disable_gc: gc.disable() # # Setup management for temporary files # if not data.options.runtime.tempdir is None: if not os.path.exists(data.options.runtime.tempdir): msg = 'Directory for temporary files does not exist: %s' raise ValueError(msg % data.options.runtime.tempdir) TempfileManager.tempdir = data.options.runtime.tempdir # # Configure exception management # def pyomo_excepthook(etype, value, tb): """ This exception hook gets called when debugging is on. Otherwise, run_command in this module is called. """ global filter_excepthook if len(data.options.model.filename) > 0: name = "model " + data.options.model.filename else: name = "model" if filter_excepthook: action = "loading" else: action = "running" msg = "Unexpected exception (%s) while %s %s:\n " % ( etype.__name__, action, name, ) # # This handles the case where the error is propagated by a KeyError. # KeyError likes to pass raw strings that don't handle newlines # (they translate "\n" to "\\n"), as well as tacking on single # quotes at either end of the error message. This undoes all that. # valueStr = str(value) if etype == KeyError: valueStr = valueStr.replace(r"\n", "\n") if valueStr[0] == valueStr[-1] and valueStr[0] in "\"'": valueStr = valueStr[1:-1] logger.error(msg + valueStr, extra={'cleandoc': False}) tb_list = traceback.extract_tb(tb, None) i = 0 if not is_debug_set(logger) and filter_excepthook: while i < len(tb_list): if data.options.model.filename in tb_list[i][0]: break i += 1 if i == len(tb_list): i = 0 print("\nTraceback (most recent call last):") for item in tb_list[i:]: print( " File \"" + item[0] + "\", line " + str(item[1]) + ", in " + item[2] ) if item[3] is not None: print(" " + item[3]) sys.exit(1) sys.excepthook = pyomo_excepthook
[docs] def apply_preprocessing(data, parser=None): """ Execute preprocessing files Required: parser: Command line parser object Returned: error: This is true if an error has occurred. """ data.local = Bunch() # if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write( '[%8.2f] Applying Pyomo preprocessing actions\n' % (time.time() - start_time) ) sys.stdout.flush() # global filter_excepthook # # # Setup solver and model # # if len(data.options.model.filename) == 0: parser.print_help() data.error = True return data # if not data.options.preprocess is None: for config_value in data.options.preprocess: preprocess = import_file(config_value, clear_cache=True) # for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptPreprocess): ep.apply(options=data.options) # # Verify that files exist # for file in [data.options.model.filename] + if not os.path.exists(file): raise IOError("File " + file + " does not exist!") # filter_excepthook = True tick = time.time() data.local.usermodel = import_file(data.options.model.filename, clear_cache=True) data.local.time_initial_import = time.time() - tick filter_excepthook = False usermodel_dir = dir(data.local.usermodel) data.local._usermodel_plugins = [] for key in modelapi: if key in usermodel_dir: class TMP(Plugin): implements(modelapi[key], service=True) def __init__(self): self.fn = getattr(data.local.usermodel, key) def apply(self, **kwds): return self.fn(**kwds) tmp = TMP() data.local._usermodel_plugins.append(tmp) if 'pyomo_preprocess' in usermodel_dir: if data.options.model.object_name in usermodel_dir: msg = ( "Preprocessing function 'pyomo_preprocess' defined in file" " '%s', but model is already constructed!" ) raise SystemExit(msg % data.options.model.filename) getattr(data.local.usermodel, 'pyomo_preprocess')(options=data.options) # return data
[docs] def create_model(data): """ Create instance of Pyomo model. Return: model: Model object. instance: Problem instance. symbol_map: Symbol map created when writing model to a file. filename: Filename that a model instance was written to. """ # if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write('[%8.2f] Creating model\n' % (time.time() - start_time)) sys.stdout.flush() # if data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 1 and pympler_available: global memory_data mem_used = pympler.muppy.get_size(pympler.muppy.get_objects()) data.local.max_memory = mem_used print(" Total memory = %d bytes prior to model construction" % mem_used) # # Find the Model objects # _models = {} _model_IDS = set() for _name, _obj in data.local.usermodel.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(_obj, Model) and id(_obj) not in _model_IDS: _models[_name] = _obj _model_IDS.add(id(_obj)) model_name = data.options.model.object_name if len(_models) == 1: _name = list(_models.keys())[0] if model_name is None: model_name = _name elif model_name != _name: msg = "Model '%s' is not defined in file '%s'!" raise SystemExit(msg % (model_name, data.options.model.filename)) elif len(_models) > 1: if model_name is None: msg = "Multiple models defined in file '%s'!" raise SystemExit(msg % data.options.model.filename) elif not model_name in _models: msg = "Unknown model '%s' in file '%s'!" raise SystemExit(msg % (model_name, data.options.model.filename)) ep = ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptCreateModel) if model_name is None: if len(ep) == 0: msg = ( "A model is not defined and the 'pyomo_create_model' is not " "provided in module %s" ) raise SystemExit(msg % data.options.model.filename) elif len(ep) > 1: msg = ( 'Multiple model construction plugins have been registered in module %s!' ) raise SystemExit(msg % data.options.model.filename) else: model_options = data.options.model.options.value() tick = time.time() model = ep.service().apply( options=Bunch(**data.options), model_options=Bunch(**model_options) ) if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: print( " %6.2f seconds required to construct instance" % (time.time() - tick) ) data.local.time_initial_import = None tick = time.time() else: if model_name not in _models: msg = "Model '%s' is not defined in file '%s'!" raise SystemExit(msg % (model_name, data.options.model.filename)) model = _models[model_name] if model is None: msg = "'%s' object is 'None' in module %s" raise SystemExit(msg % (model_name, data.options.model.filename)) elif len(ep) > 0: msg = ( "Model construction function 'create_model' defined in " "file '%s', but model is already constructed!" ) raise SystemExit(msg % data.options.model.filename) # # Print model # for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptPrintModel): ep.apply(options=data.options, model=model) # # Create Problem Instance # ep = ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptCreateDataPortal) if len(ep) > 1: msg = 'Multiple model data construction plugins have been registered!' raise SystemExit(msg) if len(ep) == 1: modeldata = ep.service().apply(options=data.options, model=model) else: modeldata = DataPortal() if model._constructed: # # TODO: use a better test for ConcreteModel # instance = model if ( data.options.runtime.report_timing is True and not data.local.time_initial_import is None ): print( " %6.2f seconds required to construct instance" % (data.local.time_initial_import) ) else: tick = time.time() if len( > 1: # # Load a list of *.dat files # for file in suffix = (file).split(".")[-1] if suffix != "dat": msg = ( 'When specifying multiple data files, they must all ' 'be *.dat files. File specified: %s' ) raise SystemExit(msg % str(file)) modeldata.load(filename=file, model=model) instance = model.create_instance( modeldata,, profile_memory=data.options.runtime.profile_memory, report_timing=data.options.runtime.report_timing, ) elif len( == 1: # # Load a *.dat file or process a *.py data file # suffix = ([0]).split(".")[-1].lower() if suffix == "dat": instance = model.create_instance([0],, profile_memory=data.options.runtime.profile_memory, report_timing=data.options.runtime.report_timing, ) elif suffix == "py": userdata = import_file([0], clear_cache=True) if "modeldata" in dir(userdata): if len(ep) == 1: msg = ( "Cannot apply 'pyomo_create_modeldata' and use the" " 'modeldata' object that is provided in the model" ) raise SystemExit(msg) if userdata.modeldata is None: msg = "'modeldata' object is 'None' in module %s" raise SystemExit(msg % str([0])) modeldata = userdata.modeldata else: if len(ep) == 0: msg = ( "Neither 'modeldata' nor 'pyomo_create_dataportal' " 'is defined in module %s' ) raise SystemExit(msg % str([0])) instance = model.create_instance( modeldata,, profile_memory=data.options.runtime.profile_memory, report_timing=data.options.runtime.report_timing, ) elif suffix == "yml" or suffix == 'yaml': modeldata = yaml.load( open([0]), **yaml_load_args ) instance = model.create_instance( modeldata,, profile_memory=data.options.runtime.profile_memory, report_timing=data.options.runtime.report_timing, ) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown data file type: " +[0] ) else: instance = model.create_instance( modeldata,, profile_memory=data.options.runtime.profile_memory, report_timing=data.options.runtime.report_timing, ) if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: print( " %6.2f seconds required to construct instance" % (time.time() - tick) ) # modify_start_time = time.time() for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptModifyInstance): if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: tick = time.time() ep.apply(options=data.options, model=model, instance=instance) if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: print(" %6.2f seconds to apply %s" % (time.time() - tick, type(ep))) tick = time.time() # for transformation in data.options.transform: with TransformationFactory(transformation) as xfrm: instance = xfrm.create_using(instance) if instance is None: raise SystemExit( "Unexpected error while applying " "transformation '%s'" % transformation ) # if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: total_time = time.time() - modify_start_time print(" %6.2f seconds required for problem transformations" % total_time) if is_debug_set(logger): print("MODEL INSTANCE") instance.pprint() print("") for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptPrintInstance): ep.apply(options=data.options, instance=instance) fname = None smap_id = None if not data.options.model.save_file is None: if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: write_start_time = time.time() if data.options.model.save_file == True: if data.local.model_format in (ProblemFormat.cpxlp, ProblemFormat.lpxlp): fname = ([0])[:-3] + 'lp' else: fname = ([0])[:-3] + str(data.local.model_format) format = data.local.model_format else: fname = data.options.model.save_file format = data.options.model.save_format io_options = {} if data.options.model.symbolic_solver_labels: io_options['symbolic_solver_labels'] = True if data.options.model.file_determinism is not None: io_options['file_determinism'] = data.options.model.file_determinism (fname, smap_id) = instance.write( filename=fname, format=format, io_options=io_options ) if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': if not os.path.exists(fname): print("ERROR: file " + fname + " has not been created!") else: print("Model written to file '" + str(fname) + "'") if data.options.runtime.report_timing is True: total_time = time.time() - write_start_time print(" %6.2f seconds required to write file" % total_time) if data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 2 and pympler_available: print("") print(" Summary of objects following file output") post_file_output_summary = pympler.summary.summarize( pympler.muppy.get_objects() ) pympler.summary.print_(post_file_output_summary, limit=100) print("") for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptSaveInstance): ep.apply(options=data.options, instance=instance) if data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 1 and pympler_available: mem_used = pympler.muppy.get_size(pympler.muppy.get_objects()) if mem_used > data.local.max_memory: data.local.max_memory = mem_used print(" Total memory = %d bytes following Pyomo instance creation" % mem_used) return Bunch( model=model, instance=instance, smap_id=smap_id, filename=fname, local=data.local, )
[docs] def apply_optimizer(data, instance=None): """ Perform optimization with a concrete instance Required: instance: Problem instance. Returned: results: Optimization results. opt: Optimizer object. """ # if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write('[%8.2f] Applying solver\n' % (time.time() - start_time)) sys.stdout.flush() # # # Create Solver and Perform Optimization # solver = data.options.solvers[0].solver_name if solver is None: raise ValueError("Problem constructing solver: no solver specified") if len(data.options.solvers[0].suffixes) > 0: for suffix_name in data.options.solvers[0].suffixes: if suffix_name[0] in ['"', "'"]: suffix_name = suffix_name[1:-1] # Don't redeclare the suffix if it already exists suffix = getattr(instance, suffix_name, None) if suffix is None: setattr(instance, suffix_name, Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)) else: raise ValueError( "Problem declaring solver suffix %s. A component " "with that name already exists on model %s." % (suffix_name, ) if getattr(data.options.solvers[0].options, 'timelimit', 0) == 0: data.options.solvers[0].options.timelimit = None # # Default results # results = None # # Figure out the type of solver manager # solver_mngr_name = None if data.options.solvers[0].manager is None: solver_mngr_name = 'serial' elif not data.options.solvers[0].manager in SolverManagerFactory: raise ValueError("Unknown solver manager %s" % data.options.solvers[0].manager) else: solver_mngr_name = data.options.solvers[0].manager # # Create the solver manager # solver_mngr_kwds = {} with SolverManagerFactory(solver_mngr_name, **solver_mngr_kwds) as solver_mngr: if solver_mngr is None: msg = "Problem constructing solver manager '%s'" raise ValueError(msg % str(data.options.solvers[0].manager)) # # Setup keywords for the solve # keywords = {} if data.options.runtime.keep_files or data.options.postsolve.print_logfile: keywords['keepfiles'] = True if data.options.model.symbolic_solver_labels: keywords['symbolic_solver_labels'] = True if data.options.model.file_determinism is not None: keywords['file_determinism'] = data.options.model.file_determinism keywords['tee'] = data.options.runtime.stream_output keywords['timelimit'] = getattr(data.options.solvers[0].options, 'timelimit', 0) keywords['report_timing'] = data.options.runtime.report_timing # FIXME: solver_io and executable are not being used # in the case of a non-serial solver manager # # Call the solver # if solver_mngr_name == 'serial': # # If we're running locally, then we create the # optimizer and pass it into the solver manager. # sf_kwds = {} sf_kwds['solver_io'] = data.options.solvers[0].io_format if data.options.solvers[0].solver_executable is not None: sf_kwds['executable'] = data.options.solvers[0].solver_executable with SolverFactory(solver, **sf_kwds) as opt: if opt is None: raise ValueError("Problem constructing solver `%s`" % str(solver)) for name in registered_callback: opt.set_callback(name, registered_callback[name]) if len(data.options.solvers[0].options) > 0: opt.set_options(data.options.solvers[0].options) # opt.set_options(" ".join("%s=%s" % (key, value) # for key, value in data.options.solvers[0].options.iteritems() # if not key == 'timelimit')) if not data.options.solvers[0].options_string is None: opt.set_options(data.options.solvers[0].options_string) # # Use the solver manager to call the optimizer # results = solver_mngr.solve(instance, opt=opt, **keywords) else: # # Get the solver option arguments # if ( len(data.options.solvers[0].options) > 0 and not data.options.solvers[0].options_string is None ): # If both 'options' and 'options_string' were specified, then create a # single options string that is passed to the solver. ostring = " ".join( "%s=%s" % (key, value) for key, value in data.options.solvers[0].options.iteritems() if not value is None ) keywords['options'] = ( ostring + ' ' + data.options.solvers[0].options_string ) elif len(data.options.solvers[0].options) > 0: keywords['options'] = data.options.solvers[0].options else: keywords['options'] = data.options.solvers[0].options_string # # If we're running remotely, then we pass the optimizer name to the solver # manager. # results = solver_mngr.solve(instance, opt=solver, **keywords) if data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 1 and pympler_available: global memory_data mem_used = pympler.muppy.get_size(pympler.muppy.get_objects()) if mem_used > data.local.max_memory: data.local.max_memory = mem_used print(" Total memory = %d bytes following optimization" % mem_used) return Bunch(results=results, opt=solver, local=data.local)
[docs] def process_results(data, instance=None, results=None, opt=None): """ Process optimization results. Required: instance: Problem instance. results: Optimization results object. opt: Optimizer object. """ # if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write('[%8.2f] Processing results\n' % (time.time() - start_time)) sys.stdout.flush() # if data.options.postsolve.print_logfile: print("") print("==========================================================") print("Solver Logfile: " + str(opt._log_file)) print("==========================================================") print("") with open(opt._log_file, "r") as INPUT: for line in INPUT: sys.stdout.write(line) print("==========================================================") print("Solver Logfile - END") print("==========================================================") # try: # transform the results object into human-readable names. except Exception: print("Problem updating solver results") raise # if not data.options.postsolve.show_results: if data.options.postsolve.save_results: results_file = data.options.postsolve.save_results elif data.options.postsolve.results_format == 'json': results_file = 'results.json' else: # The ordering of the elif and else conditions is important here # to ensure that the default file format is yaml results_file = 'results.yml' results.write( filename=results_file, format=data.options.postsolve.results_format ) if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': print(" Number of solutions: " + str(len(results.solution))) if len(results.solution) > 0: print(" Solution Information") print(" Gap: " + str(results.solution[0].gap)) print(" Status: " + str(results.solution[0].status)) if len(results.solution[0].objective) == 1: key = list(results.solution[0].objective.keys())[0] print( " Function Value: " + str(results.solution[0].objective[key]['Value']) ) print(" Solver results file: " + results_file) # # ep = ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptPrintResults) if data.options.postsolve.show_results: print("") results.write(num=1, format=data.options.postsolve.results_format) print("") # if data.options.postsolve.summary: print("") print("==========================================================") print("Solution Summary") print("==========================================================") if len(results.solution(0).variable) > 0: print("") display(instance) print("") else: print("No solutions reported by solver.") # for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptPrintResults): ep.apply(options=data.options, instance=instance, results=results) # for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptSaveResults): ep.apply(options=data.options, instance=instance, results=results) # if data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 1 and pympler_available: global memory_data mem_used = pympler.muppy.get_size(pympler.muppy.get_objects()) if mem_used > data.local.max_memory: data.local.max_memory = mem_used print(" Total memory = %d bytes following results processing" % mem_used)
[docs] def apply_postprocessing(data, instance=None, results=None): """ Apply post-processing steps. Required: instance: Problem instance. results: Optimization results object. """ # if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write( '[%8.2f] Applying Pyomo postprocessing actions\n' % (time.time() - start_time) ) sys.stdout.flush() # options are of type ConfigValue, not raw strings / atomics. for config_value in data.options.postprocess: postprocess = import_file(config_value, clear_cache=True) if "pyomo_postprocess" in dir(postprocess): postprocess.pyomo_postprocess(data.options, instance, results) for ep in ExtensionPoint(IPyomoScriptPostprocess): ep.apply(options=data.options, instance=instance, results=results) if data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 1 and pympler_available: mem_used = pympler.muppy.get_size(pympler.muppy.get_objects()) if mem_used > data.local.max_memory: data.local.max_memory = mem_used print(" Total memory = %d bytes upon termination" % mem_used)
[docs] def finalize(data, model=None, instance=None, results=None): """ Perform final actions to finish the execution of the pyomo script. This function prints statistics related to the execution of the pyomo script. Additionally, this function will drop into the python interpreter if the `interactive` option is `True`. Required: model: A pyomo model object. Optional: instance: A problem instance derived from the model object. results: Optimization results object. """ # # Deactivate and delete plugins # ##import gc ##print "HERE - usermodel_plugins" ##_tmp = data.options._usermodel_plugins[0] cleanup() # NOTE: This function gets called for cleanup during exceptions # to prevent memory leaks. Don't reconfigure the loggers # here or we will lose the exception information. # configure_loggers(reset=True) data.local._usermodel_plugins = [] ##gc.collect() ##print gc.get_referrers(_tmp) ##print pyomo.common.plugin.interface_services[pyomo.scripting.interface.IPyomoScriptSaveResults] ##print "HERE - usermodel_plugins" ## if not data.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': sys.stdout.write('[%8.2f] Pyomo Finished\n' % (time.time() - start_time)) if (pympler_available is True) and (data.options.runtime.profile_memory >= 1): sys.stdout.write('Maximum memory used = %d bytes\n' % data.local.max_memory) sys.stdout.flush() # model = model instance = instance results = results # if data.options.runtime.interactive: global IPython_available if IPython_available is None: try: import IPython IPython_available = True except: IPython_available = False if IPython_available: IPython.Shell.IPShellEmbed( [''], banner='\n# Dropping into Python interpreter', exit_msg='\n# Leaving Interpreter, back to Pyomo\n', )() else: import code shell = code.InteractiveConsole(locals()) print('\n# Dropping into Python interpreter') shell.interact() print('\n# Leaving Interpreter, back to Pyomo\n')
[docs] @deprecated( "configure_loggers is deprecated. The Pyomo command uses the " "PyomoCommandLogContext to update the logger configuration", version='5.7.3', ) def configure_loggers(options=None, shutdown=False): context = PyomoCommandLogContext(options) if shutdown: # historically, configure_loggers(shutdown=True) forced 'quiet' context.options.runtime.logging = 'quiet' context.fileLogger = configure_loggers.fileLogger context.__exit__(None, None, None) else: context.__enter__() configure_loggers.fileLogger = context.fileLogger
configure_loggers.fileLogger = None
[docs] class PyomoCommandLogContext(object): """Context manager to setup/restore logging for the Pyomo command"""
[docs] def __init__(self, options): if options is None: options = Bunch() if options.runtime is None: options.runtime = Bunch() self.options = options self.fileLogger = None self.original = None
def __enter__(self): _pyomo = logging.getLogger('pyomo') self.original = (_pyomo.level, _pyomo.handlers) # # Configure the logger # if self.options.runtime.logging == 'quiet': _pyomo.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif self.options.runtime.logging == 'warning': _pyomo.setLevel(logging.WARNING) elif self.options.runtime.logging == 'info': _pyomo.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif self.options.runtime.logging == 'verbose': _pyomo.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif self.options.runtime.logging == 'debug': _pyomo.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif _pyomo.getEffectiveLevel() == logging.NOTSET: _pyomo.setLevel(logging.WARNING) if self.options.runtime.logfile: _logfile = self.options.runtime.logfile self.fileLogger = logging.FileHandler(_logfile, 'w') _pyomo.handlers = [] _pyomo.addHandler(self.fileLogger) # TBD: This seems dangerous in Windows, as the process will # have multiple open file handles pointing to the same file. self.capture = capture_output(_logfile) self.capture.setup() return self def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb): _pyomo = logging.getLogger('pyomo') _pyomo.setLevel(self.original[0]) _pyomo.handlers = self.original[1] if self.fileLogger is not None: self.fileLogger.close() # TBD: This seems dangerous in Windows, as the process will # have multiple open file handles pointing to the same file. self.capture.reset()
[docs] def run_command( command=None, parser=None, args=None, name='unknown', data=None, options=None ): """Execute a function that processes command-line arguments and then calls a command-line driver. This function provides a generic facility for executing a command function is rather generic. This function is segregated from the driver to enable profiling of the command-line execution. Parameters ---------- command: The name of a function that will be executed to perform process the command-line options with a parser object. parser: The parser object that is used by the command-line function. options: If this is not None, then ignore the args option and use this to specify command options. args: Command-line arguments that are parsed. If this value is `None`, then the arguments in `sys.argv` are used to parse the command-line. name: Specifying the name of the command-line (for error messages). data: A container of labeled data. Returns ------- retval: Return values from the command-line execution. errorcode: 0 if Pyomo ran successfully """ # # # Parse command-line options # # if options is None: try: if type(args) is argparse.Namespace: _options = args else: _options = parser.parse_args(args=args) # Replace the parser options object with a # pyomo.common.collections.Options object options = Bunch() for key in dir(_options): if key[0] != '_': val = getattr(_options, key) if not isinstance(val, types.MethodType): options[key] = val except SystemExit: # the parser throws a system exit if "-h" is specified - catch # it to exit gracefully. return Bunch(retval=None, errorcode=0) # # Configure loggers # TempfileManager.push() try: with PyomoCommandLogContext(options): retval, errorcode = _run_command_impl( command, parser, args, name, data, options ) finally: if options.runtime.disable_gc: gc.enable() TempfileManager.pop(remove=not options.runtime.keep_files) return Bunch(retval=retval, errorcode=errorcode)
def _run_command_impl(command, parser, args, name, data, options): # # Call the main Pyomo runner with profiling # retval = None errorcode = 0 pcount = options.runtime.profile_count if pcount > 0: # Defer import of profiling packages until we know that they # are needed try: try: import cProfile as profile except ImportError: import profile import pstats except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Cannot use the 'profile' option: the Python " "'profile' or 'pstats' package cannot be imported!" ) tfile = TempfileManager.create_tempfile(suffix=".profile") tmp = profile.runctx( command.__name__ + '(options=options,parser=parser)', command.__globals__, locals(), tfile, ) p = pstats.Stats(tfile).strip_dirs() p.sort_stats('time', 'cumulative') p = p.print_stats(pcount) p.print_callers(pcount) p.print_callees(pcount) p = p.sort_stats('cumulative', 'calls') p.print_stats(pcount) p.print_callers(pcount) p.print_callees(pcount) p = p.sort_stats('calls') p.print_stats(pcount) p.print_callers(pcount) p.print_callees(pcount) retval = tmp else: # # Call the main Pyomo runner without profiling # try: retval = command(options=options, parser=parser) except SystemExit: err = sys.exc_info()[1] # # If debugging is enabled or the 'catch' option is specified, then # exit. Otherwise, print an "Exiting..." message. # if __debug__ and ( options.runtime.logging == 'debug' or options.runtime.catch_errors ): sys.exit(0) print('Exiting %s: %s' % (name, str(err))) errorcode = err.code except Exception: err = sys.exc_info()[1] # # If debugging is enabled or the 'catch' option is specified, then # pass the exception up the chain (to pyomo_excepthook) # if __debug__ and ( options.runtime.logging == 'debug' or options.runtime.catch_errors ): raise if not options.model is None and not options.model.save_file is None: model = "model " + options.model.save_file else: model = "model" global filter_excepthook if filter_excepthook: action = "loading" else: action = "running" msg = "Unexpected exception while %s %s:\n " % (action, model) # # This handles the case where the error is propagated by a KeyError. # KeyError likes to pass raw strings that don't handle newlines # (they translate "\n" to "\\n"), as well as tacking on single # quotes at either end of the error message. This undoes all that. # errStr = str(err) if type(err) == KeyError and errStr != "None": errStr = str(err).replace(r"\n", "\n")[1:-1] logger.error(msg + errStr, extra={'cleandoc': False}) errorcode = 1 return retval, errorcode
[docs] def cleanup(): for key in modelapi: for ep in ExtensionPoint(modelapi[key]): ep.deactivate()
[docs] def get_config_values(filename): if filename.endswith('.yml') or filename.endswith('.yaml'): if not yaml_available: raise ValueError( "ERROR: yaml configuration file specified, but pyyaml is not installed!" ) INPUT = open(filename, 'r') val = yaml.load(INPUT, **yaml_load_args) INPUT.close() return val elif filename.endswith('.jsn') or filename.endswith('.json'): INPUT = open(filename, 'r') val = json.load(INPUT) INPUT.close() return val raise IOError("ERROR: Unexpected configuration file '%s'" % filename)