Source code for pyomo.scripting.plugins.convert

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import json
import sys
import argparse

from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch
from pyomo.opt import guess_format
from pyomo.scripting.pyomo_parser import add_subparser, CustomHelpFormatter
from pyomo.scripting.solve_config import Default_Config

[docs] def create_parser(parser=None): # # Setup command-line options. # if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( usage='%(prog)s [options] <model_or_config_file> [<data_files>]' ) parser.add_argument( '--output', action='store', dest='filename', help="Output file name. This option is required unless the file name is specified in a configuration file.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '--format', action='store', dest='format', help="Output format", default=None ) parser.add_argument( '--generate-config-template', action='store', dest='template', default=None ) return parser
[docs] def run_convert(options=Bunch(), parser=None): from pyomo.scripting.convert import convert, convert_dakota if options.model.save_format is None and options.model.save_file: options.model.save_format = options.model.save_file.split('.')[-1] # _format = guess_format(options.model.save_format) if options.model.save_format == 'dakota': return convert_dakota(options, parser) elif _format is None: if options.model.save_format is None: raise RuntimeError("Unspecified target conversion format!") else: raise RuntimeError( "Unrecognized target conversion format (%s)!" % (options.model.save_format,) ) else: return convert(options, parser, _format)
[docs] def convert_exec(args, unparsed): # import pyomo.scripting.util # # Generate a template file # if not args.template is None: config, blocks = Default_Config().config_block(True) OUTPUT = open(args.template, 'w') if args.template.endswith('json'): OUTPUT.write(json.dumps(config.value(), indent=2)) else: OUTPUT.write(config.generate_yaml_template()) OUTPUT.close() print(" Created template file '%s'" % args.template) sys.exit(0) # save_filename = getattr(args, 'filename', None) if save_filename is None: save_format = getattr(args, 'format', None) if not save_format is None: save_filename = 'unknown.' + save_format if save_filename is None: # # Get configuration values if no model file has been specified # try: val = pyomo.scripting.util.get_config_values(unparsed[-1]) except IndexError: val = None except IOError: val = None # # Try to get the model file # if not val is None: try: save_filename = val['model']['save file'] except: pass if save_filename is None: try: save_filename = 'unknown.' + str(val['model']['save format']) except: pass # # Help options or no filename have been specified, then print help ... # if save_filename is None or '-h' in unparsed or '--help' in unparsed: if not ('-h' in unparsed or '--help' in unparsed): print("ERROR: No output file or format specified!") print("") config, blocks = Default_Config().config_block() parser = create_temporary_parser(output=True, generate=True) config.initialize_argparse(parser) parser.parse_args(args=unparsed + ['-h']) sys.exit(1) # # Parse previously unparsed options # config, blocks = Default_Config().config_block() _parser = create_temporary_parser() config.initialize_argparse(_parser) _options = _parser.parse_args(args=unparsed) # # Import the parsed values into the config block, then # create an Options object # config.import_argparse(_options) config.model.save_file = getattr(args, 'filename', None) config.model.save_format = getattr(args, 'format', None) if _options.model_or_config_file.endswith('.py'): config.model.filename = _options.model_or_config_file = _options.data_files else: val = pyomo.scripting.util.get_config_values(_options.model_or_config_file) config.set_value(val) # # Note that we pass-in pre-parsed options. The run_command() # function knows to not perform a parse, but instead to simply # used these parsed values. # return pyomo.scripting.util.run_command( command=run_convert, parser=convert_parser, options=config, name='convert' )
# # Add a subparser for the pyomo command # convert_parser = create_parser( add_subparser( 'convert', func=convert_exec, help='Convert a Pyomo model to another format', add_help=False, description='This pyomo subcommand is used to create a new model file in a specified format from a Pyomo model.', ) )
[docs] def create_temporary_parser(output=False, generate=False): # # We create a dummy parser and subparser, to help make the 'help' # output seem sensible. # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=CustomHelpFormatter) _subparsers = parser.add_subparsers() _parser = _subparsers.add_parser('convert') _parser.formatter_class = CustomHelpFormatter if generate: # # Adding documentation about the two options that are # defined in the initial parser. # _parser.add_argument( '--generate-config-template', action='store', dest='template', default=None, help='Create a configuration template file in YAML or JSON and exit.', ) if output: parser.add_argument( '--output', action='store', dest='filename', help="Output file name. This option is required unless the file name is specified in a configuration file.", default=None, ) parser.add_argument( '--format', action='store', dest='format', help="Output format", default=None, ) _parser.usage = '%(prog)s [options] <model_or_config_file> [<data_files>]' _parser.epilog = """ Description: The 'pyomo convert' subcommand converts a Pyomo model into a specified format. The --output option is used to specify an output file. If only the --format option is specified, then the output filename is unknown.<format>. The standard steps executed by this subcommand are: - Apply pre-solve operations (e.g. import Python packages) - Create the model - Apply model transformations This subcommand can be executed with or without a configuration file. For example: pyomo convert --output=model.lp model.dat This creates the file 'model.lp' with format 'lp'. A yaml or json configuration file can also be used to specify conversion options. For example: pyomo convert config.yaml No other command-line options are required! A template configuration file can be generated with the '--generate-config-template' option: pyomo convert --generate-config-template=template.yaml pyomo convert --generate-config-template=template.json Note that yaml template files contain comments that describe the configuration options. Also, configuration files will generally support more configuration options than are available with command-line options. """ # _parser.add_argument( '--output', action='store', dest='filename', help="Output file name. This option is required unless the file name is specified in a configuration file.", default=None, ) _parser.add_argument( '--format', action='store', dest='format', help="Output format", default=None ) _parser.add_argument( 'model_or_config_file', action='store', nargs='?', default='', help="A Python module that defines a Pyomo model, or a configuration file that defines options for 'pyomo convert' (in either YAML or JSON format)", ) _parser.add_argument( 'data_files', action='store', nargs='*', default=[], help='Pyomo data files that defined data used to initialize the model (specified in the first argument)', ) # return _parser