# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from pyomo.common.plugin_base import (
registered_callback = {}
def pyomo_callback(name):
"""This is a decorator that declares a function to be
a callback function. The callback functions are
added to the solver when run from the pyomo script.
.. code::
def my_cut_generator(solver, model):
def fn(f):
registered_callback[name] = f
return f
return fn
class IPyomoScriptPreprocess(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply preprocessing step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptCreateModel(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply model creation step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptModifyInstance(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Modify and return the model instance"""
class IPyomoScriptCreateDataPortal(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply model data creation step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptPrintModel(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply model printing step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptPrintInstance(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply instance printing step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptSaveInstance(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply instance saving step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptPrintResults(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply results printing step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptSaveResults(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply results saving step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoScriptPostprocess(Interface):
def apply(self, **kwds):
"""Apply postprocessing step in the Pyomo script"""
class IPyomoPresolver(Interface):
def get_actions(self):
"""Return a list of presolve actions, in the order in which
they will be applied."""
def activate_action(self, action):
"""Activate an action, but leave its default rank"""
def deactivate_action(self, action):
"""Deactivate an action"""
def set_actions(self, actions):
"""Set presolve action list"""
def presolve(self, instance):
"""Apply the presolve actions to this instance, and return the
revised instance"""
class IPyomoPresolveAction(Interface):
def presolve(self, instance):
"""Apply the presolve action to this instance, and return the
revised instance"""
def rank(self):
"""Return an integer that is used to automatically order presolve actions,
from low to high rank."""