Source code for pyomo.repn.quadratic

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import copy

from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import (
from pyomo.core.expr.relational_expr import (
from pyomo.core.base.expression import Expression
from . import linear
from . import util
from .linear import _merge_dict, to_expression

_CONSTANT = linear.ExprType.CONSTANT
_LINEAR = linear.ExprType.LINEAR
_GENERAL = linear.ExprType.GENERAL

[docs] class QuadraticRepn(object): __slots__ = ("multiplier", "constant", "linear", "quadratic", "nonlinear")
[docs] def __init__(self): self.multiplier = 1 self.constant = 0 self.linear = {} self.quadratic = None self.nonlinear = None
def __str__(self): return ( f"QuadraticRepn(mult={self.multiplier}, const={self.constant}, " f"linear={self.linear}, quadratic={self.quadratic}, " f"nonlinear={self.nonlinear})" ) def __repr__(self): return str(self) def walker_exitNode(self): if self.nonlinear is not None: return _GENERAL, self elif self.quadratic: return _QUADRATIC, self elif self.linear: return _LINEAR, self else: return _CONSTANT, self.multiplier * self.constant def duplicate(self): ans = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) ans.multiplier = self.multiplier ans.constant = self.constant ans.linear = dict(self.linear) if self.quadratic: ans.quadratic = dict(self.quadratic) else: ans.quadratic = None ans.nonlinear = self.nonlinear return ans def to_expression(self, visitor): var_map = visitor.var_map if self.nonlinear is not None: # We want to start with the nonlinear term (and use # assignment) in case the term is a non-numeric node (like a # relational expression) ans = self.nonlinear else: ans = 0 if self.quadratic: with mutable_expression() as e: for (x1, x2), coef in self.quadratic.items(): if x1 == x2: e += coef * var_map[x1] ** 2 else: e += coef * (var_map[x1] * var_map[x2]) ans += e if self.linear: var_map = visitor.var_map with mutable_expression() as e: for vid, coef in self.linear.items(): if coef: e += coef * var_map[vid] if e.nargs() > 1: ans += e elif e.nargs() == 1: ans += e.arg(0) if self.constant: ans += self.constant if self.multiplier != 1: ans *= self.multiplier return ans
[docs] def append(self, other): """Append a child result from acceptChildResult Notes ----- This method assumes that the operator was "+". It is implemented so that we can directly use a QuadraticRepn() as a data object in the expression walker (thereby avoiding the function call for a custom callback) """ # Note that self.multiplier will always be 1 (we only call append() # within a sum, so there is no opportunity for self.multiplier to # change). Omitting the assertion for efficiency. # assert self.multiplier == 1 _type, other = other if _type is _CONSTANT: self.constant += other return mult = other.multiplier if not mult: # 0 * other, so there is nothing to add/change about # self. We can just exit now. return if other.constant: self.constant += mult * other.constant if other.linear: _merge_dict(self.linear, mult, other.linear) if other.quadratic: if not self.quadratic: self.quadratic = {} _merge_dict(self.quadratic, mult, other.quadratic) if other.nonlinear is not None: if mult != 1: nl = mult * other.nonlinear else: nl = other.nonlinear if self.nonlinear is None: self.nonlinear = nl else: self.nonlinear += nl
def _mul_linear_linear(visitor, linear1, linear2): quadratic = {} vo = visitor.var_recorder.var_order for vid1, coef1 in linear1.items(): for vid2, coef2 in linear2.items(): if vo[vid1] < vo[vid2]: key = vid1, vid2 else: key = vid2, vid1 if key in quadratic: quadratic[key] += coef1 * coef2 else: quadratic[key] = coef1 * coef2 return quadratic def _handle_product_linear_linear(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): _, arg1 = arg1 _, arg2 = arg2 # Quadratic first, because we will update linear in a minute arg1.quadratic = _mul_linear_linear(visitor, arg1.linear, arg2.linear) # Linear second, as this relies on knowing the original constants if not arg2.constant: arg1.linear = {} elif arg2.constant != 1: c = arg2.constant _linear = arg1.linear for vid, coef in _linear.items(): _linear[vid] = c * coef if arg1.constant: _merge_dict(arg1.linear, arg1.constant, arg2.linear) # Finally, the constant and multipliers arg1.constant *= arg2.constant arg1.multiplier *= arg2.multiplier return _QUADRATIC, arg1 def _handle_product_nonlinear(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): ans = visitor.Result() if not visitor.expand_nonlinear_products: ans.nonlinear = to_expression(visitor, arg1) * to_expression(visitor, arg2) return _GENERAL, ans # We are multiplying (A + Bx + Cx^2 + D(x)) * (A + Bx + Cx^2 + Dx)) _, x1 = arg1 _, x2 = arg2 ans.multiplier = x1.multiplier * x2.multiplier x1.multiplier = x2.multiplier = 1 # x1.const * x2.const [AA] ans.constant = x1.constant * x2.constant # linear & quadratic terms if x2.constant: # [BA], [CA] c = x2.constant if c == 1: ans.linear = dict(x1.linear) if x1.quadratic: ans.quadratic = dict(x1.quadratic) else: ans.linear = {vid: c * coef for vid, coef in x1.linear.items()} if x1.quadratic: ans.quadratic = {k: c * coef for k, coef in x1.quadratic.items()} if x1.constant: # [AB] _merge_dict(ans.linear, x1.constant, x2.linear) # [AC] if x2.quadratic: if ans.quadratic: _merge_dict(ans.quadratic, x1.constant, x2.quadratic) elif x1.constant == 1: ans.quadratic = dict(x2.quadratic) else: c = x1.constant ans.quadratic = {k: c * coef for k, coef in x2.quadratic.items()} # [BB] if x1.linear and x2.linear: quad = _mul_linear_linear(visitor, x1.linear, x2.linear) if ans.quadratic: _merge_dict(ans.quadratic, 1, quad) else: ans.quadratic = quad # [DA] + [DB] + [DC] + [DD] ans.nonlinear = 0 if x1.nonlinear is not None: ans.nonlinear += x1.nonlinear * x2.to_expression(visitor) x1.nonlinear = None x2.constant = 0 x1_c = x1.constant x1.constant = 0 x1_lin = x1.linear x1.linear = {} # [CB] + [CC] + [CD] if x1.quadratic: ans.nonlinear += x1.to_expression(visitor) * x2.to_expression(visitor) x1.quadratic = None x2.linear = {} # [BC] + [BD] if x1_lin and (x2.nonlinear is not None or x2.quadratic): x1.linear = x1_lin ans.nonlinear += x1.to_expression(visitor) * x2.to_expression(visitor) # [AD] if x1_c and x2.nonlinear is not None: ans.nonlinear += x1_c * x2.nonlinear return _GENERAL, ans
[docs] def define_exit_node_handlers(_exit_node_handlers=None): if _exit_node_handlers is None: _exit_node_handlers = {} linear.define_exit_node_handlers(_exit_node_handlers) # # NEGATION # _exit_node_handlers[NegationExpression][(_QUADRATIC,)] = linear._handle_negation_ANY # # PRODUCT # _exit_node_handlers[ProductExpression].update( { None: _handle_product_nonlinear, (_CONSTANT, _QUADRATIC): linear._handle_product_constant_ANY, (_QUADRATIC, _CONSTANT): linear._handle_product_ANY_constant, # Replace handler from the linear walker (_LINEAR, _LINEAR): _handle_product_linear_linear, } ) # # DIVISION # _exit_node_handlers[DivisionExpression].update( {(_QUADRATIC, _CONSTANT): linear._handle_division_ANY_constant} ) # # EXPONENTIATION # _exit_node_handlers[PowExpression].update( {(_QUADRATIC, _CONSTANT): linear._handle_pow_ANY_constant} ) # # ABS and UNARY handlers # # (no changes needed) # # NAMED EXPRESSION handlers # # (no changes needed) # # EXPR_IF handlers # # Note: it is easier to just recreate the entire data structure, rather # than update it _exit_node_handlers[Expr_ifExpression].update( { (_CONSTANT, i, _QUADRATIC): linear._handle_expr_if_const for i in (_CONSTANT, _LINEAR, _QUADRATIC, _GENERAL) } ) _exit_node_handlers[Expr_ifExpression].update( { (_CONSTANT, _QUADRATIC, i): linear._handle_expr_if_const for i in (_CONSTANT, _LINEAR, _GENERAL) } ) # # RELATIONAL handlers # # (no changes needed) return _exit_node_handlers
[docs] class QuadraticRepnVisitor(linear.LinearRepnVisitor): Result = QuadraticRepn exit_node_dispatcher = linear.ExitNodeDispatcher( util.initialize_exit_node_dispatcher(define_exit_node_handlers()) ) max_exponential_expansion = 2