Source code for pyomo.repn.plugins.cpxlp

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

# Problem Writer for CPLEX LP Format Files

import logging

from pyomo.common.gc_manager import PauseGC
from pyomo.opt import ProblemFormat
from pyomo.opt.base import AbstractProblemWriter, WriterFactory
from pyomo.core.base import (
from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

def _no_negative_zero(val):
    """Make sure -0 is never output. Makes diff tests easier."""
    if val == 0:
        return 0
    return val

def _get_bound(exp):
    if exp is None:
        return None
    if is_fixed(exp):
        return value(exp)
    raise ValueError("non-fixed bound or weight: " + str(exp))

[docs] @WriterFactory.register('cpxlp_v1', 'Generate the corresponding CPLEX LP file') @WriterFactory.register('lp_v1', 'Generate the corresponding CPLEX LP file') class ProblemWriter_cpxlp(AbstractProblemWriter):
[docs] def __init__(self): AbstractProblemWriter.__init__(self, ProblemFormat.cpxlp) # The LP writer tracks which variables are # referenced in constraints, so that a user does not end up with a # zillion "unreferenced variables" warning messages. # This dictionary maps id(VarData) -> VarData. self._referenced_variable_ids = {} # Per ticket #4319, we are using %.17g, which mocks the # behavior of using %r (i.e., float('%r'%<number>) == <number>) with # the added benefit of outputting (+/-). The only case where this # fails to mock the behavior of %r is for large (long) integers (L), # which is a rare case to run into and is probably indicative of # other issues with the model. # *** NOTE ***: If you use 'r' or 's' here, it will break code that # relies on using '%+' before the formatting character # and you will need to go add extra logic to output # the number's sign. self._precision_string = '.17g' self.linear_coef_string_template = '%+' + self._precision_string + ' %s\n' self.quad_coef_string_template = '%+' + self._precision_string + ' ' self.obj_string_template = '%+' + self._precision_string + ' %s\n' self.sos_template_string = "%s:%" + self._precision_string + "\n" self.eq_string_template = "= %" + self._precision_string + '\n' self.geq_string_template = ">= %" + self._precision_string + '\n\n' self.leq_string_template = "<= %" + self._precision_string + '\n\n' self.lb_string_template = "%" + self._precision_string + " <= " self.ub_string_template = " <= %" + self._precision_string + "\n"
def __call__(self, model, output_filename, solver_capability, io_options): # Make sure not to modify the user's dictionary, # they may be reusing it outside of this call io_options = dict(io_options) # Skip writing constraints whose body section is # fixed (i.e., no variables) skip_trivial_constraints = io_options.pop("skip_trivial_constraints", False) # Use full Pyomo component names in the LP file rather # than shortened symbols (slower, but useful for debugging). symbolic_solver_labels = io_options.pop("symbolic_solver_labels", False) output_fixed_variable_bounds = io_options.pop( "output_fixed_variable_bounds", False ) # If False, unused variables will not be included in # the LP file. Otherwise, include all variables in # the bounds sections. include_all_variable_bounds = io_options.pop( "include_all_variable_bounds", False ) labeler = io_options.pop("labeler", None) # Specify how much effort do we want to put into ensuring the # LP file is written deterministically for a Pyomo model: # 0 : None # 1 : sort keys of indexed components (default) # 2 : sort keys AND sort names (over declaration order) file_determinism = io_options.pop("file_determinism", 1) # Specify orderings for variable and constraint output row_order = io_options.pop("row_order", None) column_order = io_options.pop("column_order", None) # Make sure the ONE_VAR_CONSTANT variable appears in # the objective even if the constant part of the # objective is zero force_objective_constant = io_options.pop("force_objective_constant", False) if len(io_options): raise ValueError( "ProblemWriter_cpxlp passed unrecognized io_options:\n\t" + "\n\t".join("%s = %s" % (k, v) for k, v in io_options.items()) ) if symbolic_solver_labels and (labeler is not None): raise ValueError( "ProblemWriter_cpxlp: Using both the " "'symbolic_solver_labels' and 'labeler' " "I/O options is forbidden" ) # # Create labeler # if symbolic_solver_labels: labeler = TextLabeler() elif labeler is None: labeler = NumericLabeler('x') # Clear the collection of referenced variables. self._referenced_variable_ids.clear() if output_filename is None: output_filename = + ".lp" # when sorting, there are a non-trivial number of # temporary objects created. these all yield # non-circular references, so disable GC - the # overhead is non-trivial, and because references # are non-circular, everything will be collected # immediately anyway. with PauseGC() as pgc: with open(output_filename, "w") as output_file: symbol_map = self._print_model_LP( model, output_file, solver_capability, labeler, output_fixed_variable_bounds=output_fixed_variable_bounds, file_determinism=file_determinism, row_order=row_order, column_order=column_order, skip_trivial_constraints=skip_trivial_constraints, force_objective_constant=force_objective_constant, include_all_variable_bounds=include_all_variable_bounds, ) self._referenced_variable_ids.clear() return output_filename, symbol_map def _print_expr_canonical( self, x, output, object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary, is_objective, column_order, file_determinism, force_objective_constant=False, ): """ Return a expression as a string in LP format. Note that this function does not handle any differences in LP format interpretation by the solvers (e.g. CPlex vs GLPK). That decision is left up to the caller. required arguments: x: A Pyomo canonical expression to write in LP format """ assert (not force_objective_constant) or (is_objective) linear_coef_string_template = self.linear_coef_string_template quad_coef_string_template = self.quad_coef_string_template constant = True # # Linear # if len(x.linear_vars) > 0: constant = False for vardata in x.linear_vars: self._referenced_variable_ids[id(vardata)] = vardata if column_order is None: # # Order columns by dictionary names # names = [variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var)] for var in x.linear_vars] term_iterator = zip(x.linear_coefs, names) if file_determinism > 0: term_iterator = sorted(term_iterator, key=lambda x: x[1]) for coef, name in term_iterator: output.append(linear_coef_string_template % (coef, name)) else: # # Order columns by the value of column_order[] # for i, var in sorted( enumerate(x.linear_vars), key=lambda x: column_order[x[1]] ): name = variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var)] output.append( linear_coef_string_template % (x.linear_coefs[i], name) ) # # Quadratic # if len(x.quadratic_vars) > 0: constant = False for var1, var2 in x.quadratic_vars: self._referenced_variable_ids[id(var1)] = var1 self._referenced_variable_ids[id(var2)] = var2 output.append("+ [\n") if column_order is None: # # Order columns by dictionary names # quad = set() names = [] i = 0 for var1, var2 in x.quadratic_vars: name1 = variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var1)] name2 = variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var2)] if name1 < name2: names.append((name1, name2)) elif name1 > name2: names.append((name2, name1)) else: quad.add(i) names.append((name1, name1)) i += 1 term_iterator = enumerate(names) if file_determinism > 0: term_iterator = sorted(term_iterator, key=lambda x: x[1]) for i, names_ in term_iterator: # # Times 2 because LP format requires /2 for all the quadratic # terms /of the objective only/. Discovered the last bit thru # trial and error. Obnoxious. # Ref: ILog CPlex 8.0 User's Manual, p197. # if is_objective: tmp = 2 * x.quadratic_coefs[i] output.append(quad_coef_string_template % tmp) else: output.append(quad_coef_string_template % x.quadratic_coefs[i]) if i in quad: output.append("%s ^ 2\n" % (names_[0])) else: output.append("%s * %s\n" % (names_[0], names_[1])) else: # # Order columns by the value of column_order[] # quad = set() cols = [] i = 0 for var1, var2 in x.quadratic_vars: col1 = column_order[var1] col2 = column_order[var2] if col1 < col2: cols.append( ( ( (col1, col2), variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var1)], variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var2)], ) ) ) elif col1 > col2: cols.append( ( ( (col2, col1), variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var2)], variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var1)], ) ) ) else: quad.add(i) cols.append( ((col1, col1), variable_symbol_dictionary[id(var1)]) ) i += 1 for i, cols_ in sorted(enumerate(cols), key=lambda x: x[1][0]): # # Times 2 because LP format requires /2 for all the quadratic # terms /of the objective only/. Discovered the last bit thru # trial and error. Obnoxious. # Ref: ILog CPlex 8.0 User's Manual, p197. # if is_objective: output.append( quad_coef_string_template % 2 * x.quadratic_coefs[i] ) else: output.append(quad_coef_string_template % x.quadratic_coefs[i]) if i in quad: output.append("%s ^ 2\n" % cols_[1]) else: output.append("%s * %s\n" % (cols_[1], cols_[2])) output.append("]") if is_objective: output.append(' / 2\n') # divide by 2 because LP format requires /2 for all the quadratic # terms. Weird. Ref: ILog CPlex 8.0 User's Manual, p197 else: output.append("\n") if constant and not is_objective: # If we made it to here we are outputting # trivial constraints place 0 * # ONE_VAR_CONSTANT on this side of the # constraint for the benefit of solvers like # Glpk that cannot parse an LP file without # a variable on the left hand side. output.append(linear_coef_string_template % (0, 'ONE_VAR_CONSTANT')) # # Constant offset # # Currently, it appears that we only need to print # the constant offset term for objectives. # if is_objective and (force_objective_constant or (x.constant != 0.0)): output.append(self.obj_string_template % (x.constant, 'ONE_VAR_CONSTANT')) # # Return constant offset # return x.constant
[docs] def printSOS(self, symbol_map, labeler, variable_symbol_map, soscondata, output): """ Prints the SOS constraint associated with the SOSConstraintData object """ sos_template_string = self.sos_template_string if hasattr(soscondata, 'get_items'): sos_items = list(soscondata.get_items()) else: sos_items = list(soscondata.items()) if len(sos_items) == 0: return level = soscondata.level output.append( '%s: S%s::\n' % (symbol_map.getSymbol(soscondata, labeler), level) ) for vardata, weight in sos_items: weight = _get_bound(weight) if weight < 0: raise ValueError( "Cannot use negative weight %f " "for variable %s is special ordered " "set %s " % (weight,, ) if vardata.fixed: raise RuntimeError( "SOSConstraint '%s' includes a fixed variable '%s'. This is " "currently not supported. Deactivate this constraint in order to " "proceed." % (, ) self._referenced_variable_ids[id(vardata)] = vardata output.append( sos_template_string % (variable_symbol_map.getSymbol(vardata), weight) )
def _print_model_LP( self, model, output_file, solver_capability, labeler, output_fixed_variable_bounds=False, file_determinism=1, row_order=None, column_order=None, skip_trivial_constraints=False, force_objective_constant=False, include_all_variable_bounds=False, ): eq_string_template = self.eq_string_template leq_string_template = self.leq_string_template geq_string_template = self.geq_string_template ub_string_template = self.ub_string_template lb_string_template = self.lb_string_template symbol_map = SymbolMap() variable_symbol_map = SymbolMap() # NOTE: we use createSymbol instead of getSymbol because we # know whether or not the symbol exists, and don't want # to the overhead of error/duplicate checking. # cache frequently called functions create_symbol_func = SymbolMap.createSymbol create_symbols_func = SymbolMap.createSymbols alias_symbol_func = SymbolMap.alias variable_label_pairs = [] # populate the symbol map in a single pass. # objective_list, constraint_list, sosconstraint_list, variable_list \ # = self._populate_symbol_map(model, # symbol_map, # labeler, # variable_symbol_map, # file_determinism=file_determinism) sortOrder = SortComponents.unsorted if file_determinism >= 1: sortOrder = sortOrder | SortComponents.indices if file_determinism >= 2: sortOrder = sortOrder | SortComponents.alphabetical # # Create variable symbols (and cache the block list) # all_blocks = [] variable_list = [] # # WEH - TODO: See if this is faster # NOTE: This loop doesn't find all of the variables. :( # # for block in model.block_data_objects(active=True, # sort=sortOrder): # # all_blocks.append(block) # # for vardata in block.component_data_objects( # Var, # active=True, # sort=sortOrder, # descend_into=False): # # variable_list.append(vardata) # variable_label_pairs.append( # (vardata,create_symbol_func(symbol_map, # vardata, # labeler))) all_blocks = list(model.block_data_objects(active=True, sort=sortOrder)) variable_list = list(model.component_data_objects(Var, sort=sortOrder)) variable_label_pairs = list( (vardata, create_symbol_func(symbol_map, vardata, labeler)) for vardata in variable_list ) variable_symbol_map.addSymbols(variable_label_pairs) # and extract the information we'll need for rapid labeling. object_symbol_dictionary = symbol_map.byObject variable_symbol_dictionary = variable_symbol_map.byObject # TODO: this is a quick wrapper to map a very unintuitive # exception to a more meaningful error. Future versions of the # LP writer may be more accepting in what expressions/variables # they accept. def print_expr_canonical( obj, x, output, object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary, is_objective, column_order, file_determinism, force_objective_constant=False, ): try: return self._print_expr_canonical( x=x, output=output, object_symbol_dictionary=object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary=variable_symbol_dictionary, is_objective=is_objective, column_order=column_order, file_determinism=file_determinism, force_objective_constant=force_objective_constant, ) except KeyError as e: _id = e.args[0] _var = None if x.linear_vars: for v in x.linear_vars: if id(v) == _id: _var = v break if _var is None and x.quadratic_vars: for v in x.quadratic_vars: v = [_v for _v in v if id(_v) == _id] if v: _var = v[0] break if _var is not None: logger.error( "Model contains an expression (%s) that contains " "a variable (%s) that is not attached to an active " "block on the submodel being written" % (, ) raise # print the model name and the source, so we know roughly where # it came from. # # NOTE: this *must* use the "\* ... *\" comment format: the GLPK # LP parser does not correctly handle other formats (notably, "%"). output = [] output.append("\\* Source Pyomo model name=%s *\\\n\n" % (,)) # # Objective # supports_quadratic_objective = solver_capability('quadratic_objective') numObj = 0 onames = [] for block in all_blocks: gen_obj_repn = getattr(block, "_gen_obj_repn", None) if gen_obj_repn is not None: gen_obj_repn = bool(gen_obj_repn) # Get/Create the ComponentMap for the repn if not hasattr(block, '_repn'): block._repn = ComponentMap() block_repn = block._repn for objective_data in block.component_data_objects( Objective, active=True, sort=sortOrder, descend_into=False ): numObj += 1 onames.append( if numObj > 1: raise ValueError( "More than one active objective defined for input " "model '%s'; Cannot write legal LP file\n" "Objectives: %s" % (, ' '.join(onames)) ) create_symbol_func(symbol_map, objective_data, labeler) symbol_map.alias(objective_data, '__default_objective__') if objective_data.is_minimizing(): output.append("min \n") else: output.append("max \n") if gen_obj_repn == False: repn = block_repn[objective_data] else: repn = generate_standard_repn( objective_data.expr, quadratic=supports_quadratic_objective ) if gen_obj_repn: block_repn[objective_data] = repn degree = repn.polynomial_degree() if degree == 0: logger.warning( "Constant objective detected, replacing " "with a placeholder to prevent solver failure." ) force_objective_constant = True elif degree == 2: if not supports_quadratic_objective: raise RuntimeError( "Selected solver is unable to handle " "objective functions with quadratic terms. " "Objective at issue: %s." % ) elif degree is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot write legal LP file. Objective '%s' " "has nonlinear terms that are not quadratic." % ) output.append(object_symbol_dictionary[id(objective_data)] + ':\n') offset = print_expr_canonical( objective_data, repn, output, object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary, True, column_order, file_determinism, force_objective_constant=force_objective_constant, ) if numObj == 0: raise ValueError( "ERROR: No objectives defined for input model. " "Cannot write legal LP file." ) # Constraints # # If there are no non-trivial constraints, you'll end up with an empty # constraint block. CPLEX is OK with this, but GLPK isn't. And # eliminating the constraint block (i.e., the "s.t." line) causes GLPK # to whine elsewhere. Output a warning if the constraint block is empty, # so users can quickly determine the cause of the solve failure. output.append("\n") output.append("s.t.\n") output.append("\n") have_nontrivial = False supports_quadratic_constraint = solver_capability('quadratic_constraint') def constraint_generator(): for block in all_blocks: gen_con_repn = getattr(block, "_gen_con_repn", None) if gen_con_repn is not None: gen_con_repn = bool(gen_con_repn) # Get/Create the ComponentMap for the repn if not hasattr(block, '_repn'): block._repn = ComponentMap() block_repn = block._repn for constraint_data in block.component_data_objects( Constraint, active=True, sort=sortOrder, descend_into=False ): if (not constraint_data.has_lb()) and ( not constraint_data.has_ub() ): assert not constraint_data.equality continue # non-binding, so skip if gen_con_repn == False: repn = block_repn[constraint_data] else: if constraint_data._linear_canonical_form: repn = constraint_data.canonical_form() else: repn = generate_standard_repn( constraint_data.body, quadratic=supports_quadratic_constraint, ) if gen_con_repn: block_repn[constraint_data] = repn yield constraint_data, repn if row_order is not None: sorted_constraint_list = list(constraint_generator()) sorted_constraint_list.sort(key=lambda x: row_order[x[0]]) def yield_all_constraints(): yield from sorted_constraint_list else: yield_all_constraints = constraint_generator # FIXME: This is a hack to get nested blocks working... for constraint_data, repn in yield_all_constraints(): have_nontrivial = True degree = repn.polynomial_degree() # # Write constraint # # There are conditions, e.g., when fixing variables, under which # a constraint block might be empty. Ignore these, for both # practical reasons and the fact that the CPLEX LP format # requires a variable in the constraint body. It is also # possible that the body of the constraint consists of only a # constant, in which case the "variable" of if degree == 0: if skip_trivial_constraints: continue elif degree == 2: if not supports_quadratic_constraint: raise ValueError( "Solver unable to handle quadratic expressions. Constraint" " at issue: '%s'" % ( ) elif degree is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot write legal LP file. Constraint '%s' has a body " "with nonlinear terms." % ( ) # Create symbol con_symbol = create_symbol_func(symbol_map, constraint_data, labeler) if constraint_data.equality: assert value(constraint_data.lower) == value(constraint_data.upper) label = 'c_e_%s_' % con_symbol alias_symbol_func(symbol_map, constraint_data, label) output.append(label) output.append(':\n') offset = print_expr_canonical( constraint_data, repn, output, object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary, False, column_order, file_determinism, ) bound = constraint_data.lower bound = _get_bound(bound) - offset output.append(eq_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(bound))) output.append("\n") else: if constraint_data.has_lb(): if constraint_data.has_ub(): label = 'r_l_%s_' % con_symbol else: label = 'c_l_%s_' % con_symbol alias_symbol_func(symbol_map, constraint_data, label) output.append(label) output.append(':\n') offset = print_expr_canonical( constraint_data, repn, output, object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary, False, column_order, file_determinism, ) bound = constraint_data.lower bound = _get_bound(bound) - offset output.append(geq_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(bound))) else: assert constraint_data.has_ub() if constraint_data.has_ub(): if constraint_data.has_lb(): label = 'r_u_%s_' % con_symbol else: label = 'c_u_%s_' % con_symbol alias_symbol_func(symbol_map, constraint_data, label) output.append(label) output.append(':\n') offset = print_expr_canonical( constraint_data, repn, output, object_symbol_dictionary, variable_symbol_dictionary, False, column_order, file_determinism, ) bound = constraint_data.upper bound = _get_bound(bound) - offset output.append(leq_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(bound))) else: assert constraint_data.has_lb() # A simple hack to avoid caching super large files if len(output) > 1024: output_file.write("".join(output)) output = [] if not have_nontrivial: logger.warning( 'Empty constraint block written in LP format - solver may error' ) # the CPLEX LP format doesn't allow constants in the objective (or # constraint body), which is a bit silly. To avoid painful # book-keeping, we introduce the following "variable", constrained # to the value 1. This is used when quadratic terms are present. # worst-case, if not used, is that CPLEX easily pre-processes it out. prefix = "" output.append('%sc_e_ONE_VAR_CONSTANT: \n' % prefix) output.append('%sONE_VAR_CONSTANT = 1.0\n' % prefix) output.append("\n") # SOS constraints # # For now, we write out SOS1 and SOS2 constraints in the cplex format # # All Component objects are stored in model._component, which is a # dictionary of {class: {objName: object}}. # # Consider the variable X, # # model.X = Var(...) # # We print X to CPLEX format as X(i,j,k,...) where i, j, k, ... are the # indices of X. # SOSlines = [] sos1 = solver_capability("sos1") sos2 = solver_capability("sos2") writtenSOS = False for block in all_blocks: for soscondata in block.component_data_objects( SOSConstraint, active=True, sort=sortOrder, descend_into=False ): create_symbol_func(symbol_map, soscondata, labeler) level = soscondata.level if ( (level == 1 and not sos1) or (level == 2 and not sos2) or (level > 2) ): raise ValueError( "Solver does not support SOS level %s constraints" % (level) ) if writtenSOS == False: SOSlines.append("SOS\n") writtenSOS = True # This updates the referenced_variable_ids, just in case # there is a variable that only appears in an # SOSConstraint, in which case this needs to be known # before we write the "bounds" section (Cplex does not # handle this correctly, Gurobi does) self.printSOS( symbol_map, labeler, variable_symbol_map, soscondata, SOSlines ) # # Bounds # output.append("bounds\n") # Scan all variables even if we're only writing a subset of them. # required because we don't store maps by variable type currently. # Track the number of integer and binary variables, so you can # output their status later. integer_vars = [] binary_vars = [] for vardata in variable_list: # TODO: We could just loop over the set of items in # self._referenced_variable_ids, except this is # a dictionary that is hashed by id(vardata) # which would make the bounds section # nondeterministic (bad for unit testing) if (not include_all_variable_bounds) and ( id(vardata) not in self._referenced_variable_ids ): continue name_to_output = variable_symbol_dictionary[id(vardata)] if name_to_output == "e": raise ValueError( "Attempting to write variable with name 'e' in a CPLEX LP " "formatted file will cause a parse failure due to confusion with " "numeric values expressed in scientific notation" ) # track the number of integer and binary variables, so we know whether # to output the general / binary sections below. if vardata.is_binary(): binary_vars.append(name_to_output) elif vardata.is_integer(): integer_vars.append(name_to_output) elif not vardata.is_continuous(): raise TypeError( "Invalid domain type for variable with name '%s'. " "Variable is not continuous, integer, or binary." % ( ) if vardata.fixed: if not output_fixed_variable_bounds: raise ValueError( "Encountered a fixed variable (%s) inside an active " "objective or constraint expression on model %s, which is " "usually indicative of a preprocessing error. Use the " "IO-option 'output_fixed_variable_bounds=True' to suppress " "this error and fix the variable by overwriting its bounds " "in the LP file." % (, ) if vardata.value is None: raise ValueError("Variable cannot be fixed to a value of None.") vardata_lb = value(vardata.value) vardata_ub = value(vardata.value) output.append(" ") output.append(lb_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(vardata_lb))) output.append(name_to_output) output.append(ub_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(vardata_ub))) else: vardata_lb = _get_bound( vardata_ub = _get_bound(vardata.ub) # Pyomo assumes that the default variable bounds are -inf and +inf output.append(" ") if vardata.has_lb(): output.append(lb_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(vardata_lb))) else: output.append(" -inf <= ") output.append(name_to_output) if vardata.has_ub(): output.append(ub_string_template % (_no_negative_zero(vardata_ub))) else: output.append(" <= +inf\n") if len(integer_vars) > 0: output.append("general\n") for var_name in integer_vars: output.append(' %s\n' % var_name) if len(binary_vars) > 0: output.append("binary\n") for var_name in binary_vars: output.append(' %s\n' % var_name) # Write the SOS section output.append("".join(SOSlines)) # # wrap-up # output.append("end\n") output_file.write("".join(output)) # Clean up the symbol map to only contain variables referenced # in the active constraints **Note**: warm start method may # rely on this for choosing the set of potential warm start # variables vars_to_delete = set(variable_symbol_map.byObject.keys()) - set( self._referenced_variable_ids.keys() ) sm_byObject = symbol_map.byObject sm_bySymbol = symbol_map.bySymbol var_sm_byObject = variable_symbol_map.byObject for varid in vars_to_delete: symbol = var_sm_byObject[varid] del sm_byObject[varid] del sm_bySymbol[symbol] del variable_symbol_map return symbol_map