Source code for pyomo.repn.plugins.ampl.ampl_

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

# AMPL Problem Writer Plugin

import itertools
import logging
import operator
import os
import time
from math import isclose

from pyomo.common.fileutils import find_library
from pyomo.common.gc_manager import PauseGC
from pyomo.opt import ProblemFormat, AbstractProblemWriter, WriterFactory
import pyomo.core.expr as EXPR
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import (
from pyomo.core.base import (
import pyomo.core.base.suffix
from pyomo.repn.standard_repn import generate_standard_repn

import pyomo.core.kernel.suffix
from pyomo.core.kernel.block import IBlock
from pyomo.core.kernel.expression import IIdentityExpression
from pyomo.core.kernel.variable import IVariable

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

[docs] def set_pyomo_amplfunc_env(external_libs): # The ASL AMPLFUNC environment variable is nominally a # whitespace-separated string of library names. Beginning # sometime between 2010 and 2012, the ASL added support for # simple quoted strings: the first non-whitespace character # can be either " or '. When that is detected, the ASL # parser will continue to the next occurrence of that # character (i.e., no escaping is allowed). We will use # that same logic here to quote any strings with spaces # ... bearing in mind that this will only work with solvers # compiled against versions of the ASL more recent than # ~2012. # # We are (arbitrarily) choosing to use newline as the field # separator. env_str = '' for _lib in external_libs: _lib = _lib.strip() # Convert the library to an absolute path _abs_lib = find_library(_lib) if _abs_lib is not None: _lib = _abs_lib if ( ' ' not in _lib or (_lib[0] == '"' and _lib[-1] == '"' and '"' not in _lib[1:-1]) or (_lib[0] == "'" and _lib[-1] == "'" and "'" not in _lib[1:-1]) ): pass elif '"' not in _lib: _lib = '"' + _lib + '"' elif "'" not in _lib: _lib = "'" + _lib + "'" else: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot pass the AMPL external function library\n\t%s\n" "to the ASL because the string contains spaces, " "single quote and\ndouble quote characters." % (_lib,) ) if env_str: env_str += "\n" env_str += _lib os.environ["PYOMO_AMPLFUNC"] = env_str
_intrinsic_function_operators = { 'log': 'o43', 'log10': 'o42', 'sin': 'o41', 'cos': 'o46', 'tan': 'o38', 'sinh': 'o40', 'cosh': 'o45', 'tanh': 'o37', 'asin': 'o51', 'acos': 'o53', 'atan': 'o49', 'exp': 'o44', 'sqrt': 'o39', 'asinh': 'o50', 'acosh': 'o52', 'atanh': 'o47', 'pow': 'o5', 'abs': 'o15', 'ceil': 'o14', 'floor': 'o13', } # build string templates def _build_op_template(): _op_template = {} _op_comment = {} prod_template = "o2{C}\n" prod_comment = "\t#*" div_template = "o3{C}\n" div_comment = "\t#/" _op_template[EXPR.ProductExpression] = prod_template _op_comment[EXPR.ProductExpression] = prod_comment _op_template[EXPR.DivisionExpression] = div_template _op_comment[EXPR.DivisionExpression] = div_comment _op_template[EXPR.ExternalFunctionExpression] = ( "f%d %d{C}\n", # function "h%d:%s{C}\n", ) # string arg _op_comment[EXPR.ExternalFunctionExpression] = ( "\t#%s", # function "", ) # string arg for opname in _intrinsic_function_operators: _op_template[opname] = _intrinsic_function_operators[opname] + "{C}\n" _op_comment[opname] = "\t#" + opname _op_template[EXPR.Expr_ifExpression] = "o35{C}\n" _op_comment[EXPR.Expr_ifExpression] = "\t#if" _op_template[EXPR.InequalityExpression] = ( "o21{C}\n", # and "o22{C}\n", # < "o23{C}\n", ) # <= _op_comment[EXPR.InequalityExpression] = ( "\t#and", # and "\t#lt", # < "\t#le", ) # <= _op_template[EXPR.EqualityExpression] = "o24{C}\n" _op_comment[EXPR.EqualityExpression] = "\t#eq" _op_template[var.VarData] = "v%d{C}\n" _op_comment[var.VarData] = "\t#%s" _op_template[param.ParamData] = "n%r{C}\n" _op_comment[param.ParamData] = "" _op_template[NumericConstant] = "n%r{C}\n" _op_comment[NumericConstant] = "" _op_template[EXPR.SumExpressionBase] = ( "o54{C}\n%d\n", # nary + "o0{C}\n", # + "o2\n" + _op_template[NumericConstant], ) # * coef _op_comment[EXPR.SumExpressionBase] = ( "\t#sumlist", # nary + "\t#+", # + _op_comment[NumericConstant], ) # * coef _op_template[EXPR.NegationExpression] = "o16{C}\n" _op_comment[EXPR.NegationExpression] = "\t#-" return _op_template, _op_comment def _get_bound(exp): if exp is None: return None if is_fixed(exp): return value(exp) raise ValueError("non-fixed bound or weight: " + str(exp))
[docs] class StopWatch(object):
[docs] def __init__(self): self.start = time.time()
def report(self, msg): print(msg + " (seconds): " + str(time.time() - self.start)) def reset(self): self.start = time.time()
class _Counter(object): def __init__(self, start): self._id = start def __call__(self, obj): tmp = self._id self._id += 1 return tmp
[docs] class ModelSOS(object): class AmplSuffix(object): def __init__(self, name): = name self.ids = [] self.vals = [] def add(self, idx, val): if idx in self.ids: raise RuntimeError( "The NL file format does not support multiple nonzero " "values for a single component and suffix. \n" "Suffix Name: %s\n" "Component ID: %s\n" % (, idx) ) else: self.ids.append(idx) self.vals.append(val) def genfilelines(self): base_line = "{0} {1}\n" return [ base_line.format(idx, val) for idx, val in zip(self.ids, self.vals) if val != 0 ] def is_empty(self): return not bool(len(self.ids))
[docs] def __init__(self, ampl_var_id, varID_map): self.ampl_var_id = ampl_var_id self.sosno = self.AmplSuffix('sosno') self.ref = self.AmplSuffix('ref') self.block_cntr = 0 self.varID_map = varID_map
def count_constraint(self, soscondata): ampl_var_id = self.ampl_var_id varID_map = self.varID_map if hasattr(soscondata, 'get_items'): sos_items = list(soscondata.get_items()) else: sos_items = list(soscondata.items()) if len(sos_items) == 0: return level = soscondata.level # Identifies the the current set from others in the NL file self.block_cntr += 1 # If SOS1, the identifier must be positive # if SOS2, the identifier must be negative sign_tag = None if level == 1: sign_tag = 1 elif level == 2: sign_tag = -1 else: raise ValueError( "SOSConstraint '%s' has sos type='%s', " "which is not supported by the NL file interface" % (, level) ) for vardata, weight in sos_items: weight = _get_bound(weight) if weight < 0: raise ValueError( "Cannot use negative weight %f " "for variable %s is special ordered " "set %s " % (weight,, ) if vardata.fixed: raise ValueError( "SOSConstraint '%s' includes a fixed Variable '%s'. " "This is currently not supported. Deactivate this constraint " "in order to proceed" % (, ) ID = ampl_var_id[varID_map[id(vardata)]] self.sosno.add(ID, self.block_cntr * sign_tag) self.ref.add(ID, weight)
[docs] class RepnWrapper(object): __slots__ = ('repn', 'linear_vars', 'nonlinear_vars')
[docs] def __init__(self, repn, linear, nonlinear): self.repn = repn self.linear_vars = linear self.nonlinear_vars = nonlinear
[docs] @WriterFactory.register('nl_v1', 'Generate the corresponding AMPL NL file (version 1).') class ProblemWriter_nl(AbstractProblemWriter):
[docs] def __init__(self): AbstractProblemWriter.__init__(self, self._ampl_var_id = {} self._ampl_con_id = {} self._ampl_obj_id = {} self._OUTPUT = None self._varID_map = None
def __call__(self, model, filename, solver_capability, io_options): # Rebuild the OP template (as the expression tree system may # have been switched) _op_template, _op_comment = _build_op_template() # Make sure not to modify the user's dictionary, they may be # reusing it outside of this call io_options = dict(io_options) # NOTE: io_options is a simple dictionary of keyword-value pairs # specific to this writer. that said, we are not good # about enforcing consistency between the io_options and # kwds - arguably, we should go with the former or the # latter, but not support both. then again, the kwds are # not used anywhere within this function. # Print timing after writing each section of the NL file show_section_timing = io_options.pop("show_section_timing", False) # Skip writing constraints whose body section is fixed (i.e., no variables) skip_trivial_constraints = io_options.pop("skip_trivial_constraints", False) # How much effort do we want to put into ensuring the # NL file is written deterministically for a Pyomo model: # 0 : None # 1 : sort keys of indexed components (default) # 2 : sort keys AND sort names (over declaration order) file_determinism = io_options.pop("file_determinism", 1) # Write the corresponding .row and .col files for the NL files # identifying variable and constraint indices in the NLP # matrix. symbolic_solver_labels = io_options.pop("symbolic_solver_labels", False) # If False, we raise an error if fixed variables are # encountered in the list of active variables (i.e., an # expression containing some fixed variable was not # preprocessed after the variable was fixed). If True, we # allow this case and modify the variable bounds section to # fix the variable. output_fixed_variable_bounds = io_options.pop( "output_fixed_variable_bounds", False ) # If False, unused variables will not be included in # the NL file. Otherwise, include all variables in # the bounds sections. include_all_variable_bounds = io_options.pop( "include_all_variable_bounds", False ) # List of variables that don't appear in constraints to force into the # nl-file export_nonlinear_variables = io_options.pop("export_nonlinear_variables", False) # column_order is a new option supported by the nl writer v2 _column_order = io_options.pop("column_order", True) assert _column_order in {True} if len(io_options): raise ValueError( "ProblemWriter_nl passed unrecognized io_options:\n\t" + "\n\t".join("%s = %s" % (k, v) for k, v in io_options.items()) ) if filename is None: filename = + ".nl" # Generate the operator strings templates. The value of # symbolic_solver_labels determines whether or not to # include "nl comments" (the equivalent AMPL functionality # is "option nl_comments 1"). self._op_string = {} for optype in _op_template: template_str = _op_template[optype] comment_str = _op_comment[optype] if type(template_str) is tuple: op_strings = [] for i in range(len(template_str)): if symbolic_solver_labels: op_strings.append(template_str[i].format(C=comment_str[i])) else: op_strings.append(template_str[i].format(C="")) self._op_string[optype] = tuple(op_strings) else: if symbolic_solver_labels: self._op_string[optype] = template_str.format(C=comment_str) else: self._op_string[optype] = template_str.format(C="") # making these attributes so they do not need to be # passed into _print_nonlinear_terms_NL self._symbolic_solver_labels = symbolic_solver_labels self._output_fixed_variable_bounds = output_fixed_variable_bounds # Speeds up calling name on every component when # writing .row and .col files (when symbolic_solver_labels is True) self._name_labeler = NameLabeler() # Pause the GC for the duration of this method with PauseGC() as pgc: with open(filename, "w") as f: self._OUTPUT = f symbol_map = self._print_model_NL( model, solver_capability, show_section_timing=show_section_timing, skip_trivial_constraints=skip_trivial_constraints, file_determinism=file_determinism, include_all_variable_bounds=include_all_variable_bounds, export_nonlinear_variables=export_nonlinear_variables, ) self._symbolic_solver_labels = False self._output_fixed_variable_bounds = False self._name_labeler = None self._OUTPUT = None self._varID_map = None self._op_string = None return filename, symbol_map def _print_quad_term(self, v1, v2): OUTPUT = self._OUTPUT if v1 is not v2: prod_str = self._op_string[EXPR.ProductExpression] OUTPUT.write(prod_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(v1) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(v2) else: intr_expr_str = self._op_string['pow'] OUTPUT.write(intr_expr_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(v1) OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[NumericConstant] % (2)) def _print_standard_quadratic_NL(self, quadratic_vars, quadratic_coefs): OUTPUT = self._OUTPUT nary_sum_str, binary_sum_str, coef_term_str = self._op_string[ EXPR.SumExpressionBase ] assert len(quadratic_vars) == len(quadratic_coefs) if len(quadratic_vars) == 1: pass else: if len(quadratic_vars) == 2: OUTPUT.write(binary_sum_str) else: assert len(quadratic_vars) > 2 OUTPUT.write(nary_sum_str % (len(quadratic_vars))) # now we need to do a sort to ensure deterministic output # as the compiled quadratic representation does not preserve # any ordering old_quadratic_vars = quadratic_vars old_quadratic_coefs = quadratic_coefs self_varID_map = self._varID_map quadratic_vars = [] quadratic_coefs = [] for i, (v1, v2) in sorted( enumerate(old_quadratic_vars), key=lambda x: ( self_varID_map[id(x[1][0])], self_varID_map[id(x[1][1])], ), ): quadratic_coefs.append(old_quadratic_coefs[i]) if self_varID_map[id(v1)] <= self_varID_map[id(v2)]: quadratic_vars.append((v1, v2)) else: quadratic_vars.append((v2, v1)) for i in range(len(quadratic_vars)): coef = quadratic_coefs[i] v1, v2 = quadratic_vars[i] if coef != 1: OUTPUT.write(coef_term_str % (coef)) self._print_quad_term(v1, v2) def _print_nonlinear_terms_NL(self, exp): OUTPUT = self._OUTPUT exp_type = type(exp) # JDS: check list first so that after this, we know that exp # must be some form of NumericValue if exp_type is list: # this is an implied summation of expressions (we did not # create a new sum expression for efficiency) this should # be a list of tuples where [0] is the coeff and [1] is # the expr to write nary_sum_str, binary_sum_str, coef_term_str = self._op_string[ EXPR.SumExpressionBase ] n = len(exp) if n > 2: OUTPUT.write(nary_sum_str % (n)) for i in range(0, n): assert exp[i].__class__ is tuple coef = exp[i][0] child_exp = exp[i][1] if coef != 1: OUTPUT.write(coef_term_str % (coef)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(child_exp) else: # n == 1 or 2 for i in range(0, n): assert exp[i].__class__ is tuple coef = exp[i][0] child_exp = exp[i][1] if i != n - 1: # need the + op if it is not the last entry in the list OUTPUT.write(binary_sum_str) if coef != 1: OUTPUT.write(coef_term_str % (coef)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(child_exp) elif exp_type in native_numeric_types: OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[NumericConstant] % (exp)) elif exp.is_expression_type(): # # Identify NPV expressions # if not exp.is_potentially_variable(): OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[NumericConstant] % (value(exp))) # # We are assuming that _Constant_* expression objects # have been preprocessed to form constant values. # elif ( exp.__class__ is EXPR.SumExpression or exp.__class__ is EXPR.LinearExpression ): nary_sum_str, binary_sum_str, coef_term_str = self._op_string[ EXPR.SumExpressionBase ] n = exp.nargs() const = 0 vargs = [] for v in exp.args: if v.__class__ in native_numeric_types: const += v else: vargs.append(v) if not isclose(const, 0.0): vargs.append(const) n = len(vargs) if n == 2: OUTPUT.write(binary_sum_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(vargs[0]) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(vargs[1]) elif n == 1: self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(vargs[0]) else: OUTPUT.write(nary_sum_str % (n)) for child_exp in vargs: self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(child_exp) elif exp_type is EXPR.SumExpressionBase: nary_sum_str, binary_sum_str, coef_term_str = self._op_string[ EXPR.SumExpressionBase ] OUTPUT.write(binary_sum_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(1)) elif exp_type is EXPR.MonomialTermExpression: prod_str = self._op_string[EXPR.ProductExpression] OUTPUT.write(prod_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(value(exp.arg(0))) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(1)) elif exp_type is EXPR.ProductExpression: prod_str = self._op_string[EXPR.ProductExpression] OUTPUT.write(prod_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(1)) elif exp_type is EXPR.DivisionExpression: assert exp.nargs() == 2 div_str = self._op_string[EXPR.DivisionExpression] OUTPUT.write(div_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(1)) elif exp_type is EXPR.NegationExpression: assert exp.nargs() == 1 OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[EXPR.NegationExpression]) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) elif exp_type is EXPR.ExternalFunctionExpression: # We have found models where external functions with # strictly fixed/constant arguments causes AMPL to # SEGFAULT. To be safe, we will collapse fixed # arguments to scalars and if the entire expression is # constant, we will eliminate the external function # call entirely. if exp.is_fixed(): self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp()) return fun_str, string_arg_str = self._op_string[ EXPR.ExternalFunctionExpression ] if not self._symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write( fun_str % (self.external_byFcn[exp._fcn._function][1], exp.nargs()) ) else: # Note: fails OUTPUT.write( fun_str % ( self.external_byFcn[exp._fcn._function][1], exp.nargs(),, ) ) for arg in exp.args: if isinstance(arg, str): # Note: ASL does not handle '\r\n' as the EOL # marker for string arguments (even though it # allows them elsewhere in the NL file). # Since we know we opened this file object (and # that it points to an actual file), we will # grab the underlying fileno and write to it # WITHOUT universal newlines. # # We could just switch the NL writer to always # write out UNIX-style line endings, but that # would force us to change a large number of # baselines / file comparisons OUTPUT.flush() with os.fdopen( OUTPUT.fileno(), mode='w+', closefd=False, newline='\n' ) as TMP: TMP.write(string_arg_str % (len(arg), arg)) elif type(arg) in native_numeric_types: self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(arg) elif arg.is_fixed(): self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(arg()) else: self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(arg) elif exp_type is EXPR.PowExpression: intr_expr_str = self._op_string['pow'] OUTPUT.write(intr_expr_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(1)) elif isinstance(exp, EXPR.UnaryFunctionExpression): assert exp.nargs() == 1 intr_expr_str = self._op_string.get( if intr_expr_str is not None: OUTPUT.write(intr_expr_str) else: logger.error("Unsupported unary function ({0})".format( raise TypeError( "ASL writer does not support '%s' expressions" % ( ) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) elif exp_type is EXPR.Expr_ifExpression: OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[EXPR.Expr_ifExpression]) for arg in exp.args: self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(arg) elif exp_type is EXPR.InequalityExpression: and_str, lt_str, le_str = self._op_string[EXPR.InequalityExpression] left = exp.arg(0) right = exp.arg(1) if exp._strict: OUTPUT.write(lt_str) else: OUTPUT.write(le_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(left) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(right) elif exp_type is EXPR.RangedExpression: and_str, lt_str, le_str = self._op_string[EXPR.InequalityExpression] left = exp.arg(0) middle = exp.arg(1) right = exp.arg(2) OUTPUT.write(and_str) if exp._strict[0]: OUTPUT.write(lt_str) else: OUTPUT.write(le_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(left) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(middle) if exp._strict[1]: OUTPUT.write(lt_str) else: OUTPUT.write(le_str) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(middle) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(right) elif exp_type is EXPR.EqualityExpression: OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[EXPR.EqualityExpression]) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(0)) self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.arg(1)) elif isinstance(exp, (NamedExpressionData, IIdentityExpression)): self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(exp.expr) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported expression type (%s) in _print_nonlinear_terms_NL" % (exp_type) ) elif isinstance(exp, (var.VarData, IVariable)) and (not exp.is_fixed()): # (self._output_fixed_variable_bounds or if not self._symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write( self._op_string[var.VarData] % (self.ampl_var_id[self._varID_map[id(exp)]]) ) else: OUTPUT.write( self._op_string[var.VarData] % ( self.ampl_var_id[self._varID_map[id(exp)]], self._name_labeler(exp), ) ) elif isinstance(exp, param.ParamData): OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[param.ParamData] % (value(exp))) elif isinstance(exp, NumericConstant) or exp.is_fixed(): OUTPUT.write(self._op_string[NumericConstant] % (value(exp))) else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported expression type (%s) in _print_nonlinear_terms_NL" % (exp_type) ) def _print_model_NL( self, model, solver_capability, show_section_timing=False, skip_trivial_constraints=False, file_determinism=1, include_all_variable_bounds=False, export_nonlinear_variables=False, ): output_fixed_variable_bounds = self._output_fixed_variable_bounds symbolic_solver_labels = self._symbolic_solver_labels sorter = SortComponents.unsorted if file_determinism >= 1: sorter = sorter | SortComponents.indices if file_determinism >= 2: sorter = sorter | SortComponents.alphabetical OUTPUT = self._OUTPUT assert OUTPUT is not None # maps NL variables to the "real" variable names in the problem. # it's really NL variable ordering, as there are no variable names # in the NL format. however, we by convention make them go from # x0 upward. overall_timer = StopWatch() subsection_timer = StopWatch() # create the symbol_map symbol_map = SymbolMap() name_labeler = self._name_labeler # These will get updated when symbolic_solver_labels # is true. It is critical that nonzero values go in # the header of the NL file if you want ASL to # parse the .row and .col files. max_rowname_len = 0 max_colname_len = 0 # # Collect statistics # self_ampl_var_id = self.ampl_var_id = {} self_ampl_con_id = self.ampl_con_id = {} self_ampl_obj_id = self.ampl_obj_id = {} # will be the entire list of all vars in the model (not # necessarily used) Vars_dict = dict() # will be the entire list of all objective used in the problem # (size=1) Objectives_dict = dict() # will be the entire list of all constraints used in the # problem Constraints_dict = dict() UsedVars = set() # linear variables LinearVars = set() LinearVarsInt = set() LinearVarsBool = set() # Tabulate the External Function definitions self.external_byFcn = {} external_Libs = set() for fcn in model.component_objects(ExternalFunction, active=True): if fcn._function in self.external_byFcn: if self.external_byFcn[fcn._function][0]._library != fcn._library: raise RuntimeError( "The same external function name (%s) is associated " "with two different libraries (%s through %s, and %s " "through %s). The ASL solver will fail to link " "correctly." % ( fcn._function, self.external_byFcn[fcn._function]._library, self.external_byFcn[fcn._function], fcn._library,, ) ) else: self.external_byFcn[fcn._function] = (fcn, len(self.external_byFcn)) external_Libs.add(fcn._library) if external_Libs: set_pyomo_amplfunc_env(external_Libs) elif "PYOMO_AMPLFUNC" in os.environ: del os.environ["PYOMO_AMPLFUNC"] subsection_timer.reset() # Cache the list of model blocks so we don't have to call # model.block_data_objects() many many times all_blocks_list = list(model.block_data_objects(active=True, sort=sorter)) # create a deterministic var labeling Vars_dict = dict(enumerate(model.component_data_objects(Var, sort=sorter))) cntr = len(Vars_dict) # cntr = 0 # for block in all_blocks_list: # vars_counter = tuple(enumerate( # block.component_data_objects(Var, # active=True, # sort=sorter, # descend_into=False), # cntr)) # cntr += len(vars_counter) # Vars_dict.update(vars_counter) self._varID_map = dict((id(val), key) for key, val in Vars_dict.items()) self_varID_map = self._varID_map # Use to label the rest of the components (which we will not encounter twice) trivial_labeler = _Counter(cntr) # # Count number of objectives and build the repns # n_objs = 0 n_nonlinear_objs = 0 ObjVars = set() ObjNonlinearVars = set() ObjNonlinearVarsInt = set() for block in all_blocks_list: gen_obj_repn = getattr(block, "_gen_obj_repn", None) if gen_obj_repn is not None: gen_obj_repn = bool(gen_obj_repn) # Get/Create the ComponentMap for the repn if not hasattr(block, '_repn'): block._repn = ComponentMap() block_repn = block._repn for active_objective in block.component_data_objects( Objective, active=True, sort=sorter, descend_into=False ): if symbolic_solver_labels: objname = name_labeler(active_objective) if len(objname) > max_rowname_len: max_rowname_len = len(objname) if gen_obj_repn == False: repn = block_repn[active_objective] linear_vars = repn.linear_vars # By default, the NL writer generates # StandardRepn objects without the more # expense quadratic processing, but # there is no guarantee of this if we # are using a cached repn object, so we # must check for the quadratic form. if repn.is_nonlinear() and (repn.nonlinear_expr is None): # Note that this is fragile: # generate_standard_repn can leave nonlinear # terms in both quadratic and nonlinear fields. # However, when this was written the assumption # is that generate_standard_repn is only called # with quadratic=True for QCQPs (by the LP # writer). So, quadratic and nonlinear_expr # will both never be non-empty. This assertion # will fail if that assumption is ever violated: assert repn.is_quadratic() assert len(repn.quadratic_vars) > 0 nonlinear_vars = {} for v1, v2 in repn.quadratic_vars: nonlinear_vars[id(v1)] = v1 nonlinear_vars[id(v2)] = v2 nonlinear_vars = nonlinear_vars.values() else: nonlinear_vars = repn.nonlinear_vars else: repn = generate_standard_repn( active_objective.expr, quadratic=False ) linear_vars = repn.linear_vars nonlinear_vars = repn.nonlinear_vars if gen_obj_repn: block_repn[active_objective] = repn try: wrapped_repn = RepnWrapper( repn, list(self_varID_map[id(var)] for var in linear_vars), list(self_varID_map[id(var)] for var in nonlinear_vars), ) except KeyError as err: self._symbolMapKeyError( err, model, self_varID_map, list(linear_vars) + list(nonlinear_vars), ) raise LinearVars.update(wrapped_repn.linear_vars) ObjNonlinearVars.update(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) ObjVars.update(wrapped_repn.linear_vars) ObjVars.update(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) obj_ID = trivial_labeler(active_objective) Objectives_dict[obj_ID] = (active_objective, wrapped_repn) self_ampl_obj_id[obj_ID] = n_objs symbol_map.addSymbols([(active_objective, "o%d" % n_objs)]) n_objs += 1 if repn.is_nonlinear(): n_nonlinear_objs += 1 # I don't think this is necessarily true for the entire code base, # but seeing has how its never been tested we should go ahead and # raise an exception if n_objs > 1: raise ValueError( "The NL writer has detected multiple active objective functions " "on model %s, but currently only handles a single objective." % ( ) elif n_objs == 1: symbol_map.alias(symbol_map.bySymbol["o0"], "__default_objective__") if show_section_timing:"Generate objective representation") subsection_timer.reset() # # Count number of constraints and build the repns # n_ranges = 0 n_single_sided_ineq = 0 n_equals = 0 n_unbounded = 0 n_nonlinear_constraints = 0 ConNonlinearVars = set() ConNonlinearVarsInt = set() nnz_grad_constraints = 0 constraint_bounds_dict = {} nonlin_con_order_list = [] lin_con_order_list = [] ccons_lin = 0 ccons_nonlin = 0 ccons_nd = 0 ccons_nzlb = 0 for block in all_blocks_list: all_repns = list() gen_con_repn = getattr(block, "_gen_con_repn", None) if gen_con_repn is not None: gen_con_repn = bool(gen_con_repn) # Get/Create the ComponentMap for the repn if not hasattr(block, '_repn'): block._repn = ComponentMap() block_repn = block._repn # Initializing the constraint dictionary for constraint_data in block.component_data_objects( Constraint, active=True, sort=sorter, descend_into=False ): if (not constraint_data.has_lb()) and (not constraint_data.has_ub()): assert not constraint_data.equality continue # non-binding, so skip if symbolic_solver_labels: conname = name_labeler(constraint_data) if len(conname) > max_rowname_len: max_rowname_len = len(conname) if gen_con_repn == False: repn = block_repn[constraint_data] linear_vars = repn.linear_vars # By default, the NL writer generates # StandardRepn objects without the more # expense quadratic processing, but # there is no guarantee of this if we # are using a cached repn object, so we # must check for the quadratic form. if repn.is_nonlinear() and (repn.nonlinear_expr is None): # Note that this is fragile: # generate_standard_repn can leave nonlinear # terms in both quadratic and nonlinear fields. # However, when this was written the assumption # is that generate_standard_repn is only called # with quadratic=True for QCQPs (by the LP # writer). So, quadratic and nonlinear_expr # will both never be non-empty. This assertion # will fail if that assumption is ever violated: assert repn.is_quadratic() assert len(repn.quadratic_vars) > 0 nonlinear_vars = {} for v1, v2 in repn.quadratic_vars: nonlinear_vars[id(v1)] = v1 nonlinear_vars[id(v2)] = v2 nonlinear_vars = nonlinear_vars.values() else: nonlinear_vars = repn.nonlinear_vars else: if constraint_data._linear_canonical_form: repn = constraint_data.canonical_form() linear_vars = repn.linear_vars nonlinear_vars = repn.nonlinear_vars else: repn = generate_standard_repn( constraint_data.body, quadratic=False ) linear_vars = repn.linear_vars nonlinear_vars = repn.nonlinear_vars if gen_con_repn: block_repn[constraint_data] = repn ### GAH: Even if this is fixed, it is still useful to ### write out these types of constraints ### (trivial) as a feasibility check for fixed ### variables, in which case the solver will pick ### up on the model infeasibility. if skip_trivial_constraints and repn.is_fixed(): continue con_ID = trivial_labeler(constraint_data) try: wrapped_repn = RepnWrapper( repn, list(self_varID_map[id(var)] for var in linear_vars), list(self_varID_map[id(var)] for var in nonlinear_vars), ) except KeyError as err: self._symbolMapKeyError( err, model, self_varID_map, list(linear_vars) + list(nonlinear_vars), ) raise if repn.is_nonlinear(): nonlin_con_order_list.append(con_ID) n_nonlinear_constraints += 1 else: lin_con_order_list.append(con_ID) Constraints_dict[con_ID] = (constraint_data, wrapped_repn) LinearVars.update(wrapped_repn.linear_vars) ConNonlinearVars.update(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) nnz_grad_constraints += len( set(wrapped_repn.linear_vars).union(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) ) L = None U = None if constraint_data.has_lb(): L = _get_bound(constraint_data.lower) else: assert constraint_data.has_ub() if constraint_data.has_ub(): U = _get_bound(constraint_data.upper) else: assert constraint_data.has_lb() if constraint_data.equality: assert L == U offset = repn.constant _type = getattr(constraint_data, '_complementarity', None) _vid = getattr(constraint_data, '_vid', None) if not _type is None: _vid = self_varID_map[_vid] + 1 constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] = "5 {0} {1}\n".format(_type, _vid) if _type == 1 or _type == 2: n_single_sided_ineq += 1 elif _type == 3: n_ranges += 1 elif _type == 4: n_unbounded += 1 if repn.is_nonlinear(): ccons_nonlin += 1 else: ccons_lin += 1 else: if L == U: if L is None: # No constraint on body constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] = "3\n" n_unbounded += 1 else: constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] = "4 %r\n" % (L - offset) n_equals += 1 elif L is None: constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] = "1 %r\n" % (U - offset) n_single_sided_ineq += 1 elif U is None: constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] = "2 %r\n" % (L - offset) n_single_sided_ineq += 1 elif L > U: msg = ( 'Constraint {0}: lower bound greater than upper' ' bound ({1} > {2})' ) raise ValueError( msg.format(, str(L), str(U)) ) else: constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] = "0 %r %r\n" % ( L - offset, U - offset, ) # double sided inequality # both are not none and they are valid n_ranges += 1 sos1 = solver_capability("sos1") sos2 = solver_capability("sos2") for block in all_blocks_list: for soscondata in block.component_data_objects( SOSConstraint, active=True, sort=sorter, descend_into=False ): level = soscondata.level if (level == 1 and not sos1) or (level == 2 and not sos2): raise Exception( "Solver does not support SOS level %s constraints" % (level,) ) if hasattr(soscondata, "get_variables"): LinearVars.update( self_varID_map[id(vardata)] for vardata in soscondata.get_variables() ) else: LinearVars.update( self_varID_map[id(vardata)] for vardata in soscondata.variables ) # create the ampl constraint ids self_ampl_con_id.update( (con_ID, row_id) for row_id, con_ID in enumerate( itertools.chain(nonlin_con_order_list, lin_con_order_list) ) ) # populate the symbol_map symbol_map.addSymbols( [ (Constraints_dict[con_ID][0], "c%d" % row_id) for row_id, con_ID in enumerate( itertools.chain(nonlin_con_order_list, lin_con_order_list) ) ] ) if show_section_timing:"Generate constraint representations") subsection_timer.reset() UsedVars.update(LinearVars) UsedVars.update(ObjNonlinearVars) UsedVars.update(ConNonlinearVars) LinearVars = LinearVars.difference(ObjNonlinearVars) LinearVars = LinearVars.difference(ConNonlinearVars) if include_all_variable_bounds: # classify unused vars as linear AllVars = set(self_varID_map[id(vardata)] for vardata in Vars_dict.values()) UnusedVars = AllVars.difference(UsedVars) LinearVars.update(UnusedVars) if export_nonlinear_variables: for v in export_nonlinear_variables: v_iter = v.values() if v.is_indexed() else iter((v,)) for vi in v_iter: if self_varID_map[id(vi)] not in UsedVars: Vars_dict[id(vi)] = vi ConNonlinearVars.update([self_varID_map[id(vi)]]) ### There used to be an if statement here for the following code block ### checking model.statistics.num_binary_vars was greater than zero. ### To this day, I don't know how it worked. ### TODO: Figure out why ############### for var_ID in LinearVars: var = Vars_dict[var_ID] if var.is_binary(): L = U = var.ub if (L is None) or (U is None): raise ValueError( "Variable " + str( + "is binary, but does not have lb and ub set" ) LinearVarsBool.add(var_ID) elif var.is_integer(): LinearVarsInt.add(var_ID) elif not var.is_continuous(): raise TypeError( "Invalid domain type for variable with name '%s'. " "Variable is not continuous, integer, or binary." ) LinearVars.difference_update(LinearVarsInt) LinearVars.difference_update(LinearVarsBool) for var_ID in ObjNonlinearVars: var = Vars_dict[var_ID] if var.is_integer() or var.is_binary(): ObjNonlinearVarsInt.add(var_ID) elif not var.is_continuous(): raise TypeError( "Invalid domain type for variable with name '%s'. " "Variable is not continuous, integer, or binary." ) ObjNonlinearVars.difference_update(ObjNonlinearVarsInt) for var_ID in ConNonlinearVars: var = Vars_dict[var_ID] if var.is_integer() or var.is_binary(): ConNonlinearVarsInt.add(var_ID) elif not var.is_continuous(): raise TypeError( "Invalid domain type for variable with name '%s'. " "Variable is not continuous, integer, or binary." ) ConNonlinearVars.difference_update(ConNonlinearVarsInt) ################## Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints = ObjNonlinearVars.intersection( ConNonlinearVars ) Discrete_Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints = ( ObjNonlinearVarsInt.intersection(ConNonlinearVarsInt) ) ObjNonlinearVars = ObjNonlinearVars.difference( Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints ) ConNonlinearVars = ConNonlinearVars.difference( Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints ) ObjNonlinearVarsInt = ObjNonlinearVarsInt.difference( Discrete_Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints ) ConNonlinearVarsInt = ConNonlinearVarsInt.difference( Discrete_Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints ) # put the ampl variable id into the variable full_var_list = [] full_var_list.extend(sorted(Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints)) full_var_list.extend(sorted(Discrete_Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints)) idx_nl_both = len(full_var_list) # full_var_list.extend(sorted(ConNonlinearVars)) full_var_list.extend(sorted(ConNonlinearVarsInt)) idx_nl_con = len(full_var_list) # full_var_list.extend(sorted(ObjNonlinearVars)) full_var_list.extend(sorted(ObjNonlinearVarsInt)) idx_nl_obj = len(full_var_list) # full_var_list.extend(sorted(LinearVars)) full_var_list.extend(sorted(LinearVarsBool)) full_var_list.extend(sorted(LinearVarsInt)) if idx_nl_obj == idx_nl_con: idx_nl_obj = idx_nl_both # create the ampl variable column ids self_ampl_var_id.update( (var_ID, column_id) for column_id, var_ID in enumerate(full_var_list) ) # populate the symbol_map symbol_map.addSymbols( [ (Vars_dict[var_ID], "v%d" % column_id) for column_id, var_ID in enumerate(full_var_list) ] ) if show_section_timing:"Partition variable types") subsection_timer.reset() # end_time = time.clock() # print (end_time - start_time) colfilename = None if'.nl'): colfilename ='.nl', '.col') else: colfilename = + '.col' if symbolic_solver_labels: colf = open(colfilename, 'w') colfile_line_template = "%s\n" for var_ID in full_var_list: varname = name_labeler(Vars_dict[var_ID]) colf.write(colfile_line_template % varname) if len(varname) > max_colname_len: max_colname_len = len(varname) colf.close() if show_section_timing:"Write .col file") subsection_timer.reset() if len(full_var_list) < 1: raise ValueError( "No variables appear in the Pyomo model constraints or" " objective. This is not supported by the NL file interface" ) # # Print Header # # LINE 1 # OUTPUT.write("g3 1 1 0\t# problem {0}\n".format( # # LINE 2 # OUTPUT.write( " {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} \t# vars, constraints, " "objectives, ranges, eqns\n".format( len(full_var_list), n_single_sided_ineq + n_ranges + n_equals + n_unbounded, n_objs, n_ranges, n_equals, ) ) # # LINE 3 # OUTPUT.write( " {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}\t# nonlinear constrs, " "objs; ccons: lin, nonlin, nd, nzlb\n".format( n_nonlinear_constraints, n_nonlinear_objs, ccons_lin, ccons_nonlin, ccons_nd, ccons_nzlb, ) ) # # LINE 4 # OUTPUT.write(" 0 0\t# network constraints: nonlinear, linear\n") # # LINE 5 # OUTPUT.write( " {0} {1} {2} \t# nonlinear vars in constraints, " "objectives, both\n".format(idx_nl_con, idx_nl_obj, idx_nl_both) ) # # LINE 6 # OUTPUT.write( " 0 {0} 0 1\t# linear network variables; functions; " "arith, flags\n".format(len(self.external_byFcn)) ) # # LINE 7 # n_int_nonlinear_b = len(Discrete_Nonlinear_Vars_in_Objs_and_Constraints) n_int_nonlinear_c = len(ConNonlinearVarsInt) n_int_nonlinear_o = len(ObjNonlinearVarsInt) OUTPUT.write( " {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} \t# discrete variables: binary, " "integer, nonlinear (b,c,o)\n".format( len(LinearVarsBool), len(LinearVarsInt), n_int_nonlinear_b, n_int_nonlinear_c, n_int_nonlinear_o, ) ) # # LINE 8 # # objective info computed above OUTPUT.write( " {0} {1} \t# nonzeros in Jacobian, obj. gradient\n".format( nnz_grad_constraints, len(ObjVars) ) ) # # LINE 9 # OUTPUT.write( " %d %d\t# max name lengths: constraints, variables\n" % (max_rowname_len, max_colname_len) ) # # LINE 10 # OUTPUT.write(" 0 0 0 0 0\t# common exprs: b,c,o,c1,o1\n") # end_time = time.clock() # print (end_time - start_time) # print "Printing constraints:", # start_time = time.clock() # # "F" lines # for fcn, fid in sorted( self.external_byFcn.values(), key=operator.itemgetter(1) ): OUTPUT.write("F%d 1 -1 %s\n" % (fid, fcn._function)) # # "S" lines # # Translate the SOSConstraint component into ampl suffixes sos1 = solver_capability("sos1") sos2 = solver_capability("sos2") modelSOS = ModelSOS(self_ampl_var_id, self_varID_map) for block in all_blocks_list: for soscondata in block.component_data_objects( SOSConstraint, active=True, sort=sorter, descend_into=False ): level = soscondata.level if (level == 1 and not sos1) or (level == 2 and not sos2): raise ValueError( "Solver does not support SOS level %s constraints" % (level) ) modelSOS.count_constraint(soscondata) symbol_map_byObject = symbol_map.byObject var_sosno_suffix = modelSOS.sosno var_ref_suffix = modelSOS.ref sosconstraint_sosno_vals = set(var_sosno_suffix.vals) # Translate the rest of the Pyomo Suffix components suffix_header_line = "S{0} {1} {2}\n" suffix_line = "{0} {1!r}\n" var_tag = 0 con_tag = 1 obj_tag = 2 prob_tag = 3 suffix_dict = {} if isinstance(model, IBlock): suffix_gen = lambda b: ( (suf.storage_key, suf) for suf in pyomo.core.kernel.suffix.export_suffix_generator( b, active=True, descend_into=False ) ) else: suffix_gen = ( lambda b: pyomo.core.base.suffix.active_export_suffix_generator(b) ) for block in all_blocks_list: for name, suf in suffix_gen(block): if len(suf): suffix_dict.setdefault(name, []).append(suf) if not ('sosno' in suffix_dict): # We still need to write out the SOSConstraint suffixes # even though these may have not been "declared" on the model s_lines = var_sosno_suffix.genfilelines() len_s_lines = len(s_lines) if len_s_lines > 0: OUTPUT.write(suffix_header_line.format(var_tag, len_s_lines, 'sosno')) OUTPUT.writelines(s_lines) else: # I am choosing not to allow a user to mix the use of the Pyomo # SOSConstraint component and manual sosno declarations within # a single model. I initially tried to allow this but the # var section of the code below blows up for two reason. (1) # we have to make sure that the sosno suffix is not defined # twice for the same variable (2) We have to make sure that # the automatically chosen sosno used by the SOSConstraint # translation does not already match one a user has manually # implemented (this would modify the members in an sos set). # Since this suffix is exclusively used for defining sos sets, # there is no reason a user can not just stick to one method. if not var_sosno_suffix.is_empty(): raise RuntimeError( "The Pyomo NL file writer does not allow both manually " "declared 'sosno' suffixes as well as SOSConstraint " "components to exist on a single model. To avoid this " "error please use only one of these methods to define " "special ordered sets." ) if not ('ref' in suffix_dict): # We still need to write out the SOSConstraint suffixes # even though these may have not been "declared" on the model s_lines = var_ref_suffix.genfilelines() len_s_lines = len(s_lines) if len_s_lines > 0: OUTPUT.write(suffix_header_line.format(var_tag, len_s_lines, 'ref')) OUTPUT.writelines(s_lines) else: # see reason (1) in the paragraph above for why we raise this # exception (replacing sosno with ref). if not var_ref_suffix.is_empty(): raise RuntimeError( "The Pyomo NL file writer does not allow both manually " "declared 'ref' suffixes as well as SOSConstraint " "components to exist on a single model. To avoid this " "error please use only one of these methods to define " "special ordered sets." ) # do a sort to make sure NL file output is deterministic # across python versions for suffix_name in sorted(suffix_dict): suffixes = suffix_dict[suffix_name] datatypes = set() for suffix in suffixes: try: datatype = suffix.datatype except AttributeError: datatype = suffix.get_datatype() if datatype not in (Suffix.FLOAT, Suffix.INT): raise ValueError( "The Pyomo NL file writer requires that all active export " "Suffix components declare a numeric datatype. Suffix " "component: %s with " % (suffix_name) ) datatypes.add(datatype) if len(datatypes) != 1: raise ValueError( "The Pyomo NL file writer found multiple active export suffix " "components with name %s with different datatypes. A single " "datatype must be declared." % (suffix_name) ) if suffix_name == "dual": # The NL file format has a special section for dual initializations continue float_tag = 0 if datatypes.pop() == Suffix.FLOAT: float_tag = 4 var_s_lines = [] con_s_lines = [] obj_s_lines = [] mod_s_lines = [] for suffix in suffixes: for component_data, suffix_value in suffix.items(): try: symbol = symbol_map_byObject[id(component_data)] type_tag = symbol[0] ampl_id = int(symbol[1:]) if type_tag == 'v': var_s_lines.append((ampl_id, suffix_value)) elif type_tag == 'c': con_s_lines.append((ampl_id, suffix_value)) elif type_tag == 'o': obj_s_lines.append((ampl_id, suffix_value)) else: # This would be a developer error assert False except KeyError: if component_data is model: mod_s_lines.append((0, suffix_value)) ################## vars if len(var_s_lines) > 0: OUTPUT.write( suffix_header_line.format( var_tag | float_tag, len(var_s_lines), suffix_name ) ) OUTPUT.writelines( suffix_line.format(*_l) for _l in sorted(var_s_lines, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) ) ################## constraints if len(con_s_lines) > 0: OUTPUT.write( suffix_header_line.format( con_tag | float_tag, len(con_s_lines), suffix_name ) ) OUTPUT.writelines( suffix_line.format(*_l) for _l in sorted(con_s_lines, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) ) ################## objectives if len(obj_s_lines) > 0: OUTPUT.write( suffix_header_line.format( obj_tag | float_tag, len(obj_s_lines), suffix_name ) ) OUTPUT.writelines( suffix_line.format(*_l) for _l in sorted(obj_s_lines, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) ) ################## problems (in this case the one problem) if len(mod_s_lines) > 0: if len(mod_s_lines) > 1: logger.warning( "ProblemWriter_nl: Collected multiple values for Suffix %s " "referencing model %s. This is likely a bug." % (suffix_name, ) OUTPUT.write( suffix_header_line.format( prob_tag | float_tag, len(mod_s_lines), suffix_name ) ) OUTPUT.writelines( suffix_line.format(*_l) for _l in sorted(mod_s_lines, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) ) del modelSOS # # "C" lines # rowfilename = None if'.nl'): rowfilename ='.nl', '.row') else: rowfilename = + '.row' if symbolic_solver_labels: rowf = open(rowfilename, 'w') cu = [0 for i in range(len(full_var_list))] for con_ID in nonlin_con_order_list: con_data, wrapped_repn = Constraints_dict[con_ID] row_id = self_ampl_con_id[con_ID] OUTPUT.write("C%d" % (row_id)) if symbolic_solver_labels: lbl = name_labeler(con_data) OUTPUT.write("\t#%s" % (lbl)) rowf.write(lbl + "\n") OUTPUT.write("\n") if wrapped_repn.repn.nonlinear_expr is not None: assert not wrapped_repn.repn.is_quadratic() self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(wrapped_repn.repn.nonlinear_expr) else: assert wrapped_repn.repn.is_quadratic() self._print_standard_quadratic_NL( wrapped_repn.repn.quadratic_vars, wrapped_repn.repn.quadratic_coefs ) for var_ID in set(wrapped_repn.linear_vars).union( wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars ): cu[self_ampl_var_id[var_ID]] += 1 for con_ID in lin_con_order_list: con_data, wrapped_repn = Constraints_dict[con_ID] row_id = self_ampl_con_id[con_ID] con_vars = set(wrapped_repn.linear_vars) for var_ID in con_vars: cu[self_ampl_var_id[var_ID]] += 1 OUTPUT.write("C%d" % (row_id)) if symbolic_solver_labels: lbl = name_labeler(con_data) OUTPUT.write("\t#%s" % (lbl)) rowf.write(lbl + "\n") OUTPUT.write("\n") OUTPUT.write("n0\n") if show_section_timing:"Write NL header and suffix lines") subsection_timer.reset() # # "O" lines # for obj_ID, (obj, wrapped_repn) in Objectives_dict.items(): k = 0 if not obj.is_minimizing(): k = 1 OUTPUT.write("O%d %d" % (self_ampl_obj_id[obj_ID], k)) if symbolic_solver_labels: lbl = name_labeler(obj) OUTPUT.write("\t#%s" % (lbl)) rowf.write(lbl + "\n") OUTPUT.write("\n") if wrapped_repn.repn.is_linear(): OUTPUT.write( self._op_string[NumericConstant] % (wrapped_repn.repn.constant) ) else: if wrapped_repn.repn.constant != 0: _, binary_sum_str, _ = self._op_string[EXPR.SumExpressionBase] OUTPUT.write(binary_sum_str) OUTPUT.write( self._op_string[NumericConstant] % (wrapped_repn.repn.constant) ) if wrapped_repn.repn.nonlinear_expr is not None: assert not wrapped_repn.repn.is_quadratic() self._print_nonlinear_terms_NL(wrapped_repn.repn.nonlinear_expr) else: assert wrapped_repn.repn.is_quadratic() self._print_standard_quadratic_NL( wrapped_repn.repn.quadratic_vars, wrapped_repn.repn.quadratic_coefs, ) if symbolic_solver_labels: rowf.close() del name_labeler if show_section_timing:"Write objective expression") subsection_timer.reset() # # "d" lines # # dual initialization if 'dual' in suffix_dict: s_lines = [] for dual_suffix in suffix_dict['dual']: for constraint_data, suffix_value in dual_suffix.items(): try: # a constraint might not be referenced # (inactive / on inactive block) symbol = symbol_map_byObject[id(constraint_data)] type_tag = symbol[0] assert type_tag == 'c' ampl_con_id = int(symbol[1:]) s_lines.append((ampl_con_id, suffix_value)) except KeyError: pass if len(s_lines) > 0: OUTPUT.write("d%d" % (len(s_lines))) if symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write("\t# dual initial guess") OUTPUT.write("\n") OUTPUT.writelines( suffix_line.format(*_l) for _l in sorted(s_lines, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) ) # # "x" lines # # variable initialization var_bound_list = [] x_init_list = [] for ampl_var_id, var_ID in enumerate(full_var_list): var = Vars_dict[var_ID] if var.value is not None: x_init_list.append("%d %r\n" % (ampl_var_id, var.value)) if var.fixed: if not output_fixed_variable_bounds: raise ValueError( "Encountered a fixed variable (%s) inside an active objective" " or constraint expression on model %s, which is usually " "indicative of a preprocessing error. Use the IO-option " "'output_fixed_variable_bounds=True' to suppress this error " "and fix the variable by overwriting its bounds in the NL " "file." % (, ) if var.value is None: raise ValueError("Variable cannot be fixed to a value of None.") L = U = _get_bound(var.value) else: L = None if var.has_lb(): L = _get_bound( U = None if var.has_ub(): U = _get_bound(var.ub) if L is not None: if U is not None: if L == U: var_bound_list.append("4 %r\n" % (L)) else: var_bound_list.append("0 %r %r\n" % (L, U)) else: var_bound_list.append("2 %r\n" % (L)) elif U is not None: var_bound_list.append("1 %r\n" % (U)) else: var_bound_list.append("3\n") OUTPUT.write("x%d" % (len(x_init_list))) if symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write("\t# initial guess") OUTPUT.write("\n") OUTPUT.writelines(x_init_list) del x_init_list if show_section_timing:"Write initializations") subsection_timer.reset() # # "r" lines # OUTPUT.write("r") if symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write( "\t#%d ranges (rhs's)" % (len(nonlin_con_order_list) + len(lin_con_order_list)) ) OUTPUT.write("\n") # *NOTE: This iteration follows the assignment of the ampl_con_id OUTPUT.writelines( constraint_bounds_dict[con_ID] for con_ID in itertools.chain(nonlin_con_order_list, lin_con_order_list) ) if show_section_timing:"Write constraint bounds") subsection_timer.reset() # # "b" lines # OUTPUT.write("b") if symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write("\t#%d bounds (on variables)" % (len(var_bound_list))) OUTPUT.write("\n") OUTPUT.writelines(var_bound_list) del var_bound_list if show_section_timing:"Write variable bounds") subsection_timer.reset() # # "k" lines # ktot = 0 n1 = len(full_var_list) - 1 OUTPUT.write("k%d" % (n1)) if symbolic_solver_labels: OUTPUT.write("\t#intermediate Jacobian column lengths") OUTPUT.write("\n") ktot = 0 for i in range(n1): ktot += cu[i] OUTPUT.write("%d\n" % (ktot)) del cu if show_section_timing:"Write k lines") subsection_timer.reset() # # "J" lines # for nc, con_ID in enumerate( itertools.chain(nonlin_con_order_list, lin_con_order_list) ): con_data, wrapped_repn = Constraints_dict[con_ID] numnonlinear_vars = len(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) numlinear_vars = len(wrapped_repn.linear_vars) if numnonlinear_vars == 0: if numlinear_vars > 0: linear_dict = dict( (var_ID, coef) for var_ID, coef in zip( wrapped_repn.linear_vars, wrapped_repn.repn.linear_coefs ) ) OUTPUT.write("J%d %d\n" % (nc, numlinear_vars)) OUTPUT.writelines( "%d %r\n" % (self_ampl_var_id[con_var], linear_dict[con_var]) for con_var in sorted(linear_dict.keys()) ) elif numlinear_vars == 0: nl_con_vars = sorted(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) OUTPUT.write("J%d %d\n" % (nc, numnonlinear_vars)) OUTPUT.writelines( "%d 0\n" % (self_ampl_var_id[con_var]) for con_var in nl_con_vars ) else: con_vars = set(wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars) nl_con_vars = sorted(con_vars.difference(wrapped_repn.linear_vars)) con_vars.update(wrapped_repn.linear_vars) linear_dict = dict( (var_ID, coef) for var_ID, coef in zip( wrapped_repn.linear_vars, wrapped_repn.repn.linear_coefs ) ) OUTPUT.write("J%d %d\n" % (nc, len(con_vars))) OUTPUT.writelines( "%d %r\n" % (self_ampl_var_id[con_var], linear_dict[con_var]) for con_var in sorted(linear_dict.keys()) ) OUTPUT.writelines( "%d 0\n" % (self_ampl_var_id[con_var]) for con_var in nl_con_vars ) if show_section_timing:"Write J lines") subsection_timer.reset() # # "G" lines # for obj_ID, (obj, wrapped_repn) in Objectives_dict.items(): grad_entries = {} for idx, obj_var in enumerate(wrapped_repn.linear_vars): grad_entries[self_ampl_var_id[obj_var]] = ( wrapped_repn.repn.linear_coefs[idx] ) for obj_var in wrapped_repn.nonlinear_vars: if obj_var not in wrapped_repn.linear_vars: grad_entries[self_ampl_var_id[obj_var]] = 0 len_ge = len(grad_entries) if len_ge > 0: OUTPUT.write("G%d %d\n" % (self_ampl_obj_id[obj_ID], len_ge)) for var_ID in sorted(grad_entries.keys()): OUTPUT.write("%d %r\n" % (var_ID, grad_entries[var_ID])) if show_section_timing:"Write G lines") subsection_timer.reset()"Total time") return symbol_map def _symbolMapKeyError(self, err, model, map, vars): _errors = [] for v in vars: if id(v) in map: continue if v.model() is not model.model(): _errors.append( "Variable '%s' is not part of the model " "being written out, but appears in an " "expression used on this model." % (,) ) else: _parent = v.parent_block() while _parent is not None and _parent is not model: if _parent.ctype is not model.ctype: _errors.append( "Variable '%s' exists within %s '%s', " "but is used by an active " "expression. Currently variables " "must be reachable through a tree " "of active Blocks." % (, _parent.ctype.__name__, ) if not _errors.append( "Variable '%s' exists within " "deactivated %s '%s', but is used by " "an active expression. Currently " "variables must be reachable through " "a tree of active Blocks." % (, _parent.ctype.__name__, ) _parent = _parent.parent_block() if _errors: for e in _errors: logger.error(e) err.args = err.args + tuple(_errors)