Source code for pyomo.repn.linear_template

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import chain

from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet
from pyomo.common.errors import MouseTrap
from pyomo.common.numeric_types import native_types

import pyomo.core.expr as expr
import pyomo.repn.linear as linear
import pyomo.repn.util as util

from pyomo.core.expr import ExpressionType
from pyomo.repn.linear import LinearRepn

_LINEAR = util.ExprType.LINEAR

code_type = deepcopy.__class__

[docs] class LinearTemplateRepn(LinearRepn): __slots__ = ("linear_sum",)
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.linear_sum = []
def __str__(self): return ( f"LinearTemplateRepn(mult={self.multiplier}, const={self.constant}, " f"linear={self.linear}, linear_sum={self.linear_sum}, " f"nonlinear={self.nonlinear})" ) def walker_exitNode(self): if self.nonlinear is not None: return _GENERAL, self elif self.linear or self.linear_sum: return _LINEAR, self else: return _CONSTANT, self.multiplier * self.constant def duplicate(self): ans = super().duplicate() ans.linear_sum = [(r[0].duplicate(),) + r[1:] for r in self.linear_sum] return ans
[docs] def append(self, other): """Append a child result from StreamBasedExpressionVisitor.acceptChildResult() Notes ----- This method assumes that the operator was "+". It is implemented so that we can directly use a QuadraticRepn() as a data object in the expression walker (thereby avoiding the function call for a custom callback) """ super().append(other) _type, other = other if getattr(other, 'linear_sum', None): mult = other.multiplier if not mult: return if mult != 1: for term in other.linear_sum: term[0].multiplier *= mult self.linear_sum.extend(other.linear_sum)
def _build_evaluator( self, smap, expr_cache, multiplier, repetitions, remove_fixed_vars, check_duplicates, ): ans = [] multiplier *= self.multiplier constant = self.constant if constant.__class__ not in native_types or constant: constant *= multiplier if not repetitions or ( constant.__class__ not in native_types and constant.is_expression_type() ): ans.append('const += ' + constant.to_string(smap=smap)) constant = 0 else: constant *= repetitions for k, coef in list(self.linear.items()): coef *= multiplier if coef.__class__ not in native_types and coef.is_expression_type(): coef = coef.to_string(smap=smap) elif coef: coef = repr(coef) else: continue indent = '' if k in expr_cache: k = expr_cache[k] if k.__class__ not in native_types and k.is_expression_type(): ans.append('v = ' + k.to_string(smap=smap)) k = 'v' if remove_fixed_vars: ans.append('if v.__class__ is tuple:') ans.append(' const += v[0] * {coef}') ans.append(' v = None') ans.append('else:') indent = ' ' elif not check_duplicates: # Directly substitute the expression into the # 'linear[vid] = coef below # # Remove the 'v = ' from the beginning of the last line: k = ans.pop()[4:] if check_duplicates: ans.append(indent + f'if {k} in linear:') ans.append(indent + f' linear[{k}] += {coef}') ans.append(indent + 'else:') ans.append(indent + f' linear[{k}] = {coef}') else: ans.append(indent + f'linear_indices.append({k})') ans.append(indent + f'linear_data.append({coef})') for subrepn, subindices, subsets in self.linear_sum: ans.extend( ' ' * i + f"for {','.join(smap.getSymbol(i) for i in _idx)} in " + ( _set.to_string(smap=smap) if _set.is_expression_type() else smap.getSymbol(_set) ) + ":" for i, (_idx, _set) in enumerate(zip(subindices, subsets)) ) try: subrep = 1 for _set in subsets: subrep *= len(_set) except: subrep = 0 subans, subconst = subrepn._build_evaluator( smap, expr_cache, multiplier, repetitions * subrep, remove_fixed_vars, check_duplicates, ) indent = ' ' * (len(subsets)) ans.extend(indent + line for line in subans) constant += subconst return ans, constant def compile( self, env, smap, expr_cache, args, remove_fixed_vars=False, check_duplicates=False, ): ans, constant = self._build_evaluator( smap, expr_cache, 1, 1, remove_fixed_vars, check_duplicates ) if not ans: return constant indent = '\n ' if not constant and ans and ans[0].startswith('const +='): # Convert initial "const +=" to "const =" ans[0] = ''.join(ans[0].split('+', 1)) else: ans.insert(0, 'const = ' + repr(constant)) fcn_body = indent.join(ans[1:]) if 'const' not in fcn_body: # No constants in the expression. Move the initial const # term to the return value and avoid declaring the local # variable ans = ['return ' + ans[0].split('=', 1)[1]] if fcn_body: ans.insert(0, fcn_body) else: ans = [ans[0], fcn_body, 'return const'] if check_duplicates: ans.insert(0, f"def build_expr(linear, {', '.join(args)}):") else: ans.insert( 0, f"def build_expr(linear_indices, linear_data, {', '.join(args)}):" ) ans = indent.join(ans) # build the function in the env namespace, then remove and # return the compiled function. The function's globals will # still be bound to env exec(ans, env) return env.pop('build_expr')
[docs] class LinearTemplateBeforeChildDispatcher(linear.LinearBeforeChildDispatcher): def _before_indexed_var(self, visitor, child): if child not in visitor.indexed_vars: visitor.var_recorder.add(child) visitor.indexed_vars.add(child) return False, (_VARIABLE, child) def _before_indexed_param(self, visitor, child): if child not in visitor.indexed_params: visitor.indexed_params.add(child) name = visitor.symbolmap.getSymbol(child) visitor.env[name] = child.extract_values() return False, (_CONSTANT, child) def _before_indexed_component(self, visitor, child): visitor.env[visitor.symbolmap.getSymbol(child)] = child return False, (_CONSTANT, child) def _before_index_template(self, visitor, child): symb = visitor.symbolmap.getSymbol(child) visitor.env[symb] = 0 visitor.expr_cache[id(child)] = child return False, (_CONSTANT, child) def _before_component(self, visitor, child): visitor.env[visitor.symbolmap.getSymbol(child)] = child return False, (_CONSTANT, child) def _before_named_expression(self, visitor, child): raise MouseTrap("We do not yet support Expression components")
def _handle_getitem(visitor, node, comp, *args): expr = comp[1][tuple(arg[1] for arg in args)] if comp[0] is _CONSTANT: return (_CONSTANT, expr) elif comp[0] is _VARIABLE: # Because we are passing up an id() and not the expression # itself, we need to cache the expression that we just created # to preserve a reference to it and prevent deallocation / GC visitor.expr_cache[id(expr)] = expr ans = visitor.Result() ans.linear[id(expr)] = 1 return (_LINEAR, ans) def _handle_templatesum(visitor, node, comp, *args): ans = visitor.Result() if comp[0] is _LINEAR: ans.linear_sum.append((comp[1], node.template_iters(), [a[1] for a in args])) return _LINEAR, ans else: raise DeveloperError()
[docs] def define_exit_node_handlers(_exit_node_handlers=None): if _exit_node_handlers is None: _exit_node_handlers = {} linear.define_exit_node_handlers(_exit_node_handlers) _exit_node_handlers[expr.GetItemExpression] = {None: _handle_getitem} _exit_node_handlers[expr.TemplateSumExpression] = {None: _handle_templatesum} return _exit_node_handlers
[docs] class LinearTemplateRepnVisitor(linear.LinearRepnVisitor): Result = LinearTemplateRepn before_child_dispatcher = LinearTemplateBeforeChildDispatcher() exit_node_dispatcher = linear.ExitNodeDispatcher( util.initialize_exit_node_dispatcher(define_exit_node_handlers()) )
[docs] def __init__(self, subexpression_cache, var_recorder, remove_fixed_vars=False): super().__init__(subexpression_cache, var_recorder=var_recorder) self.indexed_vars = set() self.indexed_params = set() self.expr_cache = {} self.env = var_recorder.env self.symbolmap = var_recorder.symbolmap self.expanded_templates = {} self.remove_fixed_vars = remove_fixed_vars
def enterNode(self, node): # SumExpression are potentially large nary operators. Directly # populate the result if node.__class__ is expr.TemplateSumExpression: return node.template_args(), [] if node.__class__ in linear.sum_like_expression_types: return node.args, self.Result() else: return node.args, [] def expand_expression(self, obj, template_info): env = self.env try: body, lb, ub = self.expanded_templates[id(template_info)] except KeyError: smap = self.symbolmap expr, indices = template_info args = [smap.getSymbol(i) for i in indices] if expr.is_expression_type(ExpressionType.RELATIONAL): lb, body, ub = obj.to_bounded_expression() if body is not None: body = self.walk_expression(body).compile( env, smap, self.expr_cache, args, False ) if lb is not None: lb = self.walk_expression(lb).compile( env, smap, self.expr_cache, args, True ) if ub is not None: ub = self.walk_expression(ub).compile( env, smap, self.expr_cache, args, True ) elif expr is not None: lb = ub = None body = self.walk_expression(expr).compile( env, smap, self.expr_cache, args, False ) else: body = lb = ub = None self.expanded_templates[id(template_info)] = body, lb, ub linear_indices = [] linear_data = [] index = obj.index() if index.__class__ is not tuple: if index is None and not obj.parent_component().is_indexed(): index = () else: index = (index,) if lb.__class__ is code_type: lb = lb(linear_indices, linear_data, *index) if linear_indices: raise RuntimeError(f"Constraint {obj} has non-fixed lower bound") if ub.__class__ is code_type: ub = ub(linear_indices, linear_data, *index) if linear_indices: raise RuntimeError(f"Constraint {obj} has non-fixed upper bound") return ( body(linear_indices, linear_data, *index), linear_indices, linear_data, lb, ub, )