Source code for pyomo.opt.results.solver

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import enum
from pyomo.opt.results.container import MapContainer, ScalarType

# A coarse summary of how the solver terminated.
[docs] class SolverStatus(str, enum.Enum): ok = 'ok' # Normal termination warning = 'warning' # Termination with unusual condition error = 'error' # Terminated internally with error aborted = 'aborted' # Terminated due to external conditions # (e.g. interrupts) unknown = 'unknown' # An uninitialized value # Overloading __str__ is needed to match the behavior of the old # pyutilib.enum class (removed June 2020). There are spots in the # code base that expect the string representation for items in the # enum to not include the class name. New uses of enum shouldn't # need to do this. def __str__(self): return self.value
# # A description of how the solver terminated #
[docs] class TerminationCondition(str, enum.Enum): # UNKNOWN unknown = 'unknown' # An uninitialized value # OK maxTimeLimit = 'maxTimeLimit' # Exceeded maximum time limited allowed by user # but having return a feasible solution maxIterations = 'maxIterations' # Exceeded maximum number of iterations allowed # by user (e.g., simplex iterations) minFunctionValue = ( 'minFunctionValue' # Found solution smaller than specified function ) # value minStepLength = 'minStepLength' # Step length is smaller than specified limit globallyOptimal = 'globallyOptimal' # Found a globally optimal solution locallyOptimal = 'locallyOptimal' # Found a locally optimal solution feasible = 'feasible' # Found a solution that is feasible optimal = 'optimal' # Found an optimal solution maxEvaluations = 'maxEvaluations' # Exceeded maximum number of problem evaluations # (e.g., branch and bound nodes) other = 'other' # Other, uncategorized normal termination # WARNING unbounded = 'unbounded' # Demonstrated that problem is unbounded infeasible = 'infeasible' # Demonstrated that the problem is infeasible infeasibleOrUnbounded = ( 'infeasibleOrUnbounded' # Problem is either infeasible or unbounded ) invalidProblem = 'invalidProblem' # The problem setup or characteristics are not # valid for the solver intermediateNonInteger = ( 'intermediateNonInteger' # A non-integer solution has been returned ) noSolution = 'noSolution' # No feasible solution found but infeasibility # not proven # ERROR solverFailure = 'solverFailure' # Solver failed to terminate correctly internalSolverError = 'internalSolverError' # Internal solver error error = 'error' # Other errors # ABORTED userInterrupt = 'userInterrupt' # Interrupt signal generated by user resourceInterrupt = 'resourceInterrupt' # Interrupt signal in resources used by # optimizer licensingProblems = 'licensingProblems' # Problem accessing solver license # Overloading __str__ is needed to match the behavior of the old # pyutilib.enum class (removed June 2020). There are spots in the # code base that expect the string representation for items in the # enum to not include the class name. New uses of enum shouldn't # need to do this. def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] @staticmethod def to_solver_status(tc): """Maps a TerminationCondition to SolverStatus based on enum value Parameters ---------- tc: TerminationCondition Returns ------- SolverStatus """ if tc in { TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit, TerminationCondition.maxIterations, TerminationCondition.minFunctionValue, TerminationCondition.minStepLength, TerminationCondition.globallyOptimal, TerminationCondition.locallyOptimal, TerminationCondition.feasible, TerminationCondition.optimal, TerminationCondition.maxEvaluations, TerminationCondition.other, }: return SolverStatus.ok if tc in { TerminationCondition.unbounded, TerminationCondition.infeasible, TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded, TerminationCondition.invalidProblem, TerminationCondition.intermediateNonInteger, TerminationCondition.noSolution, }: return SolverStatus.warning if tc in { TerminationCondition.solverFailure, TerminationCondition.internalSolverError, TerminationCondition.error, }: return SolverStatus.error if tc in { TerminationCondition.userInterrupt, TerminationCondition.resourceInterrupt, TerminationCondition.licensingProblems, }: return SolverStatus.aborted return SolverStatus.unknown
[docs] def check_optimal_termination(results): """ This function returns True if the termination condition for the solver is 'optimal', 'locallyOptimal', or 'globallyOptimal', and the status is 'ok' Parameters ---------- results : Pyomo results object returned from solver.solve Returns ------- `bool` """ if results.solver.status == SolverStatus.ok and ( results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal or results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.locallyOptimal or results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.globallyOptimal ): return True return False
[docs] def assert_optimal_termination(results): """ This function checks if the termination condition for the solver is 'optimal', 'locallyOptimal', or 'globallyOptimal', and the status is 'ok' and it raises a RuntimeError exception if this is not true. Parameters ---------- results : Pyomo results object returned from solver.solve """ if not check_optimal_termination(results): msg = ( 'Solver failed to return an optimal solution. ' 'Solver status: {}, Termination condition: {}'.format( results.solver.status, results.solver.termination_condition ) ) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] class BranchAndBoundStats(MapContainer):
[docs] def __init__(self): MapContainer.__init__(self) self.declare('number of bounded subproblems') self.declare('number of created subproblems')
[docs] class BlackBoxStats(MapContainer):
[docs] def __init__(self): MapContainer.__init__(self) self.declare('number of function evaluations') self.declare('number of gradient evaluations') self.declare('number of iterations')
[docs] class SolverStatistics(MapContainer):
[docs] def __init__(self): MapContainer.__init__(self) self.declare("branch_and_bound", value=BranchAndBoundStats(), active=False) self.declare("black_box", value=BlackBoxStats(), active=False)
[docs] class SolverInformation(MapContainer):
[docs] def __init__(self): MapContainer.__init__(self) self.declare('name') self.declare('status', value=SolverStatus.ok) # Semantics: the integer return code from the shell in which the solver # is launched. self.declare('return_code') self.declare('message') self.declare('user_time', type=ScalarType.time) self.declare('system_time', type=ScalarType.time) self.declare('wallclock_time', type=ScalarType.time) # Semantics: The specific condition that caused the solver to # terminate. self.declare('termination_condition', value=TerminationCondition.unknown) # Semantics: A string printed by the solver that summarizes the # termination status. self.declare('termination_message') self.declare('statistics', value=SolverStatistics(), active=False)