# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import math
import enum
from pyomo.opt.results.container import MapContainer, ListContainer, ignore
from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch, OrderedDict
default_print_options = Bunch(
class SolutionStatus(str, enum.Enum):
bestSoFar = 'bestSoFar'
error = 'error'
feasible = 'feasible'
globallyOptimal = 'globallyOptimal'
infeasible = 'infeasible'
locallyOptimal = 'locallyOptimal'
optimal = 'optimal'
other = 'other'
stoppedByLimit = 'stoppedByLimit'
unbounded = 'unbounded'
unknown = 'unknown'
unsure = 'unsure'
# Overloading __str__ is needed to match the behavior of the old
# pyutilib.enum class (removed June 2020). There are spots in the
# code base that expect the string representation for items in the
# enum to not include the class name. New uses of enum shouldn't
# need to do this.
def __str__(self):
return self.value
intlist = (int,)
numlist = (float, int)
class Solution(MapContainer):
def __init__(self):
self.declare('status', value=SolutionStatus.unknown)
self.declare('problem', value={})
self.declare('objective', value={})
self.declare('variable', value={})
self.declare('constraint', value={})
self._option = default_print_options
def load(self, repn):
# delete key from dictionary, call base class load, handle variable loading.
if "Variable" in repn:
tmp_ = repn["Variable"]
del repn["Variable"]
self.variable = tmp_
if "Constraint" in repn:
tmp_ = repn["Constraint"]
del repn["Constraint"]
self.constraint = tmp_
if "Problem" in repn:
tmp_ = repn["Problem"]
del repn["Problem"]
self.problem = tmp_
if "Objective" in repn:
tmp_ = repn["Objective"]
del repn["Objective"]
self.objective = tmp_
MapContainer.load(self, repn)
def pprint(self, ostream, option, from_list=False, prefix="", repn=None):
# the following is specialized logic for handling variable and
# constraint maps - which are dictionaries of dictionaries, with
# at a minimum an "id" element per sub-directionary.
first = True
for key in self._order:
if not key in repn or key == 'Problem':
item = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
if not type(item.value) is dict:
# Do a normal print
if first:
ostream.write(key + ": ")
first = False
ostream.write(prefix + key + ": ")
item.pprint(ostream, option, prefix=prefix + " ", repn=repn[key])
elif len(item.value) == 0:
# The dictionary is empty
ostream.write(prefix + key + ": No values\n")
print_zeros = key in ['Objective']
first = True
ostream.write(prefix + key + ":")
prefix_ = prefix
prefix = prefix + " "
# Print values in the dictionary
value = item.value
id_ctr = 0
id_dict_map = {}
id_name_map = (
) # the name could be an integer or float - so convert prior to printing (see code below)
id_nonzeros_map = {} # are any of the non-id entries are non-zero?
entries_to_print = False
for entry_name, entry_dict in value.items():
entry_id = id_ctr
id_ctr += 1
id_name_map[entry_id] = entry_name
id_dict_map[entry_id] = entry_dict
id_nonzeros_map[entry_id] = False # until proven otherwise
for attr_name, attr_value in entry_dict.items():
if print_zeros or math.fabs(attr_value) > 1e-16:
id_nonzeros_map[entry_id] = True
entries_to_print = True
if entries_to_print:
for entry_id in sorted(
id_dict_map.keys(), key=lambda id: id_name_map[id]
if id_nonzeros_map[entry_id]:
if first:
first = False
ostream.write(prefix + str(id_name_map[entry_id]) + ":\n")
entry_dict = id_dict_map[entry_id]
for attr_name in sorted(entry_dict.keys()):
attr_value = entry_dict[attr_name]
if isinstance(attr_value, float) and (
math.floor(attr_value) == attr_value
attr_value = int(attr_value)
+ " "
+ attr_name.capitalize()
+ ": "
+ str(attr_value)
+ '\n'
ostream.write(" No nonzero values\n")
prefix = prefix_
class SolutionSet(ListContainer):
def __init__(self):
ListContainer.__init__(self, Solution)
self._option = default_print_options
def _repn_(self, option):
if not option.schema and not self._active and not self._required:
return ignore
if option.schema and len(self) == 0:
if option.num_solutions is None:
num = len(self)
num = min(option.num_solutions, len(self))
i = 0
tmp = []
for item in self._list:
i = i + 1
if i == num:
return [
('number of solutions', len(self)),
('number of solutions displayed', num),
] + tmp
def __len__(self):
return len(self._list)
def __call__(self, i=1):
return self._list[i - 1]
def pprint(self, ostream, option, prefix="", repn=None):
if not option.schema and not self._active and not self._required:
return ignore
ostream.write(prefix + "- ")
spaces = ""
for key in repn[0]:
ostream.write(prefix + spaces + key + ": " + str(repn[0][key]) + '\n')
spaces = " "
i = 0
for i in range(len(self._list)):
item = self._list[i]
ostream.write(prefix + '- ')
ostream, option, from_list=True, prefix=prefix + " ", repn=repn[i + 1]
def load(self, repn):
# Note: we ignore the first element of the repn list, since
# it was generated on the fly by the SolutionSet object.
for data in repn[1:]: # repn items 1 through N are individual solutions.
item = self.add()